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更新时间:2022-03-29 浏览次数:85 类型:期中考试
二、对话理解。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案. (每小题1.5分,共9分)
  • 13. 听长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why didn't Jack answer the phone?
      A . Because he was having a party. B . Because he was in hospital.  C . Because he was visiting Alice.
    2. (2) When will they go to the hospital?
      A . This afternoon. B . Tomorrow afternoon. C . This Saturday afternoon.
  • 14. 听长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where did Lucy and Julia go last week?
      A . To a park. B . To a hospital. C . To a school.
    2. (2) How did Lucy feel after the activity?
      A . Tired and bored. B . Interested and happy. C . Tired but happy.
  • 15. 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。
    1. (1) The letter is from _______.
      A . Mr. White B . Jenny C . Nick
    2. (2) The writer bought the clothes _______.
      A . two days ago B . three days ago C . four days ago
    3. (3) In this letter, the writer talked about _______ problems of the clothes.
      A . two B . three C . four
    4. (4) The writer's son doesn't like the _______ T-shirt.
      A . white B . yellow C . blue
  • 26. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

    Unlike many of my friends, I didn't take any training lessons or hobby classes during this summer vacation. I had a really good 1.

    This vacation, I got used to staying in a 2 coffee shop, listening to an English song and enjoying a cup of tea. I liked wind to blow over my ears, to bathe(沐浴) in the sunshine with my 3 closed. I liked to dream and think about things. I thought I had already grown up, but the idea 4 because a book said: Only the one who is able to think for himself can be considered an adult. I didn't fit the description so I am still like a child 5 my way in the dark.

    This vacation, I had a deeper understanding of life and death. The death is waiting for us at the 6 of our life. But during our lifetime, we can make our life different and meaningful(有意义的). I also learned to live and work alone. Now I can take care of myself and in the future I am able to live 7 my own. As for me, this vacation was the 8 unforgettable one because I learned so much and understood a lot.

    Time passes by as usual, and 9 is able to stop it. 10 I get a sense of pressure because the new school term is in only five days, I still can't wait to meet my old friends and teachers. Hope I can have fun in the new term, too.

    A . look B . test C . grade D . rest
    A . noisy B . quiet C . cheap D . expensive
    A . doors B . windows C . eyes D . ears
    A . changed B . passed C . raised D . continued
    A . looking for B . looking after C . giving up D . giving out
    A . beginning B . middle C . back D . end
    A . on B . in C . for D . with
    A . most B . more C . least D . less
    A . anything B . nothing C . everything D . something
    A . Because B . So C . Although D . Unless
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Boy's Green Tent

    It has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down. There is a small and cute door to let the air in and keep the bugs(虫子) out.

    Price: 150 dollars.

    If you want to know more -Tel: 659-7843

    Four Seasons Restaurant

    Noodles! Rice! Soup! Dumplings! Drinks! Delicious and of great value!

    A main course and a drink only for 12 dollars! Book early because we get busy!

    Thursday: Kids under 10 half price.

    Address: No. 121 on Bridge Road

    Library Assistant

    Working place: City Library on Centre Street.

    Working time: From Monday to Friday every week, 8:00 a. m. -5:00 p. m. , and one Saturday every month.

    Payment: 8 dollars every day.

    Call 879-6634 for more information.

    1. (1) The cute small door of the tent is to ______.
      A . make it easy to take down B . make it lighter C . let the air out easily D . keep the bugs out
    2. (2) A boy of eleven years old wants to order a main course and a drink in the Four Seasons Restaurant on Thursday, he needs to pay _____ dollars.
      A . 6 B . 8 C . 10 D . 12
    3. (3) If you work as a library assistant, you can _______.
      A . work less than 8 hours every day B . work on Bridge Road C . get at most 48 dollars a week D . have a rest every Saturday
  • 28. 阅读理解

    Once upon a time, when the world was young and Gods ruled, there were ten suns in the sky. They were the young sons of a Goddess. At night, after bathing, nine of them slept on a low branch(树枝) of a tree near the East Sea, and the other on a higher one. When it was daytime, the sun on the higher branch would take a ride across the sky, shining, bringing light and warmth to the world. Human lived happily, so did all the wildlife.

