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更新时间:2022-07-25 浏览次数:79 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Many Chinese parents put their children in the first place and hope their children can have a good future. Chinese children are 1 of their parents. Parents like to make their children do what they want, 2 learning a musical instrument(乐器) to finding a close friend.

    3 is it like to be a Chinese parent? Now Chinese video game players can learn about it in a new video game called Chinese Parents. It is very 4 because they think it easier than other games.

    In the game, players plan the life of their e-children. It 5 with the new baby. Then players must help the child in the game get a higher score to get into a 6 school. It's a challenge(挑战) for many Chinese parents. It also asks players to give their e-children free time for 7 like playing basketball or watching films. These can help them have a happy and healthy life.

    "I didn't understand many things my mum made me do when I was young," said Kang Shenghao, a middle school student in Shanghai. "8 after I play the game, I start to understand my parents more."

    Play the game and walk a mile in your 9 shoes. You may get to know what the game wants to tell us—children and parents should understand 10. Don't forget to say thank you to your parents when you finish the game!

    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . between B . from C . among D . around
    A . What B . When C . Where D . How
    A . polite B . pretty C . popular D . poor
    A . ends B . starts C . closes D . opens
    A . good B . well C . better D . best
    A . community B . problems C . festivals D . activities
    A . But B . Because C . So D . And
    A . parents' B . teachers' C . friends' D . classmates'
    A . others B . another C . the others D . each other
  • 17. 阅读理解


    Home is sweet and free.

    Home is the place for me.

    Home is a warm place to be.

    Home is waking up to the smell of mom's cooking.

    Home is sharing the holidays with brother's laughing.

    Home is watching the careful work of dad's gardening.

    Home is the umbrella on the rainy day.

    When I grow up and go away,

    I know I can always come back to.

    1. (1) In the poem, which of the following words is NOT my feeling of "home"?
      A . sad B . free C . warm D . sweet
    2. (2) Some words in poems rhyme, which is the best word for "I know I can always come back to _________".
      A . live B . stay C . see D . love
    3. (3) From the poem, we can know that home is the place to _________.
      A . cook for mum B . sleep in the bed C . watch dad's careful gardening D . share the food with the brother
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Last summer holiday, I had an amazing trip with my family in the UK. We went there to visit my Uncle Sam. He went there in 2015. He lived in London, the capital of the UK.

    London has a long history of more than 2000 years. There are lots of old and beautiful buildings in the city. We visited many famous places—like the British Museum, Big Ben and Oxford Street. I liked the British Museum best because the works of art in it are so amazing.

    If you want to go shopping, you must go to Oxford Street. It's home to about 300 shops. I bought some cards for my friends. I think they will like them.

    The food in London is different from that in China. Usually, English people eat one kind of meat and two vegetables for one meal. And there are lots of Chinese restaurants and even Chinese supermarkets. So I could eat everything I like.

    The trip to London helped me learn more about the world. I hope I can visit more countries in the future.

    1. (1) Where did the writer travel last summer holiday?
      A . The UK.  B . The USA. C . China. D . Japan.
    2. (2) The writer visited many famous places in the UK, and she liked _________ best.
      A . Big Ben B . Oxford Street C . White Tower D . the British Museum
    3. (3) The Oxford Street is for people to __________.
      A . go shopping B . have meals C . go on picnics D . watch films
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about the trip?
      A . The writer's uncle went to the UK in 2010. B . There are Chinese supermarkets in London. C . The writer didn't buy any gifts for her friends. D . The food in London is the same as that in China.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    ①________Thousands of years ago, people went to public (公共的) bath houses to clean themselves. Today, it may be strange for someone to wash with others outside their home. But most houses did not have bathrooms in the home at that time. People had to go to public bath houses. In fact, they were not just a place to wash, but also to meet with others and have a rest.

    ②________The first public bath house was in India over 4, 000 years ago. From that time, many countries used public bath houses. In ancient (古代的) Greece, the public bath houses included areas for washing, a common pool for resting and areas for exercise. In ancient Rome, there were also public bath houses. Some even included game rooms, gardens and libraries!

