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更新时间:2020-08-11 浏览次数:309 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。



    Adults& children over 15:¥1,500

    Children under 15:¥800


    ★Plane tickets from Guangzhou to Guilin

    ★Bus service around Guilin

    ★Three nights' (stay in good hotels

    ★. Best tour guide service


    ★The first day- The Lijiang River: You will enjoy the natural beauty of the Li River by taking boats. Plenty of dramatic (引人注目的) hills around.

    ★The second day Yangshuo: A wonderful place for sightseeing. A place without pollution.

    ★ The third day-- Silver rock scenic spot: A nice experience to see the amazing stones.

    ★ The fourth day一Other places of interest and shopping.


    Monday—Friday (9:00a.m–8:00p.m.)

    Saturday and Sunday (9:00a.m–4:00 p.m.)

    Tel: 0755-82831111

    1. (1) This may be taken from a(n)         
      A . story B . advertisement C . report D . notice
    2. (2) If you take a tour of Guilin on May 1, you will visit           on May 3.
      A . the Lijiang River B . Yangshuo C . Silver rock scenic spot D . other places of interest
    3. (3) If your parents take you, a 14-year-old student, to Guilin, how much will they pay for the tour in all?

      A . ¥ 800. B . ¥ 2300. C . ¥ 3800. D . ¥ 4600.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Everybody likes parties. Do you want to be popular at the party? Remember these tips.

        ◆ Bring a small present. When you go to a dinner party, it's a good idea to bring a small present. Flowers are always nice and welcome. You can also bring a box of chocolate or a bottle of wine(酒). You don't need to bring expensive presents.

        ◆ You should arrive on time. Don't be late for the party. If you can't catch the bus and you are late for the party, remember to call the host or the hostess.

        ◆ Try to be relaxed at the dinner table. Don't be nervous. Try to smile. If you don't know how to use the fork (叉子) and knife, don't worry about it. You can watch other people and follow them.

        ◆ Don't forget to thank the host and the hostess. Before you leave the party, say thanks to the host and the hostess. If you like the dishes, speak out. The host and the hostess will be pleased to know that.

    1. (1) What can you do if you are late for the party?
      A . I can forget the time. B . I can call the host or the hostess. C . I can send an e-mail to the host or the hostess. D . I can ask the host or the hostess to pick me up.
    2. (2) If you don't know how to use the fork and knife, you can __________.
      A . ask others to teach you B . ask the host to teach you C . watch others and follow them D . use chopsticks instead of (代替) the fork and knife
    3. (3) The underlined word 'nervous' probably means__________.
      A . worried B . excited C . angry D . happy.
    4. (4) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . It's about different kinds of parties. B . It's about how to be popular of the party. C . It's about the best time to have party. D . It's about the best present for the host and the hostess.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    From: Frank@sina.com                     To: jenny@163.com

    Subject: My life in America                  Date: April 6, 2019

    Dear Jenny,

        I'm very glad to hear from you. In your last letter, you asked about my life in America. Let me tell you something about it.

        Now, I'm studying in the summer school in San Francisco. The school is so big and beautiful. I live in the dorm (宿舍). My roommate (室友) is a boy from Japan. He is very friendly to me. I have six classes every day. I often play tennis or watch a football game after class. American football is very exciting.

        My classmates are from all over the world. Some of them are interested in Chinese culture. Last Sunday, we went to Chinatown to eat Chinese food and watch Beijing Opera in a theatre. In my free time, I like writing e-mails to my friends in English. It's a good way to improve my English.

        I'm looking forward to hearing from you.



    1. (1) What is frank doing in America now?
      A . He is visiting his friends. B . He is studying in the summer school. C . He is working in a Chinese restaurant. D . He is playing tennis.
    2. (2) What is Frank's roommate like?
      A . He is very shy. B . He is very active. C . He is very rude. D . He is very friendly.
    3. (3) How does Frank study English in his free time?
      A . By listening to English songs.           B . By writing e-mails to his friends in English.            C . By talking with American friends.            D . By watching English movies.
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Frank has six classes every day. B . Frank often plays tennis after class. C . Frank's classmates are all from America. D . Frank ate Chinese food last Sunday.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        These days, the Puy du Fou theme park in Western France welcomed six very special cleaners—Boubou, Bamboo, Bill, Black, Bricole and Baco. They are six crows (乌鸦)! As part of the daily show, the theme park has already trained the crows to pick up roses and bring them to a “princess” in a castle (城堡).

        Workers at the park have taught the crows to pick up small pieces of rubbish. The crows move the rubbish (垃圾) into a small box. After helping to clean the park, they get bird food for their hard work.

