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更新时间:2021-08-13 浏览次数:761 类型:中考真卷
  • 16. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    What does the word ecology mean? It was 1 by Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist. He joined two Greek words: oikos, meaning "house," and logie, meaning "the study of". Together they mean "the study of the house." The "house" Haeckel had in mind is our 2, Earth. Earth is home for all living things—humans, animals, plants, and even tiny microbes.

    To study a house is to learn how its residents (居民)use it. An ecologist is a scientist who studies the 3 between organisms (生物) and their environment. The environment is an organism's surroundings. It may 4 water, gases, rocks, and temperature.

    Ecologists also study the balance of using the environment while protecting it.

    An ecologist once asked a boy 5 he thought it meant to protect the environment.

    The boy said, "You go into the forest and look for somebody who wants to cut down a tree. You take away his axe. You tell him about how 6 trees are. You say they are good for natural beauty, saving soil, and giving shelter to birds and other animals. "

    "Good answer," said the ecologist, "7 it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to. Also, remember that sometimes it's 8 to cut down a tree. If we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear. If we don't cut down any trees, we won't get any resources from the forest. We have to find the right 9. "

    "I get it," the boy said. "We need the forest's 10 for wood and paper or we might not have desks or notebooks for school."

    "Exactly—and school is a good place to learn about ecology," added the ecologist. "Then you will know how to protect the natural environment."

    A . proved B . invented C . marked D . accepted
    A . planet B . building C . project D . surface
    A . feeling B . relationships C . distance D . competitions
    A . pollute B . control C . include D . reduce
    A . who B . whose C . why D . what
    A . wild B . common C . wealthy D . important
    A . but B . and C . so D . or
    A . comfortable B . tiring C . impossible D . necessary
    A . mystery B . temperature C . balance D . symbol
    A . soil B . resources C . landscape D . wildlife
  • 17. 阅读理解

    You learn all kinds of things from books. Books open up a whole new world to you. They can make you smile and comfort you when you are sad.

    You must have many hobbies, reading, painting and so on. One day, you happen to see a poster, "World Book Day." Interested, you stop and read the poster.

    Hello and welcome to World Book Day

    World Book Day is here to change lives through a Jove of books and shared reading, and bring books to the children who need them most. World Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading.

    Share A Story Live -our exciting digital events programme beaming authors (作家) straight into your school.

    Raising money, raising readers - our fundraising ideas to

    help us change lives through reading.

    World Book Day Book Club一a new online reading community.

    Share A Story Corner—stories to encourage families to read together.

    For up-to-date information, visit our website worldbookday. com!

    1. (1) World Book Day is a special day for people to ______________.
      A . celebrate the joy of reading B . change lives by raising money C . meet famous authors at home D . enjoy writing in local communities
    2. (2) According to the poster, if you want to read stories with your parents, you can join _________.
      A . Share A Story Live B . Share A Story Corner C . World Book Day Book Club D . Raising money, raising readers
    3. (3) The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to ________________.
      A . catch readers' attention B . encourage families to write books C . help readers form reading habits D . recommend different types of books
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Imagine you choose to join WorldBook Day Book Club. Now you are reading a book on art for children.

    About art

    Art is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures. This book introduces 32 works by some of the world's most famous artists. This is only a small selection, but it reveals (揭示) huge differences in what artists do.

    Why make art?

    Artists make art for many reasons. Sometimes, they just want to create something beautiful. But hundreds of years ago—when many people couldn't read - paintings were often designed to illustrate stories.

    Very grand paintings were usually made to order, for wealthy clients who wanted to impress people. More recently, artists have begun to paint to express their own feelings or explore ideas.

    About this book

    The pictures reproduced in this book were painted over the last 500 years. They are arranged (排列) in order of date, so you can see how ideas about art have changed over time. If you would like to see more art, there is lots on the Internet一just follow the links recommended throughout the book. If you can, visit an art gallery too, so you can experience seeing the "real thing".

    1. (1) Why are the works introduced in the book?
      A . To tell readers huge differences in what artists do. B . To offer readers all kinds of pictures and sculptures. C . To share every famous artist's life story with readers. D . To introduce a number of works from an artist to readers.
    2. (2) The works in the book are arranged in order of _________________
      A . size B . space C . time D . importance
    3. (3) The passage above mainly _____________________.
      A . gives an introduction to the book B . shows the size of each part in the book C . shows the number of the artists in the book D . gives the reasons to order paintings in the book
  • 19. 阅读理解

    To improve your reading, you can try the form of readers' theatre, a formatted script for readers to read aloud. It's so interesting!

    Cast of Characters: Narrator, Kayla, Ms. Lee, Zack   

    Narrator: On a sunny day in southern Texas, Ms. Lee's students gathered in the school playground.

