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更新时间:2020-06-01 浏览次数:174 类型:期中考试
  • 7. 听第一段长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why doesn't the man want to see Niagara Falls?


      A . Because they have been there. B . Because it's too touristy. C . Because there's not much to do there.
    2. (2) Where are the two speakers from?


      A . Canada. B . China. C . The U.S.
  • 8. 听第二段长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) How long has the woman been at the station?
      A . For half an hour. B . For an hour. C . For an hour and a half.
    2. (2) Why does the woman have to wait longer?
      A . Because the train arrives late. B . Because her father missed the train. C . Because her father took the wrong train.
    3. (3) When will the train T48 probably arrive?
      A . At 1 p.m. B . At 2 p.m. C . At 3 p.m.
  • 9. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确的答案。
    1. (1) Whose birthday was it last month?
      A . The speaker's father. B . The speaker's mother. C . The speaker's.
    2. (2) When did the family visit the Design Museum?


      A . On Friday. B . On Saturday. C . On Sunday.
    3. (3) How did the speaker feel when seeing the Big Ben from up to the London Eye?


      A . Disappointed. B . Scared. C . Amazed.
    4. (4) How did the family go to Hyde Park?


      A . On foot. B . By taxi. C . By train.
    5. (5) What did the speaker mainly talking about?


      A . Shopping in London. B . A trip to London. C . A dream about London.
  • 10. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据所听到的短文内容,填入信息(每空一词)。

    Superstar Sports Center


    There is a baseball court and two football courts. There is 400-meter .


    You can , or play basketball and table tennis.

    Also, you can enjoy .

    Free Tickets

    Children under years old can get free tickets.

    Open Hours

    It opens every day except evening.

  • 21. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Henry Bond was about seven years old when his father died. His mother found it1 to support the large family. However, she tried her best to do so. Also, she2 Henry, the eldest son, to school.

        At one time, Henry needed a grammar book for his study. His family was so 3that his mother could not afford one.

        One morning, Henry found that a deep snow had fallen, and the 4 wind was blowing. "Ah," he said, "it is an ill wind that blows nobody good." With these words, he ran to the house of a neighbor, and offered his 5 to move away the snow around it. The offer was accepted. When he finished the work, he received his 6 Then he went to another place for the 7 purpose, and then to another, 8he had earned (挣得) enough to buy a grammar book.

        From that time, Henry was9 the first in all his classes. He knew no such word as "10", and he succeeded in all he tried to do. Having the will, he always found the way.

    A . easy B . fun C . difficult D . possible
    A . returned B . sent C . followed D . lent
    A . large B . small C . rich D . poor
    A . cold B . warm C . cool D . hot
    A . service B . choice C . money D . interest
    A . book B . pay C . letter D . study
    A . last B . strange C . same D . boring
    A . if B . because C . since D . until
    A . always B . never C . already D . seldom
    A . help B . fail C . try D . give
  • 22. 阅读理解

        It's that time again—to say goodbye to another year, look to the future and think about what is to come. Here are two things we all look forward to in the year 2016.

        The opening of Shanghai's new Disneyland Park has been highly expected since construction(建设) began in April 2008. It will be finished in June in 2016. When it opens, the park will have the biggest castle(城堡) of any Disneyland and one of the largest lakes too. There are also new special attractions, especially for Chinese visitors. One of these will be the zodiac(十二生肖) character garden. A Disney character will represent each of the zodiac characters.

        Also, the four-year wait is over. The Summer Olympics are back in Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢), Brazil! Altogether 10,500 athletes from 206 countries and regions(地区)around the world are preparing to compete and trying to bring home one of the 306 gold medals from the Rio Olympics. Golf and rugby(橄榄球) are two new events being reintroduced(再引入)to the games this year. So the games in the Rio Olympic will increase to 28.

    1. (1) How long did it take to build Shanghai's new Disneyland Park?
      A . Six years. B . Seven years. C . Eight years. D . Nine years.
    2. (2) Which is/are the special attraction(s) for the visitors?
      A . Donald Duck. B . Mickey Mouse. C . Minnie Mouse. D . Zodiac characters.
    3. (3) What are the two new events in the Rio Olympics?
      A . Baseball and golf. B . Tennis and rugby. C . Golf and rugby. D . Volleyball and basketball.
  • 23. 阅读理解

        Have you ever wanted to achieve something really amazing in life? Well, Greg Morten son wanted to climb a mountain, but he ended up helping thousands of people to have a better life.

        Greg's story began with failure. In 1993, he set out to climb K2, the world's second highest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five days, he stumbled(踉跄) into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured(受伤) and hungry. The kind villagers there looked after him for several days.

        Greg saw that the villagers were very poor and hungry, and some of them were ill. Also, the village school didn't have a roof(屋顶) and the children wrote on the ground with sticks. Greg knew he wanted to do something to help." I'll build you a school," he told the villagers. "I promise."

        Greg went back home to the USA to raise money for the school. He even lived in the car to save money! Finally he went back to Korphe and built the school. But this was just the beginning of something bigger! Since then, Greg's organization has built around 80 schools and runs many others in Pakistan and other countries, too.

        Greg hasn't finished yet. He does many other things to help people in poor c ountries. He has got many prizes, but it's the smiles of the children he has helped that makes him happy!

        Greg has just written a best-selling book about his story called Three Cups of Tea. It's an interesting and exciting book which tells us what ordinary(普通的)people can do with courage and determination(决心)!

