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更新时间:2021-07-30 浏览次数:201 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    As a little boy, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather's farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded (包围) by miles of winding stonewalls, the house and farm provided 1hours of fun for a city kid like me.

    I can still remember one afternoon when I was eight years old. For a long time after my first visit to the farm, I'd wanted more than 2to be allowed to climb the stonewalls. My parents would 3agree. The walls were old. Some stones were missing, and others were falling into pieces. Still, my wish to climb across those walls grew4strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I summoned(鼓起) all my 5and entered the living room, 6the adults had got together after Sunday dinner.

    "I, uh, I want to climb the stonewalls, " I said hesitantly(犹豫地). Everyone 7. "Can I climb the stonewalls? Immediately the women shouted, "No, you mustn't. 8you'll hurt yourself!" The reply was just as I 9. But before I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfather's loud voice. "Now10just a minute. Let the boy climb the stonewalls. He has to 11 to do things for himself. "

    "Go, " he said to me, "and come and see me when you get 12. " For the next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my13. I'll never forget what he said. "Fred, " he said, smiling14, "you made this day special just by being yourself. Always remember, there's only one person in this whole world like15, and I like you as you are. "

    Many years have passed, but I still remember what my grandfather said at that moment.

    A . careless B . meaningless C . endless D . hopeless
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . always B . sometimes C . seldom D . never
    A . such B . so C . too D . very
    A . courage B . mind C . spirit D . heart
    A . which B . that C . what D . where 
    A . looked into B . looked at C . looked up D . looked after
    A . Though B . Otherwise C . Unless D . Thus
    A . exchanged B . expressed C . examined D . expected
    A . hold on B . come on C . keep on D . turn on
    A . help B . like C . learn D . plan
    A . back B . down C . off D . along
    A . encouragement B . creativity C . adventure D . discovery
    A . truly B . wisely C . suddenly D . widely
    A . us B . you C . him D . me
  • 2. 阅读理解

    School Music Festival

    Can you dance well? Do you like singing? Can you play any musical instruments? Come to our music festival to have a nice evening on our school playground this Friday.

    Time: 8:00 p. m. — 10:00 p. m.

    Movie night

    Place: School playground

    Day: This Saturday

    Movie title: The Chinese Pilot

    Time: 5:00 p. m — 6:30 p. m.

    Movie title: The Wandering Earth

    Time: 7:00 p. m. — 8:30 p. m.

    Photo show

    Do you like taking photos? We have many kinds of beautiful photos on show in the school hall this weekend.

    Time: 9:00 a m. — 5:00 p. m.

    A volleyball game

    Attention, please! There is a great volleyball   game between our school and Guangming Middle School in the school gym at 10:00 this Tuesday morning. Come to watch it.

    1. (1) Who may want to go for the show in the school hall?
      A . Joe, a musician who likes playing the guitar. B . Millar, a reporter who likes playing basketball. C . Lily, an actor who likes taking photos. D . Jack, a speaker who likes giving English speeches.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The School Music Festival is from 8:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. B . We can see The Chinese Pilot at 7:00 p. m. C . The photo show lasts for eight hours. D . We can see the volleyball game in the school gym at 10:00 this Thursday morning.
    3. (3) This passage may be from ___________________.
      A . a fashion magazine B . a notice board C . a piece of news D . a comic book
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Zhang Dingyu, the director of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, led over 600 doctors and nurses to fight against COVID-19.

    As Zhang worked in the battle to fight against the disease, his strange way of walking shocked his colleagues. He finally admitted that he had fallen ill with ALS (渐冻症) since October 2018 after constant inquiries. ALS is a disease that gradually blocks the connection between brain and body. People with ALS become partially paralyzed (瘫痪的) leading to respiratory (呼吸系统的) failure. While working with handicapped (瘸的) legs, his wife was confirmed to get infected with SARS-CoV-2 after working in another hospital. The bad news brought him to his knees, and he cried for the first time after the outbreak of COVID-19. Zhang could only spare time to visit his wife until three days after she got admitted to the hospital. Even then he could only stay for 30 minutes. Fortunately, the good news came that his wife had recovered ten days after treatment.

    Zhang, 57, had offered medical services along with Chinese medical teams to Algeria and Pakistan. Three days after the earthquake hit Sichuan Province in 2008, Zhang entered the city with his medical team members to offer help.