    Ms. Lee: Tomorrow is the day of the sidewalk (人行道) chalk-art festival. The principal has allowed us to practise our wet-chalk drawing on the playground sidewalk, which will be our studio, Remember, whenever you want to draw on a sidewalk, always ask an adult in charge for permission before you draw. Now let's review the steps of wet-chalk drawing. What do we do first?

    Narrator: As the students told her the steps in order, Ms. Lee wrote them on a large pad of paper. When she finished writing, she pulled the paper off the pad and displayed the directions so everyone could read them. Then the students chose and soaked (浸湿) their pieces of chalk. Meanwhile, Kayla and Zack planned their drawing.

    Kayla: Let's draw a jungle feast. Parrots can be eating all kinds of fruit.

    Zack: I'll draw a model train carrying food to the birds.

    Narrator: The students removed their pieces of chalk from the water and drew. As Zack drew a sweeping curve of train track, his hand knocked over the jar of water. He and Kayla watched water streak across their drawing.

    Zack: Our drawing is ruined (毁坏)!

    Kayla: Don't be so worried! Quick, mix the water and the chalk together! Now lets use more chalk and smear (涂抹) it around.

    Narrator: Kayla and Zack worked quickly. The smeared colours looked glorious, like rich, thick frosting on a cake.

    Ms. Lee: That looks great! That's a special method you're using, kids. Are you two interested in taking part in the chalk-art festival tomorrow? The timetable for the festival says that drawing starts at 9:00 a. m.

    Kayla and Zack: Sure!

    Kayla: Tomorrow we'11 pour water over our drawing on purpose.

    Zack: Then we'll know just what to do!

    1. (1) What do we know about readers' theatre?
      A . A place for readers to enjoy plays. B . A reading material for people to read aloud. C . A series of steps for children to draw on the sidewalk. D . A number of people gathering together to play games.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "streak" in the passage mean?
      A . Rise rapidly. B . Move quickly. C . Disappear suddenly. D . Swim slowly.
    3. (3) The narrator in the readers' theatre __________________.
      A . tells the whole story in a silent way   B . gives instructions to the characters C . helps the characters understand the story D . describes settings and events
    4. (4) What does the underlined sentence "Tomorrow we'll pour water over our drawing on purpose." at the end of the passage mean?
      A . Kayla and Zack will ruin their drawing with water for fun. B . Kayla and Zack will find the steps by accident by themselves. C . Kayla and Zack will draw as well as their teacher by pouring water. D . Kayla and Zack will draw pictures using the method they discovered today.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    After reading so much, you may wonder how to make a book. TVs time for you to have a try!

    Have you ever wondered how a book is made? It takes a lot of people to make a book. It can take months, or even years, for a book to go from an idea to a finished product.

    A book begins when an author comes up with an idea for a book. Authors get ideas in different ways. They may get ideas from their own lives, from watching the world around them, or from reading.

    Next, an author may plan the book by making an outline (提纲). Sometimes authors do research to gather information. They may read books or articles. They may interview people or visit places.

    Then, the author begins to write. Authors may write for months or years to finish a manuscript. A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.

    Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher. If the publisher decides to publish the book, the author works with an editor. An editor reads the manuscript. Then he or she recommends changes to improve the book. A copy editor reads the manuscript to correct any grammatical mistake.

    After an author makes the suggested changes, a designer may decide how the book will look. The designer may choose the size, shape, and type styles for the book. Some picture book authors create their own illustrations (插图) . If not, an illustrator is chosen to create pictures for the book.

    The illustrator makes sketches of pictures that will go on each page. The sketches are sent to the publishing company. The editor makes sure the pictures clearly tell the story. The designer checks how the words and pictures will fit together on the pages.

    After the design changes are made, the illustrator begins creating the final pictures. He or she may change the colours, the perspective, or the composition of pictures. It may take months to create all the pictures.

    The finished art is then sent to the publisher. The designer adjusts (调整) how the pictures and words fit together on the pages. The completed pages are sent to the printer. Many books are still made into books with paper pages.

    The printer uses huge printing presses to make the pages. The pages are fixed together. The book cover is added. The finished books are then sent to the publisher's warehouse. They are stored there until they are bought by libraries and bookstores.

    E-readers have changed how some books are made. Some authors do not use a publisher at all. Instead of sending a manuscript to a publisher, some authors turn their manuscripts into eBooks themselves. Finally, an author's eBook is uploaded (上传) to virtual bookstores on the Internet. Customers can buy and download eBooks from these websites.

