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更新时间:2022-03-29 浏览次数:136 类型:期末考试
  • 13. 听材料,回答两个小题。
    1. (1) Who's studying the map of South America?
      A . Alan. B . Cathy. C . Mr. Taylor.
    2. (2) Which is the shortest of the three rivers?
      A . The Nile. B . The Amazon River. C . The Yangtze River.
  • 14. 听材料,回答两个小题。
    1. (1) How old is the big tree?
      A . Two years old. B . One hundred years old. C . Two hundred years old.
    2. (2) What does Xiao Juan want to be when she grows up?
      A . A teacher. B . A doctor. C . A worker.
  • 15. 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。
    1. (1) ________________ is the speaker of the passage.
      A . Sister Sunshine B . Uncle Sam C . Brother Tom
    2. (2) Mr. Sad had a fight with his mom
      A . this Sunday B . this Monday C . last Monday
    3. (3) Aunt Linda is a mother of three ________________·
      A . girls B . children C . boys
    4. (4) This passage is probably from a ________________.
      A . travelling book B . radio station C . school newspaper
  • 26. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

    "What are you busy with, mom?" a 6-year-old girl asked her mother one day. " I'm making dinner1our neighbor," her mother replied.

    "Why?" The girl asked.

    She lost her2recently. She got quite sad now. We should take care of her," her mother replied.

    "Why does she need our care?" the girl asked again.

    "Because she can't do the3things she used to do with her daughter. She doesn't know what to do. Even little things like making dinner and cleaning the house are4for her to do now. Maybe you can think of a way to help her5. " her mother replied.

    The little girl thought about this for some time. She6what she could do. Finally she decided to go to her neighbor's house and pay her a visit.

    She knocked(敲)on the door. The woman came to the door,7quite tired and upset.

    "Can I help you?" the neighbor asked.

    "My mom told me you're sad8you lost your daughter... " the girl said slowly as she handed a bandage to her neighbor. " Put this on your chest (胸口). 9then your heart won't ache so much. "

    Moved by the girl's10, the neighbor gave the girl a big hug(拥抱) and said, "Thank you. This bandage will help more than you even know. "

    A . for B . with C . among D . towards
    A . son B . daughter C . husband D . mother
    A . unfair B . whole C . same D . different
    A . easier B . safer C . braver D . harder
    A . myself B . yourselves C . ourselves D . yourself
    A . continued B . wondered C . encouraged D . regarded
    A . looking B . feeling C . searching D . becoming
    A . so B . though C . because D . or
    A . Ever B . Perhaps C . Simply D . Actually
    A . spirit B . voice C . words D . messages
七、阅读理解。(共35 分)
  • 27. 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Big ears keep me cool!

    The long-eared jerboa(长耳跳鼠) is about 10 cm long, not counting its long tail. Its ears are 3.8 to 5 cm long, taking up 40 to 50 percent of its body length.

    Why does it have such big ears? Large ears help the long-eared jerboa to live in hot, dry environments. They can lose heat quickly through the large ears.

    How many times does my heart beat?

    Blue whales are the largest animals on the earth. When they are swimming underwater, their heart beats four to eight times every minute. When they go up to breathe, their hearts beat 25 to 37 times each minute.

    1. (1) Large ears help the long-eared jerboa to ________________.
      A . look longer B . lose heat quickly C . appear cooler D . get more heat
    2. (2) Blue whales________________ of all the animals on the earth.
      A . are the largest B . swim the fastest C . are the smallest D . have the biggest ears
    3. (3) When blue whales go up to breathe, their hearts beat ________________ times each minute.
      A . 4 to 8 B . 4 to 25 C . 8 to 37 D . 25 to 37
  • 28. 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Are kids getting lazier these days? How many parents are doing all the housework? I think it's necessary for children to learn to do chores and help their parents with housework.

    First of all, doing chores helps children to be more independent. It also teaches them life skills that will help them do better in their life and study. The earlier children learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

    Second, by doing housework, children can develop a sense(感觉) of responsibility (责任). For example, everyone should do their part in keeping their house clean and tidy.

    Last but not least, doing chores like preparing meals can be fun. Children can spend time with their family as they work together. This can give them a sense of belonging.

    Doing chores is good for both children and parents. It will not only lead to a healthier and happier life, but also help children learn the value(价值) of being a responsible member of the family. This, in turn, will help children become responsible members of society.

