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北师大版初中英语九年级Unit 5 Communicatio...

更新时间:2021-11-01 浏览次数:55 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 英汉互译
    1. (1) be angry with
    2. (2) fall asleep
    3. (3) to one's surprise
    4. (4) 同时
    5. (5) 嘲笑,讥讽
    6. (6) get back (to)
    7. (7) 呼出,吐出
    8. (8) 改变某人的想法
    9. (9) protect... from...
    10. (10) find out
  • 2. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

    make up one's mind    shyly   once upon a time   raise   enjoy oneself

    1. (1) — Did you last night?

      — Yes, we all sang and danced all night.

    2. (2) there was a poor girl who made a living by selling matches.
    3. (3) — Have you where to spend the summer holiday this year?

      — Not yet.

    4. (4) — The girl is too to speak in public.

      — I used to be like her, but now I'm not.

    5. (5) He his voice in order to make himself heard from far away.
  • 23. 完形填空

        Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Huang Sheng. He was1of reading. However, he was so poor that he couldn't afford to2any books. Luckily, his neighbour, a3man, had lots of books. And Huang Sheng could4books from his neighbour. Worrying about being asked to5the books, the boy had to6reading the books he had borrowed and return it to the owner as7as possible. The rich man, who was ready to lend any of his books to the boy, read8of his own books. As time went by, the boy had read9and finally became a famous writer in his time. Though the rich man had so many books, he10a man with little knowledge because he seldom read his books.

    A . good B . like C . favourite D . fond
    A . buy B . borrow C . keep D . lend
    A . poor B . rich C . kind D . wealth
    A . lend B . rent C . borrow D . buy
    A . turn B . back C . return D . give
    A . begin B . start C . break D . finish
    A . many B . much C . often D . soon
    A . few B . little C . less D . least
    A . lots of B . a lot C . plenty of D . a great deal of
    A . kept B . remained C . is D . stays
  • 24. 任务型阅读

        Writing a funny speech is possibly a lot harder than writing a serious one. Try these steps to make it easy.

        . Ask your partner, friends, etc. if they agree with you that you have chosen a funny topic. If you can't think of a funny topic, choose one on everyday activities.

    Research your topic. If you can't think of enough witticisms(妙语) of your own, go online and hunt down other people's. If you're at a party, you won't need to be too serious about using other people's materials. , be sure to acknowledge(承认) them so that you are not copying.

        Write in a humorous way. . Choose something that everyone is sure to know and understand. Make jokes about your topic; that way, everyone will like to read it.

        Read your speech out to someone before giving it. If he or she doesn't laugh, this might be a sign for you to go back to the drawing board.

        . Someone who is a lot like most of your listeners would be a good listener, because you will know exactly what to say to make him or her laugh.

        Have fun! If you're nervous to give your speech because you don't think anyone will laugh, things may go on even worse. . The chances are that you'll never have to speak in front of them again.

    A. Get a good listener

    B. Choose a funny topic

    C. So just enjoy your speech and don't mind your listeners|

    D. But if you are presenting in public

    E. Humour works best when everyone "gets it"