    One day, the ten brothers decided to travel across the sky together. How fun it would be! So they all got on the imperial carriage(辇) and played in the sky. What they didn't know was that this was a disaster(灾难) to the world. Forests were on fire, animals lost their homes, crops(庄稼) were all dead, even the wells(井) became empty. What could human do?

     A brave young man named Hou Yi was famous for his archery(箭术). The elders begged(请求) Hou Yi to shoot down nine suns and brought back their happy life, so Hou Yi started his journey. He tramped(翻越) ninety-nine mountains, crossed ninety-nine rivers, spent ninety-nine days and finally got near the East Sea. After aiming(瞄准), he drew the bow(拉开弓) and shot an arrow! One sun was down. One by one, Hou Yi shot down nine suns! The suns fell to the ground and could not give out heat anymore. The world got back to normal and Hou Yi was regarded as a hero.

    1. (1) After bathing, only one of the ten suns slept ______.
      A . in the East Sea B . on a low branch C . in the sky D . on a high branch
    2. (2) The disaster was because ______.
      A . the Goddess had ten sons B . one sun crossed the sky every day C . ten suns played in the sky D . the forests were on fire
    3. (3) You can read the passage from ______.
      A . a story book B . a science fiction C . a newspaper D . a fashion magazine
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
      A . The ten suns thought playing together would be fun. B . The ten suns lived near the East Sea. C . Hou Yi volunteered to shoot the sun for human. D . With one sun in the sky, human lived happily.
  • 29. 阅读理解

    Have you ever heard of Earth Day? As a result of the global coronavirus outbreak(冠状病毒爆发), a lot of activities have been stopped, but Earth Day is not one of them.

    The story began when astronauts on Spaceship Apollo 8 brought back a photo of the Earth on December 24, 1968. It was the first time people could see our home from space on a photo with full color. Although it showed people how beautiful the Earth was, the photo also reminded us how venerable the blue planet could be. Since then, people started to understand that the Earth could be easily broken. The modern environmental movement(运动) started. On April 22, 1970, environmental groups created the first Earth Day. More than 20 million people walked out to streets and talked about how they could protect the Earth.

    Coronavirus this year may not allow us to gather(聚集), but it will not keep us silent. Environmental groups have set up a website(//www. earthday. org) for people who care about the Earth to share their opinions. You can write about anything on the website as long as it can make a difference in making the Earth better. It could be about stopping the overuse(过度使用) of cars, protecting wildlife around the world or just saving drinking water.

    With the help of digital medias(电子媒体), the whole world is more connected than ever. Please go to the website and share your ideas. Together, we can take action to change our lives and change our world, not for one day, but forever.  

    1. (1) On December 24, 1968, ______.
      A . Spaceship Apollo 8 brought astronauts into space B . Spaceship Apollo 8 brought back a photo of the moon C . people walked out to streets to talk about the Earth D . people could see the Earth from space on a full-colored photo
    2. (2) The underlined word "venerable" in Paragraph 1 means ______ in Chinese.
      A . 坚强的 B . 脆弱的 C . 美丽的 D . 肮脏的
    3. (3) According to the passage, you may not share your opinions about ______ on //www. earthday. org.
      A . saving drinking water B . protecting tigers C . staying at home D . using subways more
    4. (4) The last paragraph is to ______.
      A . show us how important the Earth Day is B . tell us digital medias are developing fast C . call on us to join the Earth Day movement  D . discuss why the Earth Day is different this year
  • 30. 阅读理解

    Take a look at the picture. The robot on the left is a famous "musician" named Shimon. Shimon is a robot with four arms and a ball-like head. He holds small mallets(木槌) in his "hands" to play a marimba(马林巴琴). His head moves around with the beat(节拍) of his music he plays.