    "Life is always short. I need to do more to finish the things that I might leave behind. Then I would leave without too many regrets, " Zhang said. "We are at the center of a storm, so we need to give all we have to protect our city, and our Wuhan people, " Zhang said.

    1. (1) What is TRUE about Zhang Dingyu?
      A . His colleagues had known his health condition before. B . His wife worked in the same hospital as him. C . He treated people injured in earthquakes in Sichuan. D . He retired from the hospital before the outbreak of COVID-19.
    2. (2) We can learn from the passage that Zhang Dingyu is a _____________man.
      A . terrible B . serious C . hard-working D . responsible
    3. (3) What does Zhang Dingyu mean in the last paragraph?
      A . He wants to realize his dream. B . He decided to fight the disease. C . He regrets not being able to do more for his patients. D . He will soon leave his position.
    4. (4) This passage mainly talks about______________.
      A . Zhang Dingyu's story of fighting against COVID-19 B . Zhang Dingyu's story with his wife C . how to prevent COVID-19 D . Zhang Dingyu's story with his colleges
  • 4. 阅读理解

    At East China University of Science and Technology, students will get a coupon(优惠券)if they eat up their food. Students can collect coupons and exchange them for small gifts, such as books, magazines, mobile phone covers and hand warmers.

    "It's been such a surprise, " said Liang Zhaoyun, 19, a student at the university in Shanghai. "It has given us one more motivation to finish our food. "

    The measure (措施) is part of a national "eat-up" campaign (行动) which is organized by students to deal with food waste on campuses (校园).

    Why only on campuses, you might ask? Because according to a report by Xinhua News Agency, students waste twice as much food as the national average (平均).

    The campaign on campus food waste is receiving attention across the country.

    "The aim of the campaign is not only to encourage students to finish their food. We hope it can also encourage students to choose a more environment-friendly and healthy lifestyle, " said Tao Siliang, secretary of the Youth League Committee at Shanghai University.

    But some school food is poorly prepared, so students do not like to finish it all. Some schools have taken notice of this and they are taking measures to improve it.

    "I'm glad that we've reduced food waste since the 'eat-up' campaign began. But if we call on students to waste less food, we should also improve the service and food standard on campuses. " said Tao.

    1. (1) From Paragraph 1, we know that the students will get a coupon_____________.
      A . when they eat school food B . after they exchange gifts C . if they finish all their food D . when they pay for it
    2. (2) The underlined word "motivation" in Paragraph 2 means ____________in Chinese.
      A . 动力 B . 机会 C . 试验 D . 条件
    3. (3) The" eat-up" campaign is carried out on campuses because_______________.
      A . students get a good education B . schools offer small gifts C . students waste too much food D . students eat too much nowadays
    4. (4) The purpose of the campaign is mainly to_____________.
      A . improve the school food standard B . encourage a greener and healthier lifestyle C . receive attention from the society D . make students compete with each other
  • 5. 阅读理解

    As soon as you walk into the kitchen, the smell hits you. Phew! You should have taken out the garbage yesterday. You bring the trash outside, but when you return to the kitchen, it still smells awful. What should you do to get rid of the stink?

    Many people in this situation will reach for an air freshener. Air fresheners are an easy and quick way to make the room smell better. There are many different types of air fresheners, including sprays, candles, and cleaners. No matter what form it takes, an air freshener fights bad smells in one of three basic ways.

    The first way is by masking, or hiding, the unpleasant smell. Sprays and candles work in this way. These air fresheners cover up the bad smell by overpowering it with a stronger smell. This does not get rid of the bad smell. Instead, it covers it up with something else. Sometimes this makes the room smell better. Sometimes, it makes the room smell like a combination of perfume and garbage. Masking fresheners are a good choice if you do not mind strong scents.

    Some air fresheners, like some cleaning products, work by changing your body instead of the air around it. When you use these types of products, special chemicals actually stop the scent receptors in your brain from noticing the bad smells. These types of air fresheners work well, but they may be dangerous for people with conditions such as asthma(哮喘) or allergies.

