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更新时间:2022-05-24 浏览次数:144 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Fact file: Sam Stern

    First book: Cooking up a Storm

    Likes: chicken and Chinese food

    Interests: football, climbing.

    listening to music

    Sam Stern is a famous cook(厨师) and cookery book writer. But he's a student, too! His recipes (食谱) are fast, easy and healthy. He often takes cakes into school for his classmates. Lucky them!

    Cooking is a problem in his house. The problem is, there are seven people in Sam's family - his parents, his brother and his three sisters,and they're all different! One sister only eats vegetables but his brother loves meat and his dad doesn't eat chocolate or cheese.

    Sam is very busy. He writes on his blog and also writes for a teen newspaper. He talks about his life and recipes. He wants teenagers (青少年) to cook healthy food. Lots of the young people read Sam's blog and try his recipes now.

    1. (1) Sam probably (可能) likes to _______ when he is not busy.
      A . ride his bike B . listen to music C . watch TV D . play computer games
    2. (2) It is difficult to cook for Sam's family because _______.
      A . their kitchen is too small B . his family don't like cooking C . they have very different tastes D . there are seven people in his family
    3. (3) From the text, we can know that_
      A . Sam's parents are cooks B . Sam thinks it easy for teenagers to cook C . Sam is not popular at school D . Sam thinks it important to cook healthy food
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A survey (调查) shows that almost 80% of animal doctors think that more pets are getting fat. This is worrying!

    Today many animals are becoming unhealthy. This is because people are feeding them too much. Animal doctors find many dogs, cats, horses and even parrots are too fat! They also said that pet owners (主人)are often surprised when they find out their animals are overweight (超重的).

    The animal doctor David Grant says that some people feed their pets chocolate, fries, hamburgers or too much pet food because it makes them feel like kind and loving owes. But he also says that doing this can make pets get many health problems. So they may die early. Some animal doctors are opening special fat hospitals to try and do something about the problem. That's good news, but hopefully pet owners will do more to help their pets eat in a right way so they do not become fat. If you have a pet, you really should be careful to feed them healthy food and give them some exercise every day.

    1. (1) According to(根据) the survey, it is worrying that _______.
      A . more pets are getting fat B . pet owners eat a lot of food C . more pets don't take excrcise D . pet owners don't like their pets
    2. (2) The underlined phrase "doing this" means _______.
      A . walking their pets too far B . washing their pets too long C . feeding their pets too much D . playing with their pets too often
    3. (3) The writer writes the passage in order to (为了) tell us that _______.
      A . we need a lot more animal doctors B . there are some special fat hospitals C . pet owners should feed pets in a right way D . pets like eating chocolate, fries and hamburgers
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Food waste(浪费) is a big, worldwide problem. According to the United Nations, people threw away (丢弃) about 930,000,000 tons of food in 2019. The study showed most food waste (about 61%) was at home. Restaurants wasted about 26% of the food. Stores threw away about13%.

    Waste is everywhere from field to the dinner table. Farmers throw away crops. The UN finds out that 14% of food does not get to stores. People want to buy only nice fruit and vegetables. But not all fruit and vegetables look nice. People buy too much food, too. They do not eat it all and then throw it away.

    People may think rich (富裕的) countries probably waste more food than poor countries. But it is not true. In fact, people in poor countries also threw away much food.

    The number of food waste in 2019 is big, but the reports this year show that people threw away two times more food in 2020. Also, hundreds of millions of people are still hungry, so why is food waste such a problem? It's time for countries to study food waste carefully to work out the problem.

    1. (1) According to the United Nations, restaurants threw away about _______ of the food.
      A . 13%. B . 26%. C . 39%. D . 61%.
    2. (2) The main idea of Paragraph (段落)2 is_______.
      A . people buy too much food B . farmers throw away crops C . people only want nice food D . food waste is everywhere
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Much food is wasted in the world. B . Food waste is not a big problem now. C . Only 14% of the food goes to the stores. D . Rich countries waste more food than poor ones.
    4. (4) From the passage, we can infer(推断) the next paragraph will most probably talk about _______.
      A . why the food is wasted B . where to grow more food C . when to find out the problem D . how to work out the problem
  • 4. 从I栏中选出与Ⅱ栏句子相匹配的答语。

    I                         Ⅱ

    ⑴What time do you get up?  A. Shanghai.

