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更新时间:2022-04-13 浏览次数:70 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. At the weekend, I'm going to help with ________ housework and have ________ art lesson.
    A . a; a B . a; an C . the; a D . the; an
  • 2. It is clear that big cities need more schools, buses and hospitals. They also need fresh clean water and better public ________.
    A . problems B . services C . decisions D . adventures
  • 3. Good words can touch not only ________ heart but also ________.
    A . your; my B . yours; my C . your; mine D . yours; mine
  • 4. Thanks to the poverty reduction projects(扶贫工程), the local people were given plenty of ________ help and practical advice.
    A . impossible B . difficult C . valuable D . separate
  • 5. China has ________ become a world leader in high-speed rail. Journeys which took days now take hours.
    A . rapidly B . terribly C . nervously D . humorously
  • 6. After visiting the tower, we will take the boat back ________ the river to the railway station.
    A . below B . along C . without D . opposite
  • 7. One day in 1939, Dr. Bethune cut his finger during an operation, but he ________ his work without treating it.
    A . influenced B . apologised C . continued D . imagined
  • 8. Many families form close friendships with the foreign students and ________ them.
    A . stay in touch with B . get into the habit of C . keep clear of D . get ready for
  • 9. Now waste from daily life in this city ________ to be separated into four different groups.
    A . required B . is required C . was required D . will be required
  • 10. —Must the children get up at six tomorrow morning?

    —No, they ________. Let them have a better sleep at the weekend.

    A . can't B . mustn't C . shouldn't D . needn't
  • 11. When we ________ into the community, the volunteers were giving out some fresh fruit and vegetables.
    A . came B . are coming C . have come D . will come
  • 12. After dinner, the kids offered ________ the dishes so that their parents could have a good rest.
    A . wash B . washed C . washing D . to wash
  • 13. The nurse won't leave her patients ________ she's sure they are all taken good care of.
    A . if B . since C . until D . because
  • 14. —Oh, we're coming to Ningyuan Garden. Do you know ________?   

    —In the 1930s. It has a long history.

    A . why was it beautiful and quiet B . why it was beautiful and quiet C . when was it built D . when it was built
  • 15. —Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.

    —________ Everyone should be a book lover because reading is a good habit.

    A . Sounds great. B . That's too bad. C . It's against the rules. D . I'm not sure about that.
  • 16. 完形填空

        I was not a confident person before. That's because I was fat and others often 1 me. As a result, I became very shy. I was scared(害怕) to say hello to strangers, let alone(更不用说) talk or hang out(闲逛) with them. I was afraid to ask simple questions and speak loud 2 others. It seemed that I felt afraid of 3 in my life. I used to believe that I would be like this all my life.

    But one day, my friend Paul's words changed my mind. He 4 me to change myself. He said, "If you can give it a try, you still have a 5 to make a change. But if you 6 try, your life is only going to get worse. "I was blown away(兴奋起来) by what he said. After all, I had nothing to lose. Why not have a try?

    The first thing I did was lose weight. I had a 7 diet(饮食) and did exercise every day. After six months, I lost ninety pounds. This taught me that I could change myself.

    A few months later, I heard about a speech competition at my university. I plucked up the courage(鼓起勇气) to sign up for the competition. For the first time, I was able to 8 my story and speak loud in front of dozens of(许多) people.

    After the competition, I made a to-do list and started changing in a very short time. I tried my best to 9 the things on the list one by one. When working on them, I became more and more confident.

    I am still 10 now. And I will never stop.

    A . came round B . looked after C . laughed at D . depended on
    A . far from B . according to C . at the end of D . in front of
    A . everything B . nothing C . somebody D . anybody
    A . created B . avoided C . satisfied D . encouraged
    A . culture B . chance C . comer D . coast
    A . often B . never C . always D . sometimes
    A . strict B . common C . whole D . usual
    A . refuse B . divide C . share D . protect
    A . explain B . spread C . finish D . regret
    A . feeling awful B . taking photos C . having breakfast D . making progress
  • 17. 阅读单选

    Here are some job advertisements (广告).

    Do you want to work with children? Babysitter(临时保姆) wanted! I have three boys who love to play and read. They love to make art too, so I want someone who is creative and artistic(有艺术才华的).Email me at lovekids@helpmomheinle.com, or call me at 247 9630.

    Are you dependable? We need someone who can work at the swimming pool next summer. This job lets you work outside and meet a lot of people. Send an email to marco.coloma@thepoolheinle.gov or go and see Marco Coloma at the pool!

    Are you good with computers? Do you want a job that is challenging(挑战性的) and pays a lot of money? Please email willcomputer@computersheinle.com to find out more.

