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更新时间:2021-03-30 浏览次数:195 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。

        We all get angry. Sometimes, we get so angry that we may think about doing 1.

    Last Saturday, I offered to sweep the floor for my mom. When I 2, I decided to do my homework. However, my little brother Tim threw a lot of 3 of paper on the floor. What a mess! I was quite angry, 4 he thought it was funny. He even made a funny face. I became 5 and threw his favorite cup onto the floor.

        Tim began to cry. My mom sat me down and talked to me in 6 soft voice. She said, "Lucy, breaking things in anger is never the right way 7 a problem." When Dad came home from work, he told me that I would have to use the money I got for my 8 birthday to buy a new cup for Tim. How upset I was! Then he said to me, "Using words 9 always better than hitting or throwing. If you were angry with Tim, why didn' t you tell him 10? When you do bad things out of anger, you will always regret (懊悔) them."

        Although I' m still a little sad, I will always remember what my parents told me that day.

    A . something terrible B . terrible something C . anything terrible D . terrible anything
    A . finish B . finished C . will finish D . am finishing
    A . pair B . pairs C . piece D . pieces
    A . so B . and C . but D . or
    A . happy B . happier C . angry D . angrier
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . solves B . solved C . solving D . to solve
    A . twelve B . the twelve C . twelfth D . the twelfth
    A . is B . was C . are D . were
    A . how do you feel B . how you feel C . how did you feel D . how you felt
  • 2. 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。

        Once, there was a big spider in the basement (地下室) of an art museum. The spider was good at making webs. Every day, he spent much time taking care of his web. For him, it was very 1.

        However, one day, the museum workers began to take paintings out of the basement.2 other spiders came to know what was happening, they soon moved to other places. However, the big spider didn't want to move. "It's 3for me to find a better place to make a web," he thought. "I need to work4to make my web stronger. When they see my strong web, they will 5." So, the spider did his best to make his web stronger. Over time, there were fewer and fewer paintings.

        One afternoon, the 6came again. It looked like that they were going to take the painting anyway. The spider didn't want to leave. But when he 7he might lose his life, he ran away from the basement and came to a little garden. To his 8, he could make an even more beautiful web there. The spider thought, "Sometimes, leaving doesn't mean 9."

        In our life, we have to make difficult10 sometimes. It's not easy, but we shouldn't be afraid. Future might be better than we think.

    A . boring B . difficult C . important D . relaxing
    A . If B . When C . Unless D . Although
    A . easy B . exciting C . necessary D . impossible
    A . earlier B . harder C . farther D . closer
    A . give up B . cheer up C . try out D . blow out
    A . painters B . visitors C . workers D . farmers
    A . hoped B . explained C . agreed D . realized
    A . joy B . joke C . worry D . sadness
    A . hiding B . losing C . winning D . improving
    A . records B . wishes C . habits D . decisions
  • 3. 阅读短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。


        Boys and girls, it's not easy being a middle school student, isn't it? When I was your age, I had all kinds of problems. For example, I didn't know what to do when my best friend got a new friend. I thought my parents didn't understand me. And I didn't know how to make good use of time.

        Do you have such problems? If your answer is "YES", don't worry. I'd be glad to share my stories with you and help you enjoy your school life more.

        As a public speaker, I give about thirty talks to middle schools every year. This is my first talk in China. Come and share your problems with me! I' m looking forward to seeing you!

        Date: June 19th (Friday)

        Time: 9:20 a.m. ~ 11:20 a.m.

        Place: Room No. 305 in the classroom building

    Maria Miller

    June 17th

    1. (1) How long will the talk last?
      A . For an hour. B . For an hour and a half. C . For two hours. D . For two hours and a half.
    2. (2) When did Maria Miller put up the notice?
      A . On Tuesday. B . On Wednesday. C . On Thursday. D . On Friday.
    3. (3) We can learn from the notice that _________.
      A . the talk is about middle school students' problems B . Ms. Miller has given lots of talks in China C . Ms. Miller will give the talk in the afternoon D . Ms. Miller will give the talk in the library
  • 4. 阅读短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。

        Last Saturday, my cousin and I went around our neighbourhood, looking at things in yard sales. You wouldn't believe the great things we found and the great fun we had!