    Actually, Shimon can do more than that. He is taught to write his own music with the help of a new technology known as Artificial Intelligence(AI). The leader of the Shimon project, Gil Weinberg, calls this "deep learning". After a four-year "training", now Shimon can not only write his music, but also play it in real time with other musicians, as the picture shows.

    Singing the songs is another story. Yes, Shimon has his own voice, too. His voice was created by AI and sounds very like a man. The researchers even recorded one of Shimon's songs called Into Your Mind. To show the world how wonderful Shimon is, the team has put out an album(专辑) of his songs on the music streaming media(音乐流媒体) Spotify. Some listeners comment(评论) that they can't believe the voice is from a robot. Next, the researchers want to make plans for Shimon to go on a tour(巡演) with a band and play his music live. Of course he can sing some of them.

    AI is developing at a surprising speed, but the main goal of projects like Shimon is never to show human how much robots can do. "The most important is that we know together, human and robots can and will make something beautiful. " says Gil Weinberg.

    1. (1) ______ helped Shimon learn to write his own music.
      A . Gil Weinberg B . Other musicians C . Artificial Intelligence D . Spotify
    2. (2) The researchers of Shimon project have already ______.
      A .
      "trained" Shimon for four years
      B . recorded Shimon's song Into Your Mind C . made Shimon play his music live D . let Shimon have a tour around the world
    3. (3) The best title of this passage could be ______.
      A . Shimon the Robot B . Robots' Music C . AI: a New Technology D . Human vs Robots
    4. (4) We can infer(推断) from the passage that ______.
      A . Shimon can play music with other musicians B . Shimon has sang only one song on his own C . Shimon's music may be popular on Spotify D . Shimon's music can't be found on Spotify
  • 31. 阅读理解

    In Wenling, Zhejiang on June 13, 2020, the explosion(爆炸) of a tank truck(槽罐车) filled with liquefied gas(液化气) on Highway G15 shocked the country. It has already caused 20 deaths and over 100 injuries up to June 15. Except for accidents like this, natural disasters are also a threat(威胁) to people's lives.      ▲      .

    Floods(洪水) took thousands of lives every year. The easiest way to keep yourself safe is to get to higher grounds like the top of a building. Do not try to swim across a river because no matter how good a swimmer you are, the water will run too quickly for you. Another important thing is not to panic(慌张), shout or do anything that may make you weak. Save your energy and wait for help.

    These years, earthquakes happen more often than in the past. Luckily, nowadays, a few seconds before the earthquake comes, your cell phones can receive warnings. Pay attention to them. If you are at home, turning off electricity(电) and gas as quickly as possible may lower(降低) the risk of explosion. What's more, news reports say sometimes jumping out of a tall building may be more dangerous than staying where you are.

    Fire is also dangerous. If your clothes are on fire, do not run around and hope the wind helps put out the fire. The right thing to do is to roll(打滚) on the ground. Do not use elevators when fire happens. Smoke can choke(呛) you, so prepare a wet towel and lower your body to avoid(回避) smoke. If you have to get out of the building, try to use sheets(床单) as a life-saving rope. Never jump directly out.

    1. (1) The best sentence for      ▲      could be ______.
      A . Remember to be careful when going near a tank truck. B . Floods, earthquakes and fires are dangerous, too. C . What kinds of natural disasters do you know? D . What can we do if we are caught in them?
    2. (2) When floods come, we should ______.

      ①get to higher grounds            ②prepare a wet towel 

      ③swim across the river            ④try to save our energy

      A . ①③ B . ③④ C . ②④ D . ①④
    3. (3) To lower the risk of explosion when earthquakes come, you may ______.
      A . pay attention to the warnings B . turn off electricity and gas C . use sheets as a life-saving rope D . lower your body to avoid the smoke
    4. (4) Picture _________ shows the right structure(结构) of the passage.