    Do you love books? The library is looking for someone who can help sort(整理) books on Friday and Saturday nights. Before Thursday, send an email to Janet Chen (janet.chen@kidsheinle.com) if you are interested. Then come to the library on Friday morning and talk to her.

    1. (1) If you would like to be a babysitter, you need to be ________.



      ③good with computers

      ④good at swimming

      A . ①② B . ①③ C . ②③ D . ②④
    2. (2) If you are interested in working at the swimming pool, you can ________.
      A . call 247 9630 B . write a letter to Janet Chen C . see Marco Coloma in person D . email willcomputer@computersheinle.com
    3. (3) Why do you want the challenging job according to the passage?
      A . Because it pays well. B . Because it is not difficult. C . Because it lets one work outside. D . Because it lets one meet many people.
    4. (4) The library needs someone who can work on ________.
      A . Thursday mornings B . Friday mornings C . Thursday and Friday nights D . Friday and Saturday nights
    5. (5) The material is probably from a ________.
      A . diary B . newspaper C . storybook D . guidebook
  • 18. 阅读单选

    Have you ever heard of Orbis? Orbis is a group that helps blind people everywhere. It has built an eye hospital inside a plane and flown it all over the world with an international medical team. Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to the Mongolian People's Republic. Samantha tells the story of Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl.

    "Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home from school, she was attacked(袭击) by boys with sticks and her eyes were badly hurt. Dr. Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she would never see again. I thought about all the everyday things I do that she couldn't, things like reading schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I realised how fortunate I am."

    "The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and was allowed to watch, together with some Mongolian medical students. "Hopefully, the operation would be successful" I said to myself. The next day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr Duffey took off her bandages (绷带). "In six months your sight(视力) will be back to normal(正常)", he said. "Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried, and I cried too!"

    Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed, thanks to the simple operation from Orbis.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph l, Orbis' eye hospital is a ________hospital.
      A . new B . big C . mobile D . private
    2. (2) Eukhtul's sight problem ________.
      A . started last year B . started from birth C . is a result of watching television D . is a result of a sudden illness
    3. (3) The word "fortunate" in the second paragraph means "________".
      A . popular B . worried C . lucky D . hard-working
    4. (4) Samantha cried because ________.
      A . Eukhtul gave her a smile B . Eukhtuul's operation was a success C . Dr. Duffey would operate on Eukhtuul D . she was allowed to watch Eukhtuul's operation
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . The difficulties for blind travelers. B . The best way of studying medicine. C . The life of schoolchildren in Mongolia. D . The international work of some eye doctors.
  • 19. 阅读单选

    Austria has been considered as one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Recently, an organization(组织) has done a worldwide search for the best places to live and visit. They looked at 40 different indicators(指标) such as healthcare, culture, environment and education. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is in the top four. With its rich history and culture, Austria is well worth(值得) a visit.

    Vienna was once the centre of the vast(辽阔的) Austro-Hungarian Empire(奥匈帝国), now it's a modem city with historic roots(根源). It's got music, museums, shopping malls and restaurants and there is so much to see. One way to start your tour of the city is to go on a tram(有轨电车) ride around the Ring, a series of roads that go around the old city. Along the route, you can see the Imperial Palace, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Imperial Theatre, the State Opera House and Vienna's City Park.

    Of them all, the Imperial Palace is the most spectacular. You can go on a tour of the Imperial Apartments or visit the Treasury, where you will see the crown jewels(王冠上的宝石). Also in central Vienna is the Spanish Riding School. You can see a performance of these fantastic horses and riders or view one of the morning training courses.

    Music is everywhere in Vienna. You can hear the famous Vienna Boys Choir or visit the State Opera House. While you are going on a tour of the summer home of the imperial(帝国的) family, you can see some of the lavish(奢华的) rooms, including the Hall of Mirrors. Six-year-old Mozart once gave a concert there for Queen Maria Theresa.

    Finally, you can't leave Vienna without having coffee at one of Vienna's famous coffee houses. There are many to choose from, but the most famous is probably the Cafe Sacher, where you can. also enjoy the most delicious chocolate cake in the city.

