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更新时间:2023-02-20 浏览次数:32 类型:竞赛测试
二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  • 11. 完形填空

    A video of a 9-year-old girl dancing in a shop has become a hot topic, with more than 200, 000, 000 views.

    Outside the shop, her mom was busy chopping(剁)pork1the girl named Wu Gangyun was immersed(沉浸)herself in her2. This is part of a documentary Little Giants made by Bilibili, a video-sharing site.

    At the age of 6, her mom3she liked to watch dancing videos and imitate(模仿)the moves. Her mom said, "She loves ballet and the pretty dresses. " Her parents made a4to send her to dancing classes. But teachers in the county 5 teach her. They suggested her parents should find a more professional teacher for her. But it cost more than what the family could6. And they even didn't know7to find such guidance(指导). This made them8.

    Zhang Ping, a famous dancer, has been teaching dancing for 20 years. She was born in Yanshan county too, later living in Beijing. In 2016, she was9by a photo of girls standing beside a broken wall in Naduo Village. So she and her husband10the village and found many girls unattended(无人看管的).

    11then, every summer and winter vacation, they'd like to come back to Naduo Village to teach girls for free. In 2019, Zhang gave12her job in Beijing and built a training center in the village. She put nearly13of the couple's savings into the program.

    After watching videos of Wu dancing, the couple realized they had met a dancing talent. Soon they decided to teach her. From then on, Wu went to learn dancing with Zhang every weekend without14.

    Everyone has a dream. The couple's15and contribution (奉献)make the girl's dreams come true.

    A . if B . while C . until D . though
    A . dance B . dress C . voice D . video
    A . believed B . received C . created D . found
    A . wish B . difference C . decision D . programme
    A . mustn't B . can't C . needn't D . couldn't
    A . afford B . show C . keep D . understand
    A . what B . where C . why D . when
    A . excited B . angry C . busy D . unhappy
    A . touched B . praised C . shot D . punished
    A . discovered B . required C . visited D . reported
    A . Just B . As C . Since D . Before
    A . in B . off C . up D . away
    A . all B . a bit C . none D . some
    A . preparing B . resting C . sharing D . paying
    A . weakness B . happiness C . kindness D . business
  • 12. 阅读短文,回答问题

    If most museums, theaters and libraries are closed, you might miss the cultural activities you used to have during holidays. But don't worry. As we are living in the Internet era(时代), virtual(虚拟的)museums, concerts, and libraries are at our fingertips, ready to be discovered from our homes.

    Cloud museums

    If you are a fan of museums, visit the official website of the National Museum of China. There are VR exhibitions(虚拟现实展览),live-streaming(直播)classes and many other resources. For example, an exhibition about Confucius is going on right now. You can learn about his life and ancient culture during the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC). There are also pictures and videos of the relics(文物),such as bianzhong and books.

    Cloud concerts

    Do you miss going to live concerts? There are many online concerts going on right now, such as "DOULive Sofa Concert" on Douyin and "I'm With You" on Weibo. Go and find your favorite singers! Talented singers are in their live houses with microphones and musical instruments such as guitars or pianos. Since they're streaming live as they perform, you can not only interact with them by writing comments(评论),but also pick songs for them to sing. What a cool experience!

    Cloud libraries

    There are many online libraries that provide free digital resources, such as the National Library of China, Shanghai Library and Hubei Library. On the Shanghai Library website, for example, you can see on the front page that there are many books related to virus outbreaks. Of course, you can also find other materials in these online libraries—comic books, documentary films, and English tutoring(教学)videos are all available.

    1. (1) In Cloud museums, you'll find the following resources EXCEPT       .
      A . VR exhibitions B . live-streaming classes C . exhibition advertisements D . videos introducing the relics
    2. (2) What can we infer from Cloud concerts?
      A . Online concerts are not popular. B . You can choose your favorite singer's online concert. C . Douyin and Weibo are two music websites. D . You can't help the singers pick songs to sing.
    3. (3) From the passage, we know that _____.
      A . singers can hold online concerts only during the holiday B . Confucius was born in 770 BC C . you can't write comments at the online concerts D . you can read books for free through some online libraries
    4. (4) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . Take part in online cultural activities B . Live in the Internet era C . Look for fun online D . Look for happiness
  • 13. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Thirty years ago, Lake Ponkapog in Hartwell was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, fish and animals. The lake water is polluted.

    How did this happen? First, we must think about how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains, water comes into the lake from all around. In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog, so the rainwater was clean.

    Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals in their gardens. They use other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects. There are also many factories. Factories use chemicals to produce products and some chemicals fall onto the ground from cars or trucks. When it rains, the rainwater picks up all the chemicals from homes, factories, cars and trucks and then carries them into the lake. They pollute the water and kill the animals.

    Boats on the lake are also a problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil and gas from boats often leak(泄漏)into the lake. So more harmful chemicals go into the water in this way.

    People in Hartwell are worried. They love their lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are more careful about chemicals at home and at work. They must also be more careful about gas and oil and other chemicals on the ground. And they mustn't use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people's life. Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful, clean lake again.

