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更新时间:2019-05-17 浏览次数:451 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题
    1. (1) Who gave Tommy the new DV?
      A . His parents B . His uncle C . His brother
    2. (2) What did Tommy's parents give him?
      A . A new bike B . A new watch C . A new bag
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题
    1. (1) What will the woman go to Shanghai to do?
      A . Buy a dog B . Have a holiday C . Visit friends
    2. (2) What does the woman ask the man to do ?
      A . Look after her dog B . Write a letter C . Go with her
    3. (3) How long will the woman be away?
      A . One day B . One week C . Two weeks
  • 13. 听一篇短文,回答问题
    1. (1) What's the name of the bird ?
      A . Wonder B . Bill C . Wendy
    2. (2) Why did Bill run after the bird?
      A . Because he wanted to play with the bird. B . Because he wanted see who is faster.  C . Because he wanted to stop the bird.
    3. (3) Why did the bird fly away?
      A . Because he was hungry. B . Because he wanted to meet his friends. C . Because he wanted to see the world outside.
    4. (4) Where did the bird sit?
      A . In his cage B . In the tree. C . On the bananas
    5. (5) Did the bird come back to Bill's house?
      A . No, he didn't . B . Yes, he did. C . Sorry, we don't know.
  • 39. 完形填空

        Do you often drink bottled drinks? Of course 1  is so cool to get a cold one right out of the fridge, right? But all those plastic bottles use a lot of oil and  2 the environment. Americans buy 3 bottled water than any other nation in the world. In order to make all these bottles, 17 million barrels (桶) of oil  4up. That's enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months.

        Many people choose 5 the bottles away after having the bottled drinks. In fact, instead of going out with the trash, plastic bottles can be turned into carpeting for clothing. Remember this: Recycling one plastic bottle  6save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.7 , for every six water bottles we use, only one is recycled. The rest are sent as garbage (垃圾). Or, even worse, they end up 8  trash on the land or in rivers and oceans.

        So why don't more people drink water from the kitchen? Some people drink bottled water 9 they think it is better for them, but that's not true. The chemicals in the bottles themselves may get into the water which can do harm to people.

        So next time when you have drinks or water, please  10 to use a glass at home or carry water in a steel bottle. And if you want to do something more, try to collect plastic bottles and send them for recycling.

    A . this B . it C . that D . there
    A . have polluted B . will pollute C . pollute D . polluted
    A . many B . much C . more D . most
    A . will use B . will be used C . used D . was used
    A . collect B . to collect C . throw D . to throw
    A . can B . may C . must D . need
    A . Lucky B . Luckily C . Unlucky D . Unluckily
    A . with B . as C . like D . for
    A . because B . Unless C . if D . although
    A . to try B . try C . trying D . tried
  • 40. 阅读理解

        Don't be too surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days. It might be one of Baidu's self-driving cars. Self-driving cars have been in development since 2010, when Google announced that it was making such cars. Since then, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are expected to change the way we get around. They are safer and more environmentally friendly than usual cars. They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily. But self-driving cars have their own flaws (缺陷)as well. In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer (激光棒)at the car's sensors (传感器)while it was moving. The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam(激光束)was in its way and slowed down or changed direction. Flaws like this could be used by people to trick self-driving cars.

        The software (软件)that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough. It may crash (崩溃),When we use our computers or smart phones, they sometimes crash without any reason. But if this happened to a self-driving car, the results could be deadly. Improvements to the software could be a way to deal with this problem.

    Anyway, whether you like it or not, it's only a matter of time before they'll become more affordable and popular on our roads.

    1. (1)            was the first company to develop self-driving cars?
      A . Google B . Telsa C . Uber D . Baidu
    2. (2) What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
      A . Solutions for disabled people. B . Tips for riding in self-driving cars. C . Reasons for testing self-driving cars. D . Advantages of self-driving cars.
    3. (3) When sensing an obstacle(障碍物)in the road, self-driving cars will       .
      A . attack it with a laser pointer B . slow down or change direction C . crash into it to get past it D . stop and move around it
    4. (4) Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?
      A . Self-driving cars free people from the stress of driving. B . Self-driving cars can reduce traffic accidents. C . Researchers have solved the problems self-driving cars have. D . The software of the self-driving cars needs improvements.
    5. (5) What's the writer's opinion about the self-driving cars?
      A . They are more dangerous. B . They'll be well developed in the future. C . They cause more pollution. D . They'll be more expensive in the future.
  • 41. 阅读理解

        According to the 2018 World Happiness Report, Denmark(丹麦)ranked (排名)No.3! And it's not surprising at all! In 2016, Denmark ranked No. l , then No.2 in 2017. In fact, Denmark has been on the list for many years. Why? Because people who live in Denmark know the secret to happiness— "hygge". But what is "hygge"?

        The Danish(丹麦的)word "hygge" (pronounced "hoo-ga")is often translated in English as "coziness". But "hygge" is more than that. It's also about spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar. It's about spending time alone or spending time with family.

        Danish people are very good at "hygge". For example, they create a" hygge" environment by burning candles in classrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. According to some reports, Danish people bum more candles every year than people from any other European country.

        However, "hygge" isn't just about creating a nice and warm environment; it is best enjoyed with family members and friends. With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people spend more time indoors as a result, and they often get together for a meal or hot drinks, without the distraction(使人分心的事物)of technology or the stress of daily life. Still can't understand what "hygge" is? If you're reading this in a comfortable chair, with a few candles around you, that sense of coziness you're feeling might just be "hygge".

    1. (1) In the World Happiness Report, Denmark used to rank No.____ in 2016.
      A . 1 B . 2 C . 3 D . 17
    2. (2) How do Danish people create a "hygge" environment?
      A . By repairing their houses B . By playing video games C . By cleaning up bedrooms D . By burning candles
    3. (3) With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people          .

      ①play computer games till midnight     ②spend more time indoors as a result

      ③ stay up to work in their own rooms     ④ often get together fora meal or hot drinks

      A . ①② B . ①③ C . ②④ D . ③④
    4. (4) In the last paragraph, the word " coziness" means "                " in Chinese.
      A . 舒适 B . 友善 C . 奢侈 D . 密切
    5. (5) The article mainly tells us        .
      A . how Danish people spend their winter B . what the Danish secret to happiness is C . when Danish people like to stay at home D . why Danish people burn so many candles
  • 42. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)

    A. Do you know why she treats you like that?

    B. What's her name?

    C. Have you mentioned this to her?

    D. What's happened?

    E. She's very tall.

    F. Or she probably feels lonely without you.

    G. But she's so different.

    A: Ling ling, you look unhappy. What's up?

    B: Dad. I have a problem with my best friend


    B: We've been friends for five years. We went to different schools last term. And she came to study at my school this term. I was very happy at first

    A: Can you tell me how she's different?

    B: She doesn't like me to see my other friends.


    B: Yes. I have. But she refused to listen.


    B: No. I don't know.

    A: Maybe she doesn't feel sure of herself

    B: Maybe. What shall I do then?

    A: You can introduce her to your other friends and encourage her to join in more.

    B: I see. Thanks, Dad.

  • 53. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。 每空只填一个单词。)

    wear    normal     take    warn    be    young    he    interest     child     read

        The most difficult thing for university student Shaun Rogers is opening the classroom door by  . Shaun can't do this without help because he is only six years old. He's the person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Shaun began  at two and by the age of five he had read many books and was able to finish writing his first book. "I love learning", says Shaun." My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein. He never combed (梳理) his hair or  socks."

        Shaun's mother first recognize that her son was different when he kept crying at playschool because he was bored with the  games. She started teaching him at home after finding that local schools  not prepared for children who learned at Shaun's speed. Now Shaun is studying geography at the university and using the Internet to finish his high school studies. However, some scientists  that too much study can stop a child from developing  . "I don't care how clever the kid is. A six-year-old boy has to play with their friends," says Dr. Brain Wood. Mrs. Rogers disagreed that all her son's time was  up by schoolwork. "He loves playing the violin and has many such as camping, fishing and swimming, just like other boys of his age."

  • 59. 课外阅读能丰富学生的课余生活,开拓他们的视野。但是,目前许多学生并不重视课外阅读。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,对这一状况进行分析并提出建议。





    1)学生不重视课外阅读的原因(作业太多、 没有时间读书、时间花在手机或电脑上……)


    3) ……

        At present, only a few student do some reading after class. Here are several reasons.

