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更新时间:2022-03-30 浏览次数:177 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中。选出一个最佳选项。
    1. (1) What did Sam think Bill was good at?
      A . Dancing. B . Singing. C . Playing the violin.
    2. (2) Who made the cake for the party?
      A . Sam. B . Betty. C . Kate.
    3. (3) Where did Sam have the party?
      A . In the park. B . In a restaurant. C . In the Browns ' house.
    4. (4) What was the party like?
      A . Successful. B . Beautiful. C . Boring.
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . Talents bring us happiness. B . Asking others for help is useful. C . Don't only take without giving.
  • 12. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的表格,每空一词。

    New Robot Guide Dogs


    ●There are several hundred million blind people in the world.

    ●They often have doing things like finding the ways.

    ●The guide dogs are good friends and helpers, but it is very to train a dog to be a guide dog.

    New Invention(发明)

    ●A new kind of robot guide dogs can do the same job like the real ones.

    ●It can feel any danger on the way and help the blind walk .

    ●In the future, it will even be able to the best way itself as long as the blind people give orders.


    such robot guide dogs truly have more advantages, many scientists think they will not take the place of real guide dogs completely, because they have no real feelings.

  • 23. 下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。

    A. That sounds great.

    B. Why don't you tell us?

    C. Do you come up with any ideas?

    D. The library is close to the square.

    E. Where shall we have the book sale?

    F. I will prepare some books for the sale after school.

    G. Then we can get some money by selling the books.

  • 24. 请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白的最佳选项。

    What do you think of love? Maybe it is the best thing in most people's eyes. I once considered love was to give everything1my family moved to a new house.

    In order to celebrate the new house, my grandmother invited her friends to come. Many of them2some gifts like flowers. What brought her great3was that she got her favorite flower-the red peony(牡丹). In the following days, she was used to sitting beside the peony, enjoying its beautiful color and pleasant smell. She even seemed as4as she was several years ago. She treated the flower as her baby.

    One evening, I found my grandmother sitting against the window when I returned home after school.

    "What's wrong, Grandma?" I asked.

    "She's dying," my grandmother said sadly. I knew5it was about. The peony, my grandmother's favorite, was dying. Caring for the peony like a baby, she6to put it by the window and moved it from one place to another, chasing the sun on nice days. She watered the peony as soon as she got up every morning. Besides, she also fertilized (施肥) it many times. She hoped the peony would become more beautiful and stronger with great7But the peony didn't grow as what she had expected or imagined. Instead, she was dying because of too much sunshine, water and fertilizer.

    It's true that my grandmother loved the peony. But this kind of love can be8harmful(有害的). Love can sometimes kill what you love. Remember to love properly to make sure it's helpful to others.

    A . after B . until C . when
    A . gave away B . gave up C . gave out
    A . kindness B . joy C . stress
    A . careful B . free C . young
    A . what B . which C . whose
    A . hated B . began C . forgot
    A . interest B . pride C . care
    A . hardly B . typically C . quietly
  • 25. 阅读理解

    Nowadays many parents think of studying as the only important thing and are not willing to allow their children to play computer games. However, they don't realize that they may get in the way of their children's communication with others. Playing computer games is one of the ways for teenagers to have fun, communicate and relax with friends in some ways. Here are some opinions about this.

    Some computer games are good for children's development of art, English or music. My 14-year-old child can play a meaningful game for no more than 25 minutes at a time. It interests him much in speaking English.

    In my free time, I may play some relaxing computer games with my daughter. It makes us happy and helps improve our relationship. But we often promise to take a 10-minute break every half an hour.

    On weekends, my son can play computer games with his classmates. It can last at most one hour. He never breaks the rule and he is thankful to his dad and me. He likes the teamwork in the games.

