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更新时间:2021-12-20 浏览次数:169 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Wadjemup Lighthouse Tour


    Each tour lasts (持续) 30 minutes.

    First tour begins at 10: 00 a.m. with tours continuing until the final tour begins at 2: 30 p.m.

    At most (最多)10 persons per tour.

    Children under 5 years not permitted (允许).

    Bags not permitted.


    Adult: $59.00

    Child (5 to 12 years):$4.00

    Family:(2+2) $20.00

    More Children$2.00 each

    1. (1) How many hours does the lighthouse open every day?
      A . 0.5 B . 4.5 C . 5 D . 5.5
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The first tour usually finishes at 10:30 am B . People can take their bags into the lighthouse C . People of all ages can take the lighthouse tour D . 12 people can visit the lighthouse together.
    3. (3) Mr. &Mrs. Brown go to the lighthouse with their 10-year-old son and -year-old twin daughters How much do they have to pay?
      A . $17 B . $20 C . $22 D . S30
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Barry Comprehensive School is a secondary school (学校) in a small town in South Walas. It's only forty-five years old. There are about 1500 students, but they don't live at the school—they live at home. They start school when they are eleven and leave when they are sixteen. There aren't any girls in Years7-11 but there are some girls in Year 12. There's a girls' school in the town as well.

    The school is free for students. Most students walk to school. The boys start school at 8: 50 and they have to wear a uniform: a green sweatshirt and black trousers.

    Sport is very important at Barry Comprehensive. There are rugby, cricket, basketball and football teams that play against some of the other local (当地的) schools.

    Gethin goes to Barry Comprehensive School, he studies for his A-Levels. Because he's in Year 12, he doesn't have to wear a uniform. Today he's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. His best friend Cai is not in school today This morning he does work experience (经验) at the local newspaper.

    1. (1) How old are the students in Year 7?
      A . 7 B . 11 C . 16 D . 18
    2. (2) Which student may come from Barry Comprehensive School?
      A . Lucy, in Year 11 B . Tom. in Year 6 C . Mei, in Year12. D . Mike, in Year 13.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE about Barry Comprehensive School?
      A . It's s very expensive for students to study in this school. B . All boys have to wear a green sweatshirt and black trousers. C . Students can play volleyball-against the other local schools. D . Students can get some work experience when they are in Year12.
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . How old is Barry Comprehensive School? B . Who studies in Barry Comprehensive School? C . What is important in Barry Comprehensive School? D . What is the life like in Barry Comprehensive School?
  • 3. 阅读理解

    According to a recent study, a typical (典型的) family in the U.K. is a father, mother, and two children. They live in a house, not an apartment (公寓). Both parents work outside the home. They spend about £76 on groceries (杂货店) each week, and they have a pet. Almost 63% of sons and 55% of daughters aged 20-24 still live at home with their parents.

    A typical British family wakes up at 6: 57. They eat breakfast together only two times a week. The parents drive to work. They each have a car. They get home from work at 5: 15 and have dinner at 5: 54. Because of their busy lives, they eat dinner together at home only three times a week. They go out to eat two times a month. On Mondays, they usually eat spaghetti bolognese (肉酱面). On Fridays, they bring home fish and chips from a chip shop. After dinner, they watch TV for a total of nine hours each week. They go to bed at 10: 39.

    The family exercises 2.5 times a week, and does housework for 4.5 hours. The mother does most of the housework. They wash 5.3 loads (堆) of clothes a week.

    About 70% of British families feel they are normal. But, is a typical British family happy? In short, yes. Just over 80% say they are "happy or "very happy." However, they usually argue two times a week.

    1. (1) How many people are there in a typical British family?
      A . 2. B . 3. C . 4. D . 5.
    2. (2) Which of the following do most British families do?

      ①have a pet    ②eat breakfast together every day    ③ eat fish and chips at home

      ④ exercise 4.5 hours          ⑤feel they are happy

      A . ①③⑤ B . ②③④ C . ①④⑤ D . ②③⑤
    3. (3) How many hours do they usually sleep?
      A . For about 6 hours. B . For about 7 hours. C . For about 8 hours. D . For about 9 hours.
    4. (4) How does the writer organize (组织) this passage?
      A . By using numbers. B . By listing reasons. C . By telling a story. D . By giving examples.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Most snakes live on the ground. They move on their stomachs (腹部). Some snakes can swim, and some snakes can fly, but many snakes can climb trees.

    Snakes use two things to climb trees. They use their bodies. They push hard against the tree. It is very difficult for them to do, and they take a long time. They are not very fast climbers.

    Snakes also use their scales. Scales are small, hard pieces on a snake's skin. Some snake scales are smooth (光滑的) and flat. Other snake scales are not smooth. They are rough. Scales that are rough can stick to tree bark (树皮), so the snake can hold (抓住) on better.

    Snakes only climb trees to eat eggs and small animals.

    1. (1) How do snakes climb trees?
      A . They move on their stomachs. B . They use their bodies and scales C . They climb with their skin D . They can push hard into the tree.
    2. (2) What does underlined word "scales" mean in the passage?
      A . 腹部 B . 牙齿 C . 鳞片 D . 蛇皮
    3. (3) Why do snakes climb trees?
      A . Because they want to be fast climbers B . Because they want to hold on tree bark C . Because they want to smooth their scales. D . Because they want to get some food.
    4. (4) Where can you probably find this passage
      A . In a science book. B . in an art book. C . In a geography book. D . In a history book.
  • 5. 阅读牛津大学( The University of Oxford)的信息, 请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F) 中选出与之相对应的信息。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    The University of Oxford is about a thousand years old. It is famous all over the world, but why is it so well known?

