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更新时间:2022-04-19 浏览次数:99 类型:期末考试
一、听下面五段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项(本题有5 小题,每小题 1 分,,共计5 分)
二、听下面两段较长对话。每段对话后有 2 至 3 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项(本题有5 小题,每小题 2 分,,共计10 分)
  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答下面两个小题。
    1. (1) When did the boy go to the French restaurant?
      A . Yesterday morning. B . Yesterday afternoon. C . Yesterday evening.
    2. (2) What did the boy dislike about the restaurant?
      A . The food. B . The music. C . The seats.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答下面三个小题。
    1. (1) How long has Tony had a cough?
      A . For about one week. B . For about two weeks. C . For about three weeks.
    2. (2) What is the village's problem?
      A . People throw litter into the river. B . The land has been polluted. C . A factory produces harmful smoke.
    3. (3) What will Tony do?
      A . See a doctor. B . Write a letter. C . Find a better place.
三、听独白(本题有5 小题,每小题 2 分,,共计10 分)
  • 8. 听下面一段独白。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
    1. (1) Where does the speaker work?
      A . In a museum. B . In a restaurant. C . In a shop.
    2. (2) What made the speaker know about the fire?
      A . The newspapers. B . The books. C . The photos.
    3. (3) When did the speaker see the fire?
      A . At about 6 p.m. B . At about 8 p.m. C . At about 10 p.m.
    4. (4) Why did many people sing songs?
      A . To wish for good luck. B . To celebrate the festival. C . To express their happiness.
    5. (5) How long will it take to fix the building?
      A . At least 6-8 years. B . At least 8-10 years. C . At least 10-12 years.
四、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分 )
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        Over the past 20 years, Zhang Lianfang has helped more than 200 teenagers solve their problems in mind, and she has never expected to get money from that.

        In 1985, Zhang got 1hurt when she was working at a factory. She lost most of her fingers and she also lost most of her sight. Then shegot 2 and didn't know how to live on.

        However, all her family, especially her 5-year-old 3 , gave her the hope to live. During the next three years, she 4 an effort to practice writing with her left hand. Just 5 her strong spirit, her daughter also became a top student at school.

        "From then on, some people began to expect me to 6 my experience," she said."Especially after my daughter went to a famous college, I received more calls and 7 from strangers looking for help."

        In 1999, a middle-aged woman visited Zhang, crying for help. "Her son used to cause problems often," Zhang said. "She worried a lot but had no idea 8 to do."

        "At first, the young boy refused to 9 me," Zhang said. "I just told him my stories. Gradually, he began to communicate with me. When he left, he promised to pay more attention to10 about learning."

        A month later, Zhang sent the boy a present — a sweater by hand. The boy was 11 whenhe learned Zhang finished the sweater with only four fingers. After that, he kept changing.

        "I was happy that I was 12 to society," Zhang said.

        From 2001, Zhang began to keep a 13 to record what she did to help others. She has written more than one million words in 14 diaries.

        "Some friends told me I couldn't solve all their problems 15 asked me to give up. But I want to do something to make my life more meaningful," she said.

    A . probably B . quickly C . luckily D . seriously
    A . lazy B . upset C . excited D . careless
    A . daughter B . sister C . husband D . father
    A . got B . made C . went D . came
    A . stick to B . instead of C . because of D . in honor of
    A . share B . change C . receive D . improve
    A . activities B . books C . visits D . studies
    A . where B . when C . why D . what
    A . care about B . look for C . hear from D . talk with
    A . everything B . nothing C . everyone D . someone
    A . scared B . worried C . surprised D . tired
    A . polite B . useful C . close D . fantastic
    A . secret B . history C . friendship D . diary
    A . her B . their C . my D . his
    A . before B . and C . but D . unless
五、阅读理解 ( 本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分 )
  • 10. 阅读下面一篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    This is a light-hearted book filled with colorful pictures. The book mainly tells that all feelings are OK, which is important for children to understand. This is a great introduction to talking about feelings. The funny pictures and simple words are perfect for young children.

    This book is more likely to catch boys' attention, although girls may enjoy it too.The basic message is that everyone has feelings. The pictures in this book are of super heroes that look disappointed, sad, embarrassed and so on. The final page is beautiful: a dad and his little son are reading together. They're tough guys "who love each other very much".

    This book invites children to imagine that everyone carries a bucket(桶) filled with good feelings. We can help fill people's buckets by doing kind things. One ofthe many good things about the book is that it talks about the fact that we should fill our own buckets by taking care of ourselves. It also talks about the fact that doing nice things for people makes us feel good.

    The three books can help you teach your children about their feelings and how to manage them. As a primary school teacher, I've used them to teach my students about different feelings. Helping children learn to express and manage their feelings can lead to an increase in confidence(自信心).

