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更新时间:2022-11-04 浏览次数:56 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Lily was one of my friends. She was afraid of spiders. This wasn't very1because a lot of people were afraid of spiders. Every time Lily saw a2, she not only ran away but also cried as loud as she could. She cried so loud that her neighbours3her and thought about calling the police. But she4me when we met last week.

    "I've got a new5!" she said.

    "Great! What is it? A dog? A cat?" I asked.

    "No. I've got a pet spider."

    "I don't believe you!" I said.

    "It's true! I thought that it was time I did something, so I went to see a6. He advised (建议)me to take some time to7a spider little by little. At first he gave me a plastic one, then showed me a8one. Now I can even keep it as a pet!"

    "Well done!" I said. So when you meet9, don't be afraid. Changes may come after a10. Sometimes you may be braver than you know.

    A . amazing B . interesting C . unusual D . important
    A . dog B . spider C . mouse D . cat
    A . asked about B . knew about C . learned about D . worried about
    A . surprised B . protected C . left D . taught
    A . friend B . neighbour C . pet D . toy
    A . teacher B . singer C . painter D . doctor
    A . get close to B . keep away from C . be interested in D . take up
    A . wooden B . black C . real D . small
    A . animals B . difficulties C . policemen D . strangers
    A . trip B . smile C . test D . try
  • 2. 根据以下句子的意思排序,组成一段意义完整的语篇:

    A One day, he found a little fish in the net(网).

    B He is a kind man and loves fish.

    C He felt happy and went home.

    D Sam lives in a seaside village.

    E He helped the fish out and put it back to the sea.

  • 3. 阅读理解

    Welcome to Pingshan Culture Square

    Chinese Calligraphy (书法)Club

    Do you want to learn how to write traditional Chinese characters? Do you want to enjoy the beauty of Chinese calligraphy? Mr. Li is waiting for you. Address: Room 111, No.1,Kengzi Road Time: Saturday and Sunday

    Beijing Opera Club

    Are you interested in Beijing Opera? Join our club and you can enjoy singing, dancing and facial make-up here.

    Address: Room 231, No.35, Pingshan Road Time: Friday afternoon

    Kungfu Club

    Do you want to build your body? Kungfu is a kind of interesting and traditional exercise. It is good for your health. Address: Room 332,No.121,Jinxiu Road Time: Monday afternoon

    Chinese Knot(结)Club

    Do you like handcrafts(手工)?Come to our Chinese Knot Club. You can make your own Chinese knots and learn something about Chinese culture. The traditional red knots can bring you good luck. Address: Room 43, No.25,Danzi Road Time: Tuesday afternoon

    1. (1) When can you go to the Chinese Knot Club?
      A . On weekends. B . On Tuesday. C . On Monday. D . On Friday.
    2. (2) If you are interested in Chinese writing art, where will you go?
      A . Pingshan Road. B . Danzi Road. C . Jinxiu Road. D . Kengzi Road.
    3. (3) Li Hua wants to make his body strong. Which club does he go to?
      A . Kungfu Club. B . Chinese Knot Club. C . Calligraphy Club. D . Beijing Opera Club.
    4. (4) Bob is interested in facial art. Which can be his best choice?
      A . Chinese Kungfu. B . Chinese calligraphy. C . Beijing Opera. D . Chinese knot.
    5. (5) What can we know from the Ads (广告)?
      A . The clubs are for children only. B . All of those activities are indoor. C . Beijing Opera Club is the best. D . All club activities are free.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    I still remember my first ballet(芭蕾) class.

    One day, my parents took me to see a ballet show when I was 6 years old. It was amazing. Then I wanted to learn ballet.

    When I first went into the ballet class, I saw some girls wearing pink skirts and cute shoes. They danced so beautifully. However, I knew that, like any other dance, behind all the beauty, there was much hard work.

    After l started to learn ballet, I found it hard for me to dance well because I had fat legs and short arms. What's more, I couldn't stand straight after l put on my ballet shoes. l was disappointed and didn't want to dance anymore.

    Luckily, I met Miss Yang, an excellent teacher. She encouraged (鼓励 ) me to be more hard-working than others and helped me a lot. My parents also told me that I could do it. So I didn't give up and worked hard for two years. Finally, I could dance very well.

    Now I still love dancing ballet and I am good at it. I learned that if I am not good enough, I need to work harder.