        “The park is very clean,” Nicolas de Villiers, the head of the park, said, “The purpose of the crows is to teach people, to open up their minds to think.”

        As a regular (定期的) visitor to the park, Simons, ever said after watching it, "OK! The birds are able to do something that we are much more able to do than them. It shows that we humans cannot throw rubbish everywhere.”

        Earlier this year, Josh Klein taught the crows to collect money and drop it in a special machine. After six months of training, he found that the crows could remember how to get food by working.

    1. (1) Why did the park choose the crows to work as cleaners?
      A . Because the park was not clean. B . Because the crows are the smartest of all the birds. C . Because the park could pay the cleaners less. D . Because they could remind people to protect the environment (环境).
    2. (2) Who is Simons according to the passage?
      A . A visitor. B . A bird keeper.  C . A researcher.  D . The head of the park.
    3. (3) The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refers to “        ”.
      A . the Puy du Fou theme park B . a crow cleaner C . six crows working as cleaners D . what Simons said
    4. (4) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . A theme park in Western France. B . Six crow cleaners. C . Keep the park clean. D . A funny lesson.
  • 5. 请仔细阅读第1-5题中五个人的情况,从A-F六则广告中找到与其匹配的选项,其中一项为多余选项。

    ⒈ David wants to have a special dinner at home on his birthday. He has to buy some food and drinks.

    ⒉ Maria often reads books in her free time, so her best friend Linda wants to buy an interesting book for her as a birthday gift.

    ⒊ It's Lisa's birthday next Saturday. Her son likes cakes, so she will buy a big birthday cake for him.

    ⒋ Mr. Black would like to buy a new coat for his daughter as a gift because her old one is a little short.

    ⒌ Olivia's birthday is coming. Ashley, her friend, plan to buy some flowers for Olivia on her birthday.

    A. Heart Flower Shop: there are many kinds of fresh flowers in our shop, and you can buy some for your friends as a birthday gift.

    B. Wholesale Food Market: there are many kinds of food and drinks in our market, and the prices of them are very low. Welcome!

    C. Elim Christian Bookstore: Elim Christian Bookstore is the biggest store in our city. There are almost all kinds of kooks in it.

    D. Comfiserie Bahmann: there are chocolate cakes, fruits cakes and so on. They are all very yummy.

    E. Best Fast food: there are fried(油炸的) chicken, French fries, hamburgers and porridge. You can enjoy them if you come here.

    F. CalleChic Clothing Store: It's a clothing store for girls. There are all kinds of beautiful clothes.

  • 6. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        The English writer, Richard Savage, once lived a 1life in London. To make money for his everyday life, he wrote the story of his own life, but 2  readers were interested in his 3

        One day he was very 4. His doctor 5after him and soon he got to be well again. After a week or two, the doctor 6 a bill (账单) to Savage, but poor Savage didn't have any money and couldn't 7for it. The doctor 8 for another month and posted the bill again, 9 still no money came. After several weeks he posted it to Savage again 10 for his money. In the end he come to-Savage's-house, saying to Savage, “You know you owe (欠) your life to me and I expected some 11 from you.”

        “12,” said Savage," I owe my life to you, and I am really 13, so I will give my 14 to you." 15 these words, he handed him two boxes of his book The Life of Richard Savage.

    A . rich B . poor C . happy D . boring
    A . few B . A few C . many D . A lot of
    A . study B . job C . dream D . book
    A . tired B . bored C . excited D . ill
    A . came B . looked C . ran D . took
    A . got B . found C . posted D . bought
    A . see B . buy C . make D . pay
    A . saw B . waited C . followed D . felt
    A . but B . so C . because D . for
    A . looking B . calling C . asking D . showing
    A . thanks B . words C . advice D . help
    A . No B . Yes C . What D . Please
    A . lucky B . helpful C . thankful D . careful
    A . money B . life C . house D . box
    A . With B . From C . By D . For
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案写在答题纸的适当位置。

        Do you know American Idol? It is a famous TV show in the US. If you go to an American middle school, you can see students (talk) about it. When you walk on the street, you can find many posters about it. Many people like it.

        Why is show so popular? Does it (surprise) you? What kind of show is it? It is a show for singing. If you are (interest) in singing and sing well, you can go to it you can be an “American Idol”. Then all the people in America will know you (easy).

        American Idol (begin) in 2002. American watch the American Idol show on Tuesday nights. is the No.1 TV show for many years and it has a lot of fans. Everyone in the county the age of 15 and 28 can go to the show. However, you can't join in it (be) an “American Idol” if you are a famous (著名的) star. The American Idols are people from small cities. It tells people that anyone can be a super star if he wants to be.