    ③ _________ Countries like Turkey, Japan, China, Hungary and Italy have them now, but in different styles. The Korean public bath houses do not only have the areas for washing. They have more. Most of them have computer rooms, dining halls and places for sleeping on warm floors and having fun in front of large TVs. Amazingly, many large public bath houses in Korea are open 24 hours a day, days a week.

    ④_________ Public bath houses sounds like a strange idea, but it's an interesting thing you may want to try if you can. They are a lot of fun.

    1. (1) Thousands of years ago, people built public bath houses because _________.
      A . it was healthy to wash in groups B . they did not have bathrooms at home C . they didn't have enough water or time D . they liked to wash with others outside their home
    2. (2) From the passage, we can find public bath houses with libraries in ancient _________.
      A . India B . China C . Greece D . Rome
    3. (3) It's better to put the sentence "Public bath houses are in use today." in _________.
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) The passage is mainly about _________.
      A . what early public bath houses are like B . how public bath houses change with time C . why people built public bath houses in ancient times D . when people built early public bath houses in ancient times
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Bambi looked down at his mother and said, "let's go to the meadow(草地). "

    His mother looked up at him, "go to the meadow now?" Her voice(嗓音)was full of surprise and fear(害怕), so Bambi became quite afraid.

    "Can't we go to the meadow?" he asked softly. "No, you can't go now," his mother answered.

    "Why?" Bambi thought there was something strange going on here. He became more afraid, but at the same time he wanted to learn about everything. "Why can't we go to the meadow?" he asked.

    "You'll find out all about it later when you're older," his mother replied. "But," Bambi asked again, "why don't you tell me now?"

    "Later," his mother repeated, "you're nothing but a baby," she went on in a soft voice, "and we don't talk about these things to children." She thought about it carefully and said. "Go to the meadow at this time of day. I don't even like to think of it. Why, it's in the daytime now. The sun is shining brightly in the sky."

    "But it was in the daytime when we went to the meadow before," Bambi said. "That's different," his mother said, "it was early in the morning."

    "Can we only go there early in the morning?" Bambi was very curious. He always liked asking questions and wanted to know about everything.

    His mother smiled. "Only in the early morning or late evening," she said, "or at night."

    "And never in the daytime, never?"

    "Well," she said at last, "I can't make you understand. You are too young…Some of us go there…But it is too dangerous. That's what life teaches us."

    1. (1) What did Bambi want to do?
      A . Going to the meadow. B . Sleeping longer. C . Talking with his mom. D . Staying at home.
    2. (2) What made Bambi feel afraid?
      A . The meadow. B . The bight light of the sun. C . Mom's voice. D . The story on the meadow.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "curious" mean in Chinese?
      A . 冷漠的 B . 恐惧的 C . 好奇的 D . 愤怒的
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE about the reading?
      A . Bambi could fully understand his mother's words. B . It was too dangerous to go to the meadow any time C . Mom would agree to go to the meadow with Bambi in the daytime. D . Mom thought Bambi was not old enough to understand the danger on the meadow.
  • 31. 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空。

    miss  look forward to  inside  like  plenty of

    Window of the World is a great theme park (主题公园) in Shenzhen. It has an area of 480,000 square meters. It is very big and you need to walk for quite a long time to see everything . It is home to about 130 world's famous places, but all in small size, the Great Wall, the White House and the Sydney Opera House. By walking around the park, it seems that you are travelling all over the world. Don't the Alps Ice and Snow World there. It is the biggest indoor winter sports park in China. The park also has different activities for different holidays and festivals. For example, there are song and dance shows to celebrate Chinese New Year every year. Do you coming to Window of the World for your next holiday? It must be the best place to learn about the world in a fun way.

  • 32. 阅读填表

    Long time ago, Chinese children didn't have mobile phones, iPads or computers, but they had a great time playing some interesting games. Different children, different games. Let's take a look.

