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更新时间:2019-10-29 浏览次数:190 类型:期中考试
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        The Artic Region (北极地区) is one of the coldest place in the world. It is cold all year round. Spring comes from May to June. The ice and 1 begin to melt (融化). The plants begin 2 and the animals look for food. The summer comes from July to August. The temperature is summer can get only -8℃. It should be 3 warmest season here. Autumn comes from 4 to October and it lasts short. 5 comes quickly from November to April next year. Winter is the 6 and coldest season of a year. And the Artic Region is filled with ice and snow everywhere. At this time there is no 7. So it looks like night in winter.

        Are there any people living in such a 8 lace? Yes, they are Eskimos (爱斯基摩人). It is 9 for them to live there, 10 they live happily with a long history.

    A . rain B . snow C . sunshine
    A . grow B . grows C . to grow
    A . an B . a C . The
    A . September B . October C . August
    A . Spring B . Summer C . Winter
    A . shortest B . longest C . Warmest
    A . sunshine B . rain C . Ice
    A . hot B . Warm C . Cold
    A . happy B . easy C . Difficult
    A . and B . but C . so
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        A farmer loses his watch in the barn (谷仓). He is worried because the watch has many stories for him.

        After looking carefully everywhere for a long time, he can't find it Then he asks for help of a few children playing outside the barn. He says, "If you find my watch, I can give you a lot of money."

        Hearing this, the children run into the barn to look for the watch, but they can't find it. Then, a little boy says he wants to look for it again.

        The farmer looks at him and asks him to look for it again. After a few minutes, the little boy comes out with the watch in his hand! The farmer is happy and surprised. He asks the boy about it.

        "I do nothing," answers the boy, "I just sit on the ground and listen. In the silence, I hear the ticking (滴答声) of the watch and then find it."

    1. (1) What does the farmer think of his lost watch?
      A . New. B . Old. C . Expensive. D . Important.
    2. (2) Where do the children play?
      A . Outside the barn. B . Inside the barn. C . On the road. D . In the yard.
    3. (3) Who finds the lost watch at last?
      A . The farmer. B . The farmer's son. C . A little boy. D . A nice girl.
    4. (4) What do you think of the little boy?
      A . Bad. B . Funny. C . Clever. D . Friendly.
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . The farmer likes his watch very much. B . The farmer asks some children to help him. C . The little boy finds the watch outside the barn. D . The little boy finds the watch by hearing the ticking of the watch.
  • 18. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Hi, I am Sandra. I am thirteen years old. I like singing, so I have music classes every weekend. I don't have to study at weekends because I do well in all my subjects. On Sunday I often help my grandmother with housework.

        My name's Henry. I am twelve years old On Saturday, my father teaches me to learn Maths at home for two hours in the morning. On Sunday, I always stay at home to do my homework. I have much homework to do. I hope not to be so busy, but my mother always says I have to study well.

        I am Betty. I am thirteen years old. On Saturday, I usually do my homework. I am free on Sunday, so I can do everything I like I often meet my friend. Sometimes we go to the movies. Sometimes we go to the library for reading. We have a good time. But if it rains, I have to stay at home and I fee bored.

    1. (1) Why does NOT Sandra need to study at weekends?
      A . Because she is busy with her music classes. B . Because she is good at her subjects. C . Because she has to help her grandmother do housework. D . Because she doesn't like to study at weekends
    2. (2) From the passage, we can know Henry's father is good at ________.
      A . History B . English C . Geography D . Maths
    3. (3) Which of the following about Betty is TRUE?
      A . She doesn't have to do her homework on Saturday. B . She can do everything she likes on Sunday. C . She always has a good time on Sunday. D . She likes rain on Sunday very much.
    4. (4) Who do you think is the most hard-working of the three students at weekends?
      A . Sandra B . Betty C . Henry D . No one
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us ________.
      A . the daily life of the three students at weekends B . the study of the three students C . what the three students like to do at weekends D . what classes the three students have at weekends
  • 19. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        There are ways of knowing about the weather. One important way is to study the clouds.

        We can see different kinds of clouds and watch them for signs of changing weather. To forecast the weather, we should look for three things about clouds: movement, colour and change.

        As a rule, the higher the clouds, the better the weather. And the lower the clouds, the worse the weather is going to be. When the thick clouds get bigger early in the day, it will rain. When a dark cloud appears, a storm is coming.

        Colours in the sky tell us about the weather too. For example, a golden ring around the Moon also tells us that a storm is on the way.

        The rainbow also has a message (信息). When the Sun is in the east and a rainbow is in the west, the rain may be coming its way. When the Sun is in the west and the rainbow is in the east, the rain will be moving away from us.

