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更新时间:2022-03-14 浏览次数:56 类型:期中考试
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What animals does the woman like?
      A . Pandas. B . Tigers. C . Dolphins.
    2. (2) Why does the man like giraffes?
      A . Because they're cute. B . Because they're tall.  C . Because they're nice.
  • 13. 听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Nick doing now?
      A . Doing homework B . Singing a song C . Reading a book
    2. (2) What time does Nick get up?
      A . At 6:00. B . At 6:15. C . At 6:30.
    3. (3) Which bus does Nick take to school?
      A . The No. 3 bus. B . The No. 4 bus. C . The No. 5 bus.
  • 14. 听短文,选择最佳答案。
    1. (1) When does John go to an English club?
      A . At 8:00 on Sanday morning B . At 8: 30 on Saturday morning. C . At 8:00 on Saturday morning.
    2. (2) Where is John on Saturday afternoon?
      A . In the bookshop. B . At his aunt's home. C . In his school.
    3. (3) What does John always do on Sunday morning?
      A . He always watches TV. B . He always goes to the bookshop. C . He always plays computer games.
    4. (4) John does his homework on __________.
      A . Sunday afternoon B . Sunday evening C . Saturday evening
    5. (5) John often says he________.
      A . can't visit his friends B . goes to bed too late on Sunday C . has no time to exercise at weekends
  • 40. 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话选项中有一项是多余选项。(5分)

    Julie: Hello, I'm Julie!

    Peter: Yes, please. I want to join your club on weekends.

    Julie: OK. We have a teninis club, a story telling club, msic club and an art club.

    Peter: I want to join the musie club

    Julie: OK.

    Peter: No, I can't.


    Peter: I can play the violin.

    Julie: That's good.

    Peter: My name is Peter Black. Thanks!

    Julie: You are welcome.

    A. What's your name?

    B. Can you sing?

    C. What club do you want to join?

    D. Can I help you?

    E. Can you play baseball?

    F. What can you do?

  • 41. 阅读短文、掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案

    It's Sunday morning. There are 1 people at my home, my grandparents, my parents, my cousin and I. We are all 2 now. 3are my grandparents doing? Oh, my grandfather is exercising. He is playing 4some balls. My grandmother is reading a newspaper. She is reading a story in it She likes this story. because the story is 5. Look! How happy my grandmother6! And my father is watching TV. He is watching CCTV news. It's his favorite7My mother is in the 8 She is cooking(烹饪 ) She can cook delicious food. She is a 9 mother. I love 10very much. My cousin Scott is my uncle's11heis1 years old. He is listening to musie in my room. he likes music and he12play the piano and the guitar, but he can't dance 13 sing. What am doing?' I'm using(使用) the computer,14 I' m not playing games . I'm15 an email.

    A . four B . five C . six D . seven
    A . early B . healthy C . busy D . friendly
    A . What B . Where C . Who D . Why
    A . in B . to C . with D . at
    A . boring B . interesting C . short D . long
    A . are B . is C . am D . isn't
    A . show B . subject C . book D . dish
    A . kitchen B . classroom C . bedroom D . school
    A . lazy B . bad C . good D . scary
    A . him B . her C . it D . you
    A . daughter B . brother C . son D . sister
    A . must B . can C . mustn't D . can't
    A . then B . but C . and D . or
    A . so B . because C . but D . when
    A . to write B . write C . writes D . writing
  • 42. 根据图表中的信息,选择最佳答案。

    I'm from England, but now I'm in Beijing with my parents. I can do many things. I can do kung fu, play the piano draw, sing and dance. of all the things, kung fu is my favorite So I want to join a kung fu club.

    I'm in Grade Seven. I'm busy from Monday to Friday. On weekends.

    I like to play ping—pong. It's fun. I always play it with my sister.

    Ann. I want to join a ping—pong club

    I'm a middle school student. My sister Betty and I like musie very much. We can play the piano. She is in our school's music club. I want to join it, too. These days, my school needs some pianist(钢琴演奏者) for the school music festival, want to play at the festival.

