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更新时间:2021-05-20 浏览次数:202 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 完形填空
        One day Divya woke her mother up in the early morning. She said, ''Mummy, it is so long since(自从)you made my favourite chocolate cake—please 1 it today!”Mummy smiled and said,”All right, I will get it 2 for you by the time you are back from school. ”

        Then Divya went to school and 3 the delicious cake all that day. That 4, her elder brother, Dhruv came home with his friend. Mummy had gone to the market and he 5 a plate full of freshly made cakes. He decided to give his friend a treat and within minutes the plate was 6!

        Just then Mummy rang up and told him the cakes were made especially(特别)for Divya. Hearing this, Dhruv was very 7 . Soon he got a “god” 8 . He put his pet on the plate and placed a lid(盖子)over it. Then he left home with his friend.

        Divya got home in the evening, excitedly went into the kitchen and opened the plate. A pair of eyes stared (叮着看)at her. Four-year-old Divya was 9. She went to her mother and asked, “Mummy, do your 10 have eyes?”

        “Certainly not,” said Mummy. “Go on and 11 the cake!” This time when Divya went and lifted(举起)the lid, a frog(青蛙)jumped right at her! The little girl jumped back in fear(害怕)and went crying to her mother. She told her mother about the frog and they 12 for Dhruv to get back that night. However(然而), 13 Dhruv came back, his 14 first said sorry to him for what she had said on the phone. Then Dhruv realized his mistake(认识错误)and said 15 to Divya.

    The next day Mummy made some more chocolate cakes and this time little Divya had her full!

    A . buy B . cut C . make D . bring
    A . secret B . ready C . clean D . fit
    A . thought about B . looked for C . prepared for D . worried about
    A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . night
    A . broke B . needed C . lost D . found
    A . dirty B . hot C . empty D . gone
    A . happy B . angry C . careful D . hungry
    A . luck B . book C . place D . idea
    A . tired B . brave C . surprised D . polite
    A . cakes B . toys C . plates D . pets
    A . hide B . sell C . take D . eat
    A . waited B . cared C . paid D . hoped
    A . why B . where C . if D . when
    A . teacher B . mother C . sister D . friend
    A . hi B . goodbye C . hello D . sorry
  • 2. (2019九上·无锡月考) 阅读理解

        Some students get so nervous before an exam that they do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock, a psychology (心理学) professor at the University of Chicago, has studied these highly anxious (焦虑的) exam-takers.

        "They start worrying about the results. They might even start worrying about whether this exam is going to prevent them from getting into the college they want. And when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources that we could otherwise be using to focus (集中) on the exam." says Sian Beilock.

        The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short math tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the coming second test.

        The researchers added to the pressure. They told the students that those who did well on the second exam would get money. They also told them that their performance would affect other students as part of a team effort.

        Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of 20% worse on the second exam. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of 5%.

        Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things not connected to the test.

        Professor Beilock says highly anxious students who wrote about their feelings got an average grade of B+, compared with a B—for those who did not.

        But what can they do if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam or presentation? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and they can still improve their performance.

    1. (1) In which paragraph does the author introduce the background of his study?
      A . In the last paragraph. B . In the second paragraph. C . In the third paragraph. D . In the first paragraph.
    2. (2) According to Sian Beilock, if you want to succeed in an exam, you should            .
      A . focus your attention on the exam B . be as serious as you can about the exam C . set clear study goals and keep them D . make a careful preparation for the exam
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph means "           ".
      A . looking for a chance B . preparing for the exam C . writing about the feelings D . taking the exam
    4. (4) We can infer (推断) from the study that students who sit quietly before the exam            .
      A . are more likely to get better exam results B . worry more about the exam in their mind C . have a positive attitude towards exam results D . have a strong will to be successful in the exam
  • 3. (2020·新泰模拟) 阅读理解

        Languages are powerful, sometimes more than one can imagine. Most recently an ancient saying "山川异域,风月同天" has deeply touched the Chinese people, which means even though the landscapes(风景)are different, we share the wind and moon under the same sky.

        The saying was printed on packages(包裹)of masks sent to Wuhan, Hubei Province from Japan when the novel coronavirus broke out in China. On the packages, there were also el Province Chinese and Japanese national flags, as well as encouraging Chinese characters "加油! 中国". It's not only the friendship behind the masks, but also the special beauty of the ancient Chinese language.

        Although it is written in ancient Chinese language, the saying is from a Japanese prince. The ancient saying first appeared on the frocks(袈裟)which were sent to the monks in the Chinese Tang dynasty.

