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更新时间:2022-02-16 浏览次数:68 类型:竞赛测试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    I have a big presentation to give this morning. I'm sitting in this 1 train. There are so many people around. And this kid is going to spill (溅出) hot coffee all over me.

    I shoot a(n) 2 look at him but what's the use? He's in his own world, shaking his head to some 3 coming from his earphones. I can't help thinking about the 4 of that coffee because the head-shaking is keeping the coffee in his hand moving.

    The train 5 and the doors open. I'm given some 6 now. There is only one more stop left: thank God. I move backwards in my seat and the kid's coffee is pushed 7 slightly. It's like I can finally breathe normally again.

    A lot of noise comes toward us and I become 8 again. It's a family. Oh, God. It's six of them, carrying a dozen oversized shopping bags. Everyone packs in, and the kid's 9 is in my face again.

    I 10 my eyes as I can't take this anymore. After the 11 two minutes of my life, the train finally 12 my stop. I open my eyes and see nearly everyone around me is standing in a line, waiting to 13. I grab my purse and laptop (my presentation's on it), and slowly bring myself to the 14 of the line.

    I'm the last to step out. Crossing the gap, I look down at my feet. Big mistake. In that second, I run into someone trying to 15 the train. I lose my balance. I save my laptop 16 everything else drops on the ground.

    When I look up at who I ran into, I immediately 17 he's holding a cup of coffee. The large man 18 to me sincerely but I can't pay attention to him right now. I need to 19 my clothes.

    I see no stains(污迹)and wave him off. As he goes into the train, I think how "funny" it is since I have been so 20 about the kid's coffee inside the train.

    A . quiet B . slow C . crowded D . fast
    A . cold B . angry C . rude D . cruel
    A . story B . music C . presentation D . advertisement
    A . position B . condition C . stage D . movement
    A . moves B . waits C . stops D . changes
    A . place B . coffee C . room D . time
    A . up B . in C . back D . off
    A . disturbing B . puzzled C . alive D . nervous
    A . head B . hand C . earphone D . coffee
    A . shut B . stare C . open D . keep
    A . longest B . busiest C . shortest D . easiest
    A . passes B . reaches C . finds D . leaves
    A . get back B . get off C . get on D . get up
    A . middle B . start C . end D . side
    A . leave B . escape C . get D . enter
    A . or B . so C . and D . but
    A . realize B . remember C . notice D . recognize
    A . talks B . speaks C . apologizes D . explains
    A . check B . prepare C . wash D . protect
    A . concerned B . curious C . confused D . comfortable
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Honoring those who built China

    The People's Republic of China (PRC) is celebrating its 70th founding anniversary this year. Over the past decades, many people have made great contributions to the country's development, helping it grow through their hard work. On Sept 17, ahead of National Day on Oct 1, Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a presidential decree (主席令) to award national medals and honorary titles to 42 of these contributors, including both Chinese citizens and foreigners. Eight people received the Medal of the Republic, six foreigners received the Friendship Medals, and 28 people received the National Honorary Titles. Now let's learn about four recipients of the Medal of the Republic.

    Shen Jilan, a farmer, is a lifelong lawmaker. In 1954, she became a deputy to the National People's Congress. Since then, she has served at all 13 NPCs. She came up with the idea of equal pay for equal work between men and women. The idea was written into China's first constitution (宪法) in 1954.

    Sun Jiadong,an aerospace engineer, made great contributions toward developing Chinese satellite technology and space exploration. He was chief designer of both the Baidu navigation (导航) system and China's lunar exploration project.

    Zhang Fuqing was a soldier in the People's Liberation Army during the Liberation War. He was twice awarded the title of Combat Hero. In 1955, he volunteered to work in a remote (偏远的) county in Hubei province and has been helping poor people there ever since.

    Tu Youyou,a scientist, is known for winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She got inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine theories and discovered artemisinin, a medicine that can be used to treat malaria. Her finding has saved the lives of millions.

    1. (1) How many people received awards for their great contributions on Sept. 17?
      A . 17. B . 28. C . 42. D . 70.
    2. (2) Only those who have ______ can receive the national medals and honorary titles.
      A . worked as lifelong lawmakers B . served in the army C . lived in China for more than 50 years D . make great contributions
    3. (3) According to the material, the four people mentioned all received.
      A . the Nobel Prize B . the Medal of the Republic C . the Friendship Medals D . the National Honorary Titles
    4. (4) It can be seen from the material that        .
      A . malaria is a kind of illness B . Sun Jiadongonly designed the Baidu navigation system C . Shen Jilan's 13 ideas were written into China's constitution D . Zhang Fuqing was twice awarded the Medal of the Republic
    5. (5) The above material may probably be a(n)       .
      A . story B . poster C . report D . advertisement
  • 3. 阅读理解

    AI is a double-edged sword. It can help us, but also cause us harm. Who is using AI? Is AI replacing humans? What should we do to avoid the risks and dangers that AI might bring?

