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更新时间:2022-04-14 浏览次数:59 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. It's a pity that the basketball legend Kobe died                 the morning of January 26th, 2020.
    A . in B . on C . at D . for
  • 2. —A grand parade (大阅兵)                to celebrate the 70th birthday of PRC in Beijing in 2019.

    —It's so great that it made the world amazed.

    A . hold B . is held C . was hold D . was held
  • 3. —China National Women's Volleyball Team will take part in the Olympics in Japan soon.

    —                .

    A . I'm sorry to hear that B . Good luck to them C . I don't think so D . It's my pleasure
  • 4. It's true that China has got lots of great                 in the past ten years.
    A . accidents B . achievements C . advantages D . agreements
  • 5. —              is the weather like today in your city?

    —It's sunny.

    A . How B . Which C . Why D . What
  • 6. It's a fine day today. How about                 on a picnic in the park?
    A . go B . gone C . to go D . going
  • 7. You'd better                reading as a hobby. It can open up your eyes and improve yourself.
    A . take up B . turn up C . put up D . give up
  • 8. — Can you come to my house for dinner tonight?

                  . I have to study for a test.

    A . Yes, I can B . That would be nice C . I'm afraid not D . Certainly
  • 9. —It's convenient that people                take money with them when they go shopping nowadays.

    —That's right. Thanks to the popularity of electronic payment.

    A . can't B . shouldn't C . needn't D . mustn't
  • 10. — Don't spend much time on Tik Tok. I don't think it's good for you.


    A . Sorry, I won't B . No, thanks C . Of course D . It doesn't matter
  • 11. They tried their best to help get out of the trouble                 it's difficult.
    A . though B . or C . unless D . so
  • 12. The books                me of my happy childhood.
    A . remember B . record C . regard D . remind
  • 13. — Could you tell me                ?

    —It's wonderful.

    A . how do you like the movie My people, My country B . what is the movie My people, My country about C . how you like the movie My people, My country D . what the movie My people, My country is about
  • 14. — You didn't look well this morning. What's wrong?

    —I had a white night yesterday. I thought a lot about the problem.

    A . overslept B . didn't sleep well C . slept on a white bed D . I went to bed early
  • 15. —Miss Miller, you are the most caring teacher in our mind.

    —Thank you. It's music to my ears.

    A . a beautiful piece of music B . what I love to hear C . my favorite music D . what I need to do
  • 16. 从A, B, C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

        All of the staff in my hotel did a great job recently. We1to raise money for a woman called Nora, She is working as a front office clerk in the2. A few weeks ago, she was told by doctors that she had a brain tumor (瘤).

    She is from a poor family. While she was studying in the 6th grade, she3her parents. Now she is the single parent of a 3-year-old daughter and there is no one to look after her kid. She is the only one to make money in the family, so it is very4for her family to deal with her treatment expenses (治疗费用). Her monthly pay is only INR. 12, 000 (﹩200), 5her treatment cost is about INR. 1, 000, 000($16, 000).

        When we came to know of her6, we know we must do something for her. She is one of our team members! The only thing we were7to do was to help her at once. So we reported this to the top level management and they supported and joined us. We decided to contribute (捐赠) from all the staff's pay. We each contributed 2—day pay for her medical expenses, and many kind people from other fields8contributed for her treatment.9, with the help of the kind people, she had enough to pay the expenses.

        Now Nora is back from the hospital and her health is getting better day by day. Today we went to meet her at home. She was very10to all the people who helped with her medical treatment.

    A . expected B . made C . decided
    A . hotel B . library C . restaurant
    A . found B . left C . lost
    A . difficult B . upset C . boring
    A . so B . until C . but
    A . parents B . situation C . education
    A . pleased B . excited C . able
    A . also B . seldom C . instead
    A . Carefully B . Luckily C . Naturally
    A . polite B . thankful C . responsible
  • 17. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

        Now we can see lots of talent shows on TV, such as The Voice. of China, Sing My Song and so on. These programs are quite popular, especially among young people. It now has great influence on their studies and lives.

        There are some reasons behind the tide (潮流). To start with, young people need role models to learn from, so many of them are. crazy about the winners—in these programs. They often wear and speak the way the winners do. Secondly, young people are finding ways to show off their talents or relax themselves. So many boys and girls are interested in joining in or watching such programs.

        Every coin has its two sides. On the one hand, watching the talent show is a good way to relax and make us happy and excited. On the other hand, as students, however, we should spend more time on our schoolwork. And as you know, it is always expensive to watch a live (现场的) talent show.

    1. (1) Only young people like to watch talent shows.
    2. (2) Winners of the talent shows often become role models of young people.
    3. (3) Watching the talent show can make us relaxed and happy.
    4. (4) The students should not watch any talent shows.
    5. (5) Usually it costs more money to watch a live talent show.
  • 18. 阅读理解。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

        The real name of "Brother A tang" is Tang Yanjie, who has been a community policeman for a year in Changzhou. He received 11 thank—you pennants (锦旗) sent by the public. He is called "banner's—got—talent after 90" by the police.

        He quickly became popular because of three videos. In late December, 2013, a video created by him was his first experience to prevent motorcars from being stolen. The video lasted 15 seconds, but it took him five hours to make it. A few days later, another video appeared on the Internet to protect people from being stolen. He spent one minute and forty—nine seconds performing it. It was not only humorous but also educational. On New Year, "Brother A tang" made the third video that lasted one minute for the prevention of telecom network fraud (电信网路诈骗). All the people nodded for praise.

        Internet friends called him "Police Guo Degang" because of his funny words and exaggerated (夸张的) feelings. His videos have received 23.46 million hits. Sina Microblog (新浪微博) also timely releases the topic "Help Xiao Tang enters the Spring Festival gala".