    Playing some kind of computer games can help our children type faster and think better. The most important is to lead them to play computer games in a right way rather than just keep them away. )

    1. (1) What does the underlined phrase mean in Paragraph 1?
      A . 占用 B . 阻碍 C . 决定
    2. (2) What does the 14-year-old boy learn from a meaningful computer game?
      A . Art. B . English. C . Music.
    3. (3) How often do the parents and the daughter rest while playing computer games?
      A . Once every 10 minutes. B . Once every 20 minutes. C . Once every 30 minutes.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Playing computer games isn't a good way to relax. B . Parents never play computer games with their children. C . Children can type faster by playing some computer games.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Playing computer games will take much time. B . Playing computer games can't bring happiness for children. C . Playing computer games in a right way can be good for children.
  • 26. 阅读理解

    There are always some helpful people who take care of others as volunteers. For example, some high school and university students often spend many hours volunteering in hospitals, orphanages(孤儿院) or old people's homes in their free time. They read books or the newspapers for the sick people, play games with them and tell jokes for fun. Other young people volunteer to help some old people. They help paint, clean up, repair their houses or cut the grass.

    To help teenagers, there are a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn some skills. The clubs often offer the problem teenagers some chances to watch movies or have short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most volunteers there are high school and college students because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.

    The volunteers always get excited about helping others. The volunteers help make people less worried and forget their problems and understand the happiness in their life. They say they can learn a lot from the experiences. The volunteers also believe that the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness and kindness to others.

    1. (1) The volunteers usually help others when _____________.
      A . they feel lonely at school B . they find people sick and unhappy C . they aren't busy with their studies
    2. (2) Boys and girls can go to the clubs to _____________.
      A . learn some skills B . help the old people C . forget their problems
    3. (3) The clubs would like college students to volunteer because _____________.
      A . They are good at talking with others B . they can remember the teenagers' problems well C . the children there enjoy playing games with them
    4. (4) While offering help, the volunteers often feel _____________.
      A . tired B . worried C . excited
    5. (5) The title of the passage can be _____________.
      A . The Meanings of Being a Volunteer B . The Big Problems People Have Today C . The Best Ways to Help People in Need
  • 27. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,选项中有一项为多余项。

    Seeing the teacher smiling to us, we often feel encouraged. Also, it's easy for us to know our mother is angry when she frowns(皱眉). Facial expressions are one or more movements of muscles(肌肉) on a person's face. Usually, examples of facial expressions include frowning, raising one's eyebrows, and nose and lip movements.

    According to many famous scientists, humans have about 80 muscles on their faces. These muscles can create more than 7,000 facial expressions. These kinds of facial expressions are common in all cultures. They mainly express the feelings like happiness, sadness, surprise, fear and anger.

    One study in western countries, reported that in most conversations, more than 90 percent of communication is finished without words. If people can read facial expressions, they may be better at knowing what other people are feeling, so they can understand each other better. Someone who does not enjoy a certain type of food will usually make a face when they see or taste it. A frown means worry or anger. Raised eyebrows and open eyes show surprise. Of course, there are also some Don'ts for reading people's facial expressions. You may be considered rude if you do like that.

    Facial expressions help us know others' moods or feelings better. Learn to read them wisely, and you will do better in communicating with others.

    A. They express people's different feelings.

    B. However, there are only five main kinds.

    C. They're not good at reading others' facial expressions.

    D. Facial expressions are very helpful to communication.

    E. For example, it is not a good idea to look at others for a long time.

    F. So you see, people are telling us something with facial expressions.

  • 28. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词。每空一词

    Talking of breakfast, lots of people may think of the busy situations in the morning. They seem to do everything in a hurry before arriving at schools or the working places. They don't always spend enough time having a good breakfast.

    Recently, we have done a survey about missing a meal. We ask the people which meal they will probably skip if they have to miss a meal a day. Most people (especially very busy people) choose to skip breakfast even if they know it may cause some health problems. They think they can't come up with a good idea to solve the problem of missing breakfast.

    According to many experts, we have to improve the situation of having breakfast to be in good health. If we have a good breakfast, we will have the energy and nutrients (营养) we need to begin our working day actively. Without a good breakfast, it's easier for us to be crazy when we have much work to do. Also, we may be heavier if we often skip breakfast. This is because we become so hungry if we skip breakfast that we eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight.

