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更新时间:2021-11-30 浏览次数:158 类型:月考试卷
  • 6. How often does Tom see the movies?
    A . Once a month. B . Twice a month. C . Three times a month
  • 7. Does Li Mei usually get to school by taxi?
    A . Yes, she does. B . No, she doesn't. C . I don't know.
  • 8. What does Mike have to do?
    A . He has to study for a test. B . He has to look after his grandparents. C . He has to visit his grandparents.
  • 9. Who dances better?
    A . Amy B . Betty C . May
  • 10. What color are Lisa's clothes?
    A . Red B . Blue C . Brown
  • 11. 听下面的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How often does Lucy eat vegetables and fruits?
      A . Every day B . Never C . Hardly ever
    2. (2) What kind of fruit does Lucy eat?
      A . Strawberries B . Mango C . Apples and pears
  • 12. 听下面的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Does John like drinking milk?
      A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Never.
    2. (2) How long does John sleep every night.
      A . Eight hours. B . Nine hours. C . Nine minutes.
  • 13. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is Tina's best friend?
      A . Amy B . Lucy C . Peter
    2. (2) What sport do Tina and Amy like?
      A . Basketball B . Volleyball C . Badminton
    3. (3) What do they look like?
      A . They are short. B . They have short hair. C . They have curly hair.
  • 14. 听下面的独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) How often do I drink milk?
      A . Four times a week. B . Twice a day. C . Three times a week.
    2. (2) How often do I stay up late?
      A . sometimes B . never C . hardly
    3. (3) How long do I watch TV a day?
      A . Twelve minutes. B . 5 hours. C . Over 3 hours.
  • 15. 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C,3个选项中选出1个最佳答案。

    Many people think that Americans1their cars almost more than anything else.

    When 2people are fourteen years old, they want to have their own3 They don't ask for a car from their4So many of them work in 5 time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to6 and getting a driver's license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person's life.

    Some people almost7go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will 8 their cars to a garage(车库) as soon as they think there is a9, On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars,

    A . sell B . love C . drive
    A . young B . big C . old
    A . cars B . buses
    C . bikes
    A . friends B . teachers C . parents
    A . free B . busy C . study
    A . make B . mend
    C . drive
    A . always B . never C . often
    A . carry B . take C . pull
    A . question B . wrong C . problem
    A . cost B . get C . spend
  • 16. 判断正误,阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。

    Basketball players are usually very tall. Because they need to put the ball into the basket. But other sports players are sometimes short. Some of the best football stars are not very tall. Short people often have better balance(平衡) than tall people, so they don't fall down(倒下)often, In some sports, the players must have good balance, for example, table tennis and running. You don't need long legs to run fast. Balance is also important. Not all of the fast runners in the world are very tall. Some people are tall and some are short. The tallest person in the world is 2. 31 meters. And the shortest person in the world is only 57cm. Today, young people in many countries grow taller than their parents. This is because they eat better food today.

    1. (1) All sports players are very tall.
    2. (2) If you want to run fast, you must have long legs.
    3. (3) Most basketball players are usually very tall because they need to run fast.
    4. (4) The shortest person in the world is 57cm.
    5. (5) Today, young people grow taller than their parents because they eat better food.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Britain Today


    British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular—30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips!


    British people don't do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf—and only 6% of people play football ( but 32% go to watch it ).

    Cinema and TV

    Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day- more than women.


    British people love going on holiday, and have 56 million people every year. Most of these people aren't in the UK—27% are in Spain, 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn't very good!

    1. (1) Which food could be more popular among British adults, a hamburger or fish and chips?
      A . A hamburger. B . Fish and chips. C . Both.
    2. (2) Which of the following sentences is not right?
      A . 30% of Britain people have a hamburger every three months. B . British people don't do a lot of sports. C . Films are very popular in Britain.
    3. (3) Those who are interested in movies are _______.
      A . men B . women C . young people
    4. (4) How long do British women spend watching TV every day?
      A . Three hours. B . Three hours and a half C . Two hours
    5. (5) British people's favorite country for a holiday is _______.
      A . Spain B . France C . America
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom wanted to see bears there. And what an experience(经历) it was!

    When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore(探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.

    Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶) him away. His father said, "No. It's dangerous to chase a bear. And don't let him chase you. "Susie said, "What shall we do? Maybe we should climb a tree. "Tom said, "No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent. ""Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey(蜂蜜) outside for him to eat. "Susie suggested(建议). Then I said, "How are you going to get the honey It's in the ten. we watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset (翻倒;弄翻) everything inside. It's foolish for us to try to chase him away. "said my husband, "Leave him alone and wait for him to come out. We wanted, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.

    1. (1) Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see _______.
      A . tigers B . wolves C . bears
    2. (2) Where did the family go on vacation last summer?
      A . They went to the Central Park. B . They went to Yellow Stone National Park. C . They went to a zoo.
    3. (3) Who do you think saw the bear first?
      A . Susie. B . Tom. C . The writer.
    4. (4) What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?
      A . They chased the bear away. B . They stayed outside the tent and did nothing. C . They climbed up a tree.
    5. (5) What did the bear do in the tent?
      A . He ate the honey. B . He chased the people away. C . He turned things upside down.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Do you know how to make friends with a group of people? Let me tell you the steps about making friends with the group. Maybe it's helpful(有帮助的)to you.