    ⑵What is Jim doing right now? B. At about 6:30.

    ⑶Where did you go last weekend? C. Sure. Tea, please.

    ⑷Would you like something to drink?  D. He is tall but a little heavy.

    ⑸What does your father look like, Jill? E. He's listening to his favourite song.

  • 5. 请从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。

    A. Yes, speaking.

    B. OK, see you then.

    C. I'm watching TV.

    D. When and where shall we meet?

    E. I'm glad to, but the TV show is fun.

    A: Hello. This is Emma, is that Jenny?


    A: What are you doing, Jenny?


    A: Would you like to play tennis with me?


    A: Well, then how about going to the movies tonight?

    B: That sounds OK.

    A: At the gate of the cinema at 7:00 p. m.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,并按照每小题的词数要求回答问题。

    "I'm Harriette Thompson, I'm 91 years old, and I'm running the marathon(马拉松) at SanDiego. "

    That's right! After seven hours, seven minutes and 42seconds, ninety-one-year-old Harriette finished the marathon and made history: she became the oldest woman to finish in the race!

    Harriette started running in 1999. "I started running because a friend of mine was running to get money for the people with cancer(癌症). They were very ill. Then I thought I could help, and I came out here in 1999 and ran my first marathon. "

    Harriette also had a cancer in her leg. It was really difficult for her to run the marathon. At the race, she didn't think she could make it to the finishing line. But nothing could stop her.

    When I get over that finishing line, that feels wonderful! "

    1. (1) How old is Harriette Thompson? (not more than 5 words)
    2. (2) What history did Harriette make? (not more than 10 words)
    3. (3) When did Harriette start running the first marathon? (not more than 5 words)
    4. (4) Why did Harriette start running the marathon?(not more than 15 words)
    5. (5) How might Harriette feel when getting to the finishing line? (not more than 5 words)
  • 7. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    message  strict  dance  yet  put up

    1. (1) The kids the tents and made a fire to keep warm.
    2. (2) Hi, Julie, here is a for you from your cousin, Eric.
    3. (3) —What would you like for dinner, Rick?

      — I'm not sure .

    4. (4) Everyone was surprised that Nelly so well in the party.
    5. (5) Schools and parents are sometimes , but remember, they make rules to help us.
  • 8. 根据所给的中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

    Mr. Than is from Vietnam. He is (七十) years old this year. He lives in a (村庄) far away from the city. He worked hard on a farm all his life. But now, he is retired (退休). He spends his days (享受) his life.

    There is one thing you should know about Mr. Than. He (从不) went to school. When he was a boy, he had to go to work. Now, Mr. Than has a (梦). He wants to read to his grandchildren. So he really wants to (学习) to read.

    Last year, a new teacher came to the school (在……附近) his farm. The teacher opened a(an) (夜晚) class to teach adults to read. Of course, Mr. Than (加入) the class right away. Every Tuesday, he goes to school. He is very (高兴的) because he can read more than 500 words now.

  • 9. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    You get up, you have a shower, you get dressed, you have breakfast. You can (do)these things easily. But not for Lauren Miller, she's disabled(残疾) and she's in a wheelchair. (lucky), she has a helper. "Kelli helps me my life," says Lauren. "She's my best friend. ""But Kelli doesn't talk to her. Kelli is monkey!

    The organization Helping Hands wants (help) disabled people. They teach monkeys at a special "school" in Boston, USA. After two years, (this) monkeys go to their new homes. About a hundred monkeys live with disabled people and help them.

    Kelli (work) hard and doesn't play in the day. She helps Lauren wash get food. She opens books and turns the pages for (she). She is a great helper. But Kelli doesn't help Lauren twenty-four (hour) a day. In the evening, she plays, eats snacks and retches TV-animal shows, of course.

  • 10. 假定你是李华,将在周一的英语课上和同学们分享上周末活动经历,请根据以下信息用英语写一篇发言稿。




    Last weekend

    climb the mountains, have a picnic(野餐),

    . . .





    Hello, dear fellow students! I'm glad to share my weekend experience with you.


    That's all. Thank you for listening.

