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更新时间:2020-06-15 浏览次数:262 类型:中考模拟
一、单选题Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
  • 21. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词填入空格. 每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

    A. became   B. early   C. extra   D. audience   E. voice

        My musical inspiration (灵感) is the English signer, Leona Levis. One reason I admire (赞赏) her is because she's got a great . She also inspires me because she's full of ambitions.

        Leona was born in London. She dreamed of being a musician from an age. She wrote her first song at the age of twelve and made her first recording when she was only fifteen yeas old. In 2006, she the first female winner of the British talent show, The X-Factor and she made her first album, Spirit.

        Probably her greatest achievement was when she sang the Olympics closing ceremony (闭幕式) in Beijing in 2008 in front of a TV of three billion people.

  • 22. 选词填空

    A. in addition   B. achieved   C. awards   D. acted    E. such as

        Another reason I admire her is because she is not only a talented and successful singer, she also as a very brave person. She always speaks her mind on important topics disease awareness and vegetarianism (素食主义).

        Leona Lewis is my musical inspiration and an inspiration to all young people because she has already so many great things in her career. She has won many music and she has appeared with stars like Take That and Maria Carey …!

三、语法填空:Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)
四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完 成下列句子,每题空格限填一词)
五、Reading comprehension (阅读理解)
  • 38. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

        Londoner Michael Wicks travelled to Sun-bury in Middle-sex last week to search for his 17-year-old daughter Lisa, who he had not seen for five years. Lisa moved to Sun-bury with her mother after her parents divorced (离婚), ans hse was not in contact with her father, who lived in a different town.

        After days of searching. Mr Wicks asked The Sun-bury Free Press to print a photo he took in Sun-bury's main square and his telephone number, and asking his daughter to contact him.

        When the newspaper came out a few days later, Lisa was amazed to see a picture of her dad and when she looked more closely, she saw herself too in the background!

        Lisa said she had been very shocked. "I was just a few metres from my dad and I had no idea!" she said. She showed the paper to a friend, who told her to phone the number immediately.

        "At first, my dad thought it was a joke" she said, "but he soon realized it was really me. It's great to be in contact again after all these years!" She said that they went out to dinner together that evening to celebrate.

        Happy dad, Michael, smiling from ear to ear, told our journalist the next day that they planned to spend a lot more time together, and said that it surely wouldn't be another five years before they saw each other!

    1. (1) Mr Wicks ____________ with his daughter for five years since he and his wife got divorced.
      A . had not been in contact B . had lived in Sun-bury C . had been in the same town D . had travelled to see his wife
    2. (2) What information did Mr Wicks offer to the newspaper the Sun-bury Free Press?
      A . His photo and a newspaper. B . His daughter's telephone number. C . His photo and his phone number. D . His daughter's photo in main square.
    3. (3) Lisa was very shocked to see the picture of his father because she _____________ in the same square.
      A . showed it to a friend B . happened to be C . also searched for her father D . got her father's phone number
    4. (4) Both Mr. Wicks and Lisa felt happy to see each other. So they _______________ that evening.
      A . told jokes at home B . decided to phone his wife C . went out to celebrate D . invited a journalist to dinner
    5. (5) Who helped Mr Wicks find his daughter Lisa in this article?
      A . His wife B . His close friend C . A restaurant D . The Sun-bury Free Press
    6. (6) What does the underlined part (in the last paragraph)"it surely ... each other" mean?
      A . They wouldn't meet again in the following five years. B . They would see each other during the following five years. C . They would live together for the following five years. D . They wouldn't contact any longer five years later.
  • 39. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

        When you imagine a new way of doing something and then find a way to do it, you are being creative. Generally, there are three steps to being creative. They are:

        Step I Gaining knowledge and skills of how things are done

        A solid knowledge and skills help you understand how to do something. Knowing when and how to apply this knowledge comes from studying how others have done things in the same situations. Think about learning to play the piano. In this step you learn how to read music and 1the keys are on the piano. You also practise playing.

        Step 2 Learning to 2the way that people do those things

        Practising how often do something will bring what you have learned and the practice of it together. Repeating other people's skills will create a lot of 3and increase understanding. So your next step in playing the piano would be seeing how other good musicians play, and repeating their songs and styles of playing.

