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更新时间:2019-06-10 浏览次数:380 类型:中考模拟
一、Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)
二、Complete the following passage with the words or phrases(选词或短语完成短文)
  • 21. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每个单词或词组只能用一次。)

    A. stood for    B. actually    C. good luck    D. directly    E. easier

        2019 is the Year of the Pig according to Chinese tradition. Do you know what pigs are really like? People sometimes say, "You are as stupid as a pig." But pigs are not stupid. They are one of the 10 smartest animals. They have a good memory and can tell different shapes apart. Many experts think pigs are to train than dogs or cats. In France, people teach pigs to find truffles(松露). With their good sense of smell, they can find truffles even faster than dogs. People in ancient China really liked pigs. People thought the pigs big head and ears were a symbol of . If someone had a round and chubby face, he or she was thought to be blessed(有福气的). People also believed the animal wealth. Piggy banks are a symbol of this. Most children have piggy banks that they can use to save money.

    A. materials    B. proud of    C. happiness    D. appear    E. familiar with

        People born in the Year of the Pig are said to be fun, patient and understanding. But some say they care for others too much and are willing to sacrifice their own . They also forget things quickly. Many famous people were born in the Year of the Pig, such as US writer Earnest Hemingway and Chinese athlete Liu Xiang. Pigs often in fairy tales, cartoons and movies. In the story the Three Little Pigs, a mother pig sends her three children to live on their own. Each of them builds a house with different . When the big bad wolf comes, each pig hides in his own house. Whose house will survive? Another popular pig is Mc Dull. He is a little pink pig who lives in Hong Kong. He is not bright, but he works hard. One of his simple wishes is to make his mother him. He also wants to go to the Maldives and have a turkey dinner for Christmas.

三、Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)
四、Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子)
五、Reading comprehension (阅读理解)
  • 37. Choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最佳答案)

        You are going to read a radio guide and a transcript (文本) of a radio phone-in

    Radio station guide

    Live Radio YourSay--Phone-in Monday 14 April


    Gordon Lee hosts the young people's phone-in programme. Today's topic: Understanding the opposite sex.

    Ring 5500 6069 to have your say on the similarities and differences between boys and girls.

    (Calls are free from landlines. S1. 10 per minute from mobiles)


    Gordon: Welcome to the show. I'm sure everyone will have something to say about today's topic: Understanding the opposite sex. Boys like computers and football, while girls like talking and shopping. Is that true? Or is it nonsense? Let's hear from our first caller, Laura.

    Laura: I think girls like to chat and talk about everything. This helps us develop better language skills. In my school, all the best students at languages are girls.

    Gordon: Well, research does suggest that girls have better language abilities. These can be seen even at the age of three, when girls can express opinions better and know double the number of words as boys.

    Lanni: I like shopping with friends and looking for clothes together.

    Gordon: In general, girls have a more visual memory. Perhaps that is why they like shopping. They remember colours and shapes better, and also names and faces.

    Joe: My mother keeps telling me that my room is a mess, but my sister's bedroom is always tidy.

    Gordon: Girls can usually record details better, like the order and position of things and furniture in a room. So, when any of those are not in their place, girls can notice at once.

    Nathan: Boys are stronger than girls. Girls often need help with carrying heavy objects. We can run faster too.

    Gordon: Well, boys do have proportionally(成比例地) more muscle for their body weight. In general, they can carry more weight and can move more quickly than girls of the same size.

    Julius: We have better eyesight than girls. I can see the number of the bus that is coming long before my sister can.

    Gordon: That's true. Boys tend to have better long-distance vision than girls. However, we often don't see things that are right under our noses!

    1. (1) The phone-in programme is mainly for    .
      A . parents B . young people C . hosts D . elderly people
    2. (2) The underlined word "These" in Paragraph 3 of the transcript refers to      .
      A . The phone-in programmes B . Boys' language skills C . Girls' better language D . The radio station guides
    3. (3) According to Gordon, girls like shopping because____________________.
      A . they like going out with friends B . boys can help them carry heavy things C . they pay more attention to details D . they can remember colours and shapes better
    4. (4)      believes that boys have better eyesight than girls.
      A . Julius B . Lanni C . Nathan D . Laura
    5. (5) According to the transcript, when comparing a boy and a girl of the same height and weight, the boy will usually    _.
      A . have a better visual memory B . record details better C . be less tidy D . have a higher percentage of muscle
    6. (6) The best title of the passage might be "    ".
      A . Developing better language skills B . Understanding the opposite sex C . Recording more details D . Expressing opinions better
  • 38. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的词或词语完成短文)

        Hello, everyone, welcome to our Chitchat. In last week's Chitchat, we asked our readers if they could re-select their major--the main subject of study in college, which one they would pick. Here are some of their ideas.

        If I got do-over(重来), I will make a change

        @Jim Zhang

        If I got do-over I would choose 1. I'm really fond of teaching kids. Honestly, I had no idea about what I wanted to do or what I really liked even after graduation. Three years later, I realized that it was a great loss of time to think too much about what I should do, because what I really need is doing it with all heart and keeping on. Unfortunately, I was too young to realize that at that time.

