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浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit...

更新时间:2020-02-20 浏览次数:197 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 根据方框所给出的选项完成对话。

    A. She has long blonde, curly hair.

    B. She's from America.

    C. I think I know her.

    D. Yes, she does. And she can speak a little Chinese.

    E. Yes, that's her.

    A: I hear(听说) you have a new friend.

    B: Yes.  

    A: What does she look like?


    A: Is she tall

    B: Yes. She's tall and thin.

    A: Does she often wear glasses?


    A:  She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants.

    B:  She's Betty.

  • 12.


    I am Alice. I like Wechat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you can use it for free. It can be used in my mobile phone. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom Wang. Through Wechat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. It's amazing.

    I am David. I love Micro blog. I update my Micro blog when I am free. We can share instant (即时的) messages with each other. I often look through Yao Chen's Micro blog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Micro blog, for example, "I'm in blue today. I didn't pass the exam." Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc. with my friends. It is fun.

    I'm Lily. I don't like Wechat or Micro blog. I don't believe them. There are so many crimes(愚蠢行为) on Wechat. Many people are cheated (欺骗) because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. It is not a real world. As to Micro blog, I don't think it is a good way to make friends. And you should write something no more than 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I don't want my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的) girl.

    1. (1) Who loves Micro blog?

      A . Alice. B . David. C . Lily. D . Leekom Wang.
    2. (2) What does Alice think about Wechat?

      A . It's fast and convenient. B . It's fashionable but slow. C . It's safe and useful. D . It's fun but expensive.
    3. (3) Why doesn't Lily believe Wechat?

      A . Because many people are cheated on Wechat easily. B . Because she doesn't like to say anything to her friends. C . Because she doesn't think it is a good way to make friends. D . Because she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to others.
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

      A . We chat has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. B . David can share his feelings instantly on Micro blog. C . Lily prefers reading to writing. D . There is a word limit on Micro blog.
    5. (5) From the passage we can learn David is _______.

      A . a low-key boy B . an open-minded boy C . a stupid boy D . a lazy boy
  • 13. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

    1. (1) 那个著名的女演员戴着搞笑的眼镜。

      The famous wears glasses.

    2. (2) 有人看到犯罪行为就告诉警察罪犯长什么样。

      Some people see and tell the police what the look like.

    3. (3) 他们向警察描述同一个人。

      They person to the police.

    4. (4) 让我来告诉你李易峰长什么样。

      Let me tell you Li Yifeng .

    5. (5) 我喜欢周杰伦是因为他真的很酷。

      I like Zhou Jielun he is .

  • 14. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。

    1. (1) (每个) student in our class has an English storybook.

    2. (2) Can I (放) my bike here?

    3. (3) Can you (描述) the criminal?

    4. (4) They tell the story in the same (方式).

    5. (5) At the e of this street, you'll see a supermarket.

  • 15. 根据汉语提示完成句子

    1. (1) My brother is good at (画) pictures.

    2. (2) She takes out her book and (放) it on the table.

    3. (3) Lucy has big black (眼睛).

    4. (4) In the (结束),Tom won(赢)the game.

    5. (5) (每个) person has different (方式;路线)to see things.

