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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册期中质量评估...

更新时间:2023-05-19 浏览次数:48 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 听下面一段长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is the boy's favorite animal from?
      A . South Africa. B . China. C . Australia.
    2. (2) How is the animal?
      A . Strong. B . Black and white. C . Small.
    3. (3) What's the relationship between the two speakers?
      A . Sister and brother. B . Mom and son. C . Teacher and student.
  • 12. 听下面一段长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How does the boy usually get to school?
      A . By subway. B . By car. C . By bike.
    2. (2) What does the boy's father go to Thailand for?
      A . To study Thai language. B . To travel. C . To have a meeting.
    3. (3) How long does it take the boy's father to get to Thailand from Hangzhou?
      A . About three hours. B . About three and a half hours. C . About four and a half hours.
  • 13. 听下面一段独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is the speaker's father from?
      A . England. B . America. C . Canada.
    2. (2) How many languages can the speaker speak?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
    3. (3) What does the speaker have to do on Tuesdays?
      A . Have dance lessons. B . Learn the violin. C . Play chess.
    4. (4) When can the speaker watch TV?
      A . On Thursdays. B . On Fridays. C . On Sundays.
  • 14. 阅读理解



    Adults & children over 15:¥1,500

    Children under 15:¥800


    ★Round-trip plane tickets between Guangzhou and Guilin

    ★Bus service around Guilin

    ★Three nights' stay in good hotels

    ★Best tour guide service


    Places to go

    ★The first day - The Li River: You will enjoy the natural beauty of the Li River by taking a boat. Plenty of beautiful hills around.

    ★The second day - Yangshuo: A wonderful place for sightseeing. A place without pollution.

    ★The third day- The Silver Rock. A nice time to see the great stones.

    ★The fourth day -Other places of interest and shopping.

    Business hour

    Monday~ Friday (9: 00 a. m.~8:00 p.m.)

    Saturday and Sunday (9:00 a. m.~4:00 p. m. )


    1. (1) If you take a tour of Guilin on May 1, you will visit _______________ on May 3.
      A . the Li River B . Yangshuo C . the Silver Rock D . other places of interest
    2. (2) You CAN'T book the tour _______________.
      A . at 10: 00 on Tuesday morning B . at 4:00 on Thursday afternoon C . at 10:30 on Saturday morning D . at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon
    3. (3) If your parents take you, a 14-year-old student, to Guilin, how much will you pay for the tour in all?
      A . ¥1,500. B . ¥800. C . ¥2,300. D . ¥3,800.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Dear Aunt Tara,

    I have a problem with my homework. We have to finish it in a group this Friday, but Gary, the boy in our group, doesn't do anything helpful. He just keeps stopping things from going well. Every time we talk about the work with him, he always says, "Don't worry. I'll do it later." But he does very little work. And when he does, he doesn't do it the right way. Someone has to do it for him again. What's worse(更糟糕的), when Mr. Lin asks about our group, Gary always tells him that we others don't work hard. I'm really angry with Gary about this. We're in the same group. We need to help each other to do the job well!


    Dear Kate,

    It is important for students to learn how to work with a group. Maybe you need to talk to Gary about the problem and tell him you all need his help. If he still doesn't change(改变), go and talk to your teacher. I think he can make Gary do his job.

    Aunt Tara

    1. (1) Kate has to finish her homework with _______________.
      A . her friends B . her group C . her aunt D . her family
    2. (2) The underlined word "this" probably refers to (指的是)"_______________".
      A . speaking not at the right time B . talking too much about himself C . doing his work very little D . saying something bad about the group
    3. (3) Mr. Lin may be a_______________.
      A . doctor B . policeman C . teacher D . student
    4. (4) We can know from Aunt Tara's letter that _______________.
      A . Kate needs to let Gary know how she feels B . Kate is the best student in the class C . Gary will have to be in another group D . Gary will change himself very soon
  • 16. 阅读理解

    Cynthia Valdes is a 12-year-old girl in Florida, US. One day after school she is at home by herself. Her parents are working.

    She is watching TV when someone knocks(敲门)at the door. Valdes first gives her dad a call. But her dad says he isn't having any visitors. Valdes doesn't think the person at the door is friendly. "I'm alone. I need some help," thinks Valdes. So she calls 911 for help and hides(隐藏)in her bedroom.

    In a minute, the man is in her house. "I am very afraid of him," she says. "He wants to steal (偷窃)something from us." Soon the police arrive and catches the man. The man is a thief. Valdes really helps the police catch him. But Valdes doesn't feel she is a hero. "l do what 1 have to do. That is my only way out," she says.

    1. (1) Valdes is at home alone that day because __________________.
      A . her friend will visit her B . her parents are at work C . she has lots of homework to do D . the police will come to her house
    2. (2) Valdes __________________ when she hears a loud knock on the door.
      A . is watching TV B . is making supper C . is doing homework D . is washing her clothes
    3. (3) The correct order(正确顺序) of the following events is __________________.

      ①Valdes gives the police a call and hides in the bedroom.

      ②The police arrive at Valdes' house and catch the thief.

      ③Valdes calls her father to find out if(是否)the man is his friend.

      ④The thief comes into Valdes' house and wants to steal something.

