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更新时间:2022-06-08 浏览次数:209 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 补全对话5选5

    A: Hey, Matt. What are you wearing on your wrist(手腕)?

    B: It's a Fitbit. I think it's a really useful invention.

    A: Let me have a look.  

    B: It was invented in 2008 and it has become more and more popular since then.

    A:  It looks just like a watch.

    B: A Fitbit is not just a watch.

    A: Really? That's interesting.

    B: Yes. It gives me helpful information. For example, it can count my steps and tell me if I exercise enough.

    A: Cool!

    B: It gives information about my sleep.

    A: That's helpful!

    B: I don't know. My mom gave it to me as my birthday gift.

    A: Lucky you!

    A. It can tell me about my health.

    B. It must be very expensive.

    C. When was it invented?

    D. What else can a Fitbit do?

    E. What is it used for?

  • 12. 完形填空

    In an ancient Chinese story, a lady named Chang'e flew to the moon alone. She 1 came back home. However, another "Change'e" just came back. After the weeks of space travel time, the Chang'e 5 lunar probe(月球探测器) came home on December 17, 2020.

    Chang'e 5 2 the rock and soil(土壤) on the moon and brought them back.

    They are the first lunar samples(样本)in over 40 years since 1976. China has become the third country in the world to successfully bring back rocks from the moon. Everyone should feel 3.

    The return of Chang'e 5 was the last step in Chinas three-step lunar exploration program (探月工程). In fact, our Chinese never stop the steps to explore the space. No matter 4 hard it is, the dream to explore the space will lead us to make more achievements.

    President Xi Jinping 5 this success highly. "There is no end for space exploration," Xi said.

    A . seldom B . never C . often
    A . discovered B . found out C . looked for
    A . moved B . proud C . uneasy
    A . how B . what C . when
    A . preferred B . polished C . praised
  • 13. 完形填空


    A man and his wife moved into a new house. It 1 them nearly all their savings.

    "I can work hard and make more money so we can rebuild our savings," the man said. "I will work longer hours. 2, we can have enough money."

    "That's fine," his wife said. "Just don't forget that you have a wife at home who needs your 3 too."

    But as he worked more hours, he saw his wife less and less. 4 yet, they had a child.

    "I'll need to start traveling to other cities so I can make more sales and make more money. We can 5 a better education for our son and give him a better life," the man said.

    "That's fine," his wife said. "Just don't forget that you have a family at home that needs your care too."

    But as the man traveled, he hardly ever saw his family. 6, he became richer and richer. Then he began to miss his family very much. One day, he returned home but found 7 there.

    "I'm sorry," his wife wrote in a note she left 8. "We had to leave. You spent all of your time working 9 spending time with us. Your bank account(银行账户) may be full, but your home is now 10." The man felt very regretful and cried.

    A . spent B . cost C . paid
    A . In that case B . In total C . After all
    A . money B . business C . attention
    A . But B . And C . So
    A . attend B . admire C . afford
    A . Exactly B . Gradually C . Normally
    A . somebody B . everybody C . nobody
    A . for B . out C . behind
    A . besides B . instead of C . because of
    A . empty B . absent C . down
  • 14. 阅读判断

    Do you know the Universiade(世界大学生运动会)? It is an international multi-sports(多项运动) event created by the International University Sports Federation(FISU) to improve sports and help the university students to make friends all over the world. The word "universiade" means "university" and "Olympiade". It is the Olympics specially held for university students from around the world.

    The 1st Universiade was held in Torino, Italy, in 1959. It is generally held every two years. The 31st Universiade will be held in Chengdu in August, 2021. It's an honor for Chengdu to hold the Universiade, after Beijing, Taipei and Shenzhen in China.

    As we all know, "Chengdu Makes Dreams Come True" is the slogan(口号) of this great event. And the Phoenix Mountain Sports Park is being built as the main Universiade sports center. The mascot(吉祥物) of the 2021 Chengdu Universiade is a lovely panda called "Rongbao".

    There is no doubt that Chengdu is ready to make the 31st Universiade, an amazing and wonderful dream to come true!

    1. (1) The Universiade is the Olympics specially for the students in the world.
    2. (2) Chengdu is the fourth host city to hold the Universiade.
    3. (3) The 32nd Universiade will be held in 2023.
    4. (4) Chengdu will build many new sports parks for the Universiade, including Phonix Mountain Sports Park.
    5. (5) The passage tells us that Chengdu is trying best to prepare for the 31st Universiade.
  • 15. 阅读单选

    For Sale

    A HUAWEI P40, second-hand, 90% new, the price can be negotiated in person, call Annie at 757-6589.

    Looking to rent(租)

    One-bedroom apartment from January 1st to April 30th, near the dining hall of the universe but not inside the university.

    Call Billy at 422-3895.

    Help wanted

    Can you spend two hours a week doing some gardening(园艺)? We are in need of help from 2 pm to 4 pm very Saturday. If you would like to help out—please call Mary at 443-77924.


    Two days ago near Main Street. Lucky is an 8-month-old cat. She has beautiful white fur(E)and blue eyes. She is very important to me. Reward(酬谢). Call Sally at 633-7856.


