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七年级英语下册Unit 11 How was your sc...

更新时间:2017-07-31 浏览次数:210 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 听第一段对话,回答下面小题。

    What did the woman buy?

    A . A car. B . A dress. C . A bike.
  • 17. 听第二段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What's the matter with the woman?
      A . She has a sore throat. B . She has a headache. C . She has a toothache.
    2. (2) Will they go to the doctor's together?
      A . Yes, they will. B . No, they won't. C . We don't know.
  • 18. 听第三段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) Why does the boy want to send his teachers cards?
      A . Because Teachers' Day is coming. B . Because he will go to another school next Monday. C . Because he will finish school next week.
    2. (2) What does the girl advise him to do?
      A . To make some cards. B . To ask his parents for some money. C . Either A or