    Luckily, the experts provide us with some tips. First, we should know it is important to develop the habit of eating a good breakfast. Second, it is necessary to have different kinds of food like fruit, meat, eggs, bread and milk for breakfast every day. Besides, make some time to have breakfast. Having a too quick breakfast may cause a stomachache. So you see, to keep healthy, we shouldn't skip breakfast with an excuse of being busy.

    Many people don't always spend enough time having a good breakfast they're busy in the morning. A survey shows most people choose to skip breakfast if they have to miss a meal a day though they know it possibly health problems. According to many experts, a good breakfast helps us work well. Without a good breakfast, we may be when having much work to do.

    Therefore, we should know the of having a good breakfast and keep eating different kinds of food for breakfast. But we shouldn't eat breakfast too . It is not good for our health. To keep healthy, we should take breakfast seriously every day.

  • 29. 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。

    When learning new knowledge, it's normal to have problems and many students choose to ask the people around them for help. They can not only solve the problems but also improve a lot by discussing with their classmates, friends or teachers. However, a growing number of students are used to asking for help online.

    As technology is developing, many apps can offer us lots of information on different subjects. Xiaoyuansouti is one of them. With its help, the students can understand the problems by sending the photos to it.

    ●Which do you prefer while having a problem: asking someone for help or searching online?

    I'm Tommy. Asking someone for help can inspire me to have a full understanding of the problem. The process of our discussion leads me to think step by step better.

    I'm Emma. I often ask my teachers about the problems. Whenever I can't understand something well, I can ask them to explain it. With the communication, I can learn much more easily.

    I'm Jackson. I don't like talking much. I enjoy searching how to solve a problem online. I usually think over while reading the steps to solve a problem. I can always understand them well.

    I'm Kelly. If you're a slow learner, you may be disliked by| the others. But if you learn by yourself online, you can learn the same thing again and again until you understand it. I have improved a lot in this way.

    ●What can you do to work out your problems effectively(有效地)?

    It's necessary to learn to work out problems effectively no matter you choose to ask someone around you for help or use the apps online. First, you should make sure what the problem is. Second, you need to find a proper example of solving the problem. Third, you should observe(观察) the steps and follow them. After that, you can rethink the process of solving the problem and further understand it in your own way. Finally, you had better do another similar exercise to check if you really learn something from it.

    Steps for working out a problem

    1. (1) Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
    2. (2) Why do some students like asking for help online?(One reason is OK.)
    3. (3) What do Tommy and Emma have in common?
    4. (4) If a student doesn't like talking, what might he do to solve a problem when learning?
    5. (5) Please complete the third step in the chart (图表).
    6. (6) Do you like to ask for help online or discuss with your friends? Why?
  • 30. 请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯,方框中有两个词为多余项。

    continue   when   usual   hard   against   think   luck   one   feel   final   beat   player

    I didn't realize the importance of persistence(坚持) until I took part in the model plane competition last year. It was the time for me to have such an experience. On a wet day before the rain, some black clouds were hanging in the sky. I walked into the competing field with my heart beating fast. I was really nervous while the other were excited. Because they were more skilled, it seemed a little for me to get a prize. I was just a beginner.

    I was waiting for my turn, my teacher Ms. Lin came over and told me not to worry. I calmed down and tried to control my plane. But things didn't go as well as I expected. My plane fell to the ground and I I would fail. Soon it was time to take a break, Ms. Lin noticed my bad and encouraged me. However, I became so upset that I told her I would not like the competition. She stopped a second and told me the true meaning of the competition was to beat myself rather than win others.

    I understood her. I went back to the field and began to operate my model plane carefully. In the end, I finished fifth.

    I was because Ms. Lin helped me out through her kind words. She was completely right. No one can stop you if you never choose to give up.

  • 31. 俗话说,“沟通(communication)是心灵的桥梁”。在我们的成长过程中,跟不同的人沟通会让我们更好地了解彼此。有的同学喜欢和长辈沟通(如父母、老师);有的同学喜欢和同龄人(如同学.朋友)沟通。请结合自己的经历,讲述沟通给你带来的积极影响并谈谈自己的感受。


    who you like to communicate with

    an experience you had/heard/saw

    what you have learned from it