        Step 3 Exploring new and maybe better ways of doing them

        Knowing the rules, but then using or breaking them in your 4style is the basis of creativity. At this point in playing the piano, you might play songs in new ways; or even write songs and melodies (曲调) . Being able to explore and improve on ideas requires time and effort to find out different ways of doing something.

        Being creative is the useful ability to help solve problems effectively in many different situations. Being creative will often result in lots of ideas,5not all of them will be good ideas. That is why being creative is a process of trying - and trying again! Being able to come up with new ideas, and then 6the better ideas, will make your life more successful. So start being creative today!

    A . why B . where C . when D . who
    A . copy B . avoid C . remind D . destroy
    A . debates B . signals C . exhibitions D . experiences
    A . fair B . mean C . rude D . own
    A . since B . unless C . although D . because
    A . breaking down B . picking out C . getting rid of D . putting off
  • 40. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

        Five years ago my classmates and I finished secondary school and went our different ways. On the last day, we promised to meet again exactly five years later and see how everyone is doing. This week we k that promise. So what's become of my class?

        Matthew's a musician. No surprises there - that's what he's always wanted to do. Back at school, he c focused on his music and his only dream was to become a concert pianist. He finished music college a year ago and right now he's preparing for a series of concerts in the USA.

        I remember Krishni as a h student who was always very busy with her subjects. She got good marks and set herself clear goals. She's going to be a dentist in six months' time-she's just finishing her degree. I'm going to see her and ask her to check my t !

        Dean has always liked football more than studying. Some teachers made comments such as 'Kicking a ball round is not a career, young man.' Well, guess what? He is r a local football club for children now. He's also a great coach, the kids love him and he's making quite a lot of money!

        Rachel says she's s thinking about what she wants to do in life. She travels a lot. She's already been to India, Iran, South Africa, Iceland and about a million other places. She's had several jobs. She's the one who's really having a wonderful life.

        And what about me? I'm studying to be a r . I've just applied for a job with one of the national newspapers; until I hear from them, I'm now writing for The Campus Courie.

  • 41. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

        Say the words 'reality TV' and the show that comes into most people's minds is Big Brother. Love it or hate it, there have been versions (版本) in more than seventy countries! The basic format is simple: put a group of strangers into a house, record everything they do and watch how they manage to live together.

        Actually the idea wasn't original. A similar show. The Real World, was broadcast in 1992 on MTV. But the format really became popular with the success of Big Brother, and it has been copied again and again, including celebrity versions. In similar shows, contestants (参赛选手) have been sent to the jungle or a desert island. In Wife Swap a mother goes to live with a family of strangers and tries to manager their homes; in Young, Dumb and Living off Mum a group of spoilt

    (宠坏的) teenagers with no life skills learn to live together and look after themselves.

        So what makes these shows so attractive? Actually, living with strangers is stressful and also personality problems are common. Contestants often have to share tasks and housework and this also brings conflict. "It's all about relationships," says TV critic ( 批评家) Jo Barnett. "Some characters are pleasant, and some are unpleasant, but they are all real people."

        But is it healthy to be so interested in other people's private lives'? And what kind of people want to appear in front of TV cameras twenty-four hours a day? Not everyone was in favour of such shows, including the first ever winner of Big Brother, Bart Spring. "I'm not a fan of the programme or of people becoming famous for being stupid. " he says.

    1. (1) Big Brother is a TV show which has versions in over 70 countries, isn't it?
    2. (2) Which of the following words has the same meaning as "original" (Para. 2)

      A. narrow    B. creative    C. powerful    D. favourite

    3. (3) What life skills can the spoilt teenagers learn in young, Dumb and Living off Mum?
    4. (4) How is the life of the contestants living with strangers?
    5. (5) What does TV critic Jo Barnett think of the characters in these shows?
    6. (6) Do you like to take part in this kind of activity? Add your reason(s).
九、书面表达Writing (作文)
  • 42. Write at least 60 words about the topic "My view on online lessons this March" (请以"今年三月的网课之我见"为题,写-篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格. )

    (注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名以及其他相关信息,否则不予评分. )

    The following is for reference only.

    ✧What is your view?

    ✧Show us an example or give your reason(s) to support your view.

    ✧Give at least one suggestion you would like to make to your teacher(s)

