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更新时间:2022-01-17 浏览次数:98 类型:期末考试
  • 7. —Who will make dumplings for us?

    My mother will do for us. (根据下列对话的情景,找出画线句子中一般要重读的单词。)

    A . My, mother B . mother, do C . My D . My, do, us
  • 8. —Is your aunt a doctor?

    No, she is a policewoman. (根据下列对话的情景,找出画线句子中一般要重读的单词。)

    A . No, she, policewoman B . No, policewoman C . No, is, policewoman D . No, a, policewoman
  • 9. ①——What day is it tomorrow?

    ②— It's Saturday. What are you going to do?(指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。)

    ③—Nothing much.

    A . ①升调②降调③降调 B . ①降调②升调③降调 C . ①降调②降调③升调 D . ①降调②降调③降调
  • 10. ①——Would you like some porridge for breakfast?


    ③— What porridge? (指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。)

    A . ①升调②降调③降调 B . ①升调②升调③降调 C . ①降调②降调③升调 D . ①降调②降调③降调
  • 11. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。其中有两项选项

    A: There's a basketball game at our school this Saturday, isn't there?

    B: Yes.

    A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play missed the last game. Did you go to watch it?

    B: Oh, yes. It was a great time. So are you planning to go this Saturday?

    A: Sure! I'd love to.  

    B: Well, the game starts at 4: 30p. m. , so I can come to your home at 4: 00 and we can walk to school together.

    A:  I'll be at the library in the afternoon studying for that big test on Monday.

    B: Oh.

    A: Sounds great!

    A. What time shall we meet?

    B. Where shall we meet?

    C. Then why don't we meet outside the library at 4: 15?

    D. Our school is playing against Highland Junior High.

    E. Sorry, I'm afraid I won't be at home then.

    F. Those games are quite exciting.

    G. Do you want to go together?

  • 37. 完形填空

    People like cars very much all over the world. Many people know Americans1 their cars most. When 2 people are fourteen years old, they want to have their 3cars. They don't ask for a car from their 4 . So many of them work in 5 time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to6 and getting a driver's license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person's life.

    Some people almost 7go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will 8 their cars to a garage (修理厂)as soon as they think there is a 9 . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars.

    A . prefer B . love C . drive D . play
    A . little B . big C . old D . young
    A . new B . own C . expensive D . cheap
    A . friends B . teachers C . parents D . brothers
    A . free B . busy C . study D . good
    A . make B . mend C . wash D . drive
    A . always B . never C . often D . usually
    A . take B . carry C . pull D . lift
    A . question B . mark C . mistake D . problem
    A . cost B . get C . spend D . use
  • 38. 阅读理解

    Our school will have a talent show. If you have time, please come and see. It must be amazing! Look at the timetable. Don't miss it, or you will feel sorry.

    School Show





    Li Xin

    Chinese kung fu

    Sunday 8: 00 a. m.

    The auditorium


    An English song

    Friday 3: 40 p. m.

    Class 5


    Play the piano

    Tuesday 2: 00 p. m.

    The music room


    Picture show

    Monday 10: 00 a. m.

    The drawing room


    Peking opera

    Thursday 3: 50 p. m.

    The auditorium

    1. (1) You can ask             to sing an English song for us.
      A . Tom B . Lucy C . Mike D . Jack
    2. (2) You can watch Chinese kung fu show                   .
      A . at 10: 00 a. m. on Monday B . at 3: 40 p. m. on Friday C . at 3: 50 p. m. on Thursday D . at 8: 00 a. m. on Sunday
    3. (3) Nany can see the picture show in                   .
      A . Class 5 B . the music room C . the drawing room D . the auditorium
    4. (4) On Thursday, we can watch             in the auditorium.
      A . Peking opera show B . the picture show C . the piano show D . Chinese kung fu show
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . On Tuesday afternoon we can listen to a piece of piano music. B . Mike is better at drawing than Tom. C . In Class 5 you may hear an English song on Friday afternoon. D . On Sunday we can watch kung fu show.
  • 39. 阅读理解

    Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that fast walking has become the most popular exercise in China and many people walk more than 5, 000 steps a day. The results of the study are from QQ users. About 37 % of the people choose fast walking as their favorite exercise, over 23% choose running and more than 14% choose riding bikes.

        Fast walking and running are easy, cost little and work well, so they are popular. And many people would rather do exercise in nature than go to gyms. It's best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at one time and walk up to 6, 000 steps every day.

        The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On average, everyone there walks 5, 941 steps every day. It seems that people in places with better environment and air are more willing to do sports.

    1. (1) Many people walk more than                        steps a day in China.
      A . 5, 000 B . 5. 941 C . 6. 000 D . 6. 941
    2. (2)              choose riding bikes.
      A . Over 23%of the Chinese people B . About 37% of the people C . More than 14% of the Chinese people D . Less than 14% of the Chinese people
    3. (3) Many people prefer to do exercise             
      A . at school B . in nature C . at home D . in the gym
    4. (4) The Chinese meaning of the word "average" in this passage is probably "            "
      A . 普通 B . 正常 C . 典型 D . 平均
    5. (5) We can read this passage in the column(栏 目)              of a newspaper.
      A . Music B . Food C . Metal D . Sports
  • 40. 阅读理解

    The four great inventions: paper-making, printing, gunpowder and compass were great in old China. And now China is changing the world with its "new four great inventions": high-speed railways, e-payment, shared bikes and online shopping.

