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更新时间:2021-12-30 浏览次数:110 类型:期中考试
一、看图听描述, 选出与你所听到的内容相符的选项,有一幅图片与描述内容无关。(5 分)
二、情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择正确答语。(5 分)
三、对话问答: 根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确答案。(5 分)
四、短文理解;根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子的正、误(5 分)
  • 12. 根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子的正、误
    1. (1) the best way of learning a language is reading it.
    2. (2) We should speak English as much as possible in learning English.
    3. (3) You should not care if people laugh at the mistakes you make.
    4. (4) You should give up English when someone don't understand your words.
    5. (5) It's better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you.
五、句意填词 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分)
六、单项选择 请从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个正确答案。(15 分)
七、交际运用(共 15 分)
  • 33. 完成对话, 从方框中选择正确选项填入对话中的空格。(有两个选项是多余的)

    A. Well, I wonder if it is safe enough to set them off.

    B. Believe it or not

    C. There are lots of exciting activities, for example, Setting off firework(烟花).

    D. But they are not good for the environment, right?

    E. How do you celebrate this festival?

    F. I can't wait for it.

    G. How do you like it?

    Paul: Andy, what's your favorite festival? Andy: The Spring Festival.

    Paul: It seems that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.  Andy: We celebrate it in many ways.

    Paul: What's your favorite then?

    Andy: Setting off fireworks, of course. It is very exciting. Paul:

    Andy: You're right. So I will set off electronic(电的) fireworks. They are also beautiful.


    Andy: It's quite safe if you are careful. You can set them off with me this year. Paul: Really?

  • 34. 补全对话,根据对话内容, 在句中横线上填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个单词),使对话完整、正确。

    A:  Could you please tell me where the biggest supermarket is?

    B: Sure. Go this street until you reach the fifth traffic lights, then turn right. At the end of that road, you'll it.

    A: Is it very far from here?

    B: Yes, take a bus there.

    A: Which bus should I take?

    B: The No. 13 bus. It will take you there.

    A. How long?

    B: About twenty minutes.

    A: Oh, thank you very much.

    B: You're welcome.

八、阅读理解(共 45 分)
  • 35. 短文填空,从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. puts    B. Why    C. left    D. find    E. believe    F. rushed    G. eyes 
    H. looking for   I. miss    J. closer    K. to go    L. ideas

    A girl couldn't stand her family rules, so shehome. She wanted to be famous. But she had a little education and a few years later, she became a beggar (乞丐). Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still her daughter. Everywhere she goes, sheup a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, "I still love you… Come back home!"

    One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She couldn't believe her . " She moved and read the words, "I still love you… " She cried. She couldn't wait back home. When She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She to the bedroom at once. She cried "It's me! Your daughter is back home!" The mother and daughter looked at each other being full of happy tears. The daughter asked, " is the door unlocked? A thief could get in." The mother answered softly, "The door has never locked since you left. We you all the time. We that you'll come back some day. "

  • 36. 阅读理解

    In a town there lived a little, beautiful and smart girl. Her name was Rose. Everyone in the town liked her. She was very brave, but she was scared of the doctor. One day one of her teeth was moving. Her mom saw it. She said, "One of your teeth is moving, and you need to visit Doctor Tim. "

    Rose said, "No! I'm not going to the doctor. "Mom said, "Don't worry. It's not so wobbly(摆动的) now, we needn't go to the doctor at once. " That made Rose feel better. After five weeks, Rose forgot about her tooth but her mom didn't. She checked her tooth again and it was more wobbly, so she said, "It's time to see the doctor. "

    Rose was scared but she had to do what her mom told her, so they went to see Doctor Tim. They had to wait in the waiting room.

    When it was her turn, her heart was beating very fast. She went into Doctor Tim's room. He was smiling. She sat on the chair.

    Doctor Tim said, "Close your eyes.

    "Rose closed her eyes, but just before Doctor Tim started, tears started coming down from her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw Doctor Tim holding her tooth, smiling.

    Rose smiled. Then Doctor Tim gave her a teddy bear. From that time Rose wasn't scared of doctors anymore.

    1. (1) In the story, Rose was scared of     .
      A . her mom B . the people in the town C . her teeth D . the doctor
    2. (2) Rose forgot about her tooth after    
      A . live months B . many years C . several weeks D . five hours
    3. (3) The girl was      before the doctor dealing with her tooth.
      A . happy B . scared C . brave D . surprised
    4. (4) The doctor gave Rose     after he pulled her tooth out.
      A . a book B . a candy C . a teddy bear D . many teeth
    5. (5) According to the passage, the doctor was a     man.
      A . kind B . brave C . careless D . shy
  • 37. 根据短文内容, 判断下列各句正误。

    China is a country with many colorful days and festivals. The Dragon Head Raising Day(  龙抬头) is one of them. This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar(农历). It is the start of spring and farming. This year, the day fell on March 8 th.

