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外研版初中英语九年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 T...

更新时间:2019-09-11 浏览次数:175 类型:同步测试
  • 26. 完形填空

        Bill and Cathy wanted to go on a holiday. They chose a place called Maldives (马尔代夫). And they decided to1there for two weeks in spring, because they heard that the weather there was perfect at that time. They worked very hard for several months. Finally, they made enough money for their dream2. But their trip was more like a nightmare(噩梦)!

        The problem began when the flight was put off because of the bad weather. They couldn't leave3 night. They finally got on the plane twelve hours later! But they4fly to Maldives because there was a storm. They had 1o fly to the capital city instead. There they stayed in a small hotel5the airport.

        The hotel was next to the sea, but the sea was6dirty that they couldn't swim in it. And the hotel swimming pool was full of leaves! The food was awful, too. For breakfast there was 7 bread and milk! The worst part was when the storm came, they felt really8. Because of the bad weather, they had to stay for another night in the small hotel. And they had9to do. It was so boring. Finally, they10in Maldives three days later, and someone told them the weather there had been wonderful all the time!

    A . run B . work C . stay D . see
    A . trip B . job C . college D . clothes
    A . after B . since C . until D . from
    A . needn't B . couldn't C . shouldn't D . won't
    A . near B . from C . across D . next
    A . hardly B . much C . so D . enough
    A . only B . many C . few D . any
    A . full B . quiet C . happy D . terrible
    A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything
    A . reached B . arrived C . got D . moved
  • 27. 阅读理解

    Here is some information about some of the wonders of the world. I am sure you will be interested in them.

    The Pyramids of Egypt

    There are about eighty pyramids known today. The most well-known was for Pharaoh(法老) Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”. It's also the largest one. Workers used about 2. 3 million blocks of stone to build it. (A)人们用了20年的时间才建成。

    The Hanging Garden of Babylon

    The garden sat on a hill. It was a large and wonderful structure(建筑物). Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱). There were many big and green trees with lovely flowers. Although there are many different ideas about the garden, we are not sure whether this wonder ever existed(存在)!

    The Lighthouse of Alexandria

    The Lighthouse of Alexandria was designed about 2, 000 years ago. It was in Egypt, too. It was one of the ancient wonders of the world, about 135 metres high. It was once the highest building in the world. Although it doesn't exist now, many people come to see its relic(遗址) every year.

    1. (1) The passage has talked about _______ wonders of the world.

      A . one B . two C . three D . four
    2. (2) “_______” has the same meaning as Sentence(A).

      A . We built it for twenty years. B . It spent twelve years building it. C . It took the people twenty years to build it. D . Workers took twelve years to build it.
    3. (3) _______ raised high up the parts of the garden.

      A . Big green trees B . Lovely flowers C . Stones D . Large columns
    4. (4) The Chinese meaning of the underlined sentence is “_______”.

      A . 它是世界奇迹之一 B . 它是世界古代奇观之一 C . 它是世界古代奇观 D . 它是世界自然奇观之一
    5. (5) Which is NOT true?

      A . The Great Pyramid has used many stones to build. B . Scientists can prove that the Hanging Garden of Babylon has ever existed. C . The Lighthouse of Alexandria was in Egypt. D . The Lighthouse of Alexandria was about 135 metres high.