    A blue wallet was found on the street in Packard area yesterday afternoon, January 19th. Please call Jason at 909-8972.

    1. (1) If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call ________.
      A . 757-6589 B . 422-3895 C . 443-7792
    2. (2) You can call ________ if you want to buy an old mobile phone.
      A . Billy B . Annie C . Mary
    3. (3) Billy wishes to rent an apartment which ________.
      A . is near restaurants B . is in the university C . has one bedroom
    4. (4) The underlined word "negotiated" means ________in the first message.
      A . discussed B . increased C . improved
    5. (5) This passage is most probably from ________.
      A . a textbook B . a novel C . a newspaper
  • 16. 阅读单选

    In the American film Up in the Air(《在云端》), as main character George Clooney walks through an airport, people can hear the sound of a Chinese musical instrument-erhu. The smooth sound seems to bring a sad and lonely feeling to those who hear it.

    Actually, erhu is very popular in Western movies. Many music writers and directors feel that this instrument can add color and feelings to their films. In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean(《加勒比海盗》) and Hua Mulan, erhu music can be heard. Erhu music also appeared in Kungfu Panda Ⅲ. When people watch these movies, they also enjoy the special music of erhu.

    Erhu is often called Chinese violin, but in many ways they are different. Like the violin, erhu is a stringed (有弦的) instrument made of natural wood and played with a bow, but the violin has four strings and erhu has only two. The sounds made by each instrument are different.

    Erhu was invented in Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907). In Chinese characters, "Er" means two, because it has two strings; and "hu" means the western area of China, which is the Silk Road area.

    In Chinese folk music, erhu is well-known for its sad and blue sounds. The most famous piece is Erquan Yingyue. It was written by a musician who was born blind, and lived most of his short life as a homeless person.

    The music Erhu creates is close to our hearts. As an American director said, "I used the erhu in my movie though it has nothing to do with Chinese culture. I just wanted to show that the instrument has the ability to express deeper feelings like a violin."

    1. (1) In which paragraphs can you find the use of the Erhu in movies?
      A . Paragraph 1-2 B . Paragraph 3-4 C . Paragraph 5-6
    2. (2) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . Chinese folk music known for its sad sound. B . The erhu has been around for more than a thousand years. C . Erhu is often called Chinese violin because it's the same as the violin.
    3. (3) The erhu become more popular among Hollywood filmmakers because ________.
      A . it can make their movies more colorful and emotional. B . it's right for the sad theme of their movies. C . there is Chinese culture in their movies.
    4. (4) What's the meaning of "Hu" in the name of Erhu?
      A . The number of two. B . The Silk Road area in the west of China. C . Good luck and best wishes in Chinese.
    5. (5) What's the best title for this article?
      A . Erquan Yingyue, sad but beautiful B . Popular Chinese fork music C . Erhu in Western movies
  • 22. 填写适当的单词补全对话

    A: What a cute panda!

    B: Its name is Xiao Qiji, which is  into English as "little miracle". It was born in August 2020, at the National Zoo, US.

    A: How meaningful the name is! Xiao Qiji is a true miracle during the pandemic(疫情).

    B: Quite right. Interestingly, the choice was the result of a five-day online vote(投票). According to Chinese tradition, the name was not chosen until 100 days after his .

    A: Pandas are Chinas national treasure after all. Can you say more about him?

    B: Sure. Although the zoo is closed during the pandemic, people still enjoy seeing him live on camera. Can you imagine the baby's daily life attracted over 3 million visitors in a month ?

    A: That's amazing! It is true that pandas are loved by people all over the world.

    B: Actually, it's not the first panda born in the US National Zoo.

    A: Haha, I know that Baobao is the first one. In 2017, due to a/an  between China and America, Bao Bao would be sent back to her ancestral home. Information about her flight to going home was even made  online so that people could better understand her journey.

    B: And the black-and-white animals without  play an important role in the country's diplomacy(外交).

    A: "Panda Diplomacy". People from different countries are  by them in the growth of pandas, and in our shared joy. It makes us closer together.

    B: That's right. In fact, by 1982, China had given 23 pandas to 9 countries. However, most of them have died. So China has stopped giving away pandas. The animals are loaned(租借) to other countries , and babies are sent back before they turn four.

    A: Why do pandas find it hard to live in other countries?

    B: Adult pandas eat about 40 kilograms of bamboo daily. It takes 10 years for a new crop of bamboo, and many countries  to provide a suitable environment for bamboo growth.

    A: Although many  don't own the pandas, the efforts the whole world makes help save the panda.

  • 23. 用单词的正确形式完成短文

    accident,   mystery,   expect,   forget,   happening,   it,   performance,    punish,

    luck,   smoothly,   stick,   when



    I've always loved singing, but singing hasn't always loved me. I would open my mouth with a beautiful song in my head, fully  my voice to follow it-only to get an awful tone(音调) in return.

    Still, without a second thought, I continued to try to sing  possible. On car journeys, when my sons were small, they would make a great play (hands over their ears, shouting No, Mum, stop) of going through the  as I sang along to the radio.  have had some good friends in my life who could really sing.

