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更新时间:2022-04-12 浏览次数:100 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. — Could you please help me fetch my umbrella, the one with ________________ small ring.

    — Yes, of course.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
  • 2. If you go to a forcing country, don't forget to take a ________________ with you, which tells you the direction.
    A . passport B . camera C . map D . ticket
  • 3. After entering the competition, Jack grows more ________________ because now he isn't afraid of speaking in public any more.
    A . helpful B . careful C . polite D . confident
  • 4. — My mother always tells me hard work pays off.

    — Yes, you will gain nothing ________________ you try your best.

    A . because B . unless C . after D . although
  • 5. We ________________ talked to each other at first, but soon we found we shared the same interests and became friends.
    A . hardly B . frequently C . immediately D . suddenly
  • 6. This year, for foreigners who spend the Spring Festival in Wenzhou, entry to Jiangxin Island is free and they ________________ pay money.
    A . can't B . shouldn't C . needn't D . mustn't
  • 7. With all that noise going on, it's almost impossible for me to ________________ my work.
    A . focus on B . give up C . depend on D . put off
  • 8. — Can't you believe I've lost ten kilos?

    — That's amazing. Please do tell me how you ________________ that.

    A . do B . did C . have done D . will do
  • 9. David is really interested in the universe, so recently he would like to buy a __________.
    A . story book that describes Lingling's school life in Australia B . science book that tells the advantages of cleaning machines C . CD that shows the journeys to other planets by spaceship D . magazine that introduces a special way to stop air pollution
  • 10. — Excuse me, may I use you computer?

    — __________________ There is something wrong with it.

    A . Yes, here you are. B . I'm afraid not. C . With pleasure. D . You bet.
  • 11. 完形填空

    Coming home from school, I bounded up the steps, and burst into the living room. I was1by what I saw. Mother sat on the couch,2. I had never seen that.

    I approached cautiously and touched her shoulder. "Mother? "I said "What's happened?" She wiped away tears and managed a weak smile."3important. Just that I'm going to lose the job at the radio station. I can't4fast enough."

    "You have been practicing typing on your green typewriter recently and I believe you'll5" I said." you always said you could do anything6you set your mind to it." I reached out and put my arms around her.

    "I7think I can in most things, but I can't do this." She said8.

    She broke then. She put her face9my shoulder. Finding Mother in tears, I began very slowly to10the pressure on her.

    She was still my mother, but she was something more: a person like me, capable of fear and hurt and11. I could feel her pain as she must have felt12on a hundred occasions when l had found comfort *in her arms.

    A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods, but the evening practice sessions on that green typewriter13. I had a very different feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.

    Several years later, Mother successfully accepted a job as a newspaper reporter with our hometown paper.

    The14green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. When I'm having trouble writing an article and think about giving up, I roll a piece of paper into that machine and type, word by painful word, just the way mother did. What keeps in my mind then is not her failure, but her15to go ahead.

    A . scared B . shocked C . pleased D . moved
    A . thinking B . talking C . crying D . complaining
    A . Something B . Anything C . Nothing D . Everything
    A . produce B . write C . read D . type
    A . catch up B . speak up C . wake up D . grow up
    A . so B . though C . and D . if
    A . seldom B . even C . soon D . still
    A . seriously B . sadly C . nervously D . angrily
    A . against B . off C . around D . over
    A . doubt B . remove C . understand D . forget
    A . peace B . confidence C . regret D . failure
    A . hers B . mine C . his D . yours
    A . continued B . worked C . changed D . developed
    A . useful B . old C . common D . personal
    A . ability B . memory C . support D . will
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Nowadays, electric cookers are commonly used to make rice cooking easier and more efficient. You only need to press the button and wait for about half an hour, and then everything is ready.

    Things needed:

    An electric cooker, electricity, rice and water.

    Instructions in sequence:

    a. Put the rice into the inner pot and add water. The proportion*between rice and water is 1 to 1.15 or 1.2.

    b. Dry the surface of the inner pot and then put it on the heating plate.

    c. Press down the lid until you hear a click sound.

    d. Tun on the electric cooker. The button will bounce when it finishes.


    Don't use the metal brush to clean the inner pot, so as not to damage it.

    Wait for at least ten minutes after the button tells you the rice is outright cooked.

    After using the electric cooker, don't forget to turn it off in time and dry the inner pot.

    If the rice cooker fails to function well, please feel free to call us at400-889-9315 for any help!

