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更新时间:2019-02-26 浏览次数:302 类型:期中考试
  • 21. 完形填空

        It was a beautiful day and the children played in the park. Maria flew her kite while Michael played on the skateboard. "Look! I'm going to try 1new, " he said.Michael did a difficult jump. Then the skateboard went up and Michael 2 with a cry. 3 children ran to him and asked," Are you all right? Are you hurt?" "Oh,my leg, my arm! I feel 4!" Michael cried." I think you should see a doctor," said KangKang," I'll call a 5 ."Jane and Maria 6 poor Michael. "My leg really hurts." he said.Soon the taxi came and took Michael and his friends to the 7.The doctor told them," The X-rays show that it's not serious.You can take 8 home. Michael, you need to rest at home for a week. Here are some pills. Take two pills 9 times a day. The children 10 the hospital. Kangkang helped Michael to walk. They were glad that the accident wasn't serious and Michael felt much better.

    A . something B . anything C . nothing
    A . put down B . fell down C . sit down
    A . The other B . Others C . Another
    A . better B . well C . terrible
    A . police B . teacher C . taxi
    A . looked after B . looked at C . looked up
    A . home B . hospital C . school
    A . he B . his C . him
    A . three B . third C . twice
    A . leave B . left C . left for
  • 32. 补全对话

    A:Hi, Joe.

    B: I often watch TV at home.

    A: Really?

    B: I like to watch the news.

    A: The news?

    B: Because I can learn about what's going on around the world. Do you often watch TV, too?

    A: Yeah, but I don't like the news. My favorite TV shows are sports shows and talent shows.

    A. What kind of TV shows do you like to watch?

    B. I think it's boring.

    C. What can you learn from them?

    D. What do you often do in your spare time?

    E. Why do you like it?

    F. What about you?

  • 33. 补全对话

    A: Hi, Lily! Long time no see!

    B: Well, I went to China for my summer vacation.


    B: It was wonderful.

    A: Who did you go there with?

    B: My sister. She likes traveling very much.

    A: Oh? Who's more outgoing, your sister or you?

    B: So I have more friends.

    A: Do you often exercise?

    B: Twice a week. And we often go out to walk. Sometimes we go to the theater, too.


    B: I think Red Star Theater is the best. It's very fun in it.

    A: Glad to hear that. Let's go to play table tennis. OK?

    B: OK. Let's go.

  • 34. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        "It's time to plant potatoes, but I can't do all the digging(挖) by myself." The farmer thought over and then had an idea. He wrote to his wife,"Don't dig the fields. This is where my gold(金子) is. Don't plant potatoes until I come home. "A few days later, the farmer got another letter from his wife. It said, "Two days ago, about ten prison guards(监狱看守) came to our fields. It looked as if they were looking for something. They have dug our field." The farmer wrote to his wife at once. "Now you can plant our potatoes," he wrote.

    1. (1) The farmer was put in prison _________.
      A . because he had done something wrong B . because he had a lot of gold in the fields C . The writer didn't say anything about why the farmer was put in prison
    2. (2) The farmer's wife was much worried about _________.
      A . her husband B . their farm C . planting potatoes
    3. (3) The farmer told his wife _________ first.
      A . not to dig the fields B . to ask the prison guards for help C . to find the gold in the fields
    4. (4) Why did the prison guards dig the farmer's fields?
      A . They wanted to help the farmer. B . The farmer asked them to do so. C . They wanted to find out the gold.
    5. (5) Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at once?
      A . Because their fields had been dug. B . Because the gold was found out. C . Because the prison guards asked him to do so.
  • 35. 根据短文及表格的内容,选择正确答案。

        Li Qiang is a twelve-year-old boy. He had a headache yesterday. His father took him to the nearest hospital to see a doctor. The doctor thought it was not serious and gave him some pills. The following are the instructions (说明) of the headache pills.

    1. (1) Li Qiang should take the pills ________ meals.
      A . after B . before C . when
    2. (2) The pill will be bad after the year _________.
      A . 2013 B . 2014 C . 2015
    3. (3) Li Qiang should take _________ pill(s) each time.
      A . one B . two C . three
    4. (4) We can read the instructions _________.
      A . in a story book B . in a newspaper C . on a medicine bottle
    5. (5) Which of the following statements is not true?
      A . The pills must be stored in a cold place. B . A six-year-old child can take 1/2 pill each time. C . The pills are made in the USA
  • 36. 根据文章判断下列句子正确错误

        If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again.

        When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.

        If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame, and few of us know that it is just his own fault.

        Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down. They have to remember days, names… so their memory is the whole time being exercised.

        So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering.

    1. (1) The main reason for one's poor memory is that his parents have poor memories.
    2. (2) If you don't use your arms or legs for some time, they will become strong.
    3. (3) A good memory comes from more practice.
    4. (4) Some people can't read or write, so they have bad memories.
    5. (5) The best title of this passage is “How to Have a Good Memory”.
  • 37. 阅读短文,回答问题

        Do you wear large T-shirts and baggy jeans? Or do you like rap? If your answers are “yes”, I think you like Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop is very hot now.

        Hip-Hop music started in the middle of the 1970s in New York. It is a kind of popular dance music with a regular beat (规律的节奏) and spoken words. The music, break-dancing and graffiti(涂鸦) make up Western Hip-Hop culture. Most of the Hip-Hop songs are about love, jobs or even games.

        Usually in rap, singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat. Most of the words are fun. Singers play off words to make fun of themselves or others. Hip-Hop music has few rules. Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. That's why a lot of kids fall in love with the music. Many of them like wearing large T-shirts and baggy jeans. Today Hip-Hop is more and more popular across most of the world.

    1. (1) What is Hip-Hop music?
    2. (2) When did Hip-Hop music start?
    3. (3) What are most of the Hip-Hop songs about?
    4. (4) Why do a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music?
    5. (5) What is the passage (文章) about?
  • 38. 招聘广告。







  • 39. 根据表格内容写一篇日记,介绍你一天的活动情况,可以适当发挥。70词左右。


    October 2




    go to Mountain Tai

    go there by bus

    climb the mountain ; tired

    have a picnic  ; have a fun time