    Artificial intelligence is set to benefit mankind in many ways. It will make everyday tasks easier and bring efficiency to various industries. It might just prove to be one of man's greatest inventions.

    And yet, like any other technology,      ▲    . In February 2018, a group of AI experts got together to discuss the possible misuse of AI. What they found was that "Every AI advance by the good guys is an advance for the bad guys, too," according to Quartz.

    Their biggest concern was that criminals (罪犯) could use AI for wrongful purposes. One of the areas they looked at was the use of AI to create websites that could be used to steal people's personal information. Another possibility is that AI programs could be taught to hack software and break into computer secure systems.

    There are some other concerns as well. It is possible that AI could be used to create fake images and videos. Chinese tech giant Baidu, in fact, has developed a program called Deep Voice that can "clone" anyone's voice by studying a 3.7-second audio sample.

    Many leading figures in the tech world have expressed concern about AI. People like Bill Gates and Elon Musk have called for the industry to be more strictly regulated, as there are few laws right now on the use of AI.

    However, this is set to change. In March 2018, the European Union plans to set up a group that will discuss the moral and ethical dangers of advanced AI – and hopefully, suggest some regulations that will help us keep it safe for mankind.

    1. (1) Which of the following can be put in      ▲    in Paragraph 3?
      A . AI makes our life easier B . AI will also bring risks C . AI is around us everyday D . AI beats human in many ways 
    2. (2) Some experts have concerns about AI because _________.
      A . it makes people lazier B . it is developing too fast C . it will replace workers in the future D . some people may use it to do bad things
    3. (3) Deep Voice is mentioned to show _______.
      A . how AI is developed B . what AI can do in the future C . why Baidu is a tech giant D . how AI can copy voices
    4. (4) We can infer from the passage that _______.
      A . there may be new laws to regulate the use of AI. B . AI will bring more harm than benefit to mankind. C . many AI programmers will become criminals. D . there will only be fake news and videos online.
    5. (5) This passage is written mainly to ________.
      A . tell readers that AI is a new invention B . introduce what AI is really about C . show that AI also has disadvantages D . suggest some rules for AI
  • 4. 阅读理解

    ①The early histories of many African countries are not certain. Ancient people didn't write down things that happened. Instead, the older people told stories to the younger people. This is how history was passed down. Here is the story of a great king – Gihanga.

    ②Rwanda is a country near lots of big lakes and forests. A long time ago, there were lots of small towns in this place. But the people in these small towns had simple ways of living, with little technology to help them. Back then, there was no country, no "Rwanda" in the world.

    ③Gihanga is thought to have spent his childhood in different locations in Central Africa. It was said that his father was a man of wealth and ability. Gihanga learned a lot from his father. He knew how to use metal to make things, like shoes for horses. People thought he was a clever boy.

    ④Thanks to Gihanga's great mind, many people fell in love with him. He is believed to have discovered fire, invented new ways of farming and building, and made new objects from metal. All of these things were introduced to local people to improve their lives. Besides all this, he may have also founded the country of Rwanda, made laws and spread religion.

    ⑤But can we be sure all this is true? The story of Gihanga has been told for thousands of years. How much of the story might have changed? Can we even be sure Gihanga existed at all?

    1. (1) What is Rwanda like now according to the passage?
      A . There are lots of small towns. B . The people in the small towns have simple ways of living. C . The people in Rwanda know little technology. D . It is a country near lots of big lakes and forests.
    2. (2) How many achievements is Gihanga believed to have achieved in Paragraph 4?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four. D . Five.
    3. (3) The last paragraph is written to show that _______.
      A . people all believe the story     is a true one B . the author thinks the story has really happened C . the author is not sure whether the story has really happened D . stories that have been told thousands of years are believable
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
      A . The story of Rwanda—An old country in Africa B . The story of Gihanga—A great king who created Rwanda C . The early history of one African country D . How history was passed down in Africa
    5. (5) Which of the following is the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
  • 5. 阅读下列短文,从短文后所给的A~G七个选项中选出能填入空白处的五个最佳选项。注意:选项中有两项多余选项。

    Some of us eat more than we should on Thanksgiving Day.  However, many of us will continue to overeat throughout the holiday season. Nobody likes to feel terrible, and few of us are trying to gain weight, so why do we continue to eat more than we need?