    1. (1) Children will learn ________________ skills while doing housework.
      A . life B . study C . sports D . social
    2. (2) ________________ belongs to chores.
      A . Helping the others in need B . Working with the classmates C . Preparing meals for the family D . Spending time with the family
    3. (3) According to the passage, doing chores can't help children ________________.
      A . live a healthier life B . develop a sense of fun C . be more independent D . have a sense of belonging
    4. (4) This passage mainly wants to tell us ________________.
      A . how children can learn to do chores B . when children should do housework C . what children can get by doing chores D . whether children should do housework
  • 29. 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    What will you think of when we talk about winter? In the north, winter probably makes you think of snow and cold weather. But in Nanning, the capital of Guangxi, the weather in winter is warm. Sometimes people only need to wear a shirt. It hardly ever snows in winter while it's very hot in summer. So almost everyone in the city will be looking forward to winter during the other seasons(季节).

    The people in Nanning also have a special love for snow. The last time it snowed in the city was in 1993. As a result, many people here have never seen snow. I still remember seeing something funny that happened in the winter of 2017. Over 20,000 people went to the highest mountain in the city to see the snow -even though there was just a thin layer (层) of it.

    The most popular winter dish in Nanning is Laoyou rice noodles. These noodles have a wonderful taste. They have fresh tomatoes, meat, and traditional sour bamboo shoots (酸竹笋). The people in Nanning enjoy eating them in winter because they help keep people warm.

    In winter, you will see how much people in Nanning love life. Although the city has short winters, the people still warmly welcome the coming of the season.

    1. (1) In winter, the weather in Nanning is ________________.
      A . hot B . cold C . snowy D . warm
    2. (2) Over 20,000 Nanning people went to the highest mountain to see the snow in ________________.
      A . 1939 B . 1993 C . 2019 D . 2017
    3. (3) The people in Nanning enjoy eating Laoyou rice noodles because they ________________.
      A . have a wonderful taste B . have fresh tomatoes and meat C . stop people feeling cold D . show people's love for Nanning
    4. (4) The best title(题目)of the passage might be ________________.
      A . The Winter in Nanning B . Funny Things in Nanning C . Special Life of Nanning D . Friendly people of Nanning
  • 30. 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Before I was 10, I lived in a faraway mountain village with my grandparents. It's called Anle. It's about 80 kilometers away from the city of Xiangtan in Hunan. Now I live in Guangzhou with my parents. But I really miss the days I spent in the village.

    There were many things I could do there. _________________ In spring, there were all kinds of flowers here and there in the village. Our teacher taught us to draw the flowers. Although l didn't draw well, l still liked it. In summer, I often went swimming in a small river with my friends. Sometimes we looked for crabs(螃蟹) and brought them home. My grandma cooked them and they were very delicious. In autumn, I liked to go to a nearby hill. I climbed up trees and helped to pick up chestnuts (板栗) for my grandparents. It was a little dangerous but exciting. In winter, it was cold. I usually stayed at home, listening to my grandpa's old stories. I was really interested in how my grandparents' life used to be.

    I also liked the villagers, as they were very friendly. An old man lived near my home. One day, when I passed his house after school, he gave me some cooked sweet potatoes. Although he was poor, he was still kind to me.

    This is my hometown where my childhood memories were made. I miss it and my grandparents there.

    1. (1) Anle is about ________________ kilometers away from Xiangtan.
      A . 10 B . 18 C . 80 D . 88
    2. (2) The writer used to pick chestnuts in ________________.
      A . autumn B . winter C . spring D . summer
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The old man cooked the delicious crabs. B . The grandparents still live in the village. C . The teacher taught the children to draw trees. D . The writer moved to Guangzhou at the age of 6.
    4. (4) Which of the following sentences can be put in the ________________?
      A . They were relaxing. B . I never felt bored. C . My friends joined me. D . I did them every day.
  • 31. 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    "I tell myself to sleep, but my eyes always stay open until 2 am, "said Li Pengfei, 29, who's working in Shenzhen. He has been having problems sleeping for over two years.

    March 19 is World Sleep Day. Sleep is important because it gives our bodies time to recover from the stress of living. But many people across China are losing sleep, according to the China Sleep Research Society (CSRS).

     In China,38. 2 percent of the people have sleep disorder, well above the international level (水平) of 27 percent, CSRS reported.

    This problem is especially serious among young people. According to a report by CSRS in2020, 69. 3 percent of young people in China usually sleep only 6. 4 hours each night. However, experts say adults should sleep 7 to 9 hours every night.

    Pressure from work and school is the main reason for this. For Li Pengfei, heated competition is one of the things keeping him awake at night.