        The yard sale in our neighbourhood is one of the biggest in the area. It started with only a few families, but as more and more people came to care about the environment, it became more and more popular. Now, even people from a few kilometers away come to the sale. Each family puts out things such as books, clothes,and even ovens. They hope others will find another use for those things.

        The day was quite hot,so we got up quite early. First, we stopped at Ms. Fisher's house. Her son was leaving for college, so there were lots of things he no longer needed. He had several sets of music CDs and lots of good books. Guess what? I found one of my favorite books. What was more,all I had to pay was a dollar. What a deal! Then, we moved on to other houses. The street was full of people and everyone was happy.

        Think about it. It's really good for the environment and for people too. Next time you feel like an adventure (探险), check out a yard sale. It's fun, and it' s a great way to use things again.

    1. (1) Yard sales are becoming popular in the neighborhood mainly because _________ .
      A . people think it's fun B . people are too busy to go to shopping centers C . people want to save money D . people want to do something for the environment
    2. (2) What was the weather like that day?
      A . Cold. B . Hot. C . Warm. D . Cool.
    3. (3) What does the underlined sentence mean?
      A . The writer felt happy about the deal. B . The writer planned to buy a new copy. C . The writer decided not to buy the copy. D . The writer thought the book was expensive.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . The writer went to the yard sale alone. B . The writer is leaving for college soon. C . The writer bought several sets of CDs. D . The writer enjoyed herself in the yard sale.
  • 5. 阅读短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。

        How to make the world a better place? Start with small changes like sharing. In Yin- chuan, Ningxia, there is such a "beautiful" family.

        Wu Hai works for NXTV (Ningxia Broadcast and TV Station). He developed an interest in reading as a boy. When he was in Grade 1, he got his first library card. Since then, he has been a real "fan" of reading.

        One day, in May, 2014, Wu went to a reading salon (沙龙). To go to the salon, he had to pay 100 yuan. Wu thought it was a pity that some of his friends wouldn't like to go because of the cost.

        Two months later, Wu and his wife,Sun Ping, started a free reading workshop. They named it "Sunshine Sharing Collection". They wanted to promote (宣扬) the idea that "sharing makes a change in reading".

        Sun Ping also works for NXTV. After talking with her husband, she started an online course (课程), Voice Bookroom. Through the course, she helps members of the workshop to improve their reading skills. They also organize reading and sharing activities in schools with students and teachers. In 2019, the Wu family was named as "the most beautiful family in Yinchuan".

    1. (1) In July, 2014, _________ .
      A . Wu got his first library card B . Wu paid 100 yuan to go to a reading salon C . Wu and his wife started Sunshine Sharing Collection D . the Wu family was named as "the most beautiful family in Yinchuan"
    2. (2) Sun started Voice Bookroom to help the workshop members to improve their _________ skills.
      A . listening B . speaking C . reading D . writing
    3. (3) The writer writes the passage mainly to _______.
      A . encourage us to read a lot B . introduce a "beautiful" family C . show us the joy of reading D . advise us to go to reading salons
  • 6. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有两项为多余项。

        Last Sunday, Amy felt quite upset because her mom ordered her to clean her bedroom. Joey, Amy's little brother, walked in and said, "Amy, I feel so bored."

        "Not now, Joey," Amy said. "I have to clean my room, or Mom will be angry with me. When she's angry, she'll ask me to do the dishes for a week." She picked up a sock under the chair and put it on her bed. "Oh, this is boring," said Amy.

        Joey really wanted to play. After thinking for a while, he said. " Pretend (假装) that you are a robot and I will be your master (主人) From now on, you must listen to my orders."

        "Well, that sounds like fun!" Amy said. "Let's have a try."

        Joey sat on the chair and said, "Robot, pick up your clothes and put them in your wardrobe (衣柜)."