     ● Stone (石头) balls

    In the Qing Dynasty, boys got together and played a stone ball with feet around their neighbourhood in the northern part of China, and they played it in winter to keep warm. Children usually cut the stone into a smaller one, the same size as an egg. When it began, all of them would rush to kick the ball, and did their best to keep the ball around themselves and not to lose it to others.


    Hide-and-seek was popular all over China in ancient times. Many people enjoyed playing it. There were two ways to play: keeping a child's eyes closed when others ran around to make fun of him or, more often, some children hiding and one child trying to find them.

    ● Watching shadow plays (皮影戏)

    Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China. It started over two thousand years ago and became more popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties. At that time, it brought fun to the people like the modern films and TV. It usually told the stories about the heroes and other famous people in history, even about the wars. The players usually used the puppets(木偶) behind a piece of cloth through the light, telling stories to the music. In the Qing Dynasty, shadow play art came to its top.

    Playing diabolo (空竹)

    Diabolo (also called "the Chinese yo-yo") is always made of wood or bamboo and has nothing inside. Playing diabolo was a very interesting game among young children in North China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The players could do different tricks to play the diabolo, up and down, left to right with two sticks and a string(绳子)in their hands. It often made a loud sound after its high-speed rotating(高速运转). They used their whole body to exercise when playing, so everyone liked it very much at that time.

    Children's games in the old times

    Four of games

    Stone balls

    Children ran towards the stone ball and tried to keep it around themselves with their feet.


    There were two ways to play:

    ★One of them his/her eyes when others ran around;

    ★ Some children and one child had to find them.

    Watching shadow plays

    ★It has a of more than 2000 years.

    ★The players used puppets to tell with the music around.

    Playing diabolo

    ★ People made diabolo of wood or bamboo.

    ★ They took this exercise with their whole body and played different tricks with the sound, and that's children liked it very much at that time.


    Children had their way to enjoy themselves in some interesting games years ago.

  • 33. 短文首字母填空

    Do you know Grandpa Amu? He is good at u wood to make a lot of things by hand. He knows a lot about woodworking, and always finishes his work w any machine, or even nails or glue(钉子或胶水). People call him "Modern Lu Ban"— a famous woodworker in Warring States p.

    Grandpa Amu's real name is Wang Deweng. He is now 63 years old and s his house with his son's family in Guangxi, south-east China. In his video posts, Grandpa Amu shows people hto make an apple-like Lu Ban lock, a dragon boat and many different farm machines all made of wood. He also builds a wooden bridge to help local people c the river and they don't need to travel far any more. Over 40 million people watch it on Douyin, a famous mobile-phone APP.

    Grandpa Amu makes some wooden tfor his grandson. His grandson's favorites include a walking Peppa Pig (小猪佩奇) and a bubble blowing machine. Grandpa Amu first l woodworking skills to make more money for his poor family. Now Grandpa Amu is happy to make his grandson interested in playing with those wooden works.

    Grandpa Amu's whole family work full time on his videos. "We make the videos b we want to bring our culture (文化) to others and let people know skills of woodwork art from Chinese people hundreds of years ago," says his son. Grandpa Amu loves woodworking very much, so he does the s work day after day. "Choose one thing and do it for your whole life." He always says.

    Because of his wonderful woodworking skills, Grandpa Amu shows the world an ancient country in a modern way.

  • 34. 假如你是李雷,看到学校校刊Fun World上招募暑期研学活动学员。请根据所给信息,用英文写一封自荐信。

    Hi, everyone. We'll have a special camp near Yinxing Lake for middle school students this summer holiday. If you like fun facts and want to take part in this activity, please write a letter to recommend yourself to us.

    ● About your personalities (个性) and abilities.

    ● What amazing things do you know?

    ●What outdoor activity would you like to try? Why?

    If you want to join us please e-mail Mr. Li at iamMri@sohu. com



    2)语言通顺, 意思连贯, 条理清楚, 要点全面, 书写规范;

    3)词数80左右, 文章的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数。

    Dear Mr Li,

    I am a Grade Seven student.


    I hope I can have the chance to take part in this activity.

    Yours faithfully,

    Li Lei