        The Chinese monk Jianzhen was touched by these Chinese characters at that time and decided to start his journey to Japan. He tried six times in 11 years before finally arriving in the country and then helped a lot with the development of Japan Jianzhen was known as the messenger(信使)of culture between China and Japan. He was remembered by the people of both countries.

        Now once again, the Chinese are deeply touched by the meaning in the ancient saying: understanding, sharing, and support. It feels like walking into the house from outdoors in the freezing winter and having a cup or hot tea. The warmth is inside.

    1. (1) What can be seen on the packages sent to Wuhan from Japan?
      A . All kinds of masks. B . The Chinese national flag. C . The beautiful scene of China. D . The beautiful scene of Japan.
    2. (2) Who created the ancient saying "山川异域,风月同天"?
      A . A Chinese tourist. B . A Japanese tourist C . A Chinese prince. D . A Japanese prince
    3. (3) Which word can describe the Chinese monk Jianzhen's journey to Japan?
      A . Exciting. B . Dangerous. C . Difficult. D . Interesting.
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . The masks from Japan. B . The friendship under the same sky. C . The power of the ancient Chinese language. D . The culture messenger between China and Japan.
  • 4. (2020·台儿庄模拟) 读下面关于动物的文章,判断正误。

        People already know a lot about animals. However, there are still some things about animals that may surprise you. Here are some facts about animals you probably didn't know.

        Cows do have best friends and feel stressed when they are separated. Scientists have found that cows are very social animals and a cow always makes friends with other cows. When a cow is with its friends, it feels relaxed, compared with when it is alone.

        During breeding (繁殖) season, a male (雄性的) penguin (企鹅) will offer a small stone to a female (雌性的) penguin as a gift. If she takes it, they will become partners. When the female penguin lays an egg, she and her partner may carry it on their feet, because some penguins don't build nests.

        Crocodiles (鳄鱼) swallow (吞) stones. Crocodiles always swallow their food instead of eating it like other animals. They swallow stones which break the food into very small pieces in their stomachs. These stones may stay in their stomachs all their lives.

        Elephants use plants to treat pain or other illness. Scientists once found a pregnant (怀孕的) elephant in Africa who ate a kind of plant which was not part of her normal food. Four days later, she gave birth to a baby elephant. The same plant was used by the local pregnant women.

    1. (1) A cow hates making friends with other cows.
    2. (2) All the male penguins will build nests if the female penguins lay eggs.
    3. (3) Crocodiles swallow stones to help with digestion (消化).
    4. (4) Elephants eat plants only when they are hungry.
  • 5. (2020·南京) 阅读理解

        Tea is tasty and good for you. It is also one of the most popular drinks around the world. But what is tea? And why is it so popular?

        All tea comes from tea leaves but tea is not always the same. There are many kinds of tea. You can drink black tea, green tea, white tea or fruit tea. Each type of tea has a different taste and a different colour.

        The history of tea begins in Asia. In China, Korea and Japan, tea is still very important today. In Japan, it can take many hours to prepare and drink tea with your guests. In Malaysia, a popular drink at breakfast is teh tarik ('pulled tea'). Malaysians say it is good for you and tastes good with canai bread.

        Tourists in Kuala Lumpur like watching the tea sellers make ‘pulled tea'. The tea sellers pour hot water on black tea. After five minutes, they add sugar and milk. Then they 'pull' the tea—they pour the tea from one cup to another many times.

    In many countries, you must have a special kettle to make tea. People in different countries also like to add different things to their tea. For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar. They like drinking tea with lemon. Sometimes, they also drink tea with some sugar or jam.

        In Turkey, tea comes in a Caydanlik. A Caydanlik has two kettles: one for the water and one for the tea. Drink Turkish tea with some sugar.

        Arab tea, called karak, has cardamom, ginger, milk and sugar. In the United Kingdom, they add some milk and sugar.

        The British usually eat biscuits with their tea. In Japan, they like…

    1. (1) Tea, a drink with a long history, first appeared in _______.
      A . Europe B . America C . Asia D . Africa
    2. (2) The writer uses the punctuation mark "…" at the end of the passage to ________.
      A . express his uncertainly of the subject B . show his special taste in Japanese tea C . attract readers' interest in further reading D . hide his limited knowledge in this field
    3. (3) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . The History of Tea B . Different Tea Kettles C . The Most Popular Drink D . The World in a Teacup
  • 6. (2020·邢台模拟) 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

    Students in Kenya (肯尼亚) are returning for their third term. They begin their school year in January and it is broken up into three terms. In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school and the education was not free, either.

