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更新时间:2022-01-24 浏览次数:101 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 阅读下面两篇短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Everyone looks forward to 1 their birthdays. With so many things to plan, the preparation often starts a few weeks 2 the special day. The birthday party invitation is usually at the top of the long list of the preparations, and that is not at all surprising because 3 wants to make sure that they have everyone they want to invite on the guest list.

    The next thing is to choose invitation cards. 4 there are many cards for sale in stores, it is always a great idea to make your own invitation cards.

    It's not 5 to make your own birthday cards. There are many lessons teaching you how to make cards on the Internet. Then you can think about some interesting words to write on them.

    The birthday party invitations should also have some other information about the event, like the date, time and place of the party.

    A . celebrating B . having C . taking D . planning
    A . after B . before C . on D . for
    A . none B . someone C . everyone D . no one
    A . Although B . But C . If D . So
    A . easy B . important C . necessary D . difficult
  • 12. 阅读下面两篇短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    For this little boy, it is a really cold winter. His father was in a car accident(车祸)and he 1 a leg. After that, his father became so sad. When the boy didn't do something well, the father would be 2 .

    One night, the boy walked past a small shop on the street. He saw some beautiful boxes of 3.An idea came into his mind. He knew his father4coffee. Although he knew stealing(偷)was not good, all he could think of was his father's5. He soon put a box of coffee into his jacket and ran back home.

    He gave the coffee to his father, and his father gave6a smile. The boy was very happy7he wanted the smile from his father for a long time.8, the shopkeeper came and told his father the truth (真相) . His father was angry again and beat him.

    Many years later, the boy's mother called and said his father wanted to see him. He 9because he was too busy. After a few weeks, he heard the10news that his father died. He found an old box of coffee in his father's room. On it was a piece of paper, saying, "The gift11 my son". There was the letter:

    Dear son,

    I'm not a good father. But I have a dream — to have a coffee shop, then I can do12for you. I'm sorry I didn't keep my dream.

    The boy was very sad. He didn't meet his father for the13time. He decided to go on his father's14. He started a coffee business. His coffee business is15 now. The name of the boy's coffee shop is Starbucks(星巴克). He is Howard Schultz.

    A . left B . made C . lost D . cut
    A . angry B . happy C . tired D . surprised
    A . salt B . coffee C . yogurt D . sugar
    A . tasted B . poured C . added D . loved
    A . smile B . experience C . sadness D . health
    A . them B . it C . me D . him
    A . and B . because C . if D . so
    A . Unluckily B . Finally C . Hardly D . Probably
    A . agreed B . accepted C . replied D . refused
    A . enjoyable B . sad C . exciting D . good
    A . by B . to C . from D . for
    A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything
    A . second B . next C . last D . first
    A . dream B . life C . activity D . education
    A . normal B . creative C . successful D . different
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Happy Classes for Junior High School Students

    Xiao Xingxing Club

    Spend your winter holidays happily

    *All classes start at 2 p.m.

    *All classes are half of the price for you two if you take one of your friends together.

    *For more information: Call 76578645

    Fun with Basketball

    Friday (2 hours)

    Course Fee: $40

    ☆Good coaches from

     Haved School's Team

    ☆Understand the rulers of the games

    ☆Pass the ball

    ☆Throw the ball inside

    ☆All classes in gym of Haved School

    Speak Good English

    Monday (1 hour)

    Course Fee: $60

    ☆British teachers

      from Whitehawk


    ☆Small groups :

    5 students each

    ☆Learn to speak


    Have Fun with Math

    Wednesday(2 hours)

    Course Fee: $50

    ☆Teachers from Cliff College

    ☆Improve your

     thinking skills

    ☆Learn to work out your math problems more quickly

    1. (1) Jack         , so he may be interested in the class on Friday.
      A . is too afraid to speak English in front of the class. B . can't speak English very well C . thinks Math is too hard for him D . wants to learn about basketball
    2. (2) When will the classes about English end?
      A . After 2 p.m. B . After 3 p.m. C . After 4 p.m. D . After 8 p.m.
    3. (3) If you are in Have Fun with Math, you may          .
      A . have classes on Monday B . learn how to improve your thinking skills C . have classes at the gym of Haved School D . learn with teachers from Whitehawk School
    4. (4) How much will they spend if Mary and her friend take part in all the classes in the club?
      A . $100 B . $150 C . $200 D . $300
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When I was a boy, I was a football fan(迷). I played football with some other boys in the backyard all the time. My mom was worried that I would get ill in the hot summer.