    1. (1) The writer wanted to learn ballet because of ____________________.
      A . a ballet show B . her parents C . the pink skirts D . the cute shoes
    2. (2) According to the passage, what made the writer want to give up?
      A . She didn't like ballet at all. B . She didn't have ballet skirts or shoes. C . She thought it was too hard for her. D . The teacher didn't want to teach her.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "disappointed" mean?
      A . Happy. B . Sad. C . Hungry. D . Surprised.
    4. (4) What did the writer's parents and teacher do to her?
      A . Told her to become thin. B . Helped her stand straight. C . Asked her to give up. D . Encouraged her to go on.
    5. (5) What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
      A . The writer became a famous dancer. B . Success comes from hard work. C . Everyone can dance ballet well. D . It is too hard to learn ballet.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    Do you know Chang'e? Most of you will answer "yes". Chang'e, in Chinese history, is known as the goddess of the Moon. Most Chinese know the love story between Chang'e and Houyi, and the Mid-Autumn Festival also comes from her story.

    However, Chang'e has a new meaning today. In modern times, Chang'e is the name of theChinese Lunar Exploration Program(中国探月工程).In 2007, China sent its first lunar probe(探测器), Chang'e 1, to the Moon. Through these years, China sent many probes to the beautiful but mysterious(神秘的)Moon.

    On November 24th, 2020,China's Chang'e 5 went to the space and it landed successfully on the Moon. On December 17th, 2020, Chang'e 5 brought the soil and rocks on the Moon back to the Earth.

    Now, China became the third country to get things from the Moon after Russia and America. Next, China plans to build an international lunar space station and it will help China know more about the Moon.

    1. (1) What is the new meaning of Chang'e in this passage?
      A . The story of the Mid-Autumn Festival. B . A China-made probe to explore the Moon. C . A kind of delicious moon cake. D . China's famous love stories.
    2. (2) What did Chang'e 5 bring back to the Earth from the Moon?
      A . Rocks and soil. B . Something mysterious. C . Chang'e and Houyi. D . Chang'e 1 probe.
    3. (3) Who can go to the Moon and bring things back to the Earth?
      A . American. B . Chinese. C . Russian. D . All above.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
      A . The Moon. B . Chang'e 5. C . Chang'e 1. D . The lunar space station.
    5. (5) Which is the best title for this passage?
      A . Chang'e: a symbol of Chinese culture B . A love story between Chang'e and Houyi C . Chang'e came back home with great gifts D . Chinese will visit Chang'e on the Moon
  • 6. 补全语篇。以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. Cuckoos (布谷鸟) can make different sounds of other animals.

    B. It's the cuckoo.

    C. Then cuckoos will go to the nests of those birds.

    D. You may see them in summer.

    E. They lay their eggs (下蛋) in other birds' nests.

    F. Cuckoos like singing at night.

    "Cuckoo—cuckoo", did you hear this sound before? Do you know who makes that sound? Cuckoos are birds and they live in the trees in many countries. When can you see them?

    Cuckoos are very lazy. They don't make nests for their eggs. It sounds difficult to do so, but cuckoos can do it. They have a special skill: copy the sounds of enemies (敌人) of other birds. When the other birds hear the sounds, they will be afraid and then fly away.

    Cuckoos are like the foxes in the forest. Do you think so?

  • 7. 信息匹配。下面的材料A-F分别是六条解决问题的建议。请根据以下五位同学遇到的问题,帮助他们选出恰当的解决办法。

    A. You should do some exercise every day because it is good for your body and study.

    B. You can help your classmates with their study and share your hobbies with them.

    C. Go to bed earlier at night. Listen to the teacher carefully in Math classes.

    D. Don't worry. You can ask your English teacher for help.

    E. Tell your parents you need to do something interesting to relax yourself.

    F. You should work hard and read more Chinese stories.

    1. (1) Emily is always sleepy in Math classes.
    2. (2) Smith is busy with his study .He doesn't have time to do exercise.
    3. (3) Amy can't have any fun at home. For example, she cannot listen to music.
    4. (4) John works hard on English, but his English is still poor.
    5. (5) Helen is good at study, but she doesn't know how to make friends with classmates.
  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    Confucius (孔子) was one of the most famous people in Chinese history. He was born 551 BC.

    His parents (be) rich, but they became poor later. Confucius was interested in (learn) at the age of 15, but he couldn't go to school only the rich could go to school in those days. It was hard for him to find way to learn. In order to learn, Confucius went (work) for a rich man. This made him see different (place) in different countries at that time.

    Confucius studied hard, then he became the most learned man of his day. People began to send (they) sons to learn from him. He was the first one to teach the poor in China. Confucius (have) about three thousand students, and seventy two of them became famous.

    Until today, Confucius is seen as the model of all teachers. His ideas are still very (importance) in Chinese culture.

  • 9. 假如你是李平,请根据以下图文提示,以"My weekend"为题写一篇英语周记描述你上周末的活动。


    do homework    play basketball    pick up garbage   visit the history museum

    Saturday morning  Saturday afternoon  Sunday morning  Sunday afternoon






    My weekend

    I had a colorful weekend.


    I had a good time.