      (① =Para. 1; ②=Para. 2; ③=Para. 3; ④=Para. 4)

      A . B . C . D .
  • 32. 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。

    A. When shall we go?

    B. What are you doing now?

    C. Is it about teenagers or adults?

    D. I hear it's very popular.

    E. Any ideas about where to go?

    F. Let's meet at ten o'clock.

    G. By the way, why do you call me?

    A: Hello, this is Amy. May I speak to Peter?

    B: Hi, Peter is speaking.


    B: I am watching a popular film on the Internet. It's called Better

    Days (《少年的你》) mainly acted by Yi Yangqianxi.


    B: Yes, it is. It's about two teenagers who help each other in difficult times.

    A: Sounds great! I'll enjoy it when I have time.

    B: I'm sure you'll like it.

    A: Well, I plan to give some old things to people in need. Would you like to join us tomorrow?

    B: Yes, I'd love to. I have some soft toys and board games. I can give them away.

    A: Let's go to the Sunshine Home for Children.

    B: Good idea.

    A: How about ten in the morning?

    B: OK. See you then.

  • 33. 阅读下文并回答问题。

    It was field trip day to the zoo and Stacy had been looking forward to(期待) it all week long. As soon as her bus stopped at the entrance of the zoo, she ran to the front to be the first in line. She couldn't wait to see the lions, monkeys, giraffes and elephants. As her class went from exhibit(展览) to exhibit in the Aqua Hall(水族馆), Stacy couldn't help but wish they would hurry up. She didn't care about the fish they were looking at. She wanted to get to the big animals.

    Finally, after what seemed like hours, her class made their way out to the big cages where the large animals lived. Stacy watched the monkeys swing(荡) from branch to branch, saw the giraffes with their long neck and touched the elephant. But she hadn't seen the lions yet.

    She was starting to feel sad that she wasn't going to see the lions when her class turned the corner and there they were! Mama lion was lying in the grass with two little cubs(小狮子) jumping around her. When it was time to go back, one of the cubs did the most amazing thing that Stacy had ever seen. It lifted(举起) its paw(爪子) and put it on the glass. At the same time, it shook its head a little bit. "Look! The cub was saying good-bye, too!"

    What an exciting day! Stacy hoped to have another field trip with her class again.

    1. (1) Did Stacy take the bus to the zoo?
    2. (2) Which animal did Stacy touch at the zoo?
    3. (3) What was the most amazing thing that happened when it was time to go back?
    4. (4) Do you like to have trips with your class? Why or why not?
  • 49. 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。

    Have you ever heard of bicycle sharing? People used to depend on buses or subways to in the city. Now things have changed. A huge number of bright yellow bikes have appeared even on a street corner. You can scan(扫描) the QR code(二维码) on the bike and start riding. But as the number of the shared bicycles grows, people have opinions about them.

    Some people believe it is great for them to go outside using shared bicycles. It can reduce(减少) traffic jams. Also, citizens are now becoming lazier than before. Bicycle sharing can encourage people to ride bicycles as transportation, and at the same time, they can do some exercise to keep healthy. The companies also make the first 30-45 minutes of use either free very inexpensive. This allows each bicycle to serve several users every day.

    , some people are against it. They think some of the shared bicycles affect(影响) the city's order because they are sometimes placed(放置) here and there. In addition, some users don't treat the bicycles carefully so they are damaged(破坏) badly. It's a waste of resources(资源). So there should be some about the use of shared bicycles. For example, if someone places the bicycle in the wrong place after he rides , he should be fined(罚款).

    As for me, I think shared bicycles are helpful and convenient(方便的). People have a healthier way to travel in the city. When they finish using, they just find a special station nearby and leave the bicycle for the user. But remember, shared bicycles can only do its part in making our life better if we all be users with good manners.

  • 50. 请根据提示及要求,以"Let's help our parents do chores"为题,写一篇英语倡议书






    Let's help our parents do chores

    Dear students,

    Helping our parents do chores is one of the best ways to care about them. ▲   Let's help our parents do chores.