    Yes. There are over 22,000 students at Oxford: about 12,000 of these are undergraduates (本科生) and 10,000 are postgraduate students (研究生). Around 25% of the people of the city of Oxford are students.

    In lots of ways. Firstly, the university has more than 30 different colleges (学院). Secondly, students wear special clothes for exams and other important university events. Finally, the degree ceremony is in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.

    Yes, it does. Two of the most famous buildings are the Bodleian and the Sheldonian. The Bodleian is the university library and has over eleven million books. At the Sheldonian, concerts, lectures, degree ceremonies and other university events take place.

    Yes! These include David Cameron and 25 other UK prime ministers (首相), 27 Nobel prize winners, famous scientists such as Stephen Hawking and 120 Olympic gold medalists.

    This is the publishing department of the university. It sells over 110 million books each year and is famous for the Oxford English Dictionary. There are about 300,000 words in this dictionary and it is more than 60 kilos!

    A. Are there many famous students?

    B. Does the university have different colleges?

    C. How is Oxford different from other universities?

    D. Does the university have many famous buildings?

    E. What is Oxford University Press (出版社)?

    F. Are there lots of students at the university?

  • 6. 通读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Patio (露台) Weather

    "Mom, is it spring yet?" Jeffrey asks.

    "It's March 30. But the weather doesn't say spring," Mom says. Jeffrey looks out the window. A light snow coats their new backyard (后院), the picnic table, the chairs and the grass are all 1.

    It's the first time for Mom, Dad, Jeffrey, and Julie to live in a house 2 a backyard. Jeffrey wants to 3 on the patio. But the weather is still cold. "I have a good idea," Mom says. "Go and clean the tables outside".

    Jeffrey 4 his winter clothes and goes outside to clean the snow with his warmly gloved hands. The air is cold, 5 when he finishes, he is all warmed up.

    Inside, "Now go set the patio table," Mom says. Jeffrey looks at Mom as if she tells him to fly to the moon (月球). But he takes the plates and forks outside. He sets 6 plates, putting each fork to the left of each plate as 7 says.

    Then, patio door opens. Out comes Jeffrey's 8 Julie with a big salad bowl. Behind her are Mom holding a plate of sandwiches and Dad holding glasses of milk. Jeffrey 9 as the family sits down and enjoys dinner.

    "Everything tastes better outside," says Dad. "Even in the 10."

    A . green B . yellow C . black D . white
    A . on B . under C . in D . with
    A . throw snowballs B . cook supper C . eat dinner D . take pictures
    A . puts on B . puts off C . puts up D . puts down
    A . and B . but C . after D . then
    A . two B . three C . four D . five
    A . Dad B . Mom C . Jeffery D . Julie
    A . friend B . classmate C . teacher D . sister
    A . thanks B . welcomes C . thinks D . laughs
    A . sun B . rain C . snow D . cloud
  • 7. 请从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。



    Do you like playing soccer?  

    A. It's orange.

    How do you spell "map"?

    B. No, I don't But my brother Tim does

    Where is my ruler, mom?

    C. No, they aren't. They are my uncle and aunt.

    Are these your parents?  

    D. It's in the pencil-box.

    What color is your jacket?

    E. M-A-P

  • 8. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,使其完整、通顺。

    A. I like my room. Too.

    B. That is Brian.

    C. It's so nice.

    D. Where are you?

    E. Oh, he's nice.

    F. There, on the desk.

    A: So, this is my bedroom. Do you like it?

    B: Yes!  I like your bed. And the desk is great!

    A: Thank you.  It's my favorite room in the house --of course!

    B: That is a nice photo,

    A: Yes, it's me and my family, on holiday in Beijing. We're all very happy in that photograph!

    B: Cool. And is that your brother?

    A: Yes, it is.


    A: Hmm... sometimes he is. sometimes he isn't.

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    My friends have different hobbies. Lily has a beautiful voice. Singing has become (she) favorite hobby. She sings Karaoke and (watch) many music videos every day and she often sings at friends' (party). John can swim very (good). He usually swims in the river near his house. And he practices swimming in a swimming pool Sundays. He wants (be) a swimmer at Olympics one day. Many people are  (interest) in flying model planes. Bobby is one of them. He thinks is fun and relaxing. He flies model planes with his friends in the park every weekend. But now, he is busy every day he is going to be in the(three) year of middle school. Can he still keep flying model planes as a hobby?

七、书面表达<b ></b>
  • 20. 假如你是八中学生王凯,你在国际部公告栏中看到了一则招募寄宿家庭(host family)的信息,你很感兴趣。请你根据招募要求写一份邮件。

    Host Families Wanted

    Twenty students from Lyndon School, USA are coming for a one-month study. They need 20 host families.

    Do you want to be a host family? If so, introduce yourself, your family, your hobbies If you're interested in it, e-mail the information to Lyndonschool@gmail.com.

    Student Union

    No 8 Middle School




    To: Lyndon School

    Subject: A host family for you

    Dear American friends,



    Wang Kai