    One day my brother gave me a new football. I came into the yard and played it excitedly. But suddenly, the ball flew through the window and nearly hit my dad. Dad said nothing. He took my football and cut it in half.

    I didn't cry because I knew how terrible my mistake was. I didn't expect to get another football. But to my surprise, Dad bought me another one the next month and told me to be more careful. I was really thankful for my father's forgiveness (宽恕). He showed me that even when I made a mistake, he still loved me and gave me another chance(机会).

    Parents always give us their love and forgiveness. We should always give our love and forgiveness to them, too.

    1. (1) The writer played football in the backyard all the time because       .
      A . he was easy to get ill B . he was a football fan C . his father was a football player D . his mother was worried about him
    2. (2) How did the writer feel when he got the football from his brother?
      A . Sad. B . Worried. C . Terrible. D . Excited.
    3. (3) The writer didn't cry because         .
      A . he knew his mistake was terrible B . his father cut the football in half C . his father was very happy D . he nearly hit his father
    4. (4) What can we learn from the story?
      A . We should learn to play football. B . We should love and forgive our parents. C . We shouldn't make mistakes. D . We must play football with our parents.
  • 15. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Bob is a man from the USA. He is 76 years old and lives with a dog called Kelsey. A few days ago, when he went out alone to collect wood, he fell down and hurt his neck. It was a snowy day. The temperature was around -4℃. For only a few meters, Bob was just wearing a shirt and shorts when he went outside. He lay in the snow for about 14 hours. Thanks to his dog, he didn't die. The dog kept him warm through the night and barked (狗叫) for help.

    "I was shouting for help, but my nearest neighbor is about a quarter mile away. It was 10:30 p.m., but Kelsey came, " said Bob.

    Kelsey kept Bob warm by lying on the top of him, and kept him awake by licking (舔) his hands and face.

    "She kept barking for help but never left my side. She kept me warm and awake (醒着). By morning my throat was sore and I couldn't shout for help. But Kelsey didn't stop barking. I knew I shouldn't give up because it was my hope to live."

    Bob's neighbor finally found him after hearing Kelsey's barking and called 911. When Bob arrived at the hospital, his temperature was below 69 °F. Normal body temperature is 98.6 °F. The doctor said, "I think his dog really help him and save his life. He is very lucky."

    1. (1) The story happened in           .
      A . spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter
    2. (2) Bob went out in a shirt and shorts because          .
      A . his dog could warm him B . he didn't know the temperature outside C . he thought it would be very quick to get wood D . Kelsey would bring him the clothes
    3. (3) How did Kelsey help to save Bob's life?

      ① Called 911.         ② Kept him warm.

      ③ Kept him awake.      ④ Barked for help.

      A . ①②③ B . ①②④ C . ①③④ D . ②③④
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . It was on an afternoon when Bob fell down. B . Bob's neighbor lived very close to him. C . Bob never stopped shouting for help all the time. D . Bob's neighbor didn't find Bob until he heard Kelsey's shouting.
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Who would win in as a competition to remember numbers, a chimp (猩猩) or a teenager? In fact, scientists agreed that the chimp did better than the teenager in this competition.

    Do you still remember last year's summer holiday? When you think back on it, you might think of the night you spent watching the concert of Langlang. But how do you store these things in your mind? By using your memory(记忆). Memory is our ability(能力) to learn something, save it and recall it when needed. When something happens, our brains (大脑) save the important information and put it in our memory.

    Scientists say that there are different kinds of memory — short-term memory and long-term memory. Your short-term memory saves information for a few seconds or a few minutes. Long-term memory means the meaningful information you try hard to keep in your mind. People start to forget things just after they learn them. They learn about something one day, but have forgotten half of it the next day. A week later, they remember just a third of what they learnt. So remember to go over your lesson after you learn it.

