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更新时间:2021-05-17 浏览次数:100 类型:中考模拟
  • 21. 完形填空


    Telemedicine System Drones

    Doctors diagnose(诊断) patients online. Robots help to send food to 1 Drone(无人) monitor people in crowds. We are using new ways to fight the novel coronavirus. They are safe. They can help people 2 in contact with each other. Let's meet these high-tech helpers.

    Telemedicine system

    With remote video system, doctors can diagnose patients without seeing them in person. Also, doctors from different hospitals can have a meeting by using the system 3. This saves a lot of time. Both Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals have this system.

    Drones warn people in groups

    In some rural places, police use drones to monitor people in groups. When the drone  4 big groups of people, police will warn them through the loudspeaker on the drone. In some places, people also use drones to disinfect(消毒 )their 5.

    3D "hospital"

    A company in Shanghai 6 15 rooms by using 3D technology. They sent the rooms to Hubei for patients to live in Each room is about the 7 of your bedroom, A 3D printer takes 24 hours to build the rooms.

    AI system check forever

    At the Mudanyuan subway station in Beijing, an AI system can check people in crowds to see 8 they have fevers. When people 9 the system scans people's faces. The system can check about 300 people in one minute.

    Smart robots

    Time to eat! In some hospitals, smart robots help to deliver food to patients. The robots can also help to 10 medicine and show the way to people.

    A . consumers B . customers C . patients D . doctors
    A . avoid B . keep C . develop D . continue
    A . all the time B . at times C . all time D . at the same time
    A . imagines B . finds C . records D . watches
    A . relatives B . hands C . communities D . bodies
    A . built B . produced C . printed D . finished
    A . size B . shape C . pattern D . style
    A . that B . if C . why D . unless
    A . pass by B . pass away C . pass down D . past by
    A . hand in B . hand on C . hand out D . hand over
  • 22. 阅读理解,判断下面说法正误。

    More and more people are using mobile phones now. Smart phones are used as tele-visions cameras, and music players. They are also used for sending e-mails or surfing the Internet. If someone talks about mobile phones, many Chinese will think of Huawei.

    In China, even in the world, Huawei is a wonder(奇迹), Ren Zhengfei built up(创建)Huawei company in 1987. The company sold 58.4 million smart phones in the first season of 2019. Huawei has got the second place at the mobile market.

    Now, Huawei has been the leader in 5G field. It has more than 75,000 top engineers and scientists on research. They try their best to bring digital (数码) and high technology to every person and place. It's more convenient for modern people to live in a rapid way. What a useful technology 5G is!

    We are looking forward to seeing a stronger Huawei. It provides a faster and better communication way for us. It also brings "Created in China" to the world.

    1. (1) You can use Huawei mobile phones to take photos.
    2. (2) Ren Zhengfei set up Huawei company in 1987.
    3. (3) Huawei has got the first place at the mobile market.
    4. (4) Few top engineers and scientists work on research in Huawei company.
    5. (5) Huawei gives us a slower communication way.
  • 23. 阅读理解

        When I was in my eighth grade, my teacher performed an experiment for us. He placed potatoes, eggs and coffee beans in different pots in a class. After twenty minutes, he turned off the stove(烘箱). He took the potatoes and eggs out of the pots and placed them in two different bowls. He then poured out some coffee into a cup.

        The potatoes, eggs and coffee beans had faced the same boiling water. However, each reacted (反应) differently. The potatoes was strong and hard before they were put into the water, but it became soft and weak in boiling water. The egg was easy to break. Inside it was some liquid with the thin outer shell to protect it. After it was put in the boiling water, the inside of the egg became hard. On the other hand, the coffee changed the water and created something new.

        Which do you think you belong to, potatoes, eggs or coffee beans? In our lives, there are many people looking powerful but weak inside. What we should learn from is the eggs and the coffee beans. When we meet some difficulties, we should become hard and can create something new.

    1. (1) How long has the potatoes, eggs and coffee beans been boiled?
      A . For 20 minutes. B . For 30 minutes. C . For 40 minutes. D . For 50 minutes.
    2. (2) The are strong and hard before they were put into the water.
      A . eggs B . potatoes C . coffee beans D . tomatoes
    3. (3) What can we learn from the coffee beans?
      A . We should be soft and weak against difficulties. B . We should learn to overcome the difficulties. C . We should learn to change and create something new. D . We should eat more eggs and coffee beans when we meet difficulties.
    4. (4) Why did the teacher do the experiment?
      A . Because this was a chemical lesson. B . Because he wanted to teach us how to cook meals. C . Because he wanted to cause our interest. D . Because he wanted to teach us a lesson.
    5. (5) When we get into trouble, we should be.
      A . soft and weak B . easy to break C . hard and creative D . look powerful but weak inside
  • 24. 阅读理解

    "Without music, life would be a mistake, "famous German philosopher(学家)Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets.

