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更新时间:2020-12-02 浏览次数:96 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Do you know what American students do in class? Here are 1 . American classroom customs.

    If the teacher asks you a question, you should give the 2 immediately. If you do not understand the question, you should 3 you hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. If you do not know the answer, it is all right 4 the teacher that you do not know.

    Be 5 time! It is 6 to be late. If you are late, be sure to enter the classroom 7 .Have your books and papers out of your bag before you come 8 the classroom. Then go to your seat and sit quietly. In America, it is not necessary to knock 9 you enter the classroom. Most teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.

    In America, you should call your teacher by his or her last name, not "teacher". Also you should use Mr, Miss, Ms or Mrs. before the 10. This is polite. The teacher will tell you the title that he or she likes.

    A . an B . any C . some
    A . question B . answer C . problem
    A . rise B . raise C . put
    A . to say B . to tell C . to talk
    A . on B . at C . in
    A . glad B . rude C . polite
    A . quiet B . quickly C . quietly
    A . out of B . over C . into
    A . before B . while C . after
    A . first name B . last name C . given name
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Is your schoolbag too heavy to carry? The e-schoolbag will help you.

    It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon. In fact, the e-schoolbag should perhaps be called an e-textbook. It is a small computer for students.

    Heavy schoolbags have long been a serious problem for them. But the e-schoolbag will change everything. It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag. Also it is as small as a usual book, but it can still hold all the things for study, such as a textbook, an exercise book and so on. They can be made into chips that are as small as a stamp. The students can read the text page by page on the screen, take notes, or even send e-mails to their teachers. All they have to do is to put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and press a button.

    Some say that e-textbooks can be easily broken. Some say it is not good to students' eyes.

    But only time will tell.

    1. (1) What is an e-schoolbag?
      A . A video chip. B . A small computer. C . A heavy bag. D . A usual book.
    2. (2) The e-schoolbag is        .
      A . as heavy as a usual schoolbag B . much heavier than a usual schoolbag C . much lighter than a usual schoolbag D . not so light as a usual schoolbag
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "screen "mean in Chinese?
      A . 显示屏 B . 键盘 C . 鼠标 D . 音箱
    4. (4) E-schoolbags        .
      A . are popular with all the people B . can do everything for students C . may be used instead of usual schoolbags D . have come into use in China
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Once upon a time, there lived an old man. He had three sons. One day, he called them together and said, "Sons, I will die soon. To my eldest son give half my camels, to my second, one third(三分之ー), and to my youngest, one ninth(九分之一)." Soon after that he died.

        The old man had seventeen camels, and the three brothers didn't know how to do as their father said. They thought for a long time about the problem, and it seemed that they must either kill some of the camels and cut them into pieces, or disobey their father. At last, they went to their father's old friend and asked for his advice. As soon as he heard their story, he said. "I will help you. I was a good friend of your fathers. I am old. I have only one camel, but take it. It is yours."

        The three sons thanked the old man and took his camel. Now they found it was easy to do as their father wished. The eldest took half—that was nine camels; the second took one third—that was six; and the youngest took one ninth—that was two.

        After each had got his camels, they found that there was still a camel there. To show their thanks to their father's friend, they gave the camel back to him.

    1. (1) How many camels did the first old man have?
      A . Only one. B . Three. C . Seventeen. D . Eighteen.
    2. (2) The underlined word "disobey" means"_______" in Chinese.
      A . 服从 B . 违背 C . 听从 D . 嘲笑
    3. (3) Why did the second old man give his camel to the three brothers?
      A . Because he didn't like them. B . Because he wanted to help them. C . Because he wanted to punish them. D . Because he wanted to trick them.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . How to divide camels B . The old man's good friend C . Three clever brothers D . The old man's camels
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Many large cities in the United States have an area called Chinatown. It was set up by people who came from China. For example, Chinatown in San Francisco, California, began in 1848. The Chinese immigrants(移民) came to America to look for gold in the 1850s. Then the area they lived in later became known as Chinatown.

        Chinatowns were also set up in cities in the western states like Oregon (俄勒冈州) and Washington D. C. during the 19th century. Many Chinese immigrants in these areas helped build the first railroad system across the United States.  However, after the work ended, many Chinese moved to the eastern and middle parts of the United States.

        Chinatowns can also be found in cities outside the United States. For example, the first Chinese immigrants arrived in London in the late 18th century. They were men who worked for the East India Company. Later, the Chinese immigrants opened small shops and restaurants there.

        Today, many people visit Chinatowns. They have special Chinese gates and walking areas for visitors. Chinatowns around the world are not only places where Chinese people live and work, but also places where visitors can learn more about Chinese culture and traditions.