    1. (1) What can Jim play?
      A . B . C . D .
    2. (2) What's Jim's favorite?
      A . Singing. B . Kung fu. C . Dancing. D . Drawing.
    3. (3) Who does Gins always play ping pongt with?
      A . Her mother. B . Her cousin. C . Her father. D . Her sister.
    4. (4) How many people can play the pinno?
      A . Two B . Three. C . Four. D . Five
    5. (5) Which of the following(下面的哪一个) is right sccording to the form(根据表格)?
      A . Ann is in Grode Seven. B . Gina is busy on weekends. C . Betty is in her school's music club. D . Jim is in England with his parents now.
  • 43. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    I'm Maliya. I am American. I study at Shanghai Middle School now. I usually up at 6, 30 in the morning and then I take a shower. I go to school at 7 30. We have the first class at 8: 10 in the morning. At 12:00, I ent lunch at school. Hamburgers are my favorite lood. We finish school at 3 30 in the afternoon. After school. I go to the library or play tenni with my friends. I never watch TV on school days. I go to bed at 9: 00 in the evening

    Mike is my father. He gets up early every day, at about 5: 30. And then, he runs for half an bour. After a quick breakfast, he goes to work. He works on the computer at home. He usually works until(直到)abot12:00a. m. He always has big lunch. After lunch, he still works on the computer until about 6: 00. m. In the evening. he always takes a walk after dinner.

    1. (1) Maliya ____________ at seven thirty.
      A . gets up B . takes a shower C . goes to school D . has her first class
    2. (2) Where does Maliya eat lunch?
      A . At home. B . At school. C . At her friend's home. D . At her grandma's home.
    3. (3) Maliya never____________ on school days.
      A . watches TV B . plays tennis        C eats hamburgers   D. goes to the library
    4. (4) It's about____________ in the morning after Mike finishes running
      A . 5:30 B . 6:00 C . 6:30 D . 7:00
    5. (5) Mike alway____________   after dinner.
      A . works on the computer B . plays basketball C . reads in hed D . takes a walk
  • 44. 根据短文内容,判断句子正误。

    It's easy to get lost in strange(陌生的)city. Here are some tipa(法) to help you find the way and get to your destination(目的地).

    Take a map with you when you go to a new place. If you lose your way, look at the map, you'll find the place where you want to go If you still can't find the place on the map ask the police for help. They will tell you the right way to go.

    Remember the name of your hotel and the street where it in. If you can't find the way back, take a taxi.

    I hope these tips ean help you.

    1. (1) You can take a map with you when you go to a new place.
    2. (2) If you can't find your way, you ean look for it in the map.
    3. (3) The police can't help you find the right way.
    4. (4) We'd better remember the name of the hotel in strange place.
    5. (5) When you can't find the way back, you can take a bus.
  • 45. 阅读文章并根据上下文用下面方框内的适当选项补全短文。

    Zhao Jiawei is a kind girl. She has black hair and big eyes.

    It is a Saturday. Zhao Jiawei is playing with her friend, Liu Yang, in the living room.

    Zhao' s mother wants to buy some fruit for them. She falls down(倒下) on the way.

    She soon calls 120.

    When Zhao is waiting for help, she does CPR(心肺复苏) on her mother with Liu

    Yang. Soon the doctor comes and takes Zhao's mother to hospital.

    Zhao is only thirteen years old. How does she know CPR? She says, My mother and

    I often watch a TV show every Saturday and I learn it from the show. I really like that show. want to be doctor when grow up(长大).

    Zhao Jiawei's mother thanks her daughter for calling 120 and doing CPR on her.

    A. The show tells many stories about doctors

    B. Zhao Jiawei finds her mother can't move or speak

    C. She lives in Shenzhen with her mother.

    D. Her mother gets her life back

    E. She may also need to thank the TV show.

  • 46. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Today is Wednesday. It is a cool and sunny day. There is a sports meeting in our school. On the playground, there are many students and players, Some football players are playing football over there, and many students are watching. Near the teaching building(教学楼), some boys are jumping.

    There is a big tree near the road. Under the tree, some girls are playing table tennis.

    Lucy. Mary and many other girls are playing volleyball beside the tree. Look! There are some boys in the tree. They are watehing their classmates playing volleyhall.

    1. (1) What day is today?
    2. (2) How is the weather today?
    3. (3) Where are the boys jumping?
    4. (4) What are Lucy and Mary doing?
    5. (5) Are there any boys in the tree?(需完整回答)
  • 47. 根据图片和上下文提示,完成短文,每空一词。

    Theremany kinds of animals. We can see some of them in the Pandas come from China

    They are cute, so children like them very much. People always watch eat bamboo in some short videos(录像). Giraffes come from Africa. They are tall and interesting. They need big houses. Lions are from the same place as giraffes. They are exciting(令人兴奋的) scary. Animals are our friends so we need to be to them.

  • 48. 假设你是李雷,现在是晚上八点,你正在给你的网友Paul写信,请向他说明此时你的家人正在做的事情。同时,你的网友Paul非常想了解中国学生的生活,请向他介绍一下你的学校生活(上学方式,校规等,至少2条)。


    Dear Paul.


    Yours Li Lei