        "Robot, pick up your books and put them in your bookcase," said Joey. Amy did as Joey said.


        After about twenty minutes, Amy's room looked a lot tidier. She said to Joey, "Hey, thank you for helping me clean my room."

        Joey laughed and said, " Next time, we can try some different chore game ideas."


    A. I have a game idea!

    B. You can clean your room later.

    C. You know, I hate doing the dishes.

    D. And thank you for playing with me.

    E. Can you play with me for a while?

    F. Robot, go to sweep the floor right now.

    G. Amy put her shirts,skirts and trousers into her wardrobe

  • 12. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)

    give, sudden, prepare, one, minute, drink, he, young, wait, everybody

        It was Sunday and the Smith family were going to have a picnic in the city park. Mr. Smith was getting the car ready. Mrs. Smith was  lunch. Nancy and Joseph were discussing which ball to take. Suzie,the was watching from her highchair (宝宝椅).

        , the phone rang and Mrs. Smith went to the living room to answer it. That was when Nancy came into the kitchen. She took a sandwich from the table. Suzie asked, “Could you me a small piece?” Nancy agreed. Then, Joseph came into the kitchen. He opened a bottle of strawberry juice and poured some into  sister's little cup. Next, Mr. Smith came into the kitchen. He took a piece of pie and broke off a bit for Suzie.

        After a few, Mrs. Smith came back into the kitchen. "Oh, no! What happened? I just answered a phone call," Mrs. Smith said. "Who did this? Who ate our lunch instead of for our picnic?"

        Nancy was the to answer, saying, "I just ate a sandwich."

        "I just a bottle of strawberry juice," said Joseph.

        "And I just had some pie," said Dad.

        Suzie said, "Mom, withhelp, I tried a little bit of everything. Look! They are too far for me to reach."

  • 13. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

        In Shanghai City, when people throw away wet waste, they must take the wet waste (mainly food waste) out of the rubbish bag first. Then, they throw the rubbish bag into another trashcan(垃圾桶). This is not easy to do.

        Shi Yuan is a 14-year-old student from Shanghai Wenlai Middle School. One rainy day in May, 2019, when he was throwing away wet waste, he got food waste all over his trousers. Then, he decided to do something about this. He made a special rubbish bag for wet waste. The bag has a band of adhesive tape(粘贴带). When one end of the tape is open, the bag turns upside down by itself. Then, people can easily throw wet waste into the trashcan. Shi's idea won him a prize in the Shanghai Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest. So far, he has sold over 2 million bags online. And on May 4, 2020, he began to sell his bags in 11 supermarkets in Shanghai.

         “Like many other kids  I' m also busy with homework and I like to play. The only difference is that I like to find ways to make life easier,” Shi said.

    1. (1) What do people need to do first before throwing away wet waste?

      They need to .

    2. (2) What does Shi Yuan do?

      He is a .

    3. (3) How was the weather when Shi got food waste all over his trousers?

      It was .

    4. (4) How many bags has Shi sold online?

      He has sold bags.

    5. (5) Where did Shi begin to sell his bags on May 4, 2020?

      In eleven in Shanghai.

  • 14. 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

    A: Li Lei, what are you going to do tomorrow?

    B: Oh, I have no plans. ?

    A: I' m going to Chongqing Sichuan Opera Museum. Have you been there before?

    B:  Is it interesting?

    A: I think so. It shows the history of Sichuan Opera. You know I like operas.

    B: ?

    A: It opens at 9 a. m. The museum isn't far from my home.?

    B: Yes, I'd love to. I'll get to your house at about 8:50 a.m.

    A: Great! Then, we can walk there.

    B: Okay.

    A: See you!

  • 15. 做家务不仅能为父母分忧解劳,还能帮我们培养责任感、养成好习惯。假如你是李磊,请根据以下提示,给校英文报发一封电子邮件,分享你某次做家务的经历和感受。






    Dear Editor,

        My name is Li Lei. I'd like to share one of my experiences of doing housework at home.



    Li Lei