    1. (1) In the past,             made the water in Lake Ponkapog clean.
      A . forests B . rain C . birds D . fish
    2. (2) The chemicals from homes and factories              .
      A . are always clean B . can help the animals C . are good for the lake D . pollute the water and kill the animals
    3. (3) To save Lake Ponkapog, people need to              .
      A . be more careful about chemicals B . use less water C . grow fewer plants in the garden D . use more motorboats on the lake
    4. (4) The passage is mainly about            .
      A . boats on Lake Ponkapog B . why the water is polluted in Lake Ponkapog C . clean rainwater D . dirty lakes
  • 14. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Drinking tea at least three times a week could reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease (心血管疾病)and is linked with a longer and healthier life, at least in China, a new study suggests. Chinese researchers found the health benefits associated with tea were more obvious for drinkers of green, rather than black tea, and for those who had been drinking tea regularly over a longer period of time. The benefits were also clearer among men, the study indicated.

    Researchers looked at data from 100,902 Chinese people with no history of heart attack or cancer and divided them into two groups: habitual drinkers who drank tea three or more times a week, those who never drank tea, and those who drank it less regularly. They followed up with them after a seven-year period.

    Their analysis found that regular tea drinkers had a 20% lower risk of having heart disease and stroke, and a 22% lower risk of dying from heart disease and stroke. Specifically, they found that regular tea drinkers could expect to live 1. 26 years longer at age 50 than those who did not regularly enjoy a cup of tea.

    "We found that the protective effects of habitual tea consumption were very obvious and robust across different outcomes for men, but only mild for women," said Dr Gu Dongfeng from China's National Center for Cardiovascular Disease.

    One reason might be that the proportion of habitual tea consumers among men was approximately two and a half times as high as that among women”Gu said. Some 48% of the men in the study were regular tea drinkers, compared with 20% of women.

    1. (1) What can be learned about the new research from Paragraph 1?
      A . Drinking tea regularly benefits people's health. B . Drinking black tea brings more health benefits. C . Men always live longer than women by drinking tea. D . People can prevent all diseases by drinking tea
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "robust" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . protective B . strong C . gentle D . beneficial
    3. (3) What can we know from the last paragraph?
      A . Fewer men like drinking tea. B . Men spend more money on tea. C . Men drink more tea than women. D . Fewer women may live longer than men.
    4. (4) Where is this text possibly from?
      A . An advertisement. B . A poster. C . A guidebook. D . A magazine
  • 15. 阅读填空

    John Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington. He inherited(继承)$1,000,000 when he was 23. He didn't feel happy at all. His college friends were looking for their (one) jobs, but he didn't have to. John decided to keep (live) a simple life like everyone else. He gave $100,000 of his money to a charity(慈善团体). Today he is 36. He still (wear)cheap shoes and clothes and owns a small car only, but he is much (happy).

    Up to now John has helped 15 children from poor (country) all over the world. They write to each other, but usually the children do not speak (England).

    Once John went to meet a little girl that he was helping in Africa. He said that the meeting was very(excite). "I saw that the money(use) for a very good plan. It brought me closer to the child in a way that giving money alone cannot. "he said. "I will go on helping those children in need," he added.

五、阅读短文,回答问题 (共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)
  • 16. 阅读短文,回答问题

    The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 was held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Beijing is the first city to host the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. The image ambassador(大使)for this Winter Olympic Games is Shen Xue. The opening ceremony was held at the Bird's Nest. The last Winter Olympic Games were held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018. Short tack speed skater Wu Dajing won the only gold medal for China.

    China's first participation in the Winter Olympics was the U. S. Lake Placid Winter Olympics. China's first gold medalist at the Winter Olympics was Yang Yang. The mascot(吉祥物)for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic is Bing Dwen Dwen.

    1. (1) When did the 24th Winter Olympic Games take place?
    2. (2) Which city hosted both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics?
    3. (3) Where was the opening ceremony held?
    4. (4) Who won the first gold medal at the Winter Olympics in history,Wu Dajing or Yang Yang?
    5. (5) What is the mascot for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic?
  • 17. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Leisure activities(闲暇活动)are the kinds of things people like to do to relax and enjoy themselves when they are not working or going to school. Leisure activities play an important part in people's lives. (A)在过去几乎没有闲暇活动. Children often got together to play hide-and-seek. People met to play cards or chess in the street. ① Watching operas and listening to the radio were the main activities in their spare time.

    (B)       the reform and opening-up, Chinese people have had more time to spend on various kinds of leisure activities. (C) A lot of people love not only to play but also to watch team sports like basketball or football. Many people stay at home having a rest, reading books and watching TV.

    ②Young people like to play computer games or chat on the Internet. In recent years, more and more people love to travel during vacation. ③They go to visit some places of interest, and some people even make a tour (D)        to experience foreign culture. Chinese people now have the time and chance to do more kinds of leisure activities.

    1. (1) 将文中画线部分(A)译成英语:
    2. (2) 在文中(B)和(D)的空白处填入适当的单词:;
    3. (3) 将文中画线部分(C)改写为:A lot of people love  to play to   watch team sports like basketball or football.
    4. (4) 将 "Few people had chances to travel. "填入文中①②③三处的最佳位置
    5. (5) 从文中找出能够说明本文主旨大意的词语:

