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新目标(Go for it)版英语七年级下册 Unit 6 ...

更新时间:2019-03-11 浏览次数:291 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

    1. (1) There is a river in front of my (房子).

    2. (2) Why don't you like to drink black (茶)?

    3. (3) Jenny is (喝) milk.

    4. (4) How about going to the movies (明天) evening?

    5. (5) Can I (使用) the computer?

  • 2. 补全对话

    A:Hello?This is Mike。

    B:Hello,Mike!It's Jerry.

    A:I'm playing chess with my dad.What about you?

    B:Not much.


    B:Yes,he is.

    A:What is he doing?


    A:Well,why don't we three go to the sports club to play basketball this afternoon?

    B:That souhds great

    A:Sure.Let's meet at my home first.

    B:OK.See you then.

    A.Is your brother Henry at home?

    B.What canyoudo?

    C.What are you doing?

    D.Can I ask Bob to join us?

    E.Where's the sports club?

    F.He's playing with his dog.

    G.Come at half past one.

  • 3. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

    1. (1) 简在看报吗?

      Is Jane ?

    2. (2) 我的妈妈在厨房做汤。

      My mother is in the kitchen

    3. (3) 一些女士在锻炼。

      Some women .

    4. (4) 杰克在干吗?

      What Jack ?

    5. (5) 他们正在听音乐。

      They are music.

  • 4. 从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子,注意词形变化

    exercise,    movie,    show,    meet,    just

    1. (1) Don't let Tom do so much work. He is a child.

    2. (2) What about going to the ?

    3. (3) —What do you think of the TV ?

      —It's boring, I think.

    4. (4) —What's she doing?

      —She is .”

    5. (5) —Let's at my home first.