    1. (1) What are needed when cooking the rice according to the passage?
      A . An electric cooker, water, rice, and metal. B . An electric cooker, water, rice, and a brush. C . An electric cooker, electricity, rice and water. D . An electric cooker, electricity, rice and metal.
    2. (2) What can we know according to the information above?
      A . We are supposed to add the water twice the amount of the rice. B . We are able to enjoy the rice immediately after it is cooked. C . We have to dry the inner pot after putting it on the heating plate. D . We aren't allowed to clean the inner pot with some metal brushes.
    3. (3) Who might write this passage?
      A . A housewife. B . A producer. C . A cleaner. D . A customer.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    The Silk Road was a network of trade routes between China and Europe in the 10th century. Merchants* carrying Chinese silk and other goods followed routes that crossed Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Far East.

    Traveling the Silk Road could be gruelling. Warring soldiers Caravanserai10h Century bandits, and terrible weather such as sandstorms troubled the merchants. Caravanserais made the way easier for weary*tradesmen. These were huge guesthouses that welcomed traveling merchants. At a caravanserai, traders were safe from harm. There, they could enjoy tasty meals, rest, and ready themselves to journey on.

    A caravanserai was surrounded with high, strong walls. The one entrance was big enough fora loaded pack animal to enter. Along the inside of the walls were guest rooms for merchants, their servants and their goods. Some guest houses provided stables*for animals. Others had open central courtyards where pack animals-horses, camels, yaks, oxen, and elephants—drank from stone water troughs.

    Caravanserais were located within a day's journey of each other. This allowed merchants to avoid spending nights exposed to the Silk Road's dangers. In many regions, there was always a caravanserai every 20 to 25 miles.

    A caravanserai provided more than a safe place to rest. There, traders could exchange goods and pack animals, buy local products, and socialize with other merchant travelers. Thus, the caravanserais provided places for people of different cultures to share knowledge about arts, crafts, literature, science, and technologies. Over hundreds of years; trade along the Silk Road allowed cultures, languages and religions to influence one another.

    1. (1) The underlined word "gruelling" probably means ________________.
      A . surprising B . disappointing C . boring D . tiring
    2. (2) The Caravanserai offered all the followings EXCEPT ___________________.
      A . places for safety B . stables for animals C . goods for exchange D . routes for merchants
    3. (3) According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Merchants had to travel several days to find a caravanserai. B . Caravanserais were good places for people to communicate. C . Merchants just carried Chinese silk to Europe on the Silk Road. D . The Caravanserai's entrance was too small for animals to enter.
    4. (4) What is the best title for this passage?
      A . The Service of Caravanserais B . The Influence of Caravanserais C . Caravanserais along the Silk Road D . Caravanserais Spread Different Cultures
  • 14. 阅读理解

    The water on Earth has been moving all the time for billions of years. It travels from ocean to air to land and back to the ocean. This continuous movement is called the water cycle, and it is the reason that earth has the same amount of water today as it did back in the days of the dinosaurs. The water cycle provides people, animals, and plants with life-giving water. Each stage of the water cycle is equally important. Here are some of the stages.

    Evaporation is the stage of the water cycle when water moves into the air. Water in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams is in liquid form. The sun's radiation heats the water and causes it to change into vapor. It rises into the atmosphere.Areas that receive more heat from the sun experience more evaporation.

    Condensation is the stage of the water cycle that follows evaporation. In this stage, vapor changes back into liquid while it is still in the air. Vapor in the atmosphere moves to different regions of Earth. When vapor moves to cooler regions, it also cools. Cooling causes vapor to change back into liquid. It turns into many tiny water droplets.The water droplets collect, making them visible in the air. Clouds and fog are collections of water droplets that result from condensation. The water droplets can remain in the air as long as they are light enough for air currents to carry them.

    Precipitation occurs after condensation. This is the stage of the water cycle when water travels back to Earth's surface. Water droplets in the atmosphere collect in clouds and become heavy. They become so heavy that air currents can no longer carry them. The droplets fall to Earth's surface as rain. If the air is cold, the water droplets may be snowflakes, hail, or sleet. Some of the precipitation soaks into the ground and some of it goes directly back into the same oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams from which it had evaporated.

    Although the water cycle has kept water usable for billions of years, the fresh water that we depend on is limited. It is necessary that we think about ...