    1. (1) What was wrong with Greg when he got to the village for the first time?
      A . He fell ill. B . He was badly hurt and hungry. C . He lost his way. D . He failed in his business.
    2. (2) How did Greg keep his promise to build a school?
      A . He raised and saved money. B . He did business to make money. C . He wrote a book to sell for money. D . He borrowed money from his friends.  
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "this" refer to?
      A . Saving money. B . Living in the car. C . Raising money. D . Building the school.
    4. (4) What's the main idea of this passage?
      A . Building schools can help people to have a better life. B . We have to do something in return to those who help us. C . Ordinary people can make a difference to people's lives. D . Climbing mountains is a good start to help poor people.
  • 24. 阅读理解

        Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England. People there used to drink a light beer(啤酒). No coffee or milk but large glasses of beer stood on the breakfast table!

        When tea was first brought to England, an old couple got some as a special treat. But they did not know how it should be used. They cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon(熏肉) which they were going to have for dinner. They ate the leaves, and threw the tea away! However, tea is becoming as popular as coffee and milk in England today.

        Tea is the leaf of a plant which grows widely in China, Japan and some other countries. Tea famers usually grow many tea plants on a large piece of land. When the tea leaves are ready to be picked, it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a year. They pull off on the leaves and dry them. In their spare time, they pick out the best leaves and get them ready for market. In china, whenever a visitor comes into a house, he is served with a cup of tea.

    1. (1) What was served for breakfast in England long ago?


      A . Beer. B . Tea. C . Coffee. D . Milk.
    2. (2) How did the old couple deal with the tea leaves?


      A . They sold them. B . They ate them. C . They burnt them. D . They threw them away.
    3. (3) Tea farmers are the busiest in a year when they _____.


      A . serve visitors at home B . sell tea in the market C . pick and dry tea leaves D . look for a piece of land
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can read the text?


      A . Nature. B . Culture. C . Environment. D . Technology.
  • 25. 阅读理解

        The China Foundation for poverty Alleviation(中国扶贫基金会) has started a program to hire and train 100 local women as substitute mothers(替代妈妈) to take care of left-behind children. The three-year program will select 100 villages across Sichuan Province and hire one woman each village.

        "It's a model to solve the problem of left-behind children." said Liu Wenkui, Secretary of the foundation. The "substitute mothers" will do parents' job, finding out what the children need and helping them with problems. Each substitute mother will take of about 300 to 500 children. There will be a "children's home" in each village to be the mother's office and children's playing space. Their job will provide quick service, discover the children's problems.

        The program hopes to hire women aged 19 to 55 years old from the villages." We want to hire full-time 'mothers' to make sure they won't think about other work," Liu said. "We want local women because they understand local languages and cultures." The program in Sichuan is an experiment, and Liu said," If it is a successful model, we will start it in the whole country."

        If parents are forced to leave home to earn a living and unable to take their children with them, we are looking for a transitional(过渡的) way to solve the problem, he added.

    1. (1) What's the Chinese meaning of the under word "left-behind"?
      A . 留守 B . 弱智 C . 单身 D . 辍学
    2. (2) How long will the program last?


      A . Three months. B . One year. C . Three years. D . Ten years.
    3. (3) Who is possible to be a substitute mother?


      A . A girl at the age of 19. B . A woman with a part-time job. C . A man from the local village. D . A woman who knows local language.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?


      A . Left-behind children's problems. B . Substitute mothers in villages. C . Left-behind women's problems. D . Substitute children in villages.
  • 26. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下面的对话。(其中有两项是多余的)

    A: Mr Smiths, I'm worried these days.


    A: I don't know how to improve my English listening.

    B: I think you need more practice.

    A: I've done that.

    B: When you listen to tapes, don't stop when you can't understand some words.

    A: I see. By the way, there is an English party this evening in our school. Would you like to come?

    B: Of course.

    A: Good. Let's meet at seven o'clock outside the gate.

    B: OK. See you then.

    A: See you.

    A. What should I do?

    B. Why not?

    C. How is it going on well?

    D. What's your problem?

    E. But I often can't understand the speaker.

    F. I can't agree with you.

    G. You can listen to English tapes or programs on the radio or TV.

  • 27. 阅读短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish (invent), was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833, but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Immanuel, (make) a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. Immanuel Nobel invented landmine and made a lot of money from the government during the Crimean War, went bankrupt(破产) soon after. Then, the family returned to Sweden in 1859, when Alfred began his own study of explosives(炸药) in his lab. He had never been to university but he taught , and by the time he was twenty, he (become) a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, (speak) Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. He spent much time and money working on how to end the wars, until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in he left money to provide prizes outstanding(杰出的) work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature and peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideas. And so, the man is remembered and respected long after his (dead).

  • 28. 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





        Recently a popular song "Where has the time gone" are sung

    by many people in China. It tells us not waste time. Time is life.

    Time is power. Here is a saying: "Time is money." Time is very

    important, and it is much valuable than money. But some people

    do not realize them. They do not make full use of their time. They

    spend their time talking or playing or doing anything useless.

    Time flies quick, and life is short. The lost time will never return

    back. So wasting time means wasting part of your life. As a student,

    we should make full use of our time such that we can make a

    contribution to our country in the future. Never leave today work till tomorrow.





  • 29. 书面表达

    英文有句谚语 “East, wast, home's best.”某英文报以此为标题,向广大中学生征文。请根据下面图表信息写一篇短文,介绍你家的情况。内容包括:你家的居室及居住环境、家庭成员及家庭成员之间的关系,并谈谈如何让你的家更美好。

    提示: 1)短文应包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯;



    East, wast, home's best