    1. (1) What is the important way to know about the weather?
      A . To study the clouds. B . To study the colours. C . To study the rainbow. D . To study the Sun.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . The higher the clouds, the worse the weather is going to be. B . When the thick clouds get bigger in the morning, it will rain. C . When a dark cloud appears, it will rain. D . The lower the clouds, the better the weather.
    3. (3) What does a golden ring around the Moon tell us?
      A . The weather is going to be fine. B . It will rain. C . A storm is coming. D . The rain will be moving away from us.
    4. (4) What can we know about the rainbow from the passage?
      A . The rainbow can give us a message about the weather. B . When it's going to rain, the rainbow is in the east. C . When the rainbow is in the west, the rain will be moving away from us. D . People like to see rainbows because they are so beautiful.
  • 20. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        A forest is an area of land with many trees. Many animals need forests to live in, Forests are very important and they are common all over the world. People cut down many forests to build houses because the number of people becomes larger and larger. People cut down the forests, which is harmful to the animals. People even build roads to pass through the forests so that they can get to the place they want to get to in a fast way. People damage the forests to build towns, cities, farms, factories and other things.

        Forests usually have an average temperature (平均温度) of 4℃ to 10℃. The low temperature is from-10℃ to-6℃. The high temperature is from 20℃ to 27℃. There is lots of rain in the forests, so many animals live in the pools on the ground. People use trees in the forests to make furniture (家具), toys, pencils, etc.

    1. (1) What does the writer think of the forests on Earth according the passage?
      A . They are beautiful. B . They are dirty. C . They are important. D . They are dead.
    2. (2) Why do people damage the forests?
      A . Because they need trees to make toys. B . Because they need to build more houses. C . Because they need to build roads. D . A, B and C
    3. (3) What is the average temperature of the forests?
      A . 4℃—10℃ B . -10℃—6℃ C . 20℃—27℃ D . 4℃—27℃
    4. (4) Which of the following CANNOT people make with wood?
      A . Furniture B . Toys C . Pencils D . Cars
    5. (5) What do people damage the forests to do?
      A . To build towns, cities, farms, factories and so on. B . To protect animals. C . To make money. D . To protect the environment.
  • 21. 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

        You may know several kinds of police, traffic police and street police. But have you ever heard of energy-saving (节能) police?

        A group of 22 new policemen went to work in Beijing. They went around the city to see the use of energy in hotels, office buildings, shopping centres and other public places. One of their aims is to make sure that these places have set their air conditioners (空调) no cooler than 26℃.

        They also set up a special phone hotline so that people can tell them which building doesn't follow the rule.

        "If everyone sets the air conditioner at 26℃, Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in one summer. That's one third of all the usage of the city in the season, said an advertisement."

        A show was held in Beijing last week on energy-saving technology (技术) and productions to introduce a green life to the public. Environmentally—friendly machines, like a machine that helps collect used bottles, have attracted lots of attention.

        "We want to tell people that there are some ways to protect the environment. Each of us can find effective (有效的) ways to do it in our daily life," said Liu Qianguang, an environmental engineer.

    1. (1) The job of the energy-saving policemen is ________.
      A . to set the air conditioner cooler B . to check (检查) the use of energy in public C . to set up a special phone hotline D . to produce (生产) more energy
    2. (2) Beijing will use ________ million kilowatt-hours of electricity in one summer.
      A . 1, 200 B . 800 C . 400 D . 133
    3. (3) The phrase "Environmentally—friendly" most probably means "________".
      A . 友好的 B . 环境友好的 C . 自动的 D . 有吸引力的
    4. (4) According to Liu Qianguang, ________.
      A . there are few ways to protect the environment B . it's difficult to find good ways to save energy C . it's easy for us to do something good for the environment D . we can save only a little energy in our daily life
  • 22. 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。

        There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, the weather is warm. It is good time for walking. And the Sun always (shine) brightly. Summer comes spring. It is very hot. The children like to go (swim). It often rains. Sometimes it rains (heavy). In autumn it is cool. It's also a time (take) a walk. The farmers are busy (harvest). The leaves fall the trees. Winter is a very cold season in a year. The wind blows (strong). Sometimes it snows, and we can make (snowman).

  • 23. 地球是我们人类共同的家园。“低碳、环保”已成为当今时代的主题。目前,我市英语学会准备在全市中学生中开展以"Save our Earth"为题的英文征文活动。请你根据以下提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。


    参考词汇:disaster n.灾难


    Save our Earth

        We all live on Earth. It's our home.


        Let's take action.

