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更新时间:2022-06-25 浏览次数:116 类型:期中考试
一、选择填空,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)
二、完形填空(共1小题, 每小题15分, 满分15分)
  • 16. 完形填空

    There is a man who keeps three monkeys in his house. The monkeys are very1and they can do many things. The man loves his2. And he thinks they can try something new, so he begins to3them to dance. The monkeys don't like dancing at first, but the man is4them. These monkeys have to5hard every day. Soon they can dance very well. The man is very happy about that.

    One day, he6the monkeys up in special clothes and masks, and takes them to a party. He wants people to7his smart friends.

    The dancing monkeys are8at the party. Nobody knows that they are monkeys, and people are9to them. The monkeys are very happy to have lots of10food there.

    Suddenly (突然地) , a child puts some bananas in front of the dancing monkeys. The monkeys11everything then.12of them run to the bananas and begin to eat.

    Now all the people at the party laugh. "They aren't dancers at all", cries one man. "They are13monkeys!"

    "And, "14another man. "What we see isn't always15".

    A . lazy B . smart C . kind D . lovely
    A . pets B . places C . children D . groups
    A . run B . teach C . cross D . fight
    A . right for B . good with C . strict with D . afraid of
    A . follow B . use C . live D . practice
    A . dresses B . makes C . saves D . puts
    A . feel B . taste C . watch D . listen
    A . welcome B . sorry C . important D . beautiful
    A . friendly B . shy C . difficult
    A . quick B . terrible C . lucky D . delicious
    A . keep B . forget C . leave D . remember
    A . Any B . Much C . All D . Either
    A . still B . often C . just D . also
    A . speaks B . tells C . talks D . says
    A . true B . dangerous C . nice D . young
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    1. (1) The first sign tells you that you can't       there.
      A . talk about dogs B . play sports C . play with children D . walk dogs
    2. (2) Which sign might you see at a gas station (加油站)?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What does the third sign mean?
      A . There is no water. B . The water is not safe. C . You should save water. D . There is water for washing clothes.
    4. (4) When you see the fourth sign, you should      .
      A . stop running B . be quiet C . not walk into the area (地区) D . close the door
    5. (5) The best title of the passage could be      .
      A . Safety (安全) Comes First B . Signs Are Everywhere C . We Are in Great Danger D . No More Pollution (污染)
  • 18. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Dear Jane,

    Today is the Dragon Boat Festival in China. Do you know this important Chinese festival? It's a festival to remember a great Chinese poet named Qu Yuan.

    Now it's 8:30 am, and I am in a big —park —with my Chinese friend Fei Fei. There are many interesting things happening (发生) in the park. I can see many boats on the lake of the park. On every boat, there are some men wearing the same clothes. They are having the boat races. The boats are running very fast and around the lake many people are cheering for them. How exciting!

    However, not all the people in the park are watching the boat races. A young father is taking a photo of his beautiful daughter. A young woman is taking a walk with her mother. Under a big tree, some girls are playing games. All of them are having fun. What am I doing now? Can you guess (猜)? While I am writing this e—mail to you, I'm eating zongzi with Feifei. What's zongzi? It's a kind of traditional Chinese food for the Dragon Boat Festival. It's really delicious!

    What are you doing now, Jane? Please e—mail and tell me.

    1. (1) Chinese people have Dragon Boat Festival because                 .
      A . it's fun B . many people like boating C . people can watch boat races on that day D . it's a day to remember the great poet Qu Yuan
    2. (2) Where is Judy now?
      A . In the UK. B . On a boat. C . In the park. D . Under a tree.
    3. (3) The underlined word "cheering" means       in Chinese.
      A . 喝彩 B . 寻找 C . 凝视 D . 等待
    4. (4) Which of the following things is NOT mentioned in the e-mail?
      A . Playing games. B . Having the boat races. C . Making zongzi. D . taking photos.
    5. (5) We can infer (推断) from the e-mail that      .
      A . Jane knows a lot about the Dragon Boat Festival B . Judy loves the Dragon Boat Festival very much C . Judy wishes Jane to watch the boat races with her D . Judy wants to do something fun on the Dragon Boat Festival
  • 19. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    A young man went to the boss (老板) of logging crew (伐木队) and asked for a job.

    "Let me see you fell this tree first." said the boss. The young man took his axe and fell a big tree in a short time. The boss was happy and said, "You can start the job on Monday."

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday went by, and Thursday afternoon the boss went to the young man and said, "You can get the pay (报酬) today. "The young man was very surprised. He answered, "I thought you would pay on Friday" "Usually we," the boss said." But I'll let you go today because you've fallen behind (落后). You have dropped (降) from the first place on Monday to the last place today. "

    "But I'm quite hard—working. "the young man said, "I am the first to arrive, and the last to leave, and even work during my coffee time!" The boss thought for a minute and asked, "Have you sharpened your axe (磨斧子)? "The young man answered, "No, sir, I work too hard to take time for that!"

    Our lives are like this. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the axe". There's nothing wrong with working hard. But we all need time to relax, to think, to learn and to grow. If we don't spend time relaxing, we will feel bored and fall behind.

    1. (1) How did the young man get the job?
      A . He answered the boss' questions. B . He gave the boss a sharp axe. C . He showed that he could do the job well. D . He started to work hard.
    2. (2) The underlined the word "fell" in Para. 2 most probably means      .
      A . cut down B . take down C . put down D . turn down
    3. (3) The young man got the pay a day earlier because      .
      A . the boss was happy with him B . the boss asked him to leave C . he had no money to buy anything D . he didn't want to wok the next day
    4. (4) We can know from the passage that      .
      A . the young man works really hard B . the young man likes drinking coffee a lot C . the boss pays his workers on Thursdays D . the boss doesn't like the young man at all
    5. (5) The story wants to tell us      .
      A . where there is a will (意志力), there is a way B . saving time is very important for us C . there is nothing wrong with hard work D . we need to take time to sharpen the axe
  • 20. 词与短语选择填空

    tastes/ scary /talk /symbol/ lovely /washing / on time

    1. (1) I like to and play games with people.
    2. (2) I don't like tigers because they are really.
    3. (3) Well, we can't arrive late for class We must be.
    4. (4) Not much. I'm just clothes. What about you?
  • 21. 阅读理解填词

    Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to our museum (博物馆) . It's f. It doesn't take you any money (钱) . There are a lot of ithings here. You can l a lot and you must have a good time today. But we also have some(4)rfor you. Please remember these rules and fthem.

    First, don't make our museum d. Don't eat food or have any drinks here, e. Second, you can take p, but don't touch the things here. Third, keep qin the museum. Don't talk loudly. F, don't run in the hall. Fifth, the museum is not open (开放) after five o'clock in the afternoon.

    Have a good time here! Thank you!

六、书面表达(共1大题, 满分15分)
  • 22. 假如李明是你的好朋友,你想让你的美国朋友了解他,请根据以下提示写一篇介绍他的短文。


    a. 严于律己,待人友善;

    b. 爱好广泛,经常锻炼;

    c. 走路上学,从不迟到;

    d. 学习刻苦,勤做家务;

    e. 补充一至两点你对他的看法。




    参考词汇:strict adj 严格的 housework n. 家务 hard—working adj. 努力的

