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更新时间:2022-06-20 浏览次数:56 类型:期中考试
一、听对话回答问题,本部分共有10道小题 (每小题 1分,计 10 分)
二、听对话和短文回答问题(每小题 1分,计 10 分)
  • 11. 听录音,回答问题
    1. (1) How long did Li Fang live in Shanghai?
      A . For 5 years. B . For 6 years. C . For 7 years.
    2. (2) What does Li Fang's father sell?
      A . Computers. B . Football. C . Apples.
  • 12. 听录音,回答问题。根据所听内容, 从ABC三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

    Customs of New Year's Eve


    People1 the old things.


    2 people come to the streets together.


    People eat3 on New Year's Eve.

    A . sell B . take out C . throw out
    A . In the evening B . In the afternoon C . In the morning
    A . dumplings B . noodles C . grapes
  • 13. 听一篇短文,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why do young people like hip-hop dancing?
      A . It can help solve problems. B . They can invent their own moves. C . They can use every part of the body.
    2. (2) Where was hip-hop dancing first seen?
      A . In the movies. B . In the streets. C . In the old schools.
    3. (3) Which of the following is true about Hip-hop dancing?
      A . It's not a good way to exercise. B . It shows that young people feel bad about life. C . Young people use this dance to show their love for life.
    4. (4) When did hip-hop dancing become popular all over the world?
      A . In 1983. B . Today. C . In 1938.
    5. (5) What made hip-hop dancing popular?
      A . A film. B . A song. C . A book.
四、完形填空 (15分)
  • 29. 完形填空

    Eileen Gu, a Chinese-American skier,1brightly at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games.

    Gu was born to a(n)2father and a Chinese mother. She was raised in San Francisco. She lived there for over ten years. The girl, however, has always been3that she has a Chinese root(根). She speaks Chinese well and calls herself a "Beijing girl".

    Gu4skiing when she was only three. She got her first5at the age of nine. Gu competed for the United States in that competition. Hoping to6tens of millions of Chinese children to love skiing, in June 2019, the girl7to compete for China in the 2022 Winter Olympics.

    Gu has already brought China medals. In August, she8the Australian New Zealand Cup. The young skier won two gold medals in the competition. Her9congratulated her online. After the competition, the10of them even increased(增加) to 200,000. People called11a "born skier".

    Now she's an Olympic champion, a fashion model, and going to Stanford University this fall.12can she achieve so much?" Only 1 percent of it came from my13," said Gu after her Olympic win," People don't see how I train,14and make mistakes every day."

    If you have a goal, go for it!15work never cheats you.

    A . shone B . rose C . missed D . lifted
    A . Australian B . Japanese C . American D . Canadian
    A . relaxed B . sad C . afraid D . proud
    A . started B . forgot C . kept D . continued
    A . ability B . win C . job D . subject
    A . encourage B . invite C . advise D . receive
    A . improved B . minded C . picked D . decided
    A . looked for B . joined in C . took off D . paid for
    A . relatives B . classmates C . fans D . coaches
    A . number B . point C . pleasure D . ruler
    A . him B . them C . her D . me
    A . Why B . How C . What D . When
    A . trouble B . need C . business D . gift
    A . walk B . swim C . fall D . jump
    A . Interesting B . Simple C . Hard D . Easy
  • 30. 阅读短文,回答问题

     When you get worried or stressed(有压力)out about something, your heart beats faster, your stomach feels tight or you feel sick. Sometimes it is hard to get to sleep. Everything seems to go wrong at once. What should you do if you feel stressed? Here is some advice.

    ①Think about what it is that's making you feel bad.

    ②Talk over your problem with a friend or a trusted adult(大人).

    ③Get help to do something with the problem if you need it.

    ④Plan your work if you are getting behind. Plan your time well so that you can fit everything in. 

    ⑤Set yourself some goals(目标)to work your way through the problem.

    ⑥Make sure that you are getting enough exercise.

    ⑦Don't take on too much work. You don't have to do everything at once.

    ⑧Don't say "yes" when you'd like to say"no", and then you won't be worrying.

    ⑨Learn to relax. Soft, calming music can help you relax. Reading a book is a good way to relax, too.

    1. (1) The underlined word "tight" means_______ in Chinese.
      A . 轻松的 B . 绷紧的 C . 舒服的 D . 饥饿的
    2. (2) You should_______ when you feel stressed.
      A . get less exercise B . talk with your friend C . work harder D . do everything at once
    3. (3) To fit everything in you should_______.
      A . do something with your problems B . get enough exercise C . plan your time well D . learn to relax
  • 31. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Dear Nina,

    Thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I am in Japan now.

    Food can be very expensive in Japan. We learned this is the first time we went to get some food. As soon as we reached Osaka(大阪), we decided to look for a Japanese restaurant near the airport. We wanted to eat noodles, and we found a nice restaurant. The menu was easy to read because it was written in Japanese and English, with pictures of the food. However, I was shocked when I saw the prices. On the first page of the menu there were dishes for 8,000 yen and 12,000 yen. I even saw a dish for 23,000 yen. In other words, these dishes cost $80, $120, and $230. Luckily, the noodles we ordered were only 800 yen.

