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浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit...

更新时间:2020-02-20 浏览次数:136 类型:同步测试
  • 11.     Jack is1 English boy. He wants  2 a friend in China. His eating habit 3  healthy.

         He 4   fruits and vegetables. Cabbages and 5   are his favorite vegetable. He often has fruit salad 6   dinner. He doesn't eat hamburger7  ice-cream. He doesn't want to 8   fat.

         Next to his home is a clothes store. They sell things at very good 9  . Today Jack wants to 10  a new sweater. He 11 to the clothes store with his mother. The sweaters in all 12  are $35 each. Jack likes blue very much, 13  he takes a blue one.

         Do you like 14  ? Do you want to be his friend? You can e-mail him 15   Jack8118@163.com.

    A . a     B . an     C . the     D . 不填
    A . to have      B . have   C . has    D . to has
    A . be           B . are    C . is     D . am
    A . like        B . dislike    C . dislikes  D . likes
    A . Bananas     B . Apples  C . Carrots D . Oranges
    A . for        B . with   C . to D . in
    A . and         B . or   C . but   D . on
    A . am         B . is C . are   D . be
    A . stores   B . prices  C . dollars  D . questions
    A . see         B . think     C . buy    D . sell
    A . goes    B . go C . come D . going
    A . sizes   B . names   C . numbers D . colors
    A . so           B . and     C . but    D . after
    A . he        B . his   C . him  D . he's
    A . in         B . at  C . for D . to
  • 12. (2017八下·东莞期中)


        I'm really good at selling things. I also love helping people. But I'm not so good at solving(解决) problems. I think I'd like to be a salesman or a detective(侦探).   

        I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I don't enjoy working in the same place every day, and I don't like being in noisy places. I think I'd like to be a factory worker or a carpenter(木匠).

        I'm good at explaining things and I really like children. I can't standworking long hours. I think I'd like to be a doctor or a teacher.

        I'm really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. I'm not so good at organizing(安排) my time and computers. I am going to be a model or an accountant(会计).

    1. (1) Larry wants to be          .

      A . a worker or a teacher B . a nurse or a doctor  C . a salesman or a detective D . a model or a carpenter 
    2. (2) Anita doesn't enjoy working in          .

      A . the same place B . different places C . noisy places D . A and C
    3. (3)           wants to be a teacher or a doctor?

      A . Anita B . Jill C . Maria D . Larry
    4. (4) Maria likes           .

      A . meeting people B . wearing different clothes C . A and B D . working nights and weekends
    5. (5) What does "can't stand" mean in Chinese?

      A . 不能忍受 B . 不能站立 C . 可以忍受 D . 可以站立
  • 13. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。
    1. (1) 你想要哪种面条?

        of noodles  you like?

    2. (2) 你要多大碗的?我要大碗的。

        would you like?

      — I'd like a  .

    3. (3) 牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗?

        any  in the beef soup?

    4. (4) 我想要带胡萝卜的牛肉面。

      I'd like some    carrots.

    5. (5) 你想吃什么?

      What  you   eat?

  • 14. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

    1. (1) My son likes (牛肉) very much.

    2. (2) What (尺寸) would you like?

    3. (3) They have small, medium and (大号的) bowls.

    4. (4) He often (点菜) egg and chips in the restaurant.

    5. (5) How much (肉) would you like?

  • 15. 看图写单词。


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