        I taught math, English and physics at Chamasiri Secondary School while I was a teacher in Kenya. This school had four classrooms- one for each grade, Form l, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are equivalent (对等) to our 9th, l0th, 11th, and 12th grade. Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going from room to room. The Form 1 class had 60 students, Form 2 had 45, Form 3 had 30, and Form 4 about 12 students. The class sizes became smaller as the grades continued on. Why did this happen? Many families were very poor and couldn't afford the school fees (学费).

        Most countryside schools in Kenya did not have a lot of money. As a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use. I had seven math texts for my Form 2 class and 14 for the Form 1 class. Anything the students needed to know was put up on the blackboard and the students copied it down into their notebooks. The notebooks became the students' textbooks.

        It's not easy for Kenya students to stick to school. The students study ten different subject areas at school. Some of them spend over an hour running home. They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most families do not have electricity and may not even have candles for their children to study by.

        Luckily, Kenya education has been becoming better and better in the past few years. I'm sure it will have a good future.

    1. (1) Students in Kenya begin their school year in .
    2. (2) Form 2 refers to (指的是) in the writer's country.
    3. (3) Why didn't most countryside schools in Kenya have enough textbooks for the students?
    4. (4) 找出第四段的主题句
    5. (5) 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
  • 7. (2020·丽水模拟) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空限填一词, 每词限用一次)

    energy,   capital,   offer,   disappear,   mistake

    1. (1) He made many at the party, because he didn't know the customs well.
    2. (2) We can't go to school without breakfast because it can give us .
    3. (3) Do you know the of India?
    4. (4) Finally these animals because people destroyed the forests.
    5. (5) After we finish the work, we will be a long vacation.
  • 8. (2020·舟山模拟) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

        "Kids can make a difference." Craig Kielburger said. When Craig was 12, he  (开办)a group that has helped kids all over the world.

        How did Craig get started? In the seventh grade he learned something that made him (生气). A 6-year-old boy in Pakistan was sent to work in a factory. The boy could not go to school. He could not even play. He had no freedom (自由) at all.

        Craig  (比较)that with his own life. Laws in his country said that kids must go to school.  (教育)was free to all kids. But in some countries school was not free. Children from poor families went to work instead of to school.

        Craig wanted to help those who didn't have the same  (优势)as he and his friends. As a result, Craig and some friends started Free The Children.

        Craig and his friends decided that Free The Children should  (筹集)money to build schools. Craig hoped that learning would help kids in poverty (贫困) live (更好).

        Today, Craig's charity has more than one million members in 45 countries. It is  (仍然)going strong. The money they have raised has done many good things. It has helped build more than 500 schools around the world. It also pays for health care in  (贫困)communities.

        Craig has had a lot of success. However, he still remembers his unpleasant start in the seventh grade.

        "We were laughed at by other kids, who said you  (不能)change things," he says. Still, Craig didn't give up. Now he wants more kids to help. "Go to free the children.com. Bring it to your teachers," he says. "As you gain more confidence, friends will join you. It just gets easier."

  • 9. (2020·玉环模拟) 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        A long time ago, there lived a king whose delight was to teach his people good habits.

        One night, he put a large stone in the middle of the road. He then had two of his servants hide in a bush nearby (watch) what the people would do.

        Early the next morning, there came a young soldier, singing (happy) as he walked along. He held his head high that he did not see the stone and fell in the dust. He got up, and went on.

        Then strong old farmer, named Peter, came along. "Oh, lazy people!" he cried. "Here is a big stone right in the middle of the road, and no one will take the trouble to move it." He mananged, however, to get past it, and went on his way.

        The stone lay in the road three weeks. It was in (everyone) way, and yet   everybody left it for somebody else to move.

        Then the king (send) word to all his people to meet together on a certain day near his palace, as he had something to tell them.

        The day came, and the king rolled the stone over in front of a crowd of men and women. There was a small metal box. The king held the box up so that all the people could see what was (write) on the box. These were the words:  "For him lifts the stone." He opened the box, turned it upside down, and out of it fell a beautiful ring, and ten bright gold coins.

  • 10. (2020·舟山模拟) 上周你班召开了一次“告别陋习,走向文明”的主题班会,会上老师让你们谈谈身边同学的变化。请你根据表格里的内容写一篇有关王明同学的文章。
















        Wang Ming is my classmate. He has made great progress this term. In the past .