    A third kind of air freshener fights against the bad smells in the air itself. These air fresheners use charcoal(碳) or chemicals called oxidizing agents to "clean" the air. Some bad smells are caused by organic matter, which are basically materials that are alive, used to be alive, or came from living things. These include rotten food, mold, and pet smells. The charcoal or chemicals remove these things from the air. Instead of simply covering up the bad smell, these air fresheners work to eliminate it altogether.

    If you are worried about using chemicals or heavy fragrance in your house, you may not want to use an air freshener at all. In this case, your best choice may simply be to open up the windows or turn on a fan — and, of course, to remember to take out the garbage more often!

    1. (1) Based on the way it is explained in the passage, which of the following is NOT an example of something organic?
      A . Wood. B . Plastic. C . Elephants. D . Potatoes.
    2. (2) According to the passage, some cleaning products ___________.
      A . are the best choice for fighting pet odors B . can be more effective than opening a window C . cover up the bad smell instead of getting rid of it D . might be dangerous for people with difficulties in breathing.
    3. (3) As used in Paragraph 6, the underlined word "fragrance" most nearly means "__________".
      A . clean air B . rotten food C . pleasant smell D . basic material
    4. (4) The best title for the passage above might be _____________.
      A . Making the Air Smell Better B . Making the Air Look Fresher C . Better Air Better Health D . Better Air Better Life
三、任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)
  • 6. 下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D和E)中选出适合各段意思的小标题。

    A. Do something every day.

    B. Eat a healthy diet.

    C. Find role models.

    D. Decide what you want.

    E. Take action.

    F. Finish in time

    There are many things that are out of control in a world. Working on self-disciple (自律) not only gives you more self-control, but also improves your confidence. Here are some ideas.

    . If your goal is to become more self-disciplined, you have to do something    every day to achieve that goal. Goals may seem difficult at first, but practicing all the time can help you get there finally.

    . Once you have schedule and your action plan in place, the next step is to carry them out. Sticking to your plan needs discipline. The longer you stick to your plan, the more disciplined you'll be.

    . Actively deciding and coming up with plans help you reach your goals and become more disciplined. For example, wanting to live a healthier life is a good goal to have. However, you also have to decide how you are going to do?

    . Friends or family members whom you admire for their self-discipline can be your role models. Ask them how they set out to achieve their goals.

    . Well-balanced meals have some relationship with mental health as well as physical health. If you're not sure what a healthy meal look like, do some research on it.

五、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次 (每空一词)。(每小题1分)
  • 17. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次 (每空一词)。

    come     build      be      show     read

    Have you ever listened to the sound in your heart? Have you ever met an article which has the same idea as yours?

    The TV program, The Reader, popular since it came out on CCTV-1 on February 18th, 2017. It the beauty of Chinese language and the power of reading. It is produced by Dong Qing, a famous hostess. The Reader invites many guests to read something that influences them most. Not only famous people but also common people can be the guests. Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo, to The Reader as a common father. He said, "As long as you are an honest man, you are my good son whatever your job is!" This program has turned reading into a new fashion. Now, a few Reading Booths (朗读亭) in many cities. Even on rainy days, people still wait in long lines in the booths.

    Reading is helpful to us because it will make us wise, happy and knowledgeable. What are you waiting for? Why not start reading now?

  • 18. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。

    As a child, Albert Einstein was slow to speak. Even at  age of six, he did not speak well. He thought for a long time  answering a question, and his parents were afraid he was not normal.

    Einstein hated the strict rules of school and certain subjects that required memorization. When asked what work the boy should do, a class teacher said it did not matter; he would never make a  (succeed) of anything.

    Thinking back on his childhood, Einstein felt that his backwardness (迟钝)  (actual) helped him. "A 'normal' adult does not stop  (think) about space and time, " he said, "because he has already done so as a child. " In his case, he  (wonder) about them all the time.

    He tried to make life as simple as possible  that he would have more time for his work. He wore his hair long in later years so he would not have to go to the barber, and he felt socks were (necessary).

    Einstein  (die) when he was 76. He did not want a grave(坟墓). He didn't want his house turned into a museum, and he wanted his office used  others. He left his brain to research, but doctors found nothing unusual in its size, weight, or formation.

七、书面表达 (20分)
  • 19. 回顾三年初中时光,你在学习和生活中一定取得了不少进步。请结合自身经历,谈谈自己过去与现在的不同及如何取得这些进步的。