    High-speed railways: You can go to most of the cities much faster than before. For example, it took you 8 hours to travel from Zhengzhou to Beijing before, but now you can arrive in Beijing 4 hours earlier than before. By the end of 2016, there were 2, 595 high-speed trains running across China.

    E-payment: With Alipay, or Zhifubao, you can pay online in China. You can pay almost everything in your daily life by using your smart phones. You needn't't carry any cash. But you can't pay for things more than 20, 000, like a big house.

    Shared bikes: Worried about how to get to school? Now you can ride a bike on the street just by using your smart phones. If there is a traffic restriction, going on a bike is a good choice. It makes your bodies strong and healthy.

    Online shopping: With China's online shopping services, life is getting easier for people who like to stay at home. It's easy to order food on an app. And the food arrives quickly. People can also buy clothes, books, electric products and things for daily use online cheaply.

    1. (1) Which is NOT new four great inventions?
      A . Shared bikes. B . Paper-making. C . Online shopping. D . E-payment.
    2. (2) It takes you about    hours to get to Beijing from Zhengzhou now.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    3. (3) We can't use Alipay to pay for      .
      A . a book B . a supper C . a train ticket D . a big house
    4. (4) We can use     pay for riding the shared bikes.
      A . food B . ID cards C . smart phones D . cash 
    5. (5) Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
      A . You must buy everything online. B . Ordering food on an app is not difficult. C . People can buy things online at prices. D . You need smart phones in our life.
  • 41. 按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。
    1. (1) breath(动词)   
    2. (2) appear(反义词)
    3. (3) beat(过去分词)   
    4. (4) forty(序数 词)
    5. (5) celebrate(名词)
    6. (6) break(过去式) 
    7. (7) she(名词性物主代词 
    8. (8) talent(形容词)
    9. (9) sheep(复数)  
    10. (10) safe(名词)
  • 47. 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。

    John is 13 now. He has many(subject) at school, such as maths, English, Chinese, history and so on. (he) home is in a small village. It's nearly 5 kilometers away from the school, so he has to get up early in the morning. After a quick b, he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him. He knows his mother is always ill and that his father (spend) much money on medicine. He has a t with his father and tells him he will keep running to school every day. Now he's very strong. He is never for class and his teachers often praise him.

    Last week there was a sports meet in his school. John ran (fast) than any other boy and won the boys'800 meters, 1, 500 meters and 3, 000 meters. The whole school knew him. He was very happy. He told his grandpa about the good news as soon as he got home.

    “I broke 2 school  (record) today, Grandpa, " called out the boy.

    To his  , the old man wasn't happy. He(say) to him, " How can we pay for them, poor boy?"

  • 53. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容和情境,把文中的画线句子(英语或汉语)翻译成汉语或英语。

    Hello, I'm Maggie. What do you like to do in your free time? Some people feel worried about having no hobby in their lives. But I have many hobbies. ①我将和你们分享我的爱好 I like playing the guitar. ②I spend quite a lot of time playing the guitar. I think playing the guitar is very enjoyable, although it's not easy to play very well. I like taking evening walks around my neighborhood. ③在傍晚的时候空气凉爽且新鲜 The children are busy playing and the neighbors are friendly. When taking walks, sometimes I stop to play with other children and sometimes I stop to talk with the neighbors.

    My favorite thing is to play basketball with my friends. ④We play basketball every day after school.  And on weekends, we spend half of the day on the playground. When the weather is not good, I usually learn how to play tennis with my friend John in the gym(体育馆). ⑤我也喜欢在家里听收音机和看电视 There are many other things that I enjoy doing, but it seems that I don't have enough time to do them all. Do you have the same problem as me?

  • 54. 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有2处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修






    My friends are very important for me. With friends, we make ourselves strong! Before class, I was nervous at this report. My friend Jenny gave me some good advice, and you all encouraged me. Now I feel much confident. You are all my friends. We work together. We help each others. I work hard in school and I hope to go to a college someday. I'd like to be an English teacher when I grow up.

    I am very good at English. I write letters and talk to my English friends. This gives me some confidence to speaking English. I often make mistakes when I speak English, but I believe that practice makes perfect.

    I practice English a lot of in class and after school. I love to sing. I also like to play the ping-pong. Some times I lose, but usually I win. I am one of the best player in the school. Sometimes I am not well organized. I will try to improve. I believe I can do better.

    Thank you!

  • 55. 最近,某英文报刊正在举办征文活动。主题是“畅谈个人梦想,实现美好未来”。请你以"My Future"为题,写一篇英语作文,为本次活动投稿。









    My Future

