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更新时间:2022-08-26 浏览次数:177 类型:中考真卷
  • 1. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。
    1. (1)
      A . cut B . luck C . music D . hurry
    2. (2)
      A . ever B . he C . mess D . pen
    3. (3)
      A . forty B . morning C . horse D . word
    4. (4)
      A . who B . what C . why D . where
    5. (5)
      A . cake B . cent C . city D . cinema
三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
  • 22. (2022·武威) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

    It was the turkey that made it the worst Thanksgiving ever…well, it 1did.

    All the family—my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister and I— 2the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiest thing to 3. It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot of work to cook…and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong.

    My mum and dad bought a nice, big turkey a few days before Thanksgiving. 4was proud of herself as she got it for a good price. 5Thanksgiving, Mum got the turkey out of the fridge. Early the next morning, my sister and I helped her put some butter and salt on the turkey. After that, Mum put it in the oven. It looked like it would be delicious. My sister and I were 6.

    But soon, we noticed something was wrong. The oven was 7. Dad checked it closely. 8he said in a low voice, "it's broken. "

    Mum's heart almost stopped. She didn't want her dinner to be a failure. We didn't know 9. How were we going to feed everyone without the turkey? Mum looked worried.

    Finally, Dad had an idea, and we all agreed with his suggestion to order 10 instead. After all, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and spending time with your family.

    That evening, we shared a delicious pizza. We had a great time, talking, eating and playing games. Thanksgiving without turkey can still be fun!

    A . really B . nearly C . finally D . hardly
    A . shared B . hated C . expected D . bought
    A . cook B . eat C . buy D . raise
    A . Grandma B . My aunt C . My sister D . Mum
    A . The night before B . After C . On D . Two days before
    A . worried B . excited C . nervous D . full
    A . cooking well B . self cleaning C . not heating up D . not smoking
    A . For B . Or C . But D . And
    A . what to do B . how to do it C . where to buy it D . when to have it
    A . pizza B . a turkey C . sandwiches D . chicken
  • 23. 阅读以上书信,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。

    Dear Kimmy,

    Guess what, we have a class pet! It's a hamster. Miss Lee showed us how to take care of our new furry friend, Tobin. She explained that her own hamster had Needless to say, we were delighted and promised to be responsible pet owners.

    Well, till next time.

    PS: It's a picture of our new pet. Do you have a pet?

    Your pen-pal,


    1. (1) It's a letter from Kimmy to Andrew.
    2. (2) Andrew's class pet is furry.
    3. (3) Miss Lee took Tobin to the class.
    4. (4) Tobin's mother gave birth to four pups.
    5. (5) Andrew is sure that his pen-pal has a pet and loves animals.
  • 24. (2022·武威) 阅读理解

    Riddle 1

    I carry a big bag every day.

    There are letters and parcels in the bag.

    I take them to people.

    Who am I?

    Riddle 2

    I wear a uniform.

    I catch thieves.

    I make sure the neighbourhood is safe.

    Who am I?

    Riddle 3

    I work on a bus.

    I drive it around every day.

    I take people to different places.

    Who am I?

    Riddle 4

    I work in a shop.

    Many children come to the shop.

    They buy sweets and chocolate.

    Who am I?

    1. (1) The underlined pronoun "them" in Riddle 1 refers to ________ .
      A . big bags B . letters and parcels  C . people D . riddles
    2. (2) What is the answer of Riddle 2?
      A . A teacher. B . An engineer.    C . A waiter. D . A policeman.
    3. (3) Where does the person in Riddle 3 work?
      A . On a bus. B . In a zoo.    C . At an airport. D . On a farm.
    4. (4) The shop in Riddle 4 is probably a ________.
      A . book store B . fruit store  C . fish market D . candy store
    5. (5) The riddles are about ________ .
      A . children B . parents  C . jobs D . places
  • 25. 阅读以上新闻稿,根据其内容回答其后各个小题。

    Chinese taikonauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu carried out the Shenzhou-13 spaceflight mission(任务)that started on Oct. 15, 2021. This mission lasts 6 months, which was also a national record. Zhai is the commander (指令长)who performed China's first spacewalk in the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008. Wang, who was in the Shenzhou-10 mission in 2013, is the first Chinese woman astronaut to visit China's space station. Ye is a new comer to space.

    The trio had carried out two spacewalks and completed more than 20 scientific tasks. Besides their tasks, they had also given two live lectures from the space station, showing the students their living and working areas at the Tianhe core module and several scientific experiments under zero-gravity conditions and answering real-time questions from students.

    The trio also became the first Chinese to spend the nation's most important festival—the Chinese Lunar New Year — in outer space.