    I have never thought about joining a choir. And when I did  become a member of my first choir 15 years ago, something fantastic  to my life. From the first time I experienced my voice as something special but also comfortable, in harmony (和谐) with the other singers, I lost my heart to singing. It was like falling in love. And everyone in the choir had the same shining smiles and bright eyes. Singing made them feel happy, too.

    Although it is singing  that makes me happy, it is also how a choir works together. There is something magical about breathing together. The voice of everyone singing quietly together is powerful and excitingly  almost spiritual.

    And there's the unexpected friendship from the activities we do as a choir: raising money for good causes and taking our singing sometimes to places where people and sad.

    I am now a member of six choirs and, if I can, sing every day of the week. Now I can stand on a stage in front of several hundred people  and know that some songs will sound not bad at all.

  • 24. 补全短文6选5

    What is the best-selling book in the world? According to the Guinness World Records, the Xinhua Dictionary, published by the Commercial Press in China, is the world's most popular dictionary and the best-selling book.

    In 1950, Chinese language experts, Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao, started to edit(编辑) the Xinhua Dictionary. There was a lot of discussion, research and paper work. Some hand scripts(稿件) were checked again and again like compositions, People's Daily reported.

    In 1953, the first Xinhua Dictionary came out. Today, 567 million copies of the dictionary have been sold around the world.

    However, revisions(修订) to the dictionary continue to be made. According to Yu Guilin from Commercial Press, editors usually summarize the meaning of words again while revising. "To give a correct explanation of the word "焗油(deep condition)", one editor went to a barber shop to experience it for himself," Yu told the Beijing Times.

    To keep up with the times, some popular and widely used internet words are also added to the dictionary. For example, in the 11th edition, the phrases "晒工资(show off salary)" and "(show off pictures)" were included.

     The Xinhua Dictionary is not only a useful tool for generations of Chinese people. It also helps foreigners who are learning the Chinese language and culture.

    A. All these efforts create the "National Dictionary" of China.

    B. Is it the Harry Potter series or Secret Garden?

    C. So far, the Xinhua Dictionary has been revised 11 times.

    D. Do you like to use dictionaries?

    E. If the example sentences are out of date, editors(编辑) need to have experiences and make new examples.

    F. Many people's hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary.

  • 25.  

    Wind is a powerful force. Wind energy may cause the great waves(浪)in the world's oceans. Winds can help create powerful storms, but wind is a force you can't see but can surely feel. Its power can be used to create electricity for cities and the countryside.

    Wind can also show people's feeling or ideas in American English. Let's start with a simple one. If you run like the wind, you can run very fast. After running, sometimes you can feel full of energy. The runner gets what we call a second wind. We use it when we are tired, but then get more energy to finish something. For example, sometimes I feel tired after work. But after a short rest and a cup of tea, I get my second wind.

    If you are doing something difficult, it is good to have the wind at your back. In this way, it is easier to go forward. It's always more difficult to do something in a strong wind-unless you are sailing.

    Knowing the direction of the wind is the most important part of sailing. When wind fills a sail, it makes the boat go faster. If you take the wind out of someone's sails, you prevent them from reaching their goals. You create a barrier(障碍)or stop them in some way. In life, it's lucky to have friends who want to fill your sails with wind and not take it out.

    Let's turn from sailing to music. Many songwriters use the image(形象)of wind in their songs. If something such as an idea is blowing in the wind, it is being discussed but has yet to be decided. When a singer sings "you don' t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows", he means that you don't need someone in power to make sure of something for you. Just trust yourself when you know which way the wind blows, you know what is going on.

    Now you know which way the wind blows. Then how can you use them properly? First, read them aloud and keep them in mind. Then, practice using them and test yourself. You know, practice makes perfect.

    Do you know which way the wind blows?

    A powerful force in nature

    Wind energy is one of of great waves, powerful storm and electricity.

     on wind

    About running

    ◆A person who runs like the wind is a very fast runner.

    ◆The runner who gets  after running feels full of energy again.

    About sailing

    ◆When you get a sail wind, the boat will go faster.

    ◆ You are unlucky to have a friend who feels like taking the wind out of your sail because your friend is  of you.

    About music

    ◆The image of wind is used by many songwriters.

    ◆When an idea is blowing in the wind, it hasn't been decided and needs . When you know which way the wind blows, you know what is going on.

    Suggestions of learning

    ◆Read them aloud and remember them.

    ◆Practice using them and test yourself.

  • 26. 习大大在 2021 年新年贺词里提到了 "白衣天使,人民子弟兵,社区工作者,志愿者,……等" 2020 年让我们感动的人物。作为一名初三的学生,2020 年谁是你最感动的人?为什么?在他们的精神鼓舞下,在新的一年你将如何不忘初心,筑梦中考,实现自己梦想的呢(至少 3 个)请以 "Never Forget Why We Started" 为题写一篇英语作文。



    ③词数:100 词左右。

    参考词汇:新年贺词 New Year Message  疫情 pandemic