    1. (1) Why did a large number of Chinese people go to America in the 1850s?
      A . To build the railway. B . To build Chinatowns. C . To work for the East India Company. D . To look for gold.
    2. (2) Who helped to build the first railroad system across the United States?
      A . Chinese immigrants. B . Americans. C . Indians. D . The British.
    3. (3) According to the passage, when was the earliest Chinatown in Oregon set up?
      A . In the middle of the 18th century. B . During the 19th century. C . In the 17th century. D . In the 20th century.
    4. (4) Why do visitors come to Chinatowns?
      A . The food there is cheap. B . They can learn about Chinese culture. C . They want to know about the earliest immigrants from China. D . They want to live there.
  • 20. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        As we all know, having a powerful memory is important. A powerful memory can help you succeed in school, in your job, and in life. It also helps you learn faster, and fast learners are always in demand. With it, you can succeed more easily.

        If you're willing to make a few changes in lifestyle, you should improve your memory first. My goal is to explain every skill that can help you improve your memory.

        You can not only learn memory skills on this website, but also learn how to improve your memory through diet, exercise, sleep and other ways.

        Memory improvement can be achieved in two ways: Improving the health of your brain and using memory skills. These are easier to do than you might think, but you have to make the effort(努力).

        Memory improvement requires time and effort on your part. Of course, I believe that a more powerful brain is well worth the effort!

        Here are a few of the great memory improvement tips. I'll give you the tips in the following part.

    1. (1) According to Paragraph One, a powerful memory can help you succeed in the following


      A . in school B . in your job C . in your exercise D . in life
    2. (2) Which of the following is the two ways of memory improvement in the passage?

      ① using memory skills

      ② using memory notes

      ③ improving the health of your body

      ④ improving the health of your brain

      A . ①② B . ③④ C . ②③ D . ①④
    3. (3) Which of the following is required on your part to improve memory?    
      A . Money. B . Time. C . Food. D . Water. 
    4. (4) Where can you read this passage?    
      A . In a newspaper. B . In a notebook. C . In a magazine. D . On a website.
    5. (5) What is the following part of the passage about?    
      A . Memory improvement ways. B . Memory improvement reasons. C . The types of memory. D . The advantages of a good memory.
  • 21. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    The History of Basketball

        Dr. Naismith started the basketball game in 1891. He was a teacher. He wanted a sport that the students could play inside in winter. In 1936, basketball became a sport at the Olympic Games. Now, it is very popular and more than 3 million people play it around the world.

    The History of Tea

    It is said that (据说) the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea by accident when he was boiling water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and produced a pleasant smell. He tasted the hot mixture (混合物). It was quite delicious. In this way, he invented tea. Tea was popular among the people, but it didn't appear in the Western world until 1610.

    The History of Potato Chips

    A cook called George Grum invented potato chips by mistake in 1853. He wanted to play a trick on a customer. He cut the potatoes really thin and cooked them for a long time until they were crispy (脆的). Then he sprinkled (撒) lots of salt on them so they were salty. But in fact, they were crispy and delicious. The customer loved them very much.

    1. (1)         invented basketball.

      A . Dr. Naismith B . Shen Nong C . George Grum D . Somebody
    2. (2) When Shen Nong was boiling water, some leaves fell into the        .

      A . tea B . water C . river D . sea
    3. (3) Basketball has been a sport at the Olympic Games for about         years.

      A . 80 B . 119 C . 300 D . 200
    4. (4) A cook made a mistake and discovered        .

      A . tea B . basketball C . potato chips D . nothing
  • 22. 语法填空

        You may have trouble  (learn) language. Here are a few  (idea)to help you learn a language well. Learning the pronunciation of a language is  important part of your language learning. You can learn it  listening to the language as much as possible on the radio or on TV. Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many  (year). Learning words from the context(上下文) in writing and reading materials are probably the best ways  (do)it. Learning the grammar of a language can make you understand  sentences are constructed(构成). And then you can construct your own sentences.  best way to learn grammar well  (be) to take notes and  (remember)some important sentences.

  • 23. 目前,我国正实施城市化政策,这给从乡(镇)迁入城市的大多数孩子带来诸多问题,特别在交朋友方面尤为突出。假如你是贝蒂,你的朋友托尼发电子邮件向你请教关于如何交朋友的问题,请你给他回复一封电子邮件并提几点建议。






    2)书写规范工整,不得逐字翻译,词数90左右。(提示词: first, second, third, in conclusion)

    Dear Better,

        I need some advice on how to make friends. I have just moved to a new city. I am 13. I don't know anybody here and I want to make some friends.

        What's the best way? Where can I meet people?