    First, you need to know what kind of group they are. If people of the group are shy,never ask them "Why don't you talk?" "Why are you quiet? "or "Why do you look shy?" They don't like such questions.

    Next, remember that each group is different. They may use different words, like different things or have different ways of "hanging out".

    Then, the important thing is that you should try to be outgoing. If you are outgoing, you would become very popular. Remember, nobody wants to make friends with a shy person.

    Finally, find a right topic(话题) to talk with the group. For example, you can talk with them about the weather, the news, their hobbies(爱好)or their school life.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "steps" mean in Chinese?
      A . 脚步 B . 步骤 C . 办法
    2. (2) You can ask the questions like" _______ "when you want to talk with a shy person.
      A . Why don't you talk? B . Why are you quiet? C . It's a nice day, isn't it?
    3. (3) You can talk with the group about the topics except(除了……之外)_______.
      A . the weather B . their ages C . their hobbies
    4. (4) Which is the correct order of the following things in this passage?

      a. Know that each group is different.

      b. Try to be an outgoing person.

      c. Find a right topic to talk with the group.

      d. Know what kind of group they are.

      A . a-b-c-d B . d-a-b-c C . a-d-b-c
    5. (5) Which is the best title for the passage?
      A . Finding Differences Between the Two Groups B . Good Topics to Make Conversations C . How to Make Friends with a Group of People
  • 20. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的ABCDEF六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。其中有一个选项为多余选项。

    There is a very beautiful bird (鸟) and she lives in a tall tree in the mountain. Every morning she gets up very early and sings. So when she sings many animals come to listen to her. When she sings happily, you can get pearls(珍珠)from her.

    One day, a man knows that, After a few days he finds her and gets her. Then he takes her home. The man thinks a lot of ways to let her sing. But it doesn't work.

    At last, he takes the bird to the king(国王). The princess(公主) is a beautiful girl.

    The bird is very happy and sings for the princess. And the princess gets lots of nice pearls.

    From that day, the bird comes to meet the princess every day and sings for her.

    A. The bird is happy and sings for the man.

    B. She is very kind and let the bird fly away.

    C. She sings very well.

    D. But the bird is very sad, and she doesn't sing at all.

    E. he goes into the mountain and looks for her.

    F. The king is very happy and gives the bird to his daughter for her birthday.

  • 21. 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的词, 或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过3个单词)。

    Last summer, my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall. It (take) us five hours to get there by car. We did a lot of different (activity) there: We went for long walks, played games, went shopping and swam in the lake.

    I played ( happy) at first, but then something terrible happened(发生).

    One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by (I). I walked and walked. I watched the birds sing the trees and took some photos. When I got hungry I wanted to go back to the hotel for food. I couldn't find the way back. I tried (difference) ways. However, at last I (be) still in the same place?

    "Oh, God! What should I do? I'm so afraid!" I thought. Later it started to rain. I didn't have umbrella so I was wet and cold.

    I decided (stay) under a tree and waited for my parents. After a few hours they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and scared. I will never go to the forest again.

  • 22. 补全对话

    A: Hi, Jill. Long time no see.

    B: The vacation was great.

    A: Well.
    B: I went to the National Park.

    A: The National Park? ?

    B: I went to the mountains and boated on the lake.

    A: You took a lot of photos, right? ?

    B: Of course. Here you are.

    A: Wow, they are beautiful.

    B: Thanks. ?

    A: Yes! I helped in the old people's home as a volunteer.

    B: Wow, you're great.

  • 23. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Do you go to school every day by bike or in your parents' car? The American English teacher Margaret told her story about talking a school bus in America.

    When I was a primary school student, l loved taking the school bus. It was interesting to talk to my friends and play games on the bus. It was like children only party every morning and afternoon. On the school bus there was only one adult (成年人) the driver. Most of the time, we were well-behaved (行为端正的) because we liked the driver and didn't want to make him unhappy. But one day, one of the boys made a face (做鬼脸)at a policeman(警察)driving behind our bus. 警察使我们的司机停了下来。Then he scolded(训斥)the naughty boy loudly. We were all very good after that!

    It wasn't comfortable for young people to wait for the school bus in winter because it was very cold, especially when there were strong winds Some students in cities had bus shelters(遮挡), but country children had to jump up and down to warm up. Hurry up, spring!

    1. (1) Does Margaret come from America?
    2. (2) How did Margaret go to school when she was young?
    3. (3) What did the students do on the school bus?
    4. (4) 将文中划线部分的句子翻译成英文。
    5. (5) 将文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。
  • 24. 某校刊英文专栏征集有关青少年健康话题的文章,请根据以下图示,以"How to Keep Healthy"为题写一篇征文。


    2)词数: 60~80个。

    How to Keep Healthy

