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更新时间:2021-08-30 浏览次数:124 类型:中考模拟
  • 6. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who didn't get to school on time?
      A . Paul and Sam. B . Sam and Kevin. C . Kevin and Paul.
    2. (2) Why were they late for school?
      A . Because they overslept and left home late. B . Because the bus they took broke down. C . Because the heavy snow led to the bad traffic.
  • 7. 听一段较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Lucy ask Mike to do with her?
      A . Go to the beach. B . Enjoy the concert. C . Have a picnic.
    2. (2) When is Mike going to take his piano lesson?
      A . On Saturday afternoon. B . On Sunday evening.      C . On Sunday morning.
    3. (3) What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?
      A . Friends. B . Brother and sister. C . Teacher and student.
  • 8. 听到一篇短文,选出你认为最合适的备选答案。
    1. (1) Where does Mr. Green work?
      A . In Canada. B . In China. C . In America.
    2. (2) Where did the Greens leave their bag?
      A . In their car. B . Under a big tree. C . At home.
    3. (3) Why didn't the Greens have dinner that evening?
      A . Because they were tired. B . Because they were busy. C . Because they were worried.
    4. (4) How did Mr. Green make his family happy?
      A . By telling them a story. B . By asking the police for help. C . By singing a song for them.
    5. (5) Who helped them find the bag?
      A . Two policemen. B . A teenager. C . A doctor.
  • 9. 朗读短文

    I'm Jim. When I was cleaning my room yesterday, I found an old box of my father's. He gave it to me last year. It was really interesting to discover something about my father's life as a child. He liked writing to people from all over the world,and they sent him letters back. People also gave him things from different countries. My father even kept the ticket from his first football match. The box made me think about my hobby. I want to keep my old picture books and magazines for a long time, too.

  • 10. 将听到两个问题,请根据情景提示的内容用英语进行回答。



  • 11. 听录音,请用英语进行话题表述,





  • 12. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Billy Ray Harris was homeless. He spent each day on the streets of Kansas City, asking for money, for food and maybe a1for the night. Every day, as he sat thinking about his life, he sometimes 2 the sound of a coin or two dropping into his cup. One day, the noise was 3 than usual. A little later, when he looked into the cup, he was 4 to see a shining diamond(钻石)ring inside.

    Billy's first 5 was to go straight to a jeweller's(珠宝店)and that's 6 what he did. To his surprise, he was 7 $4, 000. Billy thought long and hard.

    Was it a mistake?8 then he thought about his grandfather who had brought him up and always asked him to do the right thing. He made up his mind to 9the ring and maybe one day its owner would return.

    10, he did not have to wait long. Two days later, a young woman came near 11while he was begging. She introduced herself as Sarah Darling and asked 12 he'd found anything unusual in his cup. Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out the13. He gave it back to her.

    Sarah and her husband decided to raise money for Billy to help him 14 the streets. Soon Billy got over $200, 000. And thanks to the news report, he got together again 15 his brother who he had been unable to find for 16 years.

    All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing—returning something that did not belong to him.

    A . table B . bed C . chair D . desk
    A . tested B . made C . found D . heard
    A . quieter B . more C . louder D . lower
    A . worried B . surprised C . relaxed D . interested
    A . thought B . answer C . dream D . reason
    A . normally B . exactly C . suddenly D . hardly
    A . lent B . asked C . offered D . sent
    A . So B . Unless C . Till D . But
    A . keep B . sell C . wear D . buy
    A . As a result B . To be honest C . In fact D . In addition
    A . her B . them C . it D . him
    A . if B . where C . why D . when
    A . money B . ring C . coin D . cup
    A . get on B . get up C . get off D . get into
    A . to B . for C . with D . from
  • 13. 阅读理解

    School holiday activities at the library

    Activity Cartooning with Eva Leung

    When  Monday 6 June, 9-11 a.m.

    Cost $3. 00 to cover the cost of art paper and pencils

    Who  5 to 8­ year ­olds

    Activity Cartooning with Eva Leung

    When  Tuesday 6 June, 9-11 a.m.

    Cost $3. 00 to cover the cost of art paper and pencils

    Who  9 to 10­ year­ olds

    * Eva Leung is famous for her cartoons published(出版)regularly in KIDStime magazine.

    Activity Meet writer Harry Pope(author of The Jillybop)

    When  Wednesday 8 June, 9-11 a.m.

    Cost  free

    Who  5 to 10­ year­ olds

    Activity Kite­making

    When  Thursday 9 June, 2-4 p.m.