    1. (1) How many stages of the water cycle are mentioned in this passage?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    2. (2) How is evaporation similar to condensation?
      A . Both stages contain rain and clouds. B . In both stages water changes the form. C . They are more important than precipitation. D . In both stages, the ocean plays an important role.
    3. (3) What can we learn about the water cycle from the passage?
      A . Condensation follows the precipitation stage B . Vapor changes into liquid in the stage evaporation. C . It is the precipitation stage when it snows in cold winter. D . Clouds are made up of water droplets and are very heavy.
    4. (4) What will the writer probably write in the following part?
      A . Places to find water resources. B . Ways to protect water resources. C . Reasons to learn the water cycle. D . Methods to study the water cycle.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    An old banker was walking up and down his study and recalling how, fifteen years before, he had made a bet with the young lawyer. Here was the bet: if the lawyer could stay in a room, which would be under the strictest supervision, without, going out for fifteen years, he would receive two million dollars from the banker. It was also agreed in the bet that the lawyer could read books during the fifteen-year imprisonment. Now, only several hours were left of the fifteen-year bet.

    "That bet!" said the banker, "Why didn't the lawyer die? He will take away my last money, marry, enjoy life, and I will look like a poor penniless. No, it's too much! The only escape from the condition -- is that the lawyer should die."

    In the darkness of that night, the old banker unlocked the door which had not been opened for fifteen years.

    Behind the door, the banker was surprised to see open books lying on the table, on the two easy-chairs, and everywhere on the floor. At the table a man was sitting silently. On the table, in front of his bowed head, lay a sheet of paper on which something was written. "Poor man," thought the banker, "he's asleep and probably seeing millions in his dreams. I only have to kill him. But, first, let me read what he has written."

    "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock midnight, I shall be free. But before I leave this room, I think it necessary to say some words to you. For fifteen years I saw neither the earth nor the people, but in the books, 1 drank wine, sang songs, hunted deer in the forests. It was books that gave me wisdom. I know that I am wiser than you all. And I want to show you my contempt for that by which you live, so l give up the money of which I once dreamed, and which I now look down upon. Therefore, I shall escape five minutes before the end of my 15 years as a prisoner and break the agreement."

    The banker put the sheet back, kissed the head of the strange man, and began crying. Never at any other time, not even when he was dirt poor, had he felt so great a contempt for himself as now. He had the hardest time sleeping that night. The next morning, after knowing the lawyer hardscaped, the banker took the letter and locked it in his safe, to avoid unnecessary trouble.

    1. (1) What can we know about the lawyer from Para.1?
      A . He hoped to get money from the banker. B . He was a poor man without a happy family. C . He loved books and never stopped reading. D . He wanted to escape from the locked room.
    2. (2) The banker called the lawyer "the strange man" because ____________________.
      A . the lawyer was quite interested in reading books B . the lawyer left a letter to him before running away C . the lawyer gave up the chance of being paid two million D . the lawyer managed to stay in the room for fifteen years
    3. (3) Why did the lawyer break the agreement?
      A . Because the banker wanted to kill him. B . Because he was tired of the life in the prison. C . Because he thought the bet was meaningless. D . Because he didn't want the banker to lose his money.
    4. (4) Why did the banker take the letter and lock it in his safe?(请用约40词回答)
  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    properly    another    through    smile    minute

    1. (1) This cute baby at us. Let's take a photo of him.
    2. (2) The bank is near here and it's only about five walk.
    3. (3) The boy is nude and it's about time he should learn to behave .
    4. (4) Last night, a thief got in the window, but luckily nothing was lost.
    5. (5) We should face one difficulty after with courage and confidence.
  • 17. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文.

    Born into a poor farmer's family in 1930, Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice had been his life goal. Dr Yuan searched for a way to produce more crops in the same(田地). In 1974, he became the first agricultural (先锋) in the world to grow rice. Now more than60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid rice.

    Yuan Longping is one of (著名的) scientists in China. (然而),he considered himself a farmer and he was quite satisfied with his (简单的) life. He didn't care about being rich. He felt it gave him less freedom to do his research. He would much rather keep time for his (爱好). He enjoyed listening to violin music, playing mahjong, (游泳) and reading. .

    Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also meant very little to him. Indeed, he believed that a person with too much money had more rather than (更少的)troubles. He therefore gave (千) of yuan to support others in their research in agriculture.

    Dr. Yuan's work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. He (记得) by us Chinese people forever.

五、书面表达(本题有1题,共20 分)
  • 18. 我国自主研发的电动汽车已经越来越普及,具有外形时尚、价格便宜、噪音低等优点。外国朋友对此也很感兴趣。

    请你以"A New Invention—E-car"为题,请写一篇110词左右的短文介绍电动汽车给人们生活带来的好处,让外国朋友了解这一绿色交通工具.

    A New Invention—E-car

