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更新时间:2022-05-24 浏览次数:193 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    On the day of the science exam. I went to school bright and early. Like me, all my classmates were more1 than nervous since it was the last paper of the term.

    Soon it was time to go into the exam hall. I went to my seat and took out my pencil case. The teachers then handed out the papers to us. When I was taking the 2, I felt very confident (自信的) that I would do well because I was able to answer3of the questions.

    When the time was up, we 4 writing. As my science teacher was taking away my paper, I saw something that made my blood run cold. I had missed out the questions on the last page! I could not believe how 5I was. After all the time and hard work spent studying, I had made such a silly 6that would cost me at least ten marks. There was no one to blame(责备) but7.

    When my mother came to pick me up, I ran into her arms and began to8loudly. My mother asked, "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" I explained to her what had happened.9 the exam. To my surprise, my mother was not angry with me. She said," Everyone makes mistakes. Just make sure you learn from them. "From then on, I always made sure to10every page during exams. Never again would I make such a careless mistake.

    A . excited B . worried C . surprised D . upset
    A . lesson B . exam C . risk D . note
    A . one B . few C . some D . most
    A . started B . kept C . stopped D . enjoyed
    A . lazy B . careless C . hard-working D . careful
    A . sentence B . question C . mistake D . decision
    A . myself B . herself C . ourselves D . themselves
    A . cough B . shout C . laugh D . cry
    A . before B . during C . after D . till
    A . fold B . copy C . print D . check
  • 2. 阅读理解

    China Daily @ChinaDaily. Apr. 25,2021

    If you have an opportunity(机会) to come to China in the next five years, what would you like to do? We did a survey and here are the results.

    Business 31.2%           Study 15.6%

    Travel 44.5%             Others 8.7%


    Business! Business! Nothing but business!!!


    Research. There's a lot to discover in China, technology, food, culture. . .


    I would like to travel China for business and also for seeing the historical events there! I want to visit the universities, too!


    I fell in love with China during a short adventure there last year. I would love to live in China to work and travel throughout the country. I would like to study Chinese in China.

    Some say I am too old for any of this… but I don't care!

    1. (1) On which website can we most probably read this text?
      A . //www. i21st. cn/ B . //www. timesonline. coml C . //www. newyorker. com/ D . //www. chinadaily. com. cn/
    2. (2) According to the survey, most people coming to China will choose to_______.
      A . enjoy food B . do business C . study at school D . take a trip
    3. (3) According to the text, we know that
      A . Karen wants to study Chinese in China B . Osman wants to work in Chinese universities C . Walter would like to travel China for business D . Mina would like to come to China for an adventure
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Should kids be allowed to use cell phones in school? There has been a lot of discussion about it. Without question, kids do not need cell phones in school. Some may feel that kids need phones for safety reasons, however, it's not good or necessary for them to use cell phones at school.

    Firstly, there are phones in most modern classrooms nowadays. lf kids need to call their parents or whatever, they can use one of the phones in the school. There is really no reason for students to have a phone with them.

    Besides, cell phones can be a big distraction(干扰) during the School day. If kids bring their phones to class and start to use them, they won't pay much attention(注意力) to their schoolwork. Because there are too many games and apps on phones. They can pull kids' attention away from things they should do at school. After all, there have been many other things that distract kids away from their lessons.

    What's worse, cell phones can also be another way that kids bully(欺凌) each other. In some ways, kids are mean to each other in school. Phones would just be another way for mean-spirited kids to hurt others. Unluckily, a few kids always go out of their way to give others a hard time. And if cell phones are allowed in school, it will give them one more tool to hurt others.

    In a word, I cannot think of any good reasons why kids need to have cell phones at school. Phones would just be a distraction and could lead to more bullying in school.

    1. (1) The writer mainly talks about the problem of _______ at school in the passage.
      A . making friends B . keeping safe C . using cell phones D . bullying others
    2. (2) According to Paragraph 3, cell phones are a big distraction because_______.
      A . cell phones make too much noise B . too many games and apps are on phones C . kids pay much attention to their study D . parents can call their kids when necessary
    3. (3) According to Paragraph 4, if a kid is mean, he or she may often_______.
      A . fall asleep B . study hard C . hurt others D . help classmates
    4. (4) How does the writer organize the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Cindy put her line into the lake. She had been looking forward to the fishing competition for months. She really wanted to catch the biggest fish of the day and get the prize, a huge trophy (奖杯).

    "Got one!" someone shouted. It was Ryan, who was reeling(卷,收线) in a big fish.

    Cindy's father put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, dear. Be patient. "

    "But what if I don't catch anything? I really want that trophy. " Cindy asked.

    Her father said Trophies are nice but you love fishing. Don't let winning a trophy make you less happy. "

    Cindy smiled. Her father always knew what to say to cheer her up. Just at that time, her line was stuck on something. " It's a fish!" Cindy began to reel to the snore (午). Lt was really strong, and she imagined the biggest fish she'd ever seen on the end of the line. A new meters from the shore, something green appeared on the water.

    "It's a turtle(龟)!" her father shouted.

    The turtle was huge and everyone came excitedly to see Cindy's catch. "It must be twenty kilograms!" Ryan said.

    Cindy reeled even harder. But when the turtle was near the shore, her father set it free. The turtle turned and disappeared in the water.

    "Oh no!" Cindy cried.

    Mr. Reynolds, the competition judge (评委), walked over. "That turtle has been in this lake for years. People come fishing just hoping to see him. "

    "Really?" Cindy asked.