    Prices for food can be high here, but they don't have to be. We soon realized that there was a lot of excellent food in Japan at good prices. Some restaurants that sell noodles can have nice meals for between five or ten dollars. We can also have a nice cup of coffee for $5, but it's also easy to find coffee or soft drinks at the train or subway stations for a little over $1.

    Hope you are having a good time back home. By the way, how's my cat?


    1. (1) How did the writer go to Japan?
      A . By train B . By ship C . By plane D . By bus
    2. (2) What does the underlined sentence mean?
      A . The food in Japan isn't expensive at all. B . You can find cheaper food to eat in Japan. C . You have to eat expensive food in Japan.  D . They needn't to sell food here.
    3. (3) What does the passage mainly tell about?
      A . The prices of food in Japan. B . Different kinds of food in Japan. C . The most expensive food in Japan. D . Japanese food is very delicious.
  • 32. 阅读短文,回答问题

    With the Chinese New Year coming, let's welcome the Year of the Tiger. Do you know anyone born in the Year of the Tiger? What are they like? Are they brave, strong and tenacious (顽强的)?If so, then they are a typical "tiger".

    In Chinese culture, tigers are considered the king of all animals. They stand for power, energy, protection, generosity(大度的) and unpredictability (难以捉摸). Tigers are regarded as fearless creatures, so that's why in China you can see images of tiger on the walls of temples and houses toward off disasters and danger.

    Tigers have an important cultural meaning not just in China, but across Asia. For example, strong economies in the East-Singapore, South Korea, China's Hong Kong and Taiwan - were called "The Four Asian Tigers". In the book Life of Pi, the writer Yann Martel chose a Bengal tiger as the partner for Indian boy Pi.

    Instead of tigers, lions are considered as the king of all animals in the West. Brave warriors(勇士)were given the name "the lion". In Europe, the animal is a national symbol for England as well as for Norway, Spain, Belgium and 13 other countries.

    But in the West, tigers are also seen as a very powerful animal. In English, if you want someone to calm down, you can say to them, "easy tiger". Another famous phrase is: "Eye of the Tiger", which means fierceness (凶恶)and strength.

    Tigers are also one of my favorite animals. I first learned about the beauty of tigers as a child, while watching animal documentaries(纪录片). If you ask my mom, she'll tell you that my most precious toy while growing up was my toy tiger. As a young animal lover, I felt so sad that they were an endangered species(濒临绝种) and I wanted to help protect them.

    Just like tigers serve as a symbol of protection in Chinese culture, we can only hope that in the Year of the Tiger more people can learn about tigers and help protect them.

    1. (1) According to the text, people born in the Year of the Tiger may be ________.
      A . careful B . easy-going C . kind D . brave
    2. (2) The main idea of Paragraph 3 is___________.
      A . Tigers have an important cultural meaning in China. B . What "The Four Asian Tigers" is. C . Tigers are often used as a symbol in Europe. D . Tigers also have an important cultural meaning in other Asian countries.
    3. (3) Which sentence is right according to the text?
      A . Tigers are also considered as the king of all animals in the west. B . Lions are the writer's favorite animals and they are in danger. C . In English, when somebody gets happy you can say "easy tiger". D . The writer hopes more people can help protect tigers.
    4. (4) Which is the best title of this passage?
      A . Talk about tigers—in the Year of the Tiger B . Why we should protect tigers? C . Tigers—the king of all animals D . Tigers—the culture symbol of China
  • 33. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Before we upload a photo of ourselves to social media, like WeChat, we'll use an app to smooth our skin, make our eyes look bigger, and give us longer eyelashes and fuller lips. With a couple of touches on our mobile phone, we're able to present the best pictures of ourselves to others.

    However, the problem is, when we simply edit our imperfections(瑕疵)away, we're also changing the way we look at our ourselves. ⑴______.

    Last month, researchers from the US Boston University published an article Selfies﹣Living in the Era of Filtered(滤镜)Photographs. The article listed the bad effects of photo editing on people and the possibility to cause appearance worries.⑵ ______

    The researchers think that these apps make it difficult to tell between reality and fantasy(虚幻). "These apps allow one to change his or her appearance in minutes and follow an unrealistic standard of beauty," the article says. ⑶______.

    In the past, people might compare their looks to those who were famous that time. But for today's young people, beauty standards are most likely set by what they see on social media. "From birth, they are born into an age of social platforms, and their feelings are connected to how good they look," a British doctor Escho said.

    ⑷______"Now you've got the comparison of your real self to fake self that you present on social media," Renee Engeln, a professor at Northwestern University, told the HuffPost website. He further pointed out that when people spend too much time comparing with others, they may become "beauty sick" and find it difficult to accept what they actually look like.

    So when we look in a real mirror, we shouldn't think to ourselves, "Do I look as good as myself in the Beauty Cam(美颜)?" Instead, we should think, "I feel good, I have my health."