    Scientists agree that people remember things in different ways. Some remember things better with the help of pictures. Others remember better when they take in the information by hearing it. But one thing is for sure, if you remember things with different ways together, you can get a better result. So try imaging pictures with English words, and at the same time listening to tapes of the same words. Maybe studying English won't be a difficult thing.

    1. (1) Who won in the competition to remember numbers?
      A . The teenager. B . The chimp. C . The scientist. D . Langlang.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "store" in Paragraph 2 mean?
      A . 拯救 B . 制作 C . 储存 D . 学习
    3. (3) What can we know from Paragraph 3?
      A . There are a number of different kinds of memory. B . Short- term memory keeps meaningful information. C . People forget a third of what they learnt in a week. D . We should go over our lesson to remember it long.
    4. (4) In which part of the newspaper would you probably read this article?
      A . Fashion. B . Sports. C . Science. D . Stories.
  • 17. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, " Friends are God's way of looking after us. "

    The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to make friends. Sally says finding friendship (友谊) is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed (种子) and look after it to make it grow.

    First you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks.  For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints (抱怨) and do his or her best to help you.

    To make a friend, you can't be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your happiness. But things can't be always happy. Even the best friends have fights.  You can talk to him or her. If he or she doesn't want to talk, you can write a letter.Say what you have done wrong and why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life.

    A. A good friend can help you study harder.

    B. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?

    C. Tell him or her how you are feeling in your letter.

    D. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

    E. A good friend should be kind and a good listener.

  • 18. 从方框中选择单词,并用其正确形式填空。每词限用一次。

    sport   interesting   not   reach   although   break   he   a   see   do

    Dear Minnie,

    How are things in Toronto? Last year I made a new penfriend in Canada. Let me tell you something about . His name is Jake. He lives in Vancouver. He likes. He runs and swims at least once a day. Jake is also  in music. He tells me he likes to play the guitarhe doesn't play it well.

    Last week I got e-mail from Jake. In the e-mail, he told me he fell off his bike. He his left arm. Last Tuesday he left the hospital. His mother asked himto go to school. He stayed at home and had nothing , so he felt very bored.

    Next month my parents and I will take a trip to Canada. We might travel in Vancouver. If we  Vancouver, we'll go to see him. Of course, if we go to Toronto, I will visit you first. I'm looking forward to you!



  • 19. 阅读下面短文并回答问题。请注意词数要求。

    The cartoon film Ne Zha is very successful. Do you know why people love it so much?

    At first, Ne Zha's look in this film surprises people. Although he is not very good-looking, people like him because he is cool, clever and fun. Different from the old one, the new Ne Zha is not afraid of bias(偏见). People around Ne Zha didn't like him when he was born, but he always believes he can choose to be a god. The young like the new Ne Zha a lot. They can see themselves in him.

    At the same time, many people like this film because of Ne Zha's parents. Ne Zha's father is not only strict but also warm and caring. He would like to kill himself to save his son. What he said and did in the film make many people cry. Ne Zha's mother is a hard-working mum. She tries to find time to care for and play with her son. Through her, parents can see it's important to stay with kids during their growth.

    The success of the movie makes Chinese cartoon lovers proud. They think the film is as good as those made by Hollywood. "It took more than 1600 artists five years to make the film. We tried our best , " the director said.

    1. (1) What kind of movie is Ne Zha? (no more than 2 words)
    2. (2) What's the difference between the new Ne Zha and the old one ? (no more than 9 words)
    3. (3) Why do the young like the new Ne Zha a lot ? (no more than 7 words)  
    4. (4) What can parents see through Ne Zha's mother ? (no more than 9 words)
    5. (5) How long did the artists spend making the film according to the article? (no more than 2 words)
  • 20. 寒假即将来临,每个同学都有自己的寒假计划。假设你是第十中学八年级(3)班的班长,上周你对班上同学对如何过寒假进行了调查。请根据下表提供的信息写一篇短文。















    How to spend the winter vacation?

    I'm the monitor of Class 3, Grade 8, No. 10 Middle School. Recently I have made a survey of my classmates on how to spend the winter vacation.