    Cost  $3. 00 to cover the cost of paper, string and other materials

    Who  5 to 10­ year­ olds

    To book your place, contact(联系)Marcus at the library on 7777 8899 or book online at www.library.gov.au/fun

    1. (1) Where does Eva Leung regularly publish her work?
      A . In children's books. B . On the library website. C . In a children's magazine. D . On the library noticeboard.
    2. (2) There are two cartooning classes on the program because ________.
      A . more time is needed to learn cartooning B . the classes are for different age groups C . some children might want to do both of the classes D . there is a strict limit(限制)on numbers for each class
    3. (3) If you want to join in Meet writer Harry Pope and Kite­making, you need to pay ________.
      A . $9 B . $6 C . $3 D . $0
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Many people dream of going on a great travel adventure. Most of us keep dreaming; others make it happen.

    Gregg Bleakney's dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a 1,600 ­kilometer bike ride. Gregg's friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist. The two friends talked and decided their goal: they would travel from Alaska(阿拉斯加)to Argentina(阿根廷)—by bike.

    To pay for the journey, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. In 2005, after four years of planning, they set off. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors or stayed in cheap places. In many places along their way, local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food. During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests, and mountains. They visited modern cities and researched ancient ruins(遗迹)such as Tikal in Guatemala(危地马拉). In many places, they met other cyclists from all over the world.

    In May 2007—two years, 12 countries, and over 30, 500 km later—Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina, at the top of South America. (Near Guatemala, Brooks had to return to the US and Gregg continued without him.)

    Gregg and Brooks kept a record of their adventures in an online blog. The trip taught both men a lot about traveling. Here is some of Gregg's advice:

    Travel light. The fewer things you have, the less you'll worry about.

    Be flexible. Don't plan everything. Then you'll be more relaxed and happy, even when there are challenges along the way.

    Be polite. As one traveler told Gregg, "Always remember that nobody wants to fight, cheat, or rob a nice guy."

    1. (1) The underlined word "they" refer to ________.
      A . the local people B . their friends C . other cyclists D . Gregg and Brooks
    2. (2) What happened after Brooks returned to the US?
      A . Gregg visited Tikal National Park. B . Gregg traveled through Mexico City. C . Gregg went on a 1, 600 kilometer bike ride. D . Gregg continued to the South of Argentina.
    3. (3) What does Gregg mean by "Be flexible" in Paragraph 7?
      A . Be careful when you travel. B . Be ready to change easily. C . Plan the details of your trip. D . Choose an easy way to travel.
    4. (4) Which statement would Gregg most likely agree with?
      A . Plan every part of your trip, then you'll be happier. B . In other countries, only stay in hotels or with people you know. C . When abroad, learn how to say "Thank you" in the local language. D . Bring a lot of things on your trip so you don't need to buy anything.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Food miles How well­traveled is your food?

    The Issue

    Next time you sit down for dinner, make a list of all the foods on your plate. Make a survey on where those foods have come from. You could be in for a big surprise.

    Has your rice come from Thailand? Have your oranges come from America?

    "Food miles" is a term(术语)that describes the distance food travels between where it is grown, caught or processed and your dinner table.

    Why should we worry about it?It is important because the further food travels, the more fuel(燃料) is needed to carry it and the more greenhouse gases are created.

    Research has found that the contents of the average family shopping basket have traveled a surprising 70, 000 kilometers.

    Everyone can make a difference. If you care about the future, reduce your food miles and your impact on the environment.


    Ellen P  May 7, 10:00 am

    I agree. We should buy all the food that is grown locally and help our environment.

    Joy  May 7, 11:17 am

    We grow our own vegetables. They have zero food miles!

    Busy Dad  May 7, 11:20 am

    Buying locally is a great idea,Ellen,but local products cost more than imported(进口的) ones. Not everyone can afford to buy only local foods.

    Get real  May 7, 11:34 am

    I don't believe it makes any difference. It's just another excuse for shops to ask customers to spend more money on foods.

    Green boy  May 7, 11:50 am

    We have to take a stand and do what we can. Even if it costs a bit more, I guess saving the planet is more important than saving money.