    "We can be easily replaced(代替) by new people," he said. "Our jobs ask us to keep learning new things all the time. "

    Another cause is the overuse of electronic devices(电子产品), such as smartphones and iPads. Many young people stay up late surfing the Internet and watching videos.

    "With a typical 8:00 to 8:00 in the office, I always arrive home at 9 pm. I won't go to sleep right now. I need to do something different to relax myself. So a few hours of 'me time' is quite necessary," said Li Mingxin, 27, who works in Beijing.

    1. (1) Li Pengfei can't fall asleep until ________________.
      A . two o'clock in the morning B . two o'clock in the afternoon C . three o'clock in the morning D . three o'clock in the afternoon
    2. (2) The word "recover" in the second paragraph means ________________.
      A . 克服 B . 恢复 C . 消除 D . 适应
    3. (3) A report by CSRS in 2020 tells us that ________________.
      A . March 19 is World Sleep Day in the year 2021 B . children should sleep seven to nine hours every night C . 69. 3 percent of the Chinese people have sleep disorder D . the young have the most serious sleep problems in China
    4. (4) From the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________________.
      A . Li Mingxin always arrives home at 9 at night B . Li Pengfei spends time learning something new at night C . sleeping less each night makes some young people be replaced D . many young people stay up late surfing the Internet and watching videos
  • 32. 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。

    A. What's up?

    B. What happened next?

    C. Where did you find it?

    D. It's really kind of him.

    E. Did you find it in the end?

    F. How did you get to school then?

    G. But that doesn't need much time.

    A: Nancy, why are you late today?

    B: Sorry, Miss Allen. This morning I was leaving my home when it began to rain heavily.


    B: I went back to get my umbrella.


    B: I couldn't find my umbrella. I had to look for it everywhere.


    B: Yes, in our pet dog's bed. And then I ran to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.

    A: Bad luck!

    B: One friend of my father's passed by and he brought me to school in his car.

    A: You should say thanks to him.

    B: Sure. I did so.

  • 33. 阅读下文并回答问题。

    Hope is the light we follow out of darkness. It helps us get through difficult times in our lives. In her book Read This Story All the Way Through, US writer Anna Georgoulas tells a story about hope.

    The past few years have been difficult for 17-year-old Max. His 3-year-old sister has died and his mother is sad. He loses his job as well. He feels like life is meaningless and he wants to kill himself.

    The date is set - the night before New Year - but as Max's countdown(倒计时) begins, he meets beautiful Jane. Jane has no family. Max decides to become her friend and take care of her.

    The two go on a trip to New York City. Along the way, they meet different people - a father trying to get home, a runaway teenager, and a psychic(有特异功能的人) - each with their own stories and advice to share. Little by little, Max finds reasons to keep living during the trip.

    Georgoulas said she wrote the book for" anyone looking for reasons to go on - because everyone deserves(值得) to have a few. "

    1. (1) Does Max lose his sister?
    2. (2) When does Max decide to kill himself?
    3. (3) Why does Anna Georgoulas write this book?
    4. (4) How will you get through your difficult times?
  • 39. 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。

    Toys aren't just for kids. Many grown-ups enjoy playing with them, too.

    In Europe, 23 percent of toys are bought by people over the age of 12, according to research organization NPD Group. Most of these people are . In 2019, Beijing 's Toy Show attracted(吸引) a lot of visitors,including many grown-ups. why do adults love these seemingly "childish" things?


    Toys can "bring back happy childhood memories," SWNS Digital said. Many adults are under a lot of pressure at home and work. When they see toys from their childhoods, it reminds them happier times.

    Rob Willner, 25, is an adult toy fan. At his home in London, he two large boxes of Legos (乐高玩具) under a bed and several Lego models on the bookcase of his home.

    When he comes home after a hard day, he often plays with the toys. "It's fun, and it makes me feel after a long day of hard work. Also it gives me time to think about what's really important in life. "


    Playing with toys is a way to feel creative. When you try other hobbies, such as singing or painting, you might worry you won't do well others might even let you feel down. , dressing up a doll (玩偶) or playing with a model train and railway set doesn't come with this kind of pressure.

  • 40. 假设你叫李嘉,因新冠疫情而久未谋面的姨妈邀请你暑假去云南她家玩。但你酷爱篮球,平时无暇训练,作为补偿,父母已为你报名参加篮球夏令营。同时,你还主动承担了外籍球员的汉语教学任务,因此去不了云南。请向姨妈书信一封说明情况。








    Dear aunt,

    I'm glad you invite me to your home in the summer vacation...

    Yours love,

    Li Jia

