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备战2021年中考英语专题复习——补全对话 (真题)

更新时间:2021-05-14 浏览次数:170 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2020·成都) 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)

    A: Do you still smoke, Paul?

    B: No. I had to stop smoking because of a serious illness. The doctor told me that many smoking had weakened my health.

    A: Could you tell me how you started to smoke?

    B: When I got my first job, I was very young. I couldn't finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes. You can't imagine how helpless I was  I began to smoke as I felt at work.

    A:  it's harmful to do so. It cannot lower the pressure  only to do harm both to own health and to that of people around you. The  and dangerous things from the smoke easily get into people's body and the chances of being sick .

    B: That's true. I quite agree with you.

    A: Some people start smoking at a young age because their parents smoke.

    B: Exactly. People always say children like to  their parents.

    A: Yes, children like to follow the examples of their parents in many ways.

    B: But some parents don't pay enough attention to their influence on children.

    A: I agree. , smoking is one of the main reasons for fires. Sometimes those  smokers even cause dangerous fires.

    B: Surely, smoking can cause lots of serious problems. I will never smoke again.

  • 2. (2020·乐山) 阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。

    A: Can I help you?

    B: Yes, please. I want to my mobile phone.

    A: What's wrong?

    B: The screen went black last night.

    A: Did you have , like dropping it on the ground, or into water?

    B: No.

    A: Well, then the repairman will help to open it up and check the inside.

    B: ?

    A: It depends. Have you got the receipt (发票)?

    B: Yes. Here you are.

    A: OK. You bought it from us on July 9, only a few days ago. Then you won't have to pay for the repair.

    B: I see. When can I ?

    A: I'm not sure. We will give you a call as soon as it's fixed. Your name, please?

    B: Thomas Tarshis, that is T-A-R-S-H-I-S.

    A: ?

    B: 627935.

    A: 627935. OK, that's it.

  • 3. (2020·哈尔滨) 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hi, Mike! You look so happy, don't you?

    B: Yes. Today is . It's my favorite day.

    A: Why?

    B: Because tomorrow is Saturday.

    A: your plan for tomorrow?

    B: I have nothing much to do. I only want to stay at home.

    A: What about taking a trip to the Sun Island?

    B: Good idea! We can go there by bus.

    A: Why not ride a bike of taking a bus? It's good for our health and the environment.

    B: Great! But shall we meet?

    A: In front of our school gate.

    B: When shall we meet?

    A: Let's meet 8:00 tomorrow morning.

    B: OK. I can't wait to take the trip with you.

  • 4. (2020·新疆) 根据对话内容,用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全对话。

    A: Peter, how about playing basketball together this afternoon?

    B: I'm busy. Maybe another time.

    A: What are you doing?

    B: I'm. I must finish it on time.

    A: What plan? Is it very important?

    B: Yes. It's about .

    A: What kind of volunteer work do you do?

    B: I help out at the old people's home and I organize some activities.

    A: Can I join you?


  • 5. (2019·哈尔滨) 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hi, Steve. I'm a little bit nervous.

    B: the matter, Bill?

    A: I'll have an English test next week.

    B: Don't worry. What can I do for you?

    A: Could you lend your notebook me?

    B: Of course. How do you study English every day?

    A: Fifty minutes. I spend twenty minutes learning new words and half an listening to tapes.

    B: Practice makes perfect. Keep trying and you'll make progress.

    A: Thanks a lot.

    B: You're  .

  • 6. (2019·鄂州) 阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。

    (Alice meets Mary after school on Friday afternoon.)

    Alice: Hi, Mary. What are you going to do tomorrow?

    Mary: Nothing much.

    Alice: ?

    Mary: Ezhou Theater? No, I haven't.

    Alice: There will be a free concert at Ezhou Theater at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?

    Mary: Yes, I'd love to. By the way, ?

    Alice: I like pop music. What about you?

    Mary: .

    Alice: Wow, such a quiet girl like you enjoys rock music!

    Mary: Yeah, because it always makes me excited.

    Alice: Then you don't miss tomorrow's concert.

    Mary: OK. See you tomorrow.

    Alice: See you.

  • 7. (2019·成都) 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。

    Dave: Hello, Peter. Have you noticed that some people are not so healthy as before though life has improved a lot.

    Peter: Yes, it's true. Nowadays some people eat more, so they are getting heavier an easy to get sick.

    Dave: Eating more than needed is for sure not healthy. But to be , this eating habit is not completely true for what causes their. Some people eat more but that doesn't  what they eat is bad for them.

    Peter: I agree. It's just different. Eating unhealthy food is another problem. It will  make people healthy to stay away from junk food and try to eat more kinds of food per day.

    Dave: Yes, you are right. The food people have should be healthy and .

    Peter: I think so. What's more, to become , people should still exercise more. Doing sports daily will make people  in good condition.

    Dave: These days, people have so much , because they're quite busy studying and working. Many people go to bed very late, even when they have to go to school or to work early the next morning.

    Peter: That's true. They may find nothing  in their bodies and feel least uncomfortable at first. But if such  lasts long, people will finally get sick.

    Dave: Doing sports is a good way to get relaxed. It will do good to people's health.

  • 8. (2019·河池) 根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话的意思完整与正确。每空一词。

    A: Hey, Linda, your hometown is really beautiful.

    B: Yes, I've been away  the past few years, but I still love this town. Even though it's old, it's full of interesting places to see  things to do.

    A: Wow, look at that building! I've never anything like it.

    B: Yes, that's of the oldest buildings in this town. It's been around for hundreds of years. It's now the new history museum.

    A: Nice. Can  check it out?

    B: Sure. But first, let's have lunch at this restaurant down the street.

    A: OK.

  • 9. (2019·乐山) 阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。

    A: Excuse me, have you been waiting long?

    B: About ten minutes.

    A: Do you know whether the No. 7 bus ?

    B: Not yet. I'm waiting for the bus myself. It's also a little late.

    A: Good, thanks.

    B: You are , are you?

    A: No, I'm a stranger. I'm from Germany.

    B: Wow, your English is very good.  

    A: Nine months.

    B: Just nine months? That's excellent.

    A: Thank you, but there're still a lot for me to learn.

    B: How long are you going to stay in this country?

    A: Another two months. Then I'll have to Germany to start work.

    B: My daughter went to Germany five months ago. She is a doctor, you know.

    A: Really? What does she think of Germany?

    B: It's beautiful. She likes it very much.

    A: Oh, look! Here comes .

  • 10. (2019·抚顺) 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整。

    A: Hi, Wang Hai. ?

    B: Not bad. What about you?

    A: Pretty good. I'm learning tennis in a club.

    B: Tennis?

    A: Yes, but I'm not very good at it now.

    B: Well. ?

    A: Every weekend. It's very interesting and relaxing. Do you want to go with me?

    B: . But I'm very busy next weekend.

    A: ?

    B: My cousin is coming. I'm going to take her to Legao Water World.

    A: That's a good place. .

    B: Thank you.