    1. (1) The Ring route is popular with the tourists because of ________.
      A . restaurants B . coffee houses C . shopping malls D . famous buildings and places
    2. (2) What does the word "spectacular" in Paragraph 3 mean?
      A . Amazing. B . Relaxing. C . Boring. D . Tiring.
    3. (3) When you visit the Spanish Riding School, you can ________.
      A . ride a fantastic horse B . train your horse in the morning C . watch a morning training course D . take part in the horse performance
    4. (4) Where did Mozart give his concert for Queen Maria Theresa?
      A . In the Imperial Palace. B . In the Hall of Mirrors. C . In the State Opera House. D . In Vienna's City Park.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . The history of Vienna B . Cultural tours in Vienna C . Vienna: the hometown of Mozart D . Vienna: the center of classical music
  • 20. 补全对话7选5

    A: Hi, Tony.

    B: I watched a movie.


    B: It was about the galaxies in the universe.


    B: I think it's really meaningful. You know, scientists have sent the spaceships into Mars. This movie also increased my scientific knowledge on space travel.

    A: Really?

    B: OK. For example, lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day. That's interesting. How about watching it by yourself?

    A: Can you share it with me online?

    B: No problem. I will send it to you tonight.

    A: Thanks.


    A. Nice idea!

    B. Tell me more about it.

    C. How often do you see a movie?

    D. What did you do last night?

    E. What was the movie about?

    F. What do you think of the movie?

    G. You should watch the movie again.

  • 26. 信息归纳

    Fahd Saleh is a restaurant owner. He is very interested in food and loves his restaurant. It is called Marmar Restaurant and it is in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Everyone enjoys eating his food, but he was not very happy.

    After all his customers left his restaurant each day, he looked in his kitchen. There were always a lot of dishes with food on. The customers didn't eat all their food. Why not? Didn't they like it? The waiters(服务员) explained that the customers said they liked the food. They left the food because they had ordered too much. The customers were full and couldn't eat anything else.

    Mr. Saleh decided to do something about it. By the next morning, he had written a new sign. He put it on the wall in the restaurant.

    The first customers the next day were three men. Before the waiter pointed to the sign, they had ordered four starters(开胃品), some fish, some meat and rice, and two vegetable dishes. After they read the sign, they changed their order. They ordered three starters, followed by some meat, rice and one dish of vegetables. Why did they do that? Here's the sign.

    Dear customers,

    Thank you for eating in Marmar Restaurant.

    We want to wasteless food. So we are asking you to think carefully before you order. Please do not order too much food. From now on, you have to pay extra(额外收费) for food you don't eat.

    A few months later, there was less waste in Marmar Restaurant. Mr. Saleh is very happy. He says," Customers are thinking before they order. Then they eat what they order."

    1. (1) Fahd Saleh is very interested in food and loves .
    2. (2) After all the customers left each day, Fahd Saleh found there were always .
    3. (3) Fahd Saleh wrote a new sign and in the restaurant.
    4. (4) If the customers order too much food, .
    5. (5) A few months later, there was in Mannar Restaurant
  • 27. 单词填空

    Located(位于) in northwest Uganda, Murchison Falls National Park is one of the most popular national parks in the country. Lots of animals live there. However, for animals, this national park is not only a natural paradise(天堂), but also a place that is full of d.

    The villages to the north of the park are a the poorest villages in the country.

    Local people live a hard life and don't have money to buy food. So, they set snares(陷阱) to catch animals for meat. The snares are mostly made from wires(金属丝) because they are easy to get and use. They often catch small animals, and sometimes even the big ones like e and lions. As a result, the number of animals in the park has dropped g. Luckily an initiative(倡议) named Snares to Wares(商品) is helping change the s. It teaches local people how to make animal sculptures(雕塑) with the wire snares.

    The initiative was started by Tutilo Mudumba and Robert Montgomery in 2015.They describe it as a way to solve the problem once and for all. In their opinion, it is not the snares, but the people who set the snares that matter. If the locals can make money by t , they will not catch the animals any more.

    To teach them how to make animal sculptures, the initiative started by organizing (组织)trips into the park. In this way, the local people can s the animals. They used to have no idea of how the animals live and behave(举动) in the park. They only saw the animals after they were caught o the park.

    Now, over 600 people are working for the initiative and they sell about 800 sculptures a month. Thanks to it the workers can meet their basic needs and p enough money for their families. And more locals want to take part in it. Hopefully, the local people and the animals in the park can live in p.

  • 28. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Vicky在网上看到了你校 "爱心环保俱乐部"的信息,他对此很感兴趣。你作为这个俱乐部的发起人,根据以下要点用英语回复一封电子邮件,向他介绍俱乐部的爱心善举以及丰硕收获。






    参考词汇:把……分类sort;易拉罐can;扶贫工程 poverty reduction projects




    Dear Vicky,

    I'm glad to introduce our Love & Recycling Club to you. All our club members

    Hope this will be helpful to you!

    Yours truly

    Li Hua

