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更新时间:2022-05-17 浏览次数:71 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 根据短文内容选出空白处的最佳选项

    It was Sunday yesterday.

    Henry wasn't 1 home. He was on a 2 to the zoo.

    An old man got on the bus. Henry stood up and 3 to him, "Come and sit here, please. " He helped the old man 4. "Thanks 5, good boy," the old man said. "You're welcome," said Henry.

    The bus went on. Thirty minutes later, it stopped 6 the zoo. Henry got off the bus and said 7 to the old man. The old man smiled (微笑) at him in a friendly way.

    Henry went into the zoo. 8 of the people there were students. He 9 a lot of animals and birds, and he also took many photos. He spent a happy weekend 10 he helped others and had a good time in the zoo.

    A . in B . on C . at D . of
    A . way B . zoo C . bus D . car
    A . spoke B . said C . told D . talked
    A . go for B . get on C . sit down D . get off
    A . a little B . a lot C . a bit D . lots of
    A . next B . through C . near D . in
    A . hello B . goodbye C . yes D . no
    A . Most B . Each C . Every D . nearly
    A . found B . looked C . saw D . watched
    A . because B . but C . when D . or
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Many people have pets. Some people like rabbits very much. They have pet rabbits.

    Mr. Trotter is a doctor, but he doesn't help sick(患病的)people, he helps rabbits. People call him "The Rabbit Doctor". When their pet rabbits get sick, they give him a telephone. And Mr. Trotter goes to the people's houses in his car. In the car, Mr. Trotter has medicine(药)to help the sick rabbits to get well.

    Wherever(无论哪里)he goes, he is always welcome.

    1. (1) "Trotter" is _______.
      A . a rabbit B . a dog C . a man D . a cat
    2. (2) Mr. Trotter goes to the people's houses by _______.  
      A . bus B . car C . buses D . cars  
    3. (3) What is the Chinese meaning(汉译)of "welcome" in the last sentence?
      A . 饿的 B . 高兴的 C . 讨厌的 D . 受欢迎的
    4. (4) People telephone Mr. Trotter when ________.
      A . they are sick B . their children are sick  C . their pet rabbits are sick D . they are fine
    5. (5) Mr. Trotter has medicine ________.
      A . in his car B . in his home C . in his office D . in the hospital
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Often you aren't happy when you are with your parents. You say that your parents never understand(理解)you. You usually think they are too strict with you, and they never give you any free time. Is everything like what you think of? Not really. You can do some things to be good with your parents.

    Talk to them often. Show your true ideas to them and tell them what you are thinking. Sometimes they want you to be good and healthy. So they worry much about you. Just let them understand you by talking. Help them with the housework. Your parents are usually busy. Why not help them do some housework to make them feel good? A smart child knows what to do for his parents. Spend time with them. Don't always watch TV in your room. Go out and stay with your parents. Listen to some music with them. Play fun games with them. Or just take walks with them. Your parents also need people to be with. When you don't want your parents to say no to what you do,do your best to let them understand you.

    1. (1) ______should read this passage.
      A . Students B . Teachers C . Doctors D . Parents
    2. (2) According to the passage,children usually think their parents are ______.
      A . very smart B . too strict C . very funny D . too busy
    3. (3) You can make your parents understand you ____.
      A . by saying no to them often B . by worrying much about them C . by watching TV in your room often D . by doing some things for them
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . All parents are good with their children. B . It's parents' job to do things for their children. C . You only need to talk with your parents on weekends.    D . Doing some housework can make your parents feel good.
    5. (5) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . How to get on with(与……相处)your parents. B . Don't be too strict. C . Have fun with your parents. D . Make your parents help you.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    We all know that many people like to go to the café (咖啡馆) and drink some coffee there. They can talk with other people and listen to music when drinking coffee. However, the "silent(沉默的) cafes" are very popular in Tokyo, Japan these days. A young woman sits alone (单独地) in a café. She is drinking coffee and reading a book. After a while, she writes some words on the notebook and then she shows it to the waiter. It says "Where is the toilet (厕所), please?" We can see many "silent cafes" in Tokyo. They look the same as other cafes. But people in "silent cafes" can't speak.

    They can only talk with each other by writing on the notebook. The "silent cafes" are very popular in Tokyo, because some people there are under too much pressure of work, and they need a place to relax themselves. They want to stay alone for some time, so they like to go to the "silent cafes".

    1. (1) How do people in the "silent cafes" talk with each other?
      A . By talking with other people quietly. B . By writing words on a notebook. C . By talking on the phone. D . By drawing pictures on the paper.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "pressure" mean in Chinese?
      A . 热情 B . 压力 C . 娱乐 D . 性质
    3. (3) Why do people like "silent cafes"?
      A . Because the coffee there is very cheap. B . Because they can get many notebooks there. C . Because they can stay alone and relax there. D . Because the "silent cafes" are very nice.
    4. (4) The writer mainly wants to ________________.
      A . tell us something about the "silent cafes" B . tell us a good way to relax ourselves C . ask us to drink coffee in the "silent cafes" D . tell us a story about a young woman
    5. (5) Which is the title(标题) of this passage?
      A . The silent cafe B . Coffee    C . People need to relax D . The silent woman.
  • 15. 读短文,按要求完成问题

    Many people buy things in a store. But there are other places to buy things. Some people like night markets. They can find many cheap things there. But night markets get crowded. Buying things online is common now. It's quick and easy. And your purchases arrive at your house. In America, yard sales are popular. People sell used things in their yards(院子). These are inexpensive.

    1. (1) Buying things  is quick and easy.
    2. (2) Why do some people like night market?
    3. (3) How many ways of buying things are there in the article?
    4. (4) In China, yard sales are popular.
    5. (5) 把文中划线句子译成汉语。
  • 16. 根据短文内容及所给提示在每个空填上一个正确的单词

    One summer day last year, I visited a city in France in my car. It (be) late in the afternoon. I couldn't find way to the Garden Hotel. When I (drive) for a long time, I saw a beautiful young woman. She took a lot of (bag) with her and came out of a supermarket. I stopped and asked her, "Excuse me, madam. Can you tell me the way to the Garden Hotel?"

    "The Garden Hotel? Sure. But it may be difficult for you to find  now. I'll show you the way if you like. "

    "Oh! Thank you very much. Please get into  ( I ) car."

    Then I helped her put the bags in my car. An hour later, we came to big house. The young woman said, "Please stop here."

    I stopped and looked  the house. "But this is not a hotel." I said to her.

    "No." she answered with a smile, "This is my house. And now let me show you the way to the Garden Hotel. Go along the street and turn right on the (one) turning. Then you can (easy) find the Garden Hotel on your left. It's only a two-minute drive from here. And thank you for driving me home. "

  • 22. 暑假就要到了,Mike想应聘一份做老师的社会实践工作,请你根据提示帮他设计一份60词左右的应聘信,要点如下:



    3)去年暑假你曾经在少年宫(Children's Palace)担任过老师,教他们学英语,跟他们玩游戏,和孩子们相处得很好。

    Dear Sir,

    My name is Mike...