    Mr. Reynolds nodded." What a catch! The competition isn't over yet, but I have a feeling I know who is going to win the trophy. "

    Cindy was glad she hadn't caught the turtle. It would give her something to look forward to in the next fishing trip.

    1. (1) Cindy looked forward to the fishing competition because she wanted to ______.
      A . catch the turtle B . get the trophy C . enjoy the fun fishing D . go fishing with her father
    2. (2) According to the passage, ______ competed against Cindy in the fishing competition.
      A . Ryan B . Cindy's mother C . Mr. Reynolds D . Ryan's father
    3. (3) The underlined part " but I have a feeling I know who is going to win the trophy" means Mr. Reynolds thinks that ______.
      A . the turtle should be set free B . Cindy will win the prize C . Ryan will win the competition D . people are happy to see the turtle
    4. (4) According to the passage, how is Cindy's feeling developed?
      A . Worried excited→sad→glad. B . Hopeful→sad→happy→worried. C . Unhappy→glad-worried→sad. D . Surprised→happy→sad→excited.
    5. (5) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
      A . Fishing Dreams B . Catching Skills C . Catch of the Day D . Fish of the Year
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,回答问题。

    A young man was badly ill at the best time of his life. He lost faith(信念) in life and refused any medical treatment(治疗).

    In a late autumn afternoon, he ran away from the hospital, walking sadly along the streets. Suddenly, a piece of music attracted him. An old blind man was playing the violin, with a few passers-by around him. To his surprise, he also saw a mirror hanging on the blind man's arm.

    After the blind man finished playing a song,the young man came up and asked him," Excuse me! Is this your mirror?"

    "Yes, my violin and mirror are two treasures of mine! Music is the finest thing in the world. l often lose myself in it. "

    "But what does this mirror mean to you?" the young man couldn't wait to ask.

    The blind man smiled and said, "I believe a wonder will appear one day and that I can see my face in the mirror. So wherever I go, I will take it with me. "

    The young man was shocked. "A blind man could even love life so much, but… "Suddenly, he understood completely and calmly returned to the hospital for medical treatment. From then on, the young man also had two treasures of life: sunny mind and strong faith.

    1. (1) Why did the young man run away from the hospita1? (not more than 10 words)
    2. (2) What were the two treasures of the old blind man? (not more than 5 words)
    3. (3) What did the young man learn from the blind man? (not more than 10 words)
  • 6. 用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。每词限用一次。

    alone  deep  protect  window  in order to

    1. (1) Do you mind me opening the ? It's a little hot here.
    2. (2) It's important to wild animals to keep nature balanced.
    3. (3) The Caspian Sea is the of all the salt lakes around the world.
    4. (4) Jane usually gets up very early in the morning catch the school bus.
    5. (5) My parents tell me over and over again not to travel because it was not safe.
  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

    The British Museum is the biggest one in the world. There are about a hundred things in the museum to see. You can see (钟表) which have been telling the time for 600 years. You can also see Roman money, and some of the earliest books in the world-they even (包括) Shakespeare's works!

    The British Museum was founded nearly 300 years ago by a doctor, Sir Hans Sloane. The man liked (收集) such things as books, drawings, clothes, money, animals and flowers. He also hoped that this visited by people after his death. His (愿望) came true, and the museum opened in 1759, six years after he died.

    There was a reading room in the museum. Something was (不寻常的) in the room.

    Cool air came up through small holes in the tables. Hot air flowing under the floor kept readers' feet warm. Since its opening, many (著名的) men have written and studied there. And the (图书馆) is growing faster and faster-—there are four kilometers of new shelves each year!

    The British Museum (改变) a lot. It is now open every day of the year, except for three (假期). Small machines tell you about the museum and as you walk around it, you can look and listen at the same time. So if you are one of the British Museum's two (百万) visitors this year, don't try to see it all too quickly. There is a lifetime of looking in the British Museum.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    "What shall we do for Father's Day?" Paul asked(he) younger sister Diana. Father's Day was just around the corner. Paul and Diana wanted to give their father a surprise. They wanted (make) something from scratch(一种简易编程工具) instead of buying something from those (shop). They finally decided to use finger painting to do an art piece for their father.

    Since Paul had done it at school before, he taught Diana how to draw. picture by using finger painting. Diana said Finger painting is fun easy. I didn't know it could be so enjoyable!" For the rest of the afternoon, they worked together (happy) to get the painting done.

    When their father (return) home. Paul and Diana jumped up from the sofa. They held up the painting and shouted. Finger Father's Day! we did a special painting just for you. We hope you like it Their father was very. (surprise) and touched. He gave them a big hug. He at once put up the painting right in the middle the living room where everyone could see it clearly. Paul and Diana (be) very happy that their father liked the painting.

  • 9. 暑假即将到来,学校给同学们安排了丰富多彩的志愿者活动。假设你是Li Hua,请从表格中选择至少两项志愿者活动,并给你的美国笔友Eric写一封邮件,告诉他你选择的活动以及理由。

    Volunteer Work


    1. save the homeless animals

    2.help kids in a summer camp

    3. be a guide at a museum

    1.love animals…

    2. like staying with Kids,…

    3. be interested in history,...





    Dear Eric,

    How is everything going? Summer vacation is coming, and I'm planning to do some volunteer work.


    I can't wait to know about you vacation plan. Looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua

