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新目标(Go for it)版八年级英语下学期期末综合能力评...

更新时间:2017-11-08 浏览次数:1181 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 听第一段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What's wrong with Tom?    
      A . He has a headache. B . He has a fever. C . He has the flu.
    2. (2) When did Tom begin to feel terrible?  
      A . About two days ago. B . About three days ago. C . About four days ago.
  • 12. 听第二段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) When did the accident happen?    
      A . At 8:45 a.m. B . At 9:15 a.m. C . At 9:45 a.m.
    2. (2) Where did the car hit the old man?  
      A . In front of the park. B . In front of the cinema. C . In front of the zoo.
    3. (3) What color was the car driver's sweater?    
      A . Red. B . Black. C . Brown.
  • 13. 听短文,选择最佳答案
    1. (1) How old is Jim?    
      A . 15. B . 25. C . 35.
    2. (2) When did Jim climb the mountain?    
      A . On Monday. B . On Tuesday. C . On Wednesday.
    3. (3) What happened to Jim?    
      A . He lost an arm. B . He broke a leg. C . He had a fever.
    4. (4) What did Jim do on the ground?  
      A . He wrote a message with stones. B . He threw away the stones. C . He dug a hole.
    5. (5) Who is Jenny?
      A . Jim's teacher. B . Jim's sister. C . Jim's group member.
  • 14. Alice has    alarm and    alarm goes off at 7:30 every morning.    
    A . the;the B . an;an C . the;an D . an;the
  • 15. Shanghai is      the biggest cities in the world.I look forward to visiting it.    
    A . over B . against C . among D . through
  • 16. Jill hasn't called Mr.Brown       she said she would.    
    A . if B . whenever C . until D . even though
  • 17. This is a young team with strong fighting     . I'm sure it will win the game.    
    A . spirit B . stress C . kindness D . meaning
  • 18. 一Fred was late for work yesterday.

        一It's      !He's always on time.

    A . possible B . unusual C . clear D . traditional
  • 19. 一May I       you that Mr.White is waiting outside,Mrs.Green?

        —Oh, that's right.I forgot about it.

    A . believe B . cheat C . encourage D . remind
  • 20. 一What did Miss Wang say?

        一She asked her students      a diary in English every day.

    A . keep B . to keep C . keeping D . kept
  • 21. My father used to      to work, but now he is used to       his bike.    
    A . driving;riding B . driving;ride C . drive;riding D . drive;ride
  • 22. I have been to Central Park many times.Let's go to Green Park.It's the second      park here.   
    A . large B . larger C . largest D . the largest
  • 23. It is such a difficult problem that none of us can       .    
    A . work out it B . work it out C . hand out it D . hand it out
  • 24. There is no need for us      the plan with Mr. Miller.He won't agree.    
    A . to discuss B . discussing C . to prepare D . preparing
  • 25.       the food of a restaurant is,    the restaurant will get.     
    A . More delicious;more popular B . Most delicious;most popular C . The more delicious;the more popular D . The most delicious;the most popular
  • 26. 一Bob,what did the weather report say just now?

        一Sorry, Dad. I didn't hear,because I        on the phone.

    A . am talking B . would talk C . talk D . was talking
  • 27. Morn,I     cleaning my room.Can I watch the women's curling match of the 2017 Asian Winter Games(2017年亚洲冬季运动套女子冰壶比赛)now?
    A . finish B . am finishing C . have finished D . will fairish
  • 28. 一Could you please bring us something to drink?

        一        . Tea or juice?

    A . Never mind B . Yes.sure C . It's up to you D . That's right
  • 29. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Three years ago, teachers at Denton School knew there was a big problem.The school buildings were very old,the gym(体育馆)wasn't very good and the library was small.There were1modem science labs(实验室).They knew they2a new school!

        The teachers3to ask the students what kind of new school they wanted.They didn't expect the students to be4.but they were surprised.The students wanted to plan and design(设计)5new school! Headmaster Simon Roberts thought this was a fantastic6.A group of students worked with an architect(建筑师)to plan me buildings.They talked about all the different possibilities and looked at different designs.In the end, they chose to have small classrooms7this meant there was space for a big new library, a modem science lab and a great gym.Other groups of8chose things like desks,chairs and books for the library.

        Everyone in the school,both teachers and  students,helped9the planning in some way.It took two years to10the new school and there was a special event to open the school last year.Of course.all the students love their new school!

    A . no B . few C . some D . many
    A . lost B . saw C . needed D . protected
    A . waited B . decided C . refused D . promised
    A . perfect B . nervous C . honest D . interested
    A . their B . our C . his D . her
    A . question B . deal C . idea D . skill
    A . if B . until C . though D . because
    A . teachers B . students C . architects D . artists
    A . with B . about C . of D . on
    A . build B . open C . visit D . .choose
  • 30. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:What are those.Ben?

    B:I like collecting them.

    A:Cool!  They are small but they look real!

    B:I have collected them since I was 6 years old.How about you?

     A:Yes.But mine are nothing like yours.I make them by myself.


    A:Many cars and planes.I also made a small boat last summer holiday.

    B:I've never made any models.

    A:Let me see.Almost three weeks.

    B:Wow, it's a long time.

    A.What kind of models have you built?

    B.When did you start to collect them?

    C.Is it hard?

    D.Where did you get those things?

    E.They are some of my models.

    F.How long does it take to make a model boat?

    G.Do you have models, too?

  • 31. 阅读理解


    Dear Uncle,

        I have finally arrived !It was such a difficult journey, but now I'm here,ready to begin my new life.I'm staying in a hostel(青年招待所)and I'm sharing a room with ten other men.This evening,I' m meeting a friend from our country, and he's going to help me to find a job.

        I hope you are all well.



    Dear Uncle,

        It's so cold here.Tonight they say it's going to snow.That will be a new experience for me, but I don't think I'll enjoy it because I'll be outside in the cold.You found work carrying boxes in a big market during the night.It's tiring,so I hope I will find something better soon.

        You can write to me at the address on the back of this letter.It's a restaurant I go to often.Give my love to everybody and write soon.



    Dear Uncle,

        Thank you for your letter.I'm glad that my cousin is doing well at school.

        Things are getting better here.I've found a flat(公寓)and I'm moving in tomorrow with two friends.It's very small, but it's better than the hostel.And I won't have to work in the market anymore,because I'm going to work at the restaurant I told you about in my last letter.From now on,I'll have a warm place to work,and I'll get free meals.



    1. (1) Who shared a room with Barry in the hostel?    
      A . Ten men. B . His friend. C . Eleven men. D . His cousin.
    2. (2) Barry once worked          .    
      A . at night B . in the morning C . with his Mends D . for his uncle
    3. (3) The flat Barry will move in is      .    
      A . expensive B . cheap C . big D . small
    4. (4) Where will Barry work?    
      A . In a restaurant. B . In a market. C . In a hostel. D . In a school.
    5. (5) After Barry's uncle reads the last letter, he must feel      
      A . surprised B . afraid C . relaxed D . worried
  • 32. 阅读理解


        In many high schools,there are strict rules about using mobile phones.If your phone rings(响)in class,for example,the teacher will be angry because he thinks you disturb (打扰)him and other students.

        Every mobile phone has a ringtone(铃声).It tells you that someone is calling you.Now, there is a ringtone called“mosquitotone”.Using it, students can get calls and messages in class but the teachers will not realize what is happening.How?

        Mosquitotone has a special sound. Only children and teenagers can hear it.As people get older, they are unable to hear some sounds with high, frequencies(频率).As a result,a child or teenager can hear mosquitotone, but someone of 20 or older can't.

        But sometimes, people over 20 can hear mosquitotone.One British boy uses mosquitotone.In class,his phone rang.His math teacher Aaron Brown looked at him and became unhappy, “I heard that.You know the rule:no mobile phone in class.”

        Not all the students are interested in mosquitotone.Jerry Jones a high school student of 17, said,“Using mosquitotone too often is bad for our hearing.I may use it for fun, but not in class.It's unfair to the teachers!”

        What do parents think of mosquitotone ?“I think it is perfect for places like movie theaters.”says Connie Neeson, 44.“Think about it.You're watching a movie and someone's mobile phone rings.Mosquitotone is good because many people don't hear it.However, it also has a bad influence(影响) on their studies if students use it in class.”

    1. (1) What can we know about mosquitotone?    
      A . It mainly serves children and teenagers. B . It is popular in high schools. C . It has a sweet sound. D . It is easy to use.
    2. (2) Aaron Brown was unhappy because      
      A . he could only hear sounds with high frequencies B . his student used a mobile phone in class C . his student didn' t finish homework D . he didn't enjoy his work
    3. (3) Which Of the following about Jerry Jones is TRUE?
      A . He likes watching movies B . He is a high school teacher. C . He thinks mobile phones are useful. D . He refuses to use mosquitotone in class.
    4. (4) How does Connie Neeson feel about using mosquitotone in movie theaters?
      A . It's strange. B . It's interesting. C . It's a good idea. D . It has a bad influence.
    5. (5) The writer wrote this passage mainly to introduce      .    
      A . a strict rule B . a famous school C . a special ringtone D . a popular mobile phone
  • 33. 任务型阅读


        I'm Sarah.I used to have little passion(激情)in my life.But what happened the other day changed my mind.It was then that I learned how important it is to have a passion in life.

        That day I went home in Mom's car.When Mom stopped at a red light.someone on the side of the road caught my eye.It was a man dressed in rags(衣衫褴褛).He was homeless.That didn't interest me.because I had seen many people like him before.Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless.

        But this man was different in some way.He was not sitting alone with a sad look.Instead,he had a radio in his hand and was dancing happy to the music.The radio seemed to be the most precious(珍贵的)thing he had.

    Mom,why does mat man have a radio though he' s homeless?"I asked.

    "Maybe he bought it,"she replied.

    "But why didn't he use the money to buy food or clothes ?He paid for something that he didn't need."

    "Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren't me most important.''

    That man must care so much about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes.I soon realized that happiness is the key to life.

    Since then I am always thinking of what is truly important in life.A home,a meal,clothes—these things are only part of the life.What we often forget is that we all need a joy,a light on a dark day.We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.

    1. (1) 回答问题:How did Sarah go home that day?
    2. (2) 回答问题:What was the homeless man doing when Sarah saw him?
    3. (3) 判断正误:Sarah had a talk with the homeless man.
    4. (4) 判断正误:Sarah wanted her mom to buy a radio for the  homeless mall.
    5. (5) What can we learn from me passage?    
      A . Be happy with what we have. B . Always ask for help when ill trouble. C . It's hard to give people the help they need. D . Happiness is more important than anything else in life.
  • 44. 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

    book.take,so,prize,with,none, move,early,shine,visit

        I was doing my homework and my parents were watching me news when the phone rang.I had won a competition. The was a trip to Guadeloupe with a group! The next day,on my way home from school,I borrowed a(n)  about Guadeloupe from the library and read it at night.

    My flight(航班)to Guadeloupe from Dublin was too  to catch a bus,so my dad drove me to the airport(机场).When my group arrived in Pointe-a-Pitre,Guadeloupe's largest city, a taxi us to the hotel.It was raining and cloudy when we left Dublin but the sun was in Pointe-a-Pitre.

    The others in the group were Spanish and German.French is the language of Guadeloupe but of us could speak it.for the next few days,we had language classes before lunch.After lunch,we different places in the city and in the evening we played cards.

    Then we from our hotel in the city to a small island called Terre-de-Bas.For the next two weeks,I stayed the Dinart family in their house and I became another member of the family.I got on well with them and I really enjoyed my trip.

  • 45. 假如你是王丹,你的美国朋友乔(Joe)邀请你暑假去他居住的城市纽约旅游,但你已制定了暑期计划,不能前往。请你给他写一封电子邮件,说明你的决定及原因。


    Dear Joe.



    Wang Dan