    The dragon is important in Chinese culture. We Chinese people call ourselves the "descendants(传人) of the dragon". Therefore, people celebrate the Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragons. On the day in ancient times, people put ashes( 灰) in the kitchen. This was "to lead the dragon into the house". People believed that with the help of the dragon, they could have a good harvest(收获) in autumn.

    Also, people eat special foods on that day. The foods are usually named after dragons. For example, people eat "dragon whisker(细须)" noodles and dumplings Today many customs have been dead. But one that has remained is the cutting of hair. It was said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to the mother's brothers.

    1. (1) The Dragon Head Raising Day is one of the Chinese festivals.
    2. (2) February 2nd was the Dragon Head Raising Day this year.
    3. (3) On the day in ancient times, people put ashes(灰) in the kitchen.
    4. (4) One custom that has remained is to eat moon-cakes.
    5. (5) You'd better not cut your hair in the Dragon Head Raising Day if you have uncle(s).
  • 38. 阅读下列短文,把 A-E 五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。

    In the past year, Cui Qingtao, a student from Yunnan, was working with his parents on a building site(工地) when he got an admission letter(录取通知书)from Peking University. She is a student from Hebei. She was doing her part-time job(兼职) in a different city when her family got  her admission letter from Peking University.

    For example, they are all strong and optimistic( 乐观的). Li Enhui said "As long as we are alive, there are no problems that cannot be solved, and many people don't have my experiences. ". He refused to accept donation money(捐款) and decided to make money by himself. This is also the common thing that " poor students" have.

    Whatever kind of values you hold, such personalities ( 品格 ) are necessary for growth. Not everything goes well all the time. Only being strong and optimistic can one go through difficulties. in fact, living in poor families doesn't promise such  good personalities, and living in happiness doesn't promise optimistic attitudes(态度). We like such " poor students" because they are strong and  optimistic.

    For them, few can choose their lifestyles(生活方式). That's why they are highly praised. Every one of us should learn from them.

    A. Life is full of ups and downs.

    B. A girl named Wang Xinyi is another example.

    C. Born in poor families, these students have a lot in common.

    DF. And these experiences make me grow and become better.

    E. However, all of them can choose their attitudes towards life.

  • 39. 阅读理解
    1. (1) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出段落大意

      It is best-known for its strange rock shapes and hot air balloon trips during sunrise(日出). Here are some of the cool things visitors can do in Goreme.

      Staying in a cave(洞) hotel is a special experience in Goreme. lt makes you learn how people lived in stone caves hundreds of years ago in this area.

      Over 20 years ago, people in Goreme began to fly the first hot air balloon in the sky of this little town. Now, there are over one hundred balloons flying every day early in the morning. It is the best way to enjoy the amazing beauty of Goreme.

      The open-air museum is about 15 minutes' walk away from the center of Goreme. This place is the first stop on anyone's journey to Goreme. Recent studies show that all these museum were built between the 10th and 12th centuries.

      These unusual rock shapes are the most beautiful part in Goreme. They are made by the strong winds and heavy rains. Their shapes look like different kinds of animals. The tourists around the world come to see the amazing art made by nature.

      A. Visit the open-air museum

      B. Take a hot air balloon trip.

      C. Stay in a cave hotel.

      D. Goreme is a beautiful town in Turkey.

      E. See the magical rock shapes

    2. (2) 根据阅读理解的短文内容,补全下面的语段,每空一词。

      Goreme has many beautiful town to visit. You can the life of hundreds of years ago in stone cave and you will seeone hundred balloons flying every day. Themuseum is the first stop of people to Goreme. The magical rock shapes areby the strong winds and heavy rains. Tourists around the world areat their kinds of natural shapes.

  • 40. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题

    A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew. One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know where to plant it.

    Finally he planted the tree in his woods(树林) where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.

    Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. The farmer said angrily. If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit. "

    1. (1) What did the farmer's friend give him one day?
    2. (2) Where did the farmer plant the young tree?
    3. (3) Why did the young tree die in the end?
    4. (4) Why didn't the farmer want to plant the tree in his field?
    5. (5) What does the story tell us?
九、书面表达(共 20 分)
  • 41. "出国旅游,学会用礼貌的方式寻求帮助很重要"请根据汉语提示填入合适的单词,使句意完整。每空一词。

    When you visit acountry, it's necessary to know how to ask for help politely.

    So you should studynewspapers or computers. I think you should study how to ask for theto a place. For example, "Could you tell me where the restrooms ?" is more polite"Where are the restrooms?"

  • 42. 写作:

    每个人都有自己喜欢的衣服, 鞋帽,请以"My favorite"为题,写一篇不少于 80 词作文。

    1)What does it look like?

    2)Its material…

    3)Why do you like it?

    4)When do you wear it?

    提示: 1)以上四点内容仅供参考,可以选择其他方面进行描写。要求文章条理清楚, 行文连贯。