    1. (1) What may people do before they present the best of themselves on social media?
      A . Wearing false eyelashes. B . Redding their lips before going out. C . Using apps to edit photos. D . Smoothing their skin in the morning.
    2. (2) Where should we put the sentence "This is why many young people suffer an appearance worries when it comes to how they really look."?
      A . (4) B . (3) C . (2) D . (1)
    3. (3) Who did people use to compare their looks to?
      A . Famous people B . People who they see on social media. C . Family members. D . Their friends.
    4. (4) Which of the following is right according to the passage?
      A . Everybody looks as good as himself in the Beauty Cam. B . These apps make it easy to tell between reality and fantasy. C . The article listed the bad and good effects of photo editing on people. D . People today pay more attention on how good they look than in the past.
    5. (5) What did the author write this passage for?
      A . To call on people to care more about appearance. B . To call on people not to use apps on mobile phones. C . To call on people to spend too much time comparing with others. D . To call on people to learn something more important than appearance.
  • 34. He had so many interesting (经历) when he visited America.
  • 35. Many children like the film Frozen, because it is so ( wonderful) .
  • 36. After the match, the reporter had a(n) with the winner.
  • 37. They've (finished what we have tried to do)to work out the difficult problems.
  • 38. We all like watching interesting and colourful TV p.
  • 39. 根据句意选用正确单词并以其适当形式填空。

    polite      you       Germany       fly      forty

    1. (1) The books about cooking are those .
    2. (2) —What is the number of your to Shanghai?

      —I haven't known yet. I have just booked one on the website.

    3. (3) We shouldn't speak to the teachers and parents .
    4. (4) My aunt looks very young in her .
    5. (5) —Did you enjoy trip in Hong Kong?

      —Yes, we had lots of fun.

  • 40. 根据句意选用正确单词并以其适当时态天空。

    read       translate        tie       not return        marry 

    1. (1) —Simon, I saw you in the reading room just now.

      —I the article into English, so I didn't see you.

    2. (2) Tony a beautiful woman the other day.
    3. (3) Look! The police the thief to a big tree.
    4. (4) No one except the twins one of the four great classical Chinese novels recently.
    5. (5) Students can't borrow books if they books on time.
  • 46. 根据课文内容填写所缺单词。

    After Gulliver's ship crashed against the rocks, he swam as far as he could. Finally he was out. When he woke up, his arms, legs and hair were  to the ground. A very small man moved up over his and neck until it was standing near his face. He was the same as Gulliver's little finger! Soon more small men started  all over him.

  • 47. 缺词填空。

    David Robert is doing something special. To raise money for charity, he plans to walk across E, from France to Russia. What makes it s is that David does not have any legs! He lost bof his legs in an accident when he was ten. Now he walks on specially built legs. They are built to last a long time, b he has never walked this far in them before.

    He will s on the west coast of France and end up in Moscow, the capital city of Russia. That is over 2000 miles! He will walk through six different c! David thinks that he will spend at least two months cthe journey.

    Of course, he plans to make plenty of stops a the way. He will stay in people's houses. He already knows h of people who want to help him make the dream come t.

  • 53. 阅读表达

    The Awakening Age《觉醒年代》, a TV series telling the story of how the Party was founded(成立) in 1921 has become a hot topic and has won praise(赞扬)among lots of young people in China recently, who found the part of history inspiring(鼓舞人心的).

    The history of the birth and growth of the Communist Party of China (CPC中国共产党) a century ago has drawn the interest of many young Chinese audiences(观众). It is reported that some young audiences even look through history books while watching the shows to better understand them.

    "I love the scene in which young Mao Zedong first appears(出现)in the series so much and have watched the two-minute video several times. He walks through the rain, shining like a light," one reviewer wrote.

    Director (导演)Zhang said that the biggest pressure(压力)in making The Awakening Age comes from how to make it more accepted by young audiences in China, who have set very high standards(标准)for historical movies and TV shows.

    Using the New Youth magazine as background material, the series linked Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and Hu Shi, shining names in the history. Stories about how Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and other passionate youths(有志青年)pursued truth and explored knowledge were also included in the series. Those great men of that generation have great love for the family and the nation. These spirits, passing down from generation to generation, will continue to enlighten(启发)the young generation of today. Many audiences look forward to the sequel(续集)to the series, but Director Zhang says all the Chinese people today have already seen it and are enjoying it.

    Answer the following questions with no more than 9 words.

    1. (1) How long has the Communist Party of China been founded?
    2. (2) What do some young people do to understand the TV series better when watching it?
    3. (3) How does Mao Zedong first appears in the series?
    4. (4) What do great people like Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and Hu Shi love according to the article?
    5. (5) What is the sequel to the series in your eyes?
  • 54. 阅读对人成长的影响是巨大的。"腹有诗书气自华",一本好书往往能改变人的一生。每年的4月23日是世界读书日,为此你想给同学们提一些养成阅读好习惯方面的建议。要点如下:



