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更新时间:2021-08-13 浏览次数:300 类型:中考真卷
二、听下面5个句子,从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  • 16. 对话或独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Jim learn to do paper cutting?
      A . At an art school. B . At an art club. C . In a nearby village.
    2. (2) Why does Jim like paper cutting?
      A . He can know more about Chinese culture. B . He can make more Chinese friends. C . He can relax himself by doing paper cutting.
  • 17. 对话或独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) How often should they collect the rubbish?
      A . Once a week. B . Once a month. C . Twice a month.
    2. (2) What can they do for the elder people?
      A . Provide medical care. B . Go shopping. C . Cook delicious food.
    3. (3) What does the speaker mainly talk about?
      A . Easy ways to make the community a better place. B . Some advice about making more friends at school. C . A program to help children with their study.
  • 33. 从题中所给的A、B、C. D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When I was young, I was very proud. I liked to show off (炫耀)in front of others to earn their praise. But after one 1 experience, I came to understand that it's important to be modest (谦虚).

    One day, my friend and I were riding our bikes in a park. My mother knew I had just learned how to ride for a short time, 2 she asked me to wear some safety equipment (装备). "No, I won't wear3 !" 1 said, pointing at my friend's elbows and knees, "She doesn't wear it 4 !" "It's dangerous," my friend said, "You need more practice." "I might have learned later than you, but I can ride even5 ! "I said loudly. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Let's wait and see!"

        I saw a path leading into some woods. "I'll race you!" I shouted. Then we rode towards the woods. 6 , the path wasn't as smooth as I thought. I kept bumping (颠簸)up and down, and then suddenly. bam! I fell 7 my bike. I8 my elbows and knees bleeding. "Ha﹣ha!" My friend made a face and helped me up. "Be more careful next time," she said. Tears ran down my9. "Sorry," I said.

    All in all, this experience made me realize that we must be10 . A fall into a pit, a gain in my wit.

    A . forgettable B . unforgettable C . useless D . hopeless
    A . or B . but C . since D . so
    A . it B . itself C . them D . themselves
    A . also B . either C . too D . neither
    A . slower B . worse C . harder D . better
    A . Because B . Unless C . However D . Though
    A . down B . off C . of D . into
    A . felt B . tasted C . smelt D . sounded
    A . leg B . arm C . hand D . face
    A . proud B . rude C . modest D . anxious
  • 34. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

    I am an Inuit boy named Kayla. Inuit are the people who live in cold Arctic (北极的) lands. In my language, Inuit means" the people". Some people used to call my people Eskimos. We wish to be called Inuit.

    I live with my mother, father and two brothers. We live at the most northern part of the world. It is made up of the Arctic Ocean and the land all around it. For months the sea is covered with thick ice. The land is covered with snow and ice most of the year, too.

    Winter is long and very cold. It lasts from October to March. It is dark twenty﹣four hours a day. The sun does not come up to warm the water and land. When the north winds blow, it is even colder. There are days when the temperature is 50°F below zero. My family is prepared. We wear watertight (防水鞋). We put on many layers (层) of clothes. Outside we always wear a thick warm jacket that has fur inside. I'm not afraid of the cold winters. I guess I'm just used to them.

    My family and I look forward to each summer. So much happens in a short time. The temperature usually stays around 50°F. During the summer the sun shines all day and night. This is why the Arctic is called the "land of the midnight sun".

    1. (1) Kayla is a boy who lives in cold Arctic lands, the most northern part of the world.
    2. (2) There are four people in Kayla's family.
    3. (3) In Kayla's hometown, winter lasts from October to March without sunshine.
    4. (4) Kayla is afraid of the cold winters when the temperature is 50°F below zero.
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us something about Kayla's family life.
  • 35. 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C. D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    There was a young man who was in trouble. He went bankrupt (破产) and his wife went away from him. From then on, failure was all that he had seen. Struggling (斗争) with this, he went into the forest alone. There, he met an old man who had lived there for a long time. He shared his story with the old man and asked" Can you give me one good reason not to give up?"

    "Look, " the old man said, "Do you see that fern (蕆类植物) and bamboo there?"

    "Yes." the man answered.

    "When I planted the fern and bamboo seeds, I watered them carefully. Within a few days, the fern quickly grew from the land, " the old man went on.

    "However, I watered the bamboo seed for years, it still didn't sprout. But I didn't give up and continued looking after it. In the fifth year, a small sprout came out of the land. Within six months, the tree grew a hundred feet tall. "

    "The little bamboo tree had been growing underground in the past four years, developing a root strong enough for its ground growth (生长) in the fifth year. If it hadn't done this, it would not be so strong. So you know, all the time you were struggling, you were actually growing strong roots." the old man said. Finally, the man thanked the old man deeply. Then he left the forest with the hope for life.

    1. (1) What happened to the young man?
      A . He was seriously ill. B . He was badly hurt. C . He went bankrupt and his wife left him. D . He went to a bank with his wife.
    2. (2) The difference between the fern and the bamboo mentioned in the passage is their        .
      A . weight B . growth C . looks D . colors
    3. (3) The underlined word "sprout" in Paragraph 5 means "       " in Chinese.
      A . 发芽 B . 开花 C . 枯萎 D . 结果
    4. (4) The young man felt         after hearing what the old man said to him.
      A . sad B . disappointed C . hopeful D . nervous
    5. (5) Which can be the best title for the passage?
      A . Practice makes perfect. B . The early bird catches the worm. C . Learn to share with others. D . Never lose hope when in trouble.
  • 36. 阅读理解

    When you and your family go out for dinner, do you notice how many dishes you usually order?It's OK if you finish all of them. But if you waste too much food, you need to pay for it.

    Last year, China's top legislature (立法机关) reviewed (审议) a draft law (法律草案) for stopping food waste for the first time. In general, a draft will become law after the top legislature reviews it three times.

    According to the draft law, restaurants should tell customers not to order too much. If customers leave too much food uneaten, restaurants can charge (收费) them for food waste. The law also bans (禁止) waiters from encouraging people to order too much food. Some restaurants may use the" N﹣1"mode for people to order dishes. "N" stands for the number of persons at a table. So if there are six people at your table, you should order just five dishes, which can help people control the amount of dishes in a proper way.

    The draft law also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste. It also bans TV programs about overeating and overdrinking. Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100, 000 yuan.

    Food waste happens in many places and has long been a big problem around the world. We need to obey the law and refuse to waste food.

    1. (1) If customers waste too much food, they         .
      A . need to pay some money for it B . need to say sorry about it C . can't enter the restaurant again D . can leave the restaurant for free
    2. (2) According to the"N-1" mode, if 9 persons plan to eat in the restaurant, they need to order        dishes.
      A . 7 B . 8 C . 9 D . 10
    3. (3) Which is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . Students should avoid food waste at school. B . Programs about overeating will be allowed on TV. C . Food waste has been a big problem all over the world. D . Waiters can't encourage people to order too much food.
    4. (4) You may read the passage in        .
      A . a storybook B . a guidebook C . an advertisement D . a newspaper
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Harm of food waste. B . Importance of healthy food. C . Law to stop food waste. D . Advantages of stopping food waste.
  • 37. 根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    People didn't pay much attention to their health in the past, but now more and more people try to make sure that they are healthy.

    Do exercise every day. There are many ways to do exercise in daily life.  Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house is helpful. Other people think that doing exercise such as running or playing ball games is good.

    Eat healthy food. It is good for your health to eat healthy food. You should eat more vegetables and fruits but less junk food every day.

    Today many people have stress (压力) in their life, but we should try to relax ourselves. In fact, you can never keep yourself away from stress in life.  So you need to know the reason for the stress and find ways to feel better. Thinking about things in an active way can also reduce stress. Try to live for now, and don't worry about the future.

    A. Pick up a hobby.

    B. It is always with you.

    C. Learn to relax yourself.

    D. It's bad for your health to sit for a long time.

    E. Now let me tell you some ways to keep healthy.

    F. People have different ideas about ways to exercise.

    G Healthy food plays an important role in a strong body.

  • 48. 书面表达

    Doing Housework Makes Me __________

    提示:家务是生活中的一部分,我们作为一名家庭成员,应该学会分担家务。请以"Doing Housework Makes Me __________" 为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述一次你做家务的经历,并谈谈你的体会。






    Doing Housework Makes Me__________