    They returned to Earth on April 16, 2022 and made Shenzhou-13 mission a great success.

    1. (1) How long was the mission that was carried out by the taikonauts?
      A . 13 months. B . 10 months. C . 7 months. D . 6 months.
    2. (2) What does the underlined "trio" probably mean?
      A . A group of two. B . A group of three. C . A group of four. D . A group of five.
    3. (3) Which paragraph tells us what the taikonauts had mainly done in this mission in space?
      A . Paragraph 1. B . Paragraph 2. C . Paragraph 3. D . Paragraph 4.
    4. (4) What would be the most suitable to replace A in the picture?
      A . Commander Zhai held a pair of couplets and wished the Chinese people good health. B . Wang, with a red balloon in hand, wished children across the country healthy growth. C . Ye held a sticker with the Chinese character "fu", and wished the Chinese people a happy Lunar New Year. D . The taikonauts have put up red lanterns, Chinese knots and paper-cut craft to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . All the three taikonauts had been to the space before. B . Zhai Zhigang is a commander. C . The trio gave two live lectures from the space station. D . They returned to earth in mid-April.
  • 26. (2022·武威) 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。

    can,     I,    be,     five,    miss,    good,     in,     road,    wait for,    back

    "What a great film!" says Dan.

    Dan Parks and Sue Barrington are leaving the Odeon cinema in Oxford.

    "I love Eddie Redmayne," says Sue.

    "Yes, he's a actor," replies Dan.

    He looks at his watch.

    "It's o'clock already," he says. "Time to get home."

    "Yes, "says Sue." It's beginning to get dark. "

    They walk up the street and look for their bikes. There a lot of bikes in Oxford. The city is flat and a lot of people cycle.

    "There's my bike," says Dan. He looks for Sue's, but he see it.

    "Where's?" asks Sue. "It's not here."

    Then they see her bike lock on the ground-two bits.

    "Oh no!" says Sue. "Bike thieves!"

    Dan looks up and down the road. He sees a police car fifty metres away on the other side of the street.

    "me, "he says to Sue, and runs across the street.

    She watches him. He talks through the window of the police car and points at her.

    Then a policewoman gets out of the car and comes across the road with Dan.

    "Hello," says the policewoman to Sue. "I' m PC Jennings. Your friend tells me your bike is

    . Now tell me about the bike.

    "Well, it's blue, " begins Sue. "It's a bike. And it' s only a year old."

    Jennings writes everything in her notebook.

  • 27. 阅读下面材料,并按要求回答问题。

    Beijing has become the first city ever to hold both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after winning the 2022 Winter Olympics bid with co-host city Zhangjiakou. That brings snow and ice sports into public spotlight. Unlike the hugely popular Summer Olympic events such as tennis and badminton, winter sports have limited fans in China.

    However, Beijing and Zhangjiakou's success in holding the Winter Olympics has …?Let's take a look at the present and the future plans of the ice and snow sports.

    1. (1) How many cities held the 2022 Winter Olympics?
    2. (2) What sport is more popular, ice sports or snow sports?
    3. (3) 根据材料内容,补全①处画线标题。(标题所给部分不用抄写在答题卡上)
    4. (4) 根据以下所给单词提示,将材料②处画线句子补全,使上下文语义通顺、连贯、语法正确。(词数不限)make,more,interested,sports(句子所给部分不用抄写在答题卡上)
    5. (5) 根据材料内容,完成以下折线图表(画出2020-2025的Development plan)。

  • 28. (2022·武威) 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)

    A. You can go to the Mogao Caves.

    B. Do you have any ideas?

    C. I don't feel like it.

    D. What about Qingdao?

    E. That's a good idea.

    F. Why don't you go skating?

    G. We want a short trip.

    A: What's the matter, John?

    B: I'm thinking about going somewhere nice after the exam with my parents.

    A: Why don't you go to Dunhuang.

    B: We went there last summer. We also went to Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring and Yumen Pass.

    A: The beach city is a perfect place for the summer holidays.

    B: It's a lovely place, but it's a bit far away from here.

    A: Well, you'd better find some advice for a short trip in a travel guide.

    B: Thank you.

    A: You're welcome.

  • 54. (2022·武威) 书面表达

    以“being lost”为主题,根据以下提示信息写一篇80词左右的短文。

    The pictures are provided to help you think about this topic.

    Pay attention to the following points when you plan your composition.

    ●Where was Mary?

    ●What was Mary doing?

    ●What happened to her?

    ●What did Mary feel when seeing her mother?

    The following words may help you:

    ●crowded with visitors

    ●so interested in the animals

    ●no one around

    ●turn to…