    Most of us think we are controlling the amount of food we eat, but a research shows that our environment has much influence on the amount of food we eat.

    In one study, people attending a movie received free popcorn that was not fresh. Many of the popcorn eaters found that the popcorn was not fresh, but the people receiving large bags still ate 34% more than those receiving smaller bags. When they received fresh popcorn, the people with large bags ate 42%more than the people receiving small bags.

    In another study, the larger the plate, the more we pile(堆砌) on. Participants received a plate and were allowed to serve themselves. Researchers then sneezed(打喷嚏)on the plate and told participants to fix another plate.Participants put 25% more food on the larger plate. This shows that the size of the plate influences the amount of food we choose to take.

    Many kinds of food is served during the holidays and that makes us eat more. To prevent overeating and weight gain, please use a small plate at meals. When you have eaten the food on that plate, don't take more unless you are actually still hungry.

        A: The second plate was larger than the first.
        B: Some of us feel terrible because we eat too much.
        C: It's not surprising that we eat more food during the holidays.
        D: Researchers used two kinds of bags with two different colors.
        E: According to a research, most of us are eating a lot more than we think.
        F: If you eat less, you'll feel certainly better at the end of the holidays.
        G: Some people received small bags of popcorn while others received large bags.

  • 6. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。

    "Long time no see" is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from a US friend's E-mail, I laughed. I thought it was a classic (例子) of Chinglish.

    Obviously, it is a word-to-word (翻译) of the Chinese greetings with a bad English structure and grammar! Later on, my friend told me that it is a (常见的) greeting in the US. I could(几乎不) believe her. Her words were not believable enough. So I did a (搜索) on google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web (页)  containing "Long time no see". This sentence has been (广泛地) used in E-mails, letters, newspapers, movies, books or any other possible place. Though it is not (正式) enough, it is part of the language (美国人) use daily. However, if you type this sentence in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to  (改正).

    Nobody knows how this Chinglish sentence (开始). Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan's movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers (成功地)created a world wide famous Chinese detective (名为) "Charlie Chan" on screens. Detective Chan liked to teach people some Chinese (智慧) by using what Confucius said. "Long time no see" was his trademark. Shortly after, "Long time no see" became a (流行的) expression in the real world.

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    At an average height of around 5meters, the giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world. Because of (it) long legs, long neck, and distinctive spotted pattern, many people first believed the giraffe was a cross(杂交)a leopard and a camel. Giraffes live primarily in savanna areas in Africa. Their extreme height allows them to eat (leaf) and shoots located much higher than other animals can reach. However, it can be a disadvantages well—it is difficult and dangerous for a giraffe (drink) at a water hole. Giraffes only need to drink once every several days. They get most of their water the luscious plants they eat.

    The male giraffe is both taller and (heavy)than the female(雌性的). Female giraffes can become pregnant at 5 years old. They carry baby for 15 months and give birth while (stand) up. So the baby giraffes with about a height of 2meters tall a weight of 70 kilograms fall more than 5 feet to the ground at birth.

    Giraffes can live up to 25 years in the wild. Giraffes face several threats, including loss of habitat due to logging for firewood. What's worse, they (kill) for their meat, hides, and tails.

  • 8. 现在有越来越多的青少年投入社区服务活动。请你阅读下列三幅图,然后各用一句话对其描述,最后用一句话对参与社区活动进行评价。

    More and more teenagers are becoming volunteers of their neighborhood.

    Some .

    Some .

    Others .

    I think

  • 9. 假如你是李华,一批英国交流生将来你校学习一周。为帮助他们尽快适应学校生活,校学生会将举办一个欢迎会。现请你写一份发言稿,代表学生会在会上发言,内容包括:表示欢迎,介绍接下来的课程及活动(见下图),并表达你的祝愿。

    Chinese culture tour activities

    Courses:       Competitions:

    ● Chinese painting    ●I love paper cutting

    ● Chinese paper cutting   ●I can use chopsticks

    ● Chinese cooking...   ...



    短文首句:Good evening. It's my great honor to stand here.

    Ladies and gentlemen,


    That's all. Thanks for listening.