    1. (1) According to The Feelings Book, children should know       .
      A . all feelings are OK B . it's important to be happy C . picture books are expensive D . hiding feelings is not that bad
    2. (2) ______may be more interested in Tough Guys.
      A . Adults B . Parents C . Boys D . Girls
    3. (3) What can we learn from Fill a Bucket?
      A . We should try to read more books. B . Helping others can make us feel good. C . Boys like to read books with their dads. D . It's necessary to carry a bucket around.
  • 11. 阅读下面一篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        Maya had learned hula dance (草裙舞), the traditional danceform of Hawaii, for a long time and it was finally the night before graduation. She spent the evening on the dress rehearsal (彩排) with her classmates in order to make sure the performance would go well. After finishing it, the whole group walked to the beach nearby andinto the water as a bathing ritual (沐浴仪式). "The water is meant to clean you before your performance tomorrow," the teacher told them.

        The next day, the students rested a bit before sitting down to eat with their family and friends. After everyone hugged and kissed each other, the teacher explained the purpose of the feast(盛宴)."Now, we join in the feast that marks the end of the training. After this meal, all the students will officially be hula dancers," she said. Maya looked at the smiling faces of her friends around the table'. She was so happy that she had made it in her training, but she was nervous to start her job as a professional dancer as well.

        After they finished the meal, the students went to prepare for the performance. They lined up, ready to perform for the audience(观众) for the first time ever. Maya looked out into the audienceand could see the smiling faces of her mom, dad and little brother. She felt the soft grass between her toes, and thanked them for being there to see her dance. The music began, and she stepped out, finally, as a hula dancer.

    1. (1) The students_____ with their family and friends before the performance.
      A . listened to some music B . ate a big meal C . played in water D . took some training
    2. (2) The underlined word "them" refers to "_____".
      A . Maya's teachers B . Maya's classmates C . The people watching the performance D . Maya's family members
    3. (3) The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.
      A . the teacher's opinion on Maya's performance B . the number of the people watching the performance C . Maya's family's feelings before she performed D . Maya's ideas about being a hula dancer
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . Maya would perform and graduate as a hula dancer. B . Maya missed her friends and family while at school. C . Hula is the traditional dance form of Hawaii. D . Maya's teacher felt sad to part with her students.
  • 12. 阅读下面一篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        COVID-19 is often difficult to discover. Many people who catch the virus(病毒) clearly show symptoms of being ill. But many others show no signs at all. These people are asymptomatic(无症状的).

        Though asymptomatic people don't feel pain, they can still pass the virus on to others. And sincethey may not even realize they are ill, they're likely to go around and spread the virus further.

        Now, scientists at MIT(麻省理工学院) have developed technology which can quickly discover whether a person has COVID-19 or not, just from the way he or she coughs or speaks. The scientists used an AI(人工智能) method known as "Deep Learning".

        In deep learning, computer programs are organized deeply through huge amounts of information, allowing them to find patterns that humans are often unable to notice. These patterns get stored in a"model." It can later be used to fit those patterns in new and surprising ways. In this case, the information used to create the AI model was tens of thousands of recorded samples(样本) of people coughing and speaking. In all, the scientists had over 200,000 records ofcoughs.

        When the scientists tested their AI model, they found that it was able to discover 98.5% of allthe cases where the people coughing had COVID-19. Even greater was the fact that it discovered 100%of the asymptomatic people.

        One of the scientists says, "We think this shows that the way you produce sound will changewhen you have COVID-19, even if you're asymptomatic."

        Of course, the model isn't perfect ...

    1. (1) The purpose of writing this passage is ______.
      A . to introduce a new technology B . to know the writer's worries of the future C . to show the writer's interest in the AI method D . to discuss the importance of fighting COVID-19
    2. (2) The passage tells the following about the AI method EXCEPT______ .
      A . what it is used for B . why it is created C . how it tests people D . when it will be well used
    3. (3) According to paragraphs 5 and 6, the scientists thought the AI model was______ .
      A . scary B . amazing C . expensive D . worrying
    4. (4) Which may be talked about the AI model at the end of the passage?
      A . The future. B . The process. C . The disadvantage. D . The popularity.
  • 13. 阅读下面一篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    The biggest thing we can do to help endangered animals is to take care of our world. Maybe tigers and leopards(豹) don't live where you do, but many animals do. They need protection. We can protect animals by taking care of our environment.

    Recycle. We need to make sure that we are recycling plastic, tins(罐), and paper so that wewon't use up our world's natural resources(资源). Every time paper is made, or a bottle is made, resources from our earth are used. Some of these resources are found where animals live, and to get them, we need to disrupt the animals' living places.

    Reduce. By reducing what we use, we can also protect our earth. One way to do this is to write on both sides of a piece of paper. Also, when you leave a room, turn off the lights.

    Reuse. We should also choose things that can be reused, like a reusable water bottle, rather than a prepackaged(预制并包装好的) water bottle. By using reusable bottles for our water rather than buying bottled water, we prevent many of our resources from being used up. Another example is touse towels, rather than paper towels.

