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外研版初中英语八年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 同步...

更新时间:2021-01-23 浏览次数:109 类型:同步测试
  • 16.



    B:Thank you.


    B:That's cheese.

    A:Mm,the cake must be delicious.

    B:Sorry.It's for your sister Rita's birthday.You have to wait for her and then we eat it together.


    B:In an hour.

    A:I see.But now I'm really hungry.

    B:Here are some chicken hamburgers.

    A:Yes,please.Get one for me.

    A.Can I try a piece now?

    B.Would you like some?

    C.The cake looks very nice.

    D.Do you like cakes?

    E.Shall I go to her party'?

    F.How soon will Rita come back from work?

    G.What's that on top?

  • 17. 根据短文理解, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

    We live in computer age(时代). People1scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago. 2 couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 3 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and4 . But they can do a lot of work. Many people like to use them. Some people 5 have them at home.

        Computers become very important because they can work 6 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can  7 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to 8  . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to 9 . Computers can also remember what you 10 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?

    A . like  B . as C . and D . with
    A . students B . scientists C . teachers D . computers
    A . few    B . a few C . little D . a little
    A . cheap B . cheaper C . more expensive D . expensive
    A . even  B . still C . already D . yet
    A . fast    B . faster  C . slow D . slower
    A . help  B . make C . stop D . use
    A . write   B . play C . study D . learn
    A . sing  B . study  C . dance  D . watch
    A . put  in B . put on C . put into D . put up