    1. (1) According to the passage, the designer's job is to _______________________.
      A . create pictures for the book B . make an outline of the book C . decide how the book will look D . correct grammatical mistakes in the book
    2. (2) Your first book will be published soon. What will first happen to it after the illustrator has created the final pictures?
      A . A designer often chooses a style for B . The editor and the designer check the words mid pictures. C . The designer finishes the pages. D . The printer prints the pages.
    3. (3) The writer uses the LAST paragraph to ______________.
      A . introduce the history of eBooks B . describe the disadvantages of eBooks C . show the development of making a book D . ask customers to support authors in making a book
    4. (4) The writer explains how to make a book by ___________.
      A . giving causes B . showing steps C . providing examples D . expressing opinions
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . From Idea to Book B . Different Kinds of Books C . Workers in the Publishing House D . Between Publishers and Customers
五、请根据句子意思, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分)
  • 31. 请根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确。

    paper cutting    managed     like    on the wall     exciting

    Yesterday, I went to Chaotian Palace Plaza. There were different stands where artists could demonstrate their skills and teach the visitors! It was an  experience for me.

    What caught my attention first was , that is, making images out of paper. It was difficult, but a lot of fun! With help from the artist, I  to make one in the shape of a fish. Then I went into a section decorated  a traditional Chinese study, with two beautiful Chinese paintings of a pine tree and some bamboo hung . There was also an old man writing Chinese calligraphy: his writing was so free and elegant!

  • 32. 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中填入一个最恰当的单词。


    Exams are a fact of school life for most people. Almost everyone worries about them and feels stressed, although they have prepared well.

    A little stress caused by the exams is useful as it can sharpen your mind and motivate(激发)you to do well. But too much stress can stop you working to the best of your abilities, so its important not to let it get out of control. Here are some ideas to help you.

    The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowing what you need to know, planning and preparing for your revision (复习), and giving yourself enough time to do it.

    If you can, find a copy of the syllabus for each subject. This tells you what you need to know and gives you the topics for revision.

    Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space. Include the topics you need to cover for each subject.

    About 12 weeks before your first exam, record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.

    During your exam period you want your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep. If panic (惊慌) starts to creep in, try to replace your negative thoughts with more positive (积极的) ones, such as 'It's going to be OK? If you have difficulty answering a question, leave it and move on to the next one—don't spend time tying yourself in mental (思想上的) knots over each question.

    You are not alone while dealing with the stress. Call psychological (心理的) hotline to share your worries and get help from others going through the same experience. Remember that there is life after exams. Things may feel stressful right now, but it won't last forever. And then the rest of your life will still be there.

    The Exam Stress


     about exams is a real fact for almost everyone at school.


    ◆Though a little exam stress does good to you, too much may make you  to work as well as you can.

    How to control exam stress

    ◆Careful preparation is necessary to stop you from worries.

    ●Find a copy of the syllabus for each subject to get necessary .

    Make a revision timetable chart for every  to display in your work space, including necessary topics.

    ●Prepare for your exams  and remind yourself of the dates and times for each exam.

    ◆Make yourself  before bedtime and get enough sleep.

    ◆Try to  yourself to stay positive.

    ◆If you meet difficult questions, just move on, instead of    how to answer them too long.

    ◆Turn to psychological hotline and those in the same boat for .

    ◆Remember stress will disappear but your  will go on.

  • 33. 请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

    The problem some people have with homework is not that they find it too hard, or that it takes too long, but that they f  what they have to do and for when. This may be because they don't write down exactly what n  to be done, or don't make a note of when it has to be handed in.

    If you have a planner for school, make good u of it to record what you need to do. If not, use a diary or notebook to make notes of what has to be handed in and w .

    You could set up an "in-tray" system, so you can see what is w to be done. This is a tray or shallow box where you put your homework each night until you are r to do it.

    Although no one exactly looks forward to doing homework, you will get it done more efficiently (高效地) if you are well o and have time and space to concentrate (专注) on it.

    For example, if your homework involves (需要) going online and you don't have your ocomputer, make sure you 'book' some time on the family computer, or can use one in your school library.

    If you have space, set up a homework 'office' a at home with a table or desk and a comfortable chair. It should have good light, a place for your books, and your homework 'tool kit. '

    It helps to get into a habit of doing homework early in the evening, and not 1  it until the last minute at weekends. After you've done it, reward yourself with some fun, down-time' activities, such as some television or social networking time.

  • 34. 某英文网站正在举办征文活动,请根据网站征文要求,用英语写一篇短文投稿。

    This new global site is a place for students to share their ideas. We are looking for your beautiful school day to inspire (鼓舞) our readers. Did you help anyone at school? Did you enjoy a beautiful song in your art lesson? Did you have an amazing experience in the school lab?  

    Your school life is full of beauty. Choose a beautiful school day. Write a passage to tell us what you did that day and why you think it was beautiful.

    Send your writing to us right now!





    My Beautiful School Day

    My school life is full of beauty.