    Plant a tree. Many animals use trees for protection or even food. All big trees began as smalltrees. The only way to make sure that there are going to be big trees in the future is that there are small trees today. You can achieve this by planting trees in your neighborhood.

    1. (1) The underlined word "disrupt" in the second paragraph means "______ ".
      A . 破坏 B . 扩展 C . 保护 D . 创建
    2. (2) It can be inferred from the third paragraph that______ .
      A . we don't turn on the lights when at home B . reducing can make no difference to the earth C . we needn't to make full use of things D . saving things can be good for saving the animals
    3. (3) What does the writer advise us to do?

      ① Don't throw away plastic products directly.

      ② Try to use things that can be used again and again.

      ③ Raise money to help endangered animals.

      ④ Stop eating all kinds of meat.

      ⑤ Plant as many trees as we can.

      A . ②③⑤ B . ①②⑤ C . ①④⑤ D . ②③④
    4. (4) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Why to Protect Endangered Animals B . How to Protect the Environment C . Why to Plant More Trees D . How to Help Endangered Animals
六、词汇运用( 本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分 )
  • 14. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。.

    our,   disappear,   weight,   by,   wooden

    1. (1) There's no need for teenagers to lose .
    2. (2) As the time went , Jack realized everything.
    3. (3) Look! The car was made by the little boy.
    4. (4) So far, so many ants have in the hot weather.
    5. (5) These are their bottles and are in the room.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    Now let me tell you something that happened to me last weekend.

    Last Saturday morning, I was invited by my good friend Mike to his birthday party. When I gotto his house in the evening, I found that neither Jim (也不) Peter come to the party. And Ithought it was (取消) days ago. I felt I was left out. So I left the party and studied for myEnglish test because I didn't want to let my parents (沮丧).

    The next morning, by the time I got up, it was already half past seven. I (睡过头), so Irode my bike to school very (很快地). When I got to the school, I realized it was Sunday. Itreally (迫使) me crazy. When I was about to take the lift, I found it didn't work withoutelectricity. So I had no choice but to climb onto the (第十二) floor. When I finally reachedthe (门), I realized that I had left my key on my bike. It would be better if I had (翅膀) at that time. But I had to go downstairs to get my key.

    Life is really full of the (出乎意料的), isn't it? What an unlucky weekend it is!

七、语法填空( 本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分 )
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Bhola is the only child of his family. He (behave) badly and always asks his parentsfor money. Ramlal is worried about him all the time.

    One day, he said to Bhola, "You'll have to eat today unless you make fifty rupees(卢比)." Bhola's mother took pity on him and gave him fifty rupees. Bhola ran to give the money to hisfather. Ramlal said (angry), "Don't try to cheat me. You're expected to make money on yourown."

    Still, Bhola didn't take his father's words seriously. He went to his mother and askedfor money, but this time he (refuse). Feeling upset, Bhola started crying. A man passed byand asked him he was crying. Bhola became even (bad), "My father said if Icouldn't make fifty rupees today, he wouldn't allow me (eat) anything."

    The man said, "Well, if you carry my bag to the train station, I will pay you ten rupees."Encouraged by the job, Bhola also helped other (passenger) carry bags.

    Finally, Bhola made fifty rupees. He gave the money to his father and said, "Dad, from now , I'll study hard and never waste money." Ramlal was glad that his son had finally learned thevalue of hard work and money.

八、任务型阅读( 本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 5 分 )
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的 A-E 五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),并完成最后一题。

    Every day, more things come into our lives. We get new things in our houses, on our calendars, and in our minds. They start to control us and we may be in great trouble. That's a bad way to live.

    Minimalism(极简主义) is a better, simpler way of life. Then, we can focus on things we really care about and try to do them better.

    If you only own things that you really need, you'll enjoy life more. You'll value yourself more than material things you simply enjoy.

    Start by going through your things. If you don't really need them, sell them or give them away. Soon, you'll only have necessary things left for you.

    Minimalism will help you let go of the past, so you'll feel freer. You'll need less money, so you won't have to work too much. That means you'll be able to have more time. You can spend it with friends, families, or whoever you like. In the end, minimalism can improve your whole life.

    A. It can make you happier and healthier.

    B. However, it's not hard to lead a minimalist life.

    C. We can get rid of things that we don't need in life.

    D. All of these things can stop us from living a good life.

    E. Minimalism has become one of the most fashionable ways.

    What do you think of minimalism? (回答不多于 5 个单词)

九、书面表达( 本题有 1 小题,共计 20 分 )
  • 18. 某校英语报举办了主题为"Enjoy your junior high school life"的征文活动。假如你是九年级学生李军,请给七年级的学弟学妹们提出合理化的建议(见下表),并向校报投稿。

    Enjoy Your Junior High School Life


    Put your time to good use


    Take up a hobby to relax


    Value your true friend

    My dear classmates,
    How are you going on these days? Are you enjoying your junior high school life? If not, my following advice may be helpful to you.