        A net friend said, "′Brother A tang' loves music and loves life. He is so talented and full of positive energy. "

        It is said that he will create his next topic soon. Many people are looking forward to his new work!

    1. (1) What does Tang Yanjie do?
      A . A worker. B . A businessman. C . A doctor. D . A policeman.
    2. (2) He quickly became popular because of       .
      A . music talent B . three videos C . good manners D . writing skills
    3. (3) Why do Internet friends like his performance?
      A . Because he was funny. B . Because his feelings were exaggerated. C . Because he was humorous. D . All of the three above.
    4. (4) The underlined word "releases" in the third paragraph means       .
      A . 提供 B . 表演 C . 发布 D . 放松
    5. (5) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . "Brother A tang" is full of negative energy. B . The third video is the shortest. C . The second video needs the longest time. D . People don't believe that he will create his next topic soon.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Mahalya Daye, 13, is an eighth—grader at Lamberton Middle School in Pennsylvania, USA. Every afternoon at nearly 2 o'clock, she runs to a store at her school. But she is not running to buy snacks and school things. Instead, she works as the storekeeper.

        "I didn't know that it took so much work. I've never really done something like this, " Mahalya said.

        In fact, she is one of 12 volunteer staff members at Bison Bargains. It is the school's first store run (经营) by students. It started on February 22nd, and it opens each school day during break time from 2 to 2:30 p. m. It mainly sells snacks and stationery (学习用品).

        The school wants to provide the students with a real—life business experience through this. Christian Ilg, 14, an eighth—grader, was really surprised by how hard it was not to make mistakes and do the transactions (交易). "It's kind of a challenge to learn all the information on the lists and remember all the prices of the products, " Christian said.

        To learn about business, the students took a special class. They learnt how to use money and some simple business rules.

        The school did a survey on what products students would buy from a school store. In the future, they plan to sell things made by the students themselves. For example, students can sell their homemade pencil boxes.

    1. (1) When does Mahalya go to work at the school store?
      A . In the morning. B . During lunch. C . In the afternoon. D . After school.
    2. (2) How long is the store open on a school day?
      A . 30 minutes. B . 2 hours. C . 2 hours and 30 minutes. D . 4 hours and 30 minutes.
    3. (3) Why does the school set up the store run by students?
      A . They wants to make it convenient for students to buy things at school. B . They wants to offer the students a real—life business experience. C . They want to help students from poor families to make some money. D . They want to help students sell things made by students themselves.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Mahalya is the oldest staff member at the store. B . Products are sold at very low prices at the store. C . The store sells things made by students themselves. D . Christian finds it hard to remember all the prices of the products.
    5. (5) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . A special class for students B . How to use money wisely C . How to be a storekeeper D . A student—run store
  • 20. 任务型阅读。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        April Fool's Day is supposed to be a day to play jokes on others. . However, the April Fool's Day of 1989 was quite different for my mom and me.

        That day my friend Jimmy and I were playing a game. I had dropped down from a bar (横木) many times in the past without ever having a problem, but that day the simple— act of dropping to the ground became a nightmare (噩梦). Jimmy's dad heard my crying and rushed out to see what was going on. when he saw the problem. He told her he would take me to the hospital. . Because that day was April Fool's Day. She really thought all this was a big joke. Mom was finally convinced (确信) by Jimmy's mom. When she saw me, she broke down in tears because she felt so sad—she thought this was just a big hoax at first.

        I guess one could compare this to the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". . I as well as my mom was made to. look like a fool that day. We both learned a valuable lesson.

    A. Since, I had played tricks (捣鬼) before, it is no wonder. that my mom didn't believe it

    B. People hope to get a good laugh and make one feel like a fool

    C. I broke my arm

    D. She thought it served her son right

    E. He quickly put me into his truck and went inside to telephone my mom

    F. He wanted her to go to the hospital to pay the money

    G. She didn't believe what Jimmy's dad said

  • 21. 单词填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式.

        While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day.

        When I'm down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer(my) up. Comedies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung Fu Panda have(fun) dialogs and usually have a happy(end). The characters may not be perfect, but they try their best to solve their problems.

        After(watch) them, the problems suddenly seem less serious and I feel much(good) again. Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax!

        I don't watch dramas or(documentary) when I'm sad or tired. Dramas like Titanic make me feel even sadder. Documentaries like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting, but when I'm tired I don't want(think) too much. I don't mind action movies like Spider—Man when I'm too tired to think. I can just shut off my brain, (sat) back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who always(save) the world just in time.

        Once in a while, I like to watch movies that are scary: They can be fun, but I'm too scared to watch them alone. I always bring a friend who isn't afraid of these kinds of movies, and it (feel) so scary anymore.

  • 22. 补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整,所写句子应与所给的标点符号一致.

    A: Hey, Lily, you look unhappy.?

    B: I argued with my mom. yesterday evening. She didn't talk with me any more..

    A: Mother's Day is coming. You could buy her some flowers and say you are sorry.

    B: That sounds like a good idea. Jack, I called you up yesterday evening, but there was no answer.

    A: When did you call me?

    B: At 8: 30.?

    A: I was watching CCTV news : from Boston at that time. I'm sorry I didn't hear it.

    B: . What did the reporter say?

    A: The reporter said two explosions (爆炸) had taken place near the Boston Marathon finishing line. 176 people had got injured and 3 people had died including Lv Lingzi, a, Chinese girl.


  • 23. An Important Person in My Heart

    提示:在我们的学习和生活中,我们会遇到各种各样的人,请以"An Important Person in My Heart"为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述一个你认为对你重要的人及他或她为什么对你重要。



    2)不得使用真实姓名和校名,如需使用姓名,请用Mike, Gina等英文名字, 校名统一用Guangming Middle School.