    For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired over 1,000 teachers. Among them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like science, math and history. That's partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isn't tested. Many students are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus on subjects are tested more often.

    However, learning music is beneficial in many ways.

    When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.

    Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein Played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented playing the piano.

    1. (1) What did Friendrich Nietzsche think of music?
      A . He loved music. B . He hated music. C . He didn't care about music. D . He thought music is good but not necessary.
    2. (2) In Paragraph 2, what does the underlined word "them" refer to?
      A . Public schools. B . Parents in Chicago. C . The 1,000 fired teachers. D .   Students in Chicago.
    3. (3) What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?
      A . Different abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music. B . Playing the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds. C . Decoding music notes is needed while we are playing music. D . Playing the piano needs people to see music notes.
    4. (4) How many scientists who are good at playing music are mentioned in this passage?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    5. (5) What's the writer's opinion according to this passage?
      A . Music is as simple as it looks. B . Music isn't a very important life skill for us. C . Music classes should be cut in some schools. D . Music is a big part of our lives.
  • 25. 阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给的单词或短语的适当形式填空,使文意通顺,结构正确。(每个单词限用一次)

    after, centre, common, complete, connect with, express, more than, lively, these, put on

    Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, is a kind of folk art. It's a way to people's hope and feelings. It has a history of 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult. Red paper is usually used as red and it is happiness in Chinese culture. The most pictures are flowers, animals, xi(喜)and fu(福). They are windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck. Chinese clay art is well known and popular all over the country. Now many kids learn to make it in schools or even shopping . To make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand into things, such as cute children or characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story, the things get dry in the air, they are fired at a very high heat and then polished and painted. It takes several weeks to everything. Although they look so small, they look very real. small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.

  • 26. 阅读示短文并按要求完成下面5小题。

        Nowadays, "China Dream "has become a hot topic. In fact, each of us should have our own dreams, which are parts of the China dream. But how can we make our dreams come true? The answer is: we must go for them now!

    Tomorrow is not promised

    Nobody like to talk about death, but the reality is that everybody is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. So, today is all we have. Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.

    Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true

        You can dream about writing a great novel, but it's never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper. In other words, dreams don't work unless you do. They require you to actually do the work to make them happen. Get to it!

    Opportunities are waiting for you

        There are so many amazing opportunities waiting for you. How do you get to them? Simple follow your dream.

        Doors of the opportunities will open up when you go after what you want. You'll never see those doors if you sit around waiting for a dream to happen, instead of actually working to make it happen.

    You'll be much happier if you go for it

        ②Imagine how much happier you'll be if you're living the life you always dreamed about. The only person that is stopping you is yourself. Take control of your own happiness. ③waiting, don't, dreams, your, keep (. ) Go after them today!

    1. (1) 文中①处画线句子有一处错误,改正并抄写。
    2. (2) When will the doors of opportunities open up?
    3. (3) 将文中②处画线句子翻译成汉语。
    4. (4) 将文中③处画线单词连词成句,标点符号已在括号中给出。
    5. (5) How many ways that we can do to make our dream come true are mentioned in the passage?
  • 27. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整,符合逻辑。

    Clara is asking Li Fei for help on the street. C is for Clara; L is for Li Fei.

    C: Excuse me, Li Fei. Could you please tell me the way to the History Museum?

    L: Sure. Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing.

    C: It seems easy to find it.

    L: It will take about thirty minutes.

    C: I see. It's a little bit far.

    L: Yes, you can. No. 2 bus can take you there, and it only takes about ten minutes.

    C: Wow! It's quite convenient.

    L: Over there. Look! The bus is coming.

    C: Thank you very much.


    A. I will go to the History museum.

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Can I take a bus?

    D. How long will it take me to walk there?

    E. What do you think of the History Museum?

    F. Where is the bus stop?

    G. You can see the museum on your right.

  • 43. 根据所给情景或提示,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文。

    现在,越来越多的学生使用“作业帮”( Homework Help App)来查找家庭作业答案。对此,学校在学生中进行了相应的问卷调查,请根据下面表格内容完成调查报告。





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        Homework Help App becomes more and more popular among the students in China. Is it helpful to us students? We did a survey on it in our school.……