      A . ①③④② B . ③①②④ C . ③④①② D . ③①④②
    4. (4) What is Valdes' opinion(想法) about helping the police catch the thief?
      A . She sees herself as a hero. B . She is proud of herself. C . She thinks she isn't afraid. D . She thinks she does what she has to do.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    In the town of Lampang in the north of Thailand, there is a special group of musicians. They play different kinds of music- from old Thai songs to music by Mozart. Both children and adults love this group. Why do people love them so much? Because they are elephants.

    These musical elephants are from the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) in Lampang. The TECC saves elephants. It teaches people to understand and care for these large animals. And, like many zoos around the world, the TECC encourages(鼓励) elephants to draw. Richard Lair works with the TECC. He knows that elephants hear better than they see. So, he has an idea. If elephants are smart and they have good hearing, maybe they can play music. To test his idea, Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra (管弦乐队). Duringa show, the elephants play many kinds of instruments, such as the drums and the xylophone. The animals also use their voices and noses to make sounds.

    But can elephants really make music? "Yes," says Lair. They are very clever. People may encourage the animals to play instruments, but the elephants make their own songs. They don't just copy (复制)their trainers or other people. There are now CDs of the group's music, which make money for the TECC. And the music these special artists make is really amazing!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "them" refer to?
      A . Children. B . Adults. C . Songs. D . Musicians.
    2. (2) The elephants at the TECC ________________.
      A . see better than they hear B . are encouraged to draw C . cannot make their own songs D . make their own instruments
    3. (3) Why does Richard start the Thai Elephant Orchestra?
      A . He hears the elephants playing music. B . He needs to make money for the TECC C . He thinks elephants could play music. D . He wants to be on TV in Thailand.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
      A . Teaching Elephants to Draw B . Elephants in Danger C . TECC Trainers D . Musical Elephants
  • 18. 下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余项。

    Being home alone is a great chance to spend time with yourself and do the things you can't do when there are other people around.

    This is a great time to talk with one of your friends because you're home alone. You don't need to worry about others listening to your talk. You can also send messages to your friends on your mobile phone.

    When you're home alone, you can watch anything you like. Because you're alone, you can change channels(更换频道)and change videos, and no one will get angry.

    Turn on your music player and speakers and listen to your favorite music. Because you're alone, no one will judge(评价) you for your taste in music or ask you to turn down your music player.

    Being home alone is the great time to play games as long as you want to. Play whatever games you have. You could also play games on your smartphone.

    When you are home alone, no one can bother(打扰)you. It's quite quiet and you are free to enjoy yourself reading books. That's amazing.

    A. You can play some video games.

    B. You can have a good talk with your friends.

    C. You can have free time to practice singing.

    D. You can watch your favorite TV shows.

    E. You can listen to music as loud (大声的) as you like.

    F. You can spend time reading your favorite books.

  • 19. 完形填空

    John works in a shop. The shop1tapes and records. One afternoon a2comes in, sits on a chair in3of the counter (柜台), and smiles at him brightly. "I want a4, dear," she begins." One 1hear on the radio this morning." "Do you know the5of the record?" John asks. The woman says no to him. "I can't6. Maybe if you7me a few records, 1will pick it out."" We have hundreds of8,"John says. "It will9a very long time to do so. Could you10a little bit to me?" The woman says no again, and then suddenly her11looks brighter." I can just remember something. It comes12a play. It's about a girl who speaks badly. But after a time she learns to talk well." This is13for John. "It's from My Fair Lady, l think," he says.

    "That's it, dear.14you think of it earlier, we won't have wasted so much time," the woman says. "I guess you are15to the job."

    A . sells B . buys C . gets D . takes
    A . man B . woman C . boy D . girl
    A . back B . front C . middle D . center
    A . record B . video C . book D . magazine
    A . story B . price C . name D . number
    A . look for B . remember C . forget D . say
    A . make B . play C . call D . get
    A . shops B . shop assistants C . buyers D . records
    A . take B . need C . make D . have
    A . play B . sing C . give D . work
    A . ears B . face C . hair D . mouth
    A . in B . from C . to D . with
    A . enough B . late C . terrible D . boring
    A . When B . If C . Because D . So
    A . old B . new C . good D . bad
  • 20. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Do animals have feelings? Of course they .They have feelings just like you and me. They will show (they) feelings by their actions.

    Let's look at dogs. You should look at your dog or your (neighbor) dog. What does it mean when the dog shouts at you with his wagging tail(摇尾巴)?If the dog knows you, that means he (love) you. And he wants to play you.

    The dog may feel sick when he is very quiet and lies on the ground. If he feels unhappy sad, you look for him everywhere, and at last you may find (he) under your sofa. He will make water in your shoe when he is (real) angry.

    Please (be) kind to animals. They will be kind to us. We all know animals are our (friend).

  • 31. 假设你叫 Bruce,请仔细阅读一个招聘广告,然后按表格中的所有信息用英语发一封电子邮件给招聘单位。



    Help Wanted

    Are you good with kids?

    We need help for our summer camp. Can you help with:

    ●Music, English


    ●Water sports

    Come and join us!



    E-mail address




    Saint Johnson Middle School

    Bruce@126 .com

    reading, drawing, music...




    Dear Sir or Madam,

    My name is Bruce. ……