    1. (1) According to the passage, what is one way a person can reduce their food miles?
      A . Refusing to buy food that are expensive. B . Buying local products instead of imported food. C . Setting a limit on how far they will travel to buy food. D . Starting an activity to let everyone know about the problem.
    2. (2) What is the main purpose of The Issue section?
      A . To suggest solutions to the food miles problem. B . To show which foods different countries are famous for. C . To describe the problem in order to encourage discussion. D . To provide proof(证据)that the food we eat is very expensive.
    3. (3) What big surprise does the writer predict at the end of the first paragraph of The Issue section?
      A . The difficulty of getting fresh local products. B . The number of different foods used in families. C . The conclusion that food should be locally produced. D . The discovery that food comes from many different places.
    4. (4) The information included in the Comments section is ________.
      A . listed in the order of date and time B . grouped into comments for and against C . put in the order of the first letters of names D . organized by the length(长度)of each writer's text
  • 16. 阅读理解

    Men and women do things differently. Scientists want to understand why. They have found some interesting things about the brains of men and women. In general,women's brains tend(倾向于)to let them see and remember more things. This means that women tend to remember the smells,sounds,and things they see around them. Men,on the other hand,tend to have brains that allow them to just think about the work they need to do. This means that men will think and work in a way doing one thing until it is completed. Each of these ways of thinking shapes the understanding men and women have of their lives. Women tend to see all parts of their lives as connected to each other. Men tend to see each part of their lives as a different piece of their lives. Women tend to talk about their problems so they can talk about their feelings. Men tend to talk about problems so they can find answers to them. Both ways of seeing the world are useful for finding answers.

    Men and women work in different ways in teams. Women tend to share ideas and build good relationships. Men tend to give everyone a certain job and make sure that everyone is working well. In general,women tend to think more about how things are getting done. Men tend to think of the goal and how to finish the work well.

    Men and women are different,but those differences are good. Both ways of thinking about the world help answer questions,and both ways are useful for solving difficult problems.

    1. (1) The passage is mainly about ________.
      A . how men and women tend to see things B . how men and women think about things C . how men and women work together in teams D . how men and women tend to remember things
    2. (2) When men talk about problems, they usually ________.
      A . want to just work out the problems B . give examples from their relationship C . talk about how the problems make them feel D . think less about how to complete the work well
    3. (3) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . Different thinking ways often lead to problems. B . The more women and men a team has, the better it will be. C . Women's thinking ways are more useful than men's for finding the answers. D . If women and men work together, difficult problems will be worked out more easily.
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can we probably find the passage?
      A . People. B . Culture. C . Psychology(心理). D . Finance(金融).
  • 17. 在课堂中学会如何听课有利于促进学习进步,请根据文章内容将A、B、C、D、E、F六个标题填入题中。有一个选项为多余选项。

    A. Ask questions.

    B. Think.

    C. Really hear what is said.

    D. Take notes as many as possible.

    E. Be ready for the message.

    F. Listen for new ideas.

    Listening in class is not like listening to TV program, listening to a friend, or even listening to a speaker at a meeting. The difference, of course, is that what is said in class is important to your success in the class. Knowing how to listen can help you get more out of what you hear, understand better what you have heard, and save you time in the process.

    Here are five strategies that will help you be a more effective listener in class:

    Prepare yourself to hear, to listen, and to receive the message.

    Even if you are an expert on the topic, you can still learn something new. Supposing you have already heard all this before means that your mind will be closed to any new information.

    Hearing sounds is not the same as hearing the intended message. Listening involves hearing what the speaker wants you to receive, to understand, and to learn.

    Decide whether you think what you have heard is important. Reflect on the new information.

    If you did not hear or understand what was said, raise your hand!Now it is the time to clarify things. Typically, one student will ask a question that many students in the room are wondering about.

十一、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。
  • 28. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    because  calleven  they  house

    Halloween is celebrated in North America. People celebrate it on October 31st. Many people make their look scary by turning off the lights or putting spiders and ghosts around their doors and windows. Children love the festival they can dress up as ghosts or black cats. Some dress up as fun things like cartoon characters. Their parents take them to visit neighbors. They like to play a game Trick or Treat. It means if you don't give children a treat, they will play a trick on you. Although Halloween is popular in North America, people in China seldom celebrate it.

  • 29. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Miya, aged nine, and her six­year­old sister Tiffany were in the swimming pool in the back garden of their house in Grandwille, USA. Their father David was with (they). It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

    Suddenly David shouted. He was trouble. It was his legs. His legs weren't right. He was in pain. Then he was under the water. The girls weren't scared but they were (worry). Was it a joke or was he really in danger? Twenty seconds later he was under the water. Now Miya was scared.

    There was no time (wait). In seconds, Miya was under the water with her father. He was heavy but with the help of the water, she was able to pull him to one side of the pool. Now his head was out of the water. He was alive he wasn't conscious(有意识的). Tiffany called 911 as (quick)as possible. Ten minutes later, doctors came. Soon their father was conscious . The girls were happy to see that.

    David still doesn't know was wrong with his legs on that day. But he knows that his daughters were (hero) and thanks them every day for saving his life. He is a very proud father.

  • 30. 假如你是李明,以下是你的英国笔友Jim发给你的一封电子邮件,请根据该邮件内容给他回一封电子邮件。




    Dear Jim,


    Li Ming

