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更新时间:2022-01-30 浏览次数:50 类型:月考试卷
  • 26. 完形填空

    Mr Harris lived in a small house by himself. He wasalways 1 about what he ate and drank, and he never 2 when the weather was cold. He was alwaysafraid that he was getting terribly ill,3 he often went to his doctor, and the doctorwas getting very4 ofhim, because he had more other work)5.

    Then one day Mr Harries hurried 6 the doctor's office and told him he was surehe had a terrible illness, which he had 7 about in the newspaper. He showed the doctorthe 8. The doctor read it9 and then said, "But, Mr Harris, peopledon't know when they have this illness! And they feel just well." "Oh,my goodness," said Mr Harris. "I thought so. That's just 10 Ifeel!"

    A . careful B . worried C . worry D . care
    A . went by B . go by C . goes out D . went out
    A . because B . and C . so D . though
    A . enjoying B . enjoy C . tired D . tiring
    A . to do B . do C . doing D . did
    A . into B . from C . out of D . at
    A . see B . read C . look D . write
    A . photo B . book C . article D . informations
    A . careful B . carefully C . doubtful D . quick
    A . what B . all C . the same D . how
  • 27. 阅读理解

    In some Western countries, many children do chores to getpocket money(零花钱).Theyusually start to do this when they are ten years old.

    School students have to do homework and study for tests.They don't have much free time on weekends. They often do chores on weekends.

    Young kids only do easy chores. So they don't get muchmoney. But that's enough.Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap! They often help do thedishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.

    When they get older, they want to buy more and morethings. They want things that are more expensive than candy. So they have towork harder! They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass,or cook meals.

    Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things.For example, they can learn how to a lawnmower(割草机)or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first.

    1. (1) How do many children get pocket money in some Western countries?
      A . They study hard. B . They do chores. C . They do part—time jobs. D . They ask their parents for it.
    2. (2) When do many children usually begin to do chores in some Western countries?
      A . At the age of 10 B . At the age of 13 C . At the age of 15 D . At the age of 17
    3. (3) Mary wants to get more pocket money to buy something expensive. She may       .
      A . do the dishes B . feed the pet cat C . cook meals D . sweep the floor
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Young kids do easy chores because they can get much money from their parents. B . School students often do chores on Saturdays and Sundays. C . If kids get older and want something more expensive, they have to work harder. D . Kids can learn how to cook with the help of their parents.
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us how children in some Western countries       .
      A . find jobs B . get pocket money C . study at school D . do chores
  • 28. 阅读理解

    Have you ever been ill? When you are ill, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work, you stay in bed, feeling very sad.

    What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can't find them with your eyes, but you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.

    Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water.

        Germs aren't found only in water. They are found in air and dust. If you cut your finger, if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处),some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body, and you would have pain everywhere.

    1. (1) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . If things are very small, they are germs. B . If things can't be seen, they must be germs. C . Germs are only in dirty water. D . Germs are everywhere around us.
    2. (2) What is a microscope used for?
      A . Making very small things look much bigger. B . Making very big things look much smaller. C . Helping you read some newspapers. D . Helping you if you can't see things clearly.
    3. (3) Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water?
      A . You haven't looked at it carefully. B . Water can't be drunk in this way. C . There must be lots of germs in it. D . Water will make you ill.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Germs can be found both in water and in the air. B . Germs can go into your finger if it is cut. C . Germs can also be found in the dust. D . If your finger isn't cut, there aren't any germs on it.
    5. (5) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . Germs may make us ill. B . Germs are in dirty water. C . Don't drink dirty water. D . Take care of your fingers.
  • 29. 任务型阅读

    Now more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They don't know how to do housework, because their parents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem.

    Mary is 14 years old. One day her parents went on a trip, so she was alone at home. At first she thought she would be happy because her parents were not in. She could do everything that she liked. But when it was six o'clock in the afternoon, she felt hungry. "Oh, it's time to have supper. Where can I get my food?" she said to herself. Later she found some meat and vegetables in the fridge (冰箱), but she didn't know how to cook them. At that time, she missed her parents very much. At last she could only go to a restaurant to eat.

    Many teenagers have the same problem as Mary. So I think they should learn some life skills (技能), like cooking, cleaning up their rooms or dressing themselves. They shouldn't depend too much on their parents.


    1. (1) Mary stayed at home with her sister after her parents left.
    2. (2) Mary felt first after her parents left.
    3. (3) Where did Mary have supper at last?
    4. (4) Why can't many Chinese teenagers live without their parents?
    5. (5)
  • 35. 连词成句
    1. (1) is, what, with, matter, him, the,  (?)
    2. (2) would, help, I, like, people,homeless, to,  (.)
    3. (3) you, did, yourself, soccer, hurt,playing,   (?)
    4. (4) could, take, please, the, dog, you, a, for, walk,   (?)
    5. (5) am, I, as, as, just, tired, are, you ,   (.)
  • 36. Tom很讨厌做家务, 但他的父母经常让他做家务,他为此感到很烦恼,假如你是Tom 的好朋友 Mike,请你给Tom写一封信,告诉他做家务的一些好处,要点包括:






    Dear Tom,