        If I got do-over, I will 2.


        I can get do-over, I would choose my original major. For me, majoring in mathematics was3. Proving mathematical theories in words was crazy. However, it is mathematics that makes me have strong logical thinking. The biggest pity about my major is that I didn't try as hard as I should. In a word, I don't regret choosing mathematics as my major but I regret not learning it better and further.

        Do-over is not in my list


        4, I don't regret my choice. As an English teacher, sometimes it's hard to improve students' English level. But when I see great progress that students have made, I feel really content. Anyway, every field needs5. For students, being good at English is not the only way to success. I' m really pleased with their progress, even not in English learning. Then why should I choose my major again?


        I majored in geography science which needs outgoing study and research in the original environment where haven't been explored at all. Excitement, danger, coldness, hotness as well as uncertainty, always surround us, however it's also unforgettable and we met the things others would 6do.

    A . advertisement B . economy C . education D . medicine
    A . work harder B . speak louder C . wait longer D . think deeper
    A . amusing B . different C . necessary D . difficult
    A . What's more B . After all C . In fact D . By the way
    A . conclusions B . talents C . advantages D . resources
    A . never B . also C . always D . recently
  • 39. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

        I like to travel. I have been fortunate enough to make trips to half a dozen countries in Europe. I enjoy seeing new things, experiencing other cultures and m new people. My wife and I recently came back from a driving trip that covered more than 17, 000 kilometers and a little more than six weeks on the road. It was a wonderful adventure filled with new sights and s.

        We're home now and have settled back into our daily routine of life. We live in a small town, so there are not the same sorts of attractions o in a big city. That does not, of course, mean there is nothing to do, just that we don't have the big shows and all the shops and other activities a city can provide. Actually, our town is a f place where people say hello to you on the street whether they know you or not, a place where you can walk to almost anywhere you want to go and leave the car at home and a place where being outside is usually very nice because we have generally good weather.

        I find that when I am at home, particularly for a while when we have just r from a trip, I feel very pleased. Perhaps it is because everything around me is familiar and the daily routine is so much the same that I can move through it almost without thinking. Perhaps it is because our friends are here, because we can have meals at home instead of always being in restaurants a it's nice to let someone else do the cooking and because I can sleep in my own bed. There are times I think it would be nice to simply stop travelling and stay home.

        We will travel again and we feel fortunate to be able to do so. It's a wonderful world and we want to see as much of it as we can. S, one of the best things about travelling for me is coming home. I'm very content here even if it is difficult to say exactly why.

  • 40. Answer the questions according to the passage.

        My mom hates to cook. She'd rather ride her motorcycle or practice rock climbing. She also spends a lot of time with me. Every morning Mom takes me to school by motorcycle. Occasionally I'll come home to find her scaling(攀爬)the side of the house.

    As her daughter, I used to feel embarrassed that my mom was so different. But now________.

        It all started with a cooking project. Every student in Mrs. Maitland's home-economics class was supposed to create an original dish, then present it at school the following Tuesday morning. Mom and I spent hours in the kitchen. We tried jelly-filled hot dogs, baked ham with chocolate sauce, and hard-boiled eggs rolled in coconut. We eventually agreed on chocolate cakes with bright green pepper mint frosting. I was satisfied. It beat hot dogs, anyway.

        The big day came. Our parents appeared, bringing many tasty dishes. Finally, I saw Mom, empty handed! I met her at the door. "You forgot it, didn't you?"

        Mom's eyes opened wide. "I'm sor--" She couldn't finish her apology. A loud alarm cut her off. Mrs. Maitland yelled, "Fire! This is not a drill! Everyone out of the building!"

        We all headed for the stairs and gathered at the parking lot. Smoke started to curl out of one of the third-floor windows. Mom held my hand tightly. I forgot about my cake.

        Suddenly, we heard a scream. We looked up and found Danny Patterson was trapped in the burning building! Mom disappeared. She grabbed her climbing tools from her motorcycle and walked quickly toward the building.

        She scaled the huge pine tree next to the school. At the top, she started to throw her weight back and forth. The tree swung toward the window, and she hopped onto the ledge and into the building.

        Mom's ropes flew as she created a harness. She secured one end, and then lowered Danny safely to the ground. Everyone cheered!

        Who cares if my mom hates to cook?

    1. (1) The writer's mom doesn't like cooking, does she?
    2. (2) How does the writer go to school every morning?
    3. (3) Why did the writer and Mom spend hours in the kitchen?
    4. (4) What did Mom bring to school on the big day?
    5. (5) How did the writer and Mom feel when they saw the smoke?
    6. (6) What can be filled in the blank in Paragraph Two? Give your reason.
  • 41. Write at least 60 words on the topic “  ▲   makes my life better”. (参考以下图示,结合你的实际,发挥你的想象,选取其中一个方面,以“   ▲   使我的生活更美好为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。写作前先请你把题目补充完整。)